Am 16.02.13 18:54, schrieb HB-GRAL:
> I got also the sound working now for 10.5, and I'm actually building a
> FGx 2.10 against SDK 10.5.

The sound problem is not related to 10.5 of course, I got the sound 
working for arch i386 and sdk 10.5/6 (x86_64 worked from beginning, 
building against sdk 10.6). There are four possibilities that made it 
running finally now, independent of the machine, I don't know which one 
(or all of this?) I should take into account for my build, I will check 
all of this again:
1) building against OSG 3.1.3 instead of trunk (3.1.5)
2) rebuilding plib and not using macports plib (at least for 10.5 this 
is necessary anyway because I can't use 10.6 macports plib of course)
3) enable fgpanel and getting glut with this (huh?)
4) building with RTI=off

But I'm only talking to myself here, sorry for that. I promise I will 
get more overview soon and shut up.


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