On 4 March 2010 22:16, Sebastian Pipping <sp...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 03/04/10 19:22, Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis wrote:
>> All problems, which were blocking stabilization of Python 3, have been fixed.
>> Stabilization of Python 3.1.2 is currently scheduled on 2010-04-19.
> #python on Freenode still reads "It's too early to use Python 3.x".
> Are they wrong?

No, they are not wrong. Python 3 is useless for most users. At best
it wastes resources by installing extra python-3 versions of packages
that will never be used because python-2 is the default interpreter,
and they have nothing that really needs python-3. It will also result
in needless runs of python-updater. And it may result in breakage
specific to python-3 which users would not run into if they had only
version 2.x installed.

We need some mechanism to prevent installation of python-3 on
systems of unsuspecting users, and make sure it only gets installed
when the user explicitly chooses to do so. Personally I am
recommending people to locally mask python-3*. I think we should
consider to add it to our package.mask, unless we can find some
other solution.

I am not against it being marked stable, but I am against having
it pulled in on systems that don't need it.

Ben de Groot
Gentoo Linux developer (qt, media, lxde, desktop-misc)

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