-Caveat Lector-
From: Xxx Yyy
>As I stated that I am Jewish, are you implying it was because of the sins
>of the Jews that the crucifixion took place (not very nice on your part) or
>is it that you don't read carefully?   
Supposedly Christ died for the sins of ALL humanity, not just for the Jews (of which Christ was one, most people forget); He was the sacrificial scapegoat who took on all the sins of humanity, which were washed away by His death.
His actual manner of death OTOH, crucifixion, was due to the ROMAN authorities, not the Jewish authorities.  Death by crucifixion was reserved for those convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors against the Roman government; the Roman authorities allowed the Jewish Sanhedrin to impose the death penalty for other crimes, but Jews were NOT allowed to crucify the condemned, their death sentences were carried out by stoning the condemned.  The fact that gospel says that Christ was crucified shows that He was killed by the Romans, not by the Jews (not to say that certain elements in Jewish society of the time may not have welcomed His demise, as they found Christ too much of a troublemaker), and that the Romans killed Him because they considered Him a strong threat to the Roman government.
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