Hi Tim,

I fixed this at r765721 but for FF3. Please see my comment in 

About smoothfeather as the default theme : if we want to do that correctly we need to treat each theme equally. For the moment the std theme is considered as "superior" to the other themes. It's not exactly what it should be : a default changeable easily from scratch by a parameter. So we need to extract the std theme and to make it a theme like the others, and the default OOTB (so far). I don't give all details but this means to have a new "std layout" theme under the /themes directory


From: "Jacques Le Roux" <jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com>
From: "Tim Ruppert" <tim.rupp...@hotwaxmedia.com>
The .ico is up there on ofbiz.apache.org - so Jacques, please feel free to just 
fix that one straight away.

I will see that when I wil get a chance


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