

  For the gentoo-specific part of smolt [1] that's in the making we
  collect stats on what package is installed and what overlay it comes
  from.  Which tree/overlay it came from is determined by reading file
  /var/db/pkg/${CATEGORY}/${PF}/repository.  The name in there comes
  from file profiles/repo_name originally.
  In smolt we match repo names from the 'repository' file against
  overlay names from layman-global.txt to check if an overlay is known
  worldwide or could be a secret overlay that we should not submit
  information about.


  When the name from repo_name and the overlay name in layman-global.txt
  do not match smolt would assume the overlay is secret though it's not
  and not be able to send in stats about it.


  oss-overlay != majeru
  pro-audio != proaudio


  -   Make repo_name file fit layman-global.txt entry where it doesn't
      match at the moment

      -   People with that overlay installed do not have to change
          anything, no "where did that overlay go" mails or aynthing

      -   Upstream needs to be convinced to fix it

      -   For packages installed from that overlay the file
          'repository' will not update until the a re-installation

  -   Make in-sync repo_name a requirement for extending


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