The BMW UUC Digest 
Volume 3 : Issue 296 : "text" Format

Messages in this Issue:
  <E34> Brake Lt. Circuit Message
  Re: <E34> Brake Lt. Circuit Message
  Re: Insurance woes
  Traffic Ticket in San Jose


Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 08:46:07 -0500
From: "Paul Craven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: <E34> Brake Lt. Circuit Message

Hi all,
My new-to-me 1991 M5 is throwing the above message intermittently.  The
always helpful check control then advises me to check the owners manual
and being the obedient slave to the M gods that I am, I did so.  The
manual notes that this message means there is a problem with the brake
light circuit and refers me to pg 68 or my dealer.  Since I have already
made my "buy" this week (jk), I elected to check pg 68 which also
informed me it is a problem with the brake light circuit and that there
is a separate warning for brake light bulbs.  In any case, I replaced
all the brake light bulbs with new Sylvanias (since no one here carries
the Osram brand) and cleaned the sockets. I also reseated the sockets a
couple times to be sure I had good contact there.  Still getting the
message periodically. I assume the brake light switch should be next for
the lake test?  Any other suspects?

As a side note I recently had the independent headlight syndrome with
the low beams periodically turning themselves off.  I reflowed the relay
joints in the LKM and have not seen that gremlin again (my first attempt
at circuit board repair).  Maybe the LKM is just shot and creating the
brake lt circuit message? 

Paul Craven
1991 M5 deity
1999 528iT - with $75 in new wiper blades (WTF, the original blades
physically failed?)


Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 21:52:00 -0400
From: KMS- Brett Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Paul Craven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        UUC Digest <>
Subject: Re: <E34> Brake Lt. Circuit Message

Replace the brake light switch.  It's a well know problem.

Brett Anderson

Paul Craven wrote:
> Hi all,
> My new-to-me 1991 M5 is throwing the above message intermittently.  The
> always helpful check control then advises me to check the owners manual
> and being the obedient slave to the M gods that I am, I did so.  The
> manual notes that this message means there is a problem with the brake
> light circuit and refers me to pg 68 or my dealer.  Since I have already
> made my "buy" this week (jk), I elected to check pg 68 which also
> informed me it is a problem with the brake light circuit and that there
> is a separate warning for brake light bulbs.  In any case, I replaced
> all the brake light bulbs with new Sylvanias (since no one here carries
> the Osram brand) and cleaned the sockets. I also reseated the sockets a
> couple times to be sure I had good contact there.  Still getting the
> message periodically. I assume the brake light switch should be next for
> the lake test?  Any other suspects?
> As a side note I recently had the independent headlight syndrome with
> the low beams periodically turning themselves off.  I reflowed the relay
> joints in the LKM and have not seen that gremlin again (my first attempt
> at circuit board repair).  Maybe the LKM is just shot and creating the
> brake lt circuit message? 
> Regards,
> Paul Craven


Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 09:41:50 -0700
From: "Gordo, Ping" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: Insurance woes

On the way home Friday after a nice round of 18 holes, this jalopy in
front of me lost his exhaust which managed to drift into my lane. I
can't swerve fast enough so after cracking the front spoiler of my
MCoupe, it lodged in front of the rear wheels. A tow truck had to jack
the car to remove the miscreant exhaust; good thing the driver stopped,
an uninsured, Mexican plated car. He tells me he doesn't have insurance
because it's a Mexican car. Huh?!?!?! Sigh. 

I had to take it to my mechanic yesterday so we can look underneath and
see if there are any more damages. While waiting for my turn in the
repair shop, the car in front of me decided she can't wait anymore for
the car in front of her so she backed into my car instead. How'd you
guess?!!! Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!!! You're right!! It's a Baja
plated car too! The passenger's statement to me? It's a Mexican car and
we're Mexicans so we don't have to have Merican insurance! WHAT?!?!?
Arrrrgggghhhh! But luckily, the driver (I'm assuming the passenger is
some kind of a boyfriend of the driver dropping off his car for repairs)
pulled out an American insurance from the glove compartment, got it
photocopied at the shop so at least I've got covered that way. What a
week! Since when are these guys allowed to drive here without insurance.
And why do you guys allow such thing to happen?


Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 07:18:05 -0700
From: "Brad Houser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Traffic Ticket in San Jose

My 18 year old daughter got a speeding ticket when she was still 16. They
had one of the multi-cop surprise traps set up, in the same location I
pointed out to her several months earlier. They got her with laser doing 65
in a 45 on Almaden Expressway for those of you familiar with the area. After
many months of getting a date to appear, she goes and they say she needs a
parent since she was a juvenile at the time. So yesterday, we go into Santa
Clara County Superior Court (Ruff Dr). We are hoping for traffic school, so
it won't be on the record, and insurance won't be impacted.

The woman judge says traffic school is not an option because of the speed.
She also says that her license could be suspended. When asked how to plea,
daughter looks at me and I think about her getting to school, work, etc. and
how much I enjoyed the freedom of her driving herself. Admitting guilt at
this point was asking for the known (big fine and possible insurance whammy)
and the unknown (will they really take away her license). So we plead not

Now we have to decide the next steps. 

First, I don't know what the insurance impact will be if guilty, so I
emailed my agent (Farmers). 

Second, will the DMV really suspend her license for 65 in a 45? What about
the court?

Third, find a traffic court defense attorney and see what they want to
defend, and what the likelihood of getting off is. 

Any suggestions for an attorney?

Also, would it help to mention the Street Survival School she took in
September or not?

Brad Houser


End of [bmwuucdigest] digest(4 messages)

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