Thanks Graham,

On Saturday 16 May 2009, Graham Murray wrote:

> Here are some samples.
> /etc/racoon/racoon.conf

> /etc/racoon/psk.txt

> /etc/ipsec.conf

Do I need a /etc/setkey.conf file?  How do I create it?

When I run '/etc/init.d/racoon start' this is what I get:
# /etc/init.d/racoon --verbose restart
 * Loading ipsec policies from /etc/ipsec.conf.
 * Starting racoon ...
/usr/sbin/racoon: invalid option -- '4'
usage: racoon [-BdFv] [-a (port)] [-f (file)] [-l (file)] [-p (port)]
   -B: install SA to the kernel from the file specified by the configuration 
   -d: debug level, more -d will generate more debug message.
   -C: dump parsed config file.
   -L: include location in debug messages
   -F: run in foreground, do not become daemon.
   -v: be more verbose
   -a: port number for admin port.
   -f: pathname for configuration file.
   -l: pathname for log file.
   -p: port number for isakmp (default: 500).
   -P: port number for NAT-T (default: 4500).              [ !! ]

I am not sure I do this right.  The remote router's LAN is  
This is the same like my local LAN's subnet.  My local LAN ip is

The remote router is giving (or is it expecting?) addresses for clients in the subnet.  How should I configure the /etc/ipsec.conf file?

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