Hi Marina,

Thanks a lot for your analysis, I jump on two subjects:

Le 24/11/2022 à 22:35, Marina Latini a écrit :
On 23.11.2022 12:12, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Dear community,

Hello Thorsten, hello all,


# Topic: naming and conventions

I'm aware that there's an ongoing translation from German to English.
In this translation and renaming, is there any plan/agreement to also look at harmful and exclusionary language[3]? For example, looking at the GitHub project the main branch is called "master". Some comments are also affected by a similar non inclusive writing like for example here [4] where the comment states "the bookmarks aren't deleted and the user is request to confirm, that he wants to create a" and there's the assumption that the user can be only a male.

This one is something I would like we work on, have inclusive language all over our pages, so thanks for mentioning it.
I've added this link to our wiki for reference:
I think we, as a inclusive community, should show and be exemplary here


# Topic: localization
The proposal mentions the move of the localization to Weblate. There's also an open issue intended for modernizing the localization environment from "one config file" to .po files[10]. Which is the potential timeline for having the localization on Weblate? Is there any ongoing discussion with the L10N team at LibreOffice? Should the L10N community consider also WollMux as a priority project to be translated with high priority like LibreOffice (UI, Help, Guides)?

There is no discussion currently on the l10n list. In my view it's not needed right now as there is a lot of translation that have to happen in the code (and we are not far from a major release too). Thorsten confirmed yesterday that it's an extension. Our l10n team doesn't translate external extensions or it will be a never ending work that could hamper translation of UI and help files with any extension creator requesting translation. What is possible and already happened, is to post the request for translation to the l10n list with a link to the files. That way, it doesn't make the translation mandatory for the teams like UI and help are.


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