Richard Robinson writes:
| On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 05:32:51PM +0000, John Chambers wrote:
| >
| > K:_B    has no tonic, but a signature, which is _B.  Maybe it's F or Dm.
| This last has the potential to be misunderstood, I think. The key
| signature would be
| K:Bb ?
| Easy to mis-type, or misunderstand.

Don't look now, but we already have that problem. I've seen
a fair number of abc tunes with key signatures like K:_B or
K:^Fm, where the person  was  obviously  confused  on  this
issue.   It's  too  bad  that  abc  copied  the traditional
confused notation.  I suppose the people who do  this  will
eventually  figure  out  why abc programs produce the wrong
key signature with their tunes.

This confusion is probably not helped by an extension  that
makes K:Bb and K:_B both legal but with different meanings.
But since it's exactly the same sort of confusion  that  is
in  conventional  music notation, the same sort of learning
experience applies to both.

Now if there were only a way  to  make  conventional  music
notation more rational ...

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