-Caveat Lector-

>Even given that the details you give may be correct

Don't take my word for it, study it for yourself -- it's documented
historical fact.

>the fact
>that there is a time similarity between a solstice celebration and
>doesn't mean that there has been no history of Christmas celebrations over
>the last 2,000 years.

Actually, 'Christmas' celebrations are much newer than 2000 years; the
early Christian church did NOT celebrate Christ's birth, and indeed
prohibited Christians from partaking of the pagan celebrations taking place
in late December in the various cultures they found themselves in.  It was
only when the Christian church became the dominant church did it feel
secure enough to lift the winter solstice celebration ban and changed it
into "Christ's birthday"...

>The holiday was kept alive by its association with
>Christianity rather than the other way around.

The reality is the exact opposite -- people continued their beloved
celebrations even when the church prohibited it, so the church decided on a
"if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" and adapted the customs to the Christian
church; same thing happened with Halloween and Easter, both of which were
pagan celebrations which the church usurped for it's own uses.

>I really don't think that
>those who celebrate the Winter Holidays are calling themselves pagans
>the time frame is there.

Of course they dont'; but it doesn't change the FACT that the decorating of
evergreen trees, hanging mistletoe, brewing wassail, putting up lights
against the dark of the year, flying reindeer, and magical spirits/elves
who hand out gifts and edible treats all come from pagan celebrations and
have absolutely NOTHING to do with the birth, life, and death of Jesus
Christ and never did, except for when the Christian church decided to adapt
the customs to itself and therefore put a Christian MYTH to those
celebrations (e.g., the star on top of the tree supposedly representing the
star of Bethlehem, or a Catholic bishop/saint from Turkey being
superimposed onto the pre-existing Yule god)...

>Winter Holidays is such a forced, shared ritual. In time
>we Jews will be asked why we aren't celebrating Winter Holidays with the
>of the community?  What will our answer be?  It certainly has been much
>easier for us to answer why we don't celebrate Christmas.

I've always wondered why Jews don't hang lights on their houses for
Hannukah, since it IS the 'Festival of Lights'...

I also think that Jews need to get ornaments/decorations as tacky as
"Christians" put up for Christmas, e.g. someone should come up with a
bubble-light menorah...

(I also think God has a special Hell for people who put up plastic light-up
creches; God is going to demand of such people when their time comes:
"What?!  You really think we all looked that ugly?!  Down below with ye!")

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