On 29 Jul 2007, at 21:06 , Florian Lindner wrote:
Am Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2007 schrieb Philipp von Weitershausen:
Florian Lindner wrote:
I use a Zope3 svn checkout for developement. What is the best way to make
this working with the zc packages? I don't want to easy_install the
entire Zope checkout but I also want my code to work with easy_install'ed versions of these packages. (don't want to change import statements and so on...) My favorite way would be to just do a svn checkout of the zc
packages too but it seems to me that it won't work this way (or am I
missing something?)

Of course you can get a checkout of any package you wish from
svn.zope.org, including the zc.* packages. However, they'll likely have
dependencies which you will have to resolve as well. Some might also
define entry points which means they really want to be installed as eggs.

Why do you use checkouts? Do you actually change the packages while
you're developing with them?

Have you looked at zc.buildout? Checkout the tutorial [1]. Also, pretty much any zope.* or zc.* package's sandbox is set up using buildout these
days, providing you with lots of examples.

I'm fine with easy_install for installing Zope3 and the z3c packages but at
this time I don't want to use it for my own projects.
But when I install Zope3 (for example by easy_install zope.component) I don't find any mkzopeinstance. I know about zopeproject but that creates an egg what I don't want. How can I get mkzopeinstance with easy_install? I haven't
found anything in PyPi.

It seems that you you want to install Zope 3 from eggs but don't want your own projects to be eggs (hence you reject zopeproject). I don't quite see the point of that reasoning. The whole idea of Zope being available in egg form is that we can use egg machinery (deployment, dependency management, etc.) for your own projects.

Anyway, mkzopeinstance isn't available when you install Zope 3 from eggs because it's not egg-aware. It's completely geared towards the full tree installation (from tarball or checkout). And frankly, as I pointed out in the paragraph above, it doesn't make that much sense in an egg-centric world anyway. I suggest zopeproject or the zc.buildout recipes from zc.zope3recipes as alternatives.

P.S.: I can't recommend easy_install because that will install eggs into the global site-packages location (which is rarely a good idea when you're deploying Zope). Unless of course you use workingenv or virtual python.
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