At 9:06 AM -0400 9/15/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What has happened over the past year to your ideas about the trailer
information training/center and the 40' vans?

Hi Don and thanks for asking. While I collected, and saved, a ton of great messages from people like you, to include many who have substantial experience with this kind of thing, I never got much resonance from those who had either the cash or the location to turn idea into application.

It would seem to me that Katrina would give "us" the opportunity -- first, possibly, by finding a sizeable manufacturer who is already a provider to the feds - there must be some of those pre-fab housing guys around? and here in Oregon which has plenty of same?

To interest that party, "we" would have to provide a some kind of detailed "pro forma" of the equipment that would go inside same - together with a reasonable amount of detail as to WHO would be sent with each van...and what that person would do.

Next, for those who don't believe an outside container is worth the cost, how about cartons containing, say, 4-8 computers, loaded for bear, with a couple of printers, and a human being who could set up wherever space is one of those hotels in New Orleans that is inoperable?

Who will pay for this. That's where I ran out of gas.

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