-Caveat Lector-

>June, thanks for the background information on the separation of
>celebrations.  No doubt that Winter Holidays are extremely enjoyable.  The
>only difference between then and now is that the heavy hand of mass
>communication has already relegated the religious component to the fringes.

No, that was the point I was trying to make with my post, that this is NOT
a modern phenomenon, and one can no more blame mass media for the lack of
religiosity in most Christmas celebrations than 'heathen', Catholics, or
immigrants were blamed for it in the past...

The bottom line is that the winter celebrations predate Christianity by
millenia, and all that the Christian church did was to adapt and adopt
pre-existing festivals and put a Christian veneer onto them.  Point of
fact, most scholars agree that if the person known as Jesus Christ actually
did exist, He wasn't born in December...the December 25th date is an
arbitrary one, a combination of northern European pagan Yule customs with
mid-east Mithraic festivals (Mithras' "birthday" was said to be December
25) and with the ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia which was held at the
same time of year...

So the hue and cry about the 'lack of Christ in Christmas celebrations' is
a crock, since none of the celebrations had anything to do with Christ in
the first place...

Religious Christians have bemoaned for centuries that Christmas has become
too secular, and their complaints will continue into the future....

>There can be no revival of the religious component on a community wide
>for many reasons.  Anyone who wants to keep alive the religious component
>will have to buck the trend without community support, and each individual
>will have to decide within himself whether it is worth the effort.

Well that is what it all boils down to, doesn't it?  Religion is, after
all, a PRIVATE affair, a decision between an individual and his or her own
conscious and with that of their chosen divinity (if they even decide that
they believe in a deity)....it should NOT be a community affair, unless
everyone in a community is of like mind (as in groups like the Shakers
deciding to set up their own community)...

For the rest of us who live in diverse communities, so-called "Christians"
will just have to get used to the idea that not everyone believes as they
do, and under our form of government, "Christians" have no right to impose
their religion onto other citizens....


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