Hi Sophie,

Sophie píše v St 25. 11. 2015 v 11:52 +0100:

> Why do we want to change if the main_transform.xsl file is working now
> correctly and allow an easy search? I agree that the file name remains
> not easy to understand, but if a tool solve that, where is the issue
> then?

From my point of view, it is always good to fix root cause, then to try
to pile workaround on top of each other to achieve something that would
be possible by fixing the initial problem in the first place.

Additional file means additional complexity, and additional thing to
explain to the newcomers - so that's why I am interested in fixing this
by the rename.

But again - for the moment I'm only researching what are the
consequences & if this is acceptable by the l10n community :-)

All the best,

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