On Wednesday 18 May 2011 14:56:59 Dale wrote:

> The Mississippi river is flooding on the other side of the state and I'm
> dry here on this side.  I actually live less than a mile from a different
> river.  Weather is so weird sometimes.  I don't want to think about the
> folks North and South of me.  Tornadoes a couple weeks ago.  I live in a
> valley next to a hill, I'm not complaining tho.  It keeps the BAD winds
> away.  o_O   If anyone saw it on the news, I'm about 40 miles or so
> South of Smithville MS.  It's gone.  I saw what was left with my own
> eyes.  Houses are piles of rubbish.  I haven't seen Tuscaloosa yet but
> it is about 60 miles East of me.  Sounds bad and looks bad on TV.  :-(

Eek! I remember the two years I spent in Minneapolis, when we remarked that 
over there we had "real weather".

> Back on topic, I'll reboot and test this in a while.  I had this setting
> before but missed it during the upgrade.  Still can't figure out why it
> doesn't work from grub like it used to.

My setup works just fine with run-levels that I set up years ago. I have one 
for no-x, which as well as not starting X also omits services that are only 
useful in X. I also use the nonetwork run-level for major emerges such as 
wholesale upgrades of KDE.

The only thing I can think of at the moment that annoys me about open-rc is 
the loss of alphabetical ordering in the output from rc-update -s -v; 
everything else just works (well, apart from Flash in web browsers, but that 
hardly counts).


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