David Honig wrote:
> The term 'grey man' is also used by R. Tomlinson in _The Big Breach_
> where it means basically the same, an observer/tail/Gargoyle who blends in.

Erm, perhaps, but "Gargoyle" has a completely different meaning than
just a guy observing and bleding in.  It's from Stephenson's Snow
Crash.  A Gargoyle is someone who is carrying a ton of recording equipment.

They stand out.  Tomlinson's grey man is not wearing recording gear making
him into a VCR. :)  He's just a tail.

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  \|/  :aren't security.  A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
<--*-->:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you   \/|\/
  /|\  :masked killer, but  |don't email them, or put them on a web  \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
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