In response to John Gibbs comment about virtual conference members of this list
might be interested in our experiences of hosting e/merge 2004, an online
conference about educational technology in Southern Africa. We had 163
participants from 7 southern Africa countries, as well as some key people from
further afield.

Our one key note speaker  presented a real-time video-streamed opening keynote
address to a roomful of people at the conference opening physically located in
Cape Town (South Africa), while national and international online participants
engaged in text-based dialogue with both him and the participants physically

Although there are savings in many ways, making such a conference a success is
also a lot of work. We have written up our experiences, including in the 
editorial to the special issue of the International Journal of Education and
Development using ICTs which recently published 10 of the papers originally
presented online.

Our experiences were so positive that we will be running e/merge 2006 next year!


Quoting John Hibbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> At 3:26 PM -0500 9/15/05, Taran Rampersad wrote:
> >John Hibbs wrote:
> >Why is an ICT conference not held virtually? Why do I have to travel
> >  to Washington to participate? or listen? or view? What century do we
> >  live in?
> 15 Sep 2005 15:26:11 -0500 Taran Rampersad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >So that's where I left my drum! :-) Maybe it's just not easy enough
> >for people to organize a conference virtually yet... or maybe they
> >don't know how easy it is?
> Subscribers to the leading listserv in the distance education world
> have heard me beat this drum for almost a decade. The largest, most
> prestigious (?) distance ed conferences have very little virtual
> component; yet the leaders talk the talk about the wonders of their
> deliveries. My wee voice has been a lonely one.
> Perhaps the DDN should take up one more cudgel  -- that it should
> beat up on those who hold large physical conferences advocating ICT;
> but are unwilling to offer same virtually? If we at the "leading
> edge" don't walk the walk -- who will?
> --
> John W. Hibbs
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