-Caveat Lector-

>Anyway, it will be up to the
>religious leaders to make sure that members of their congregations work at
>keeping the religious component alive in their personal lives and not
>on the larger community to do their work for them.  It will be up to them
>remind their followers that Winter Holidays are being celebrated at the
>time Christmas is and not to confuse the two.

This is nothing new; one of the reasons for the Restoration (the overthrow
of the Cromwellian government in England in the 1600s) was due to the fact
that the Puritanical government had outlawed all secular forms of Christmas
celebration...the only thing that was allowed was to attend chuch on
Christmas Day.  It seems that all of the scandalous secular celebratory
customs were just too popular for the general public to give up for long...

Indeed, New England for more than 2 centuries tended to adhere to the
edicts of its Puritan ancestors and did not have secular Christmas displays
(indeed many New England communities outright outlawed such displays), and
they looked aghast at what they thought quite scandalous behaviour by their
New York State neighbors, descendents of the original Dutch immigrants who
continued the quite merry secular Christmas customs of the Netherlands.  In
fact, it was the documenting of such customs in The Knickerbocker Tales
(from which comes the Rip Van Winkle legend) that introduced many Dutch
Christmas customs into the American consciousness, such as the concept of
Sinte Klaas, Dutch for "Saint (Ni)cholas", which got anglified into "Santa
Claus"; and the custom of leaving one's shoes out for Sinte to fill with
candy and toys, which was modified into hanging stockings on the fireplace
mantle....before the early to mid 1800s, one would have been hard pressed
to find any sign of the Christmas season in New England, save for the
devout Yankees attending church on the morning of December 25th.


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