--On 15. Januar 2007 12:40:30 +0100 Jaroslav Lukesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Budget has to do, because writing of website with dtml is much faster
than in zpt. And webdesigner studios that does not make crap from your
ZPT template have >>10x more price level than PHP-like graphics studios.

DTML - lower cost of development
ZPT - lower cost for design changes

DTML - is possible to use cheaper webdesigners
ZPT - hi-end web studios needed

I've never seen a webdesigner delivering something in DTML or ZPT.
The deliver usually (bad) HTML - nothing else. And it is up to the
developer to fill the HTML with life.

DTML - reasonable speed with no more tuning
ZPT - needs power HW and/or performance tuning

The performance of the underlying frameworks is much more important than
looking only at the ZPT performance.


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