On Tue, 19 May 2009 22:08:10 +0100
Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tuesday 19 May 2009, Michael Higgins wrote:
> > On Tue, 19 May 2009 13:57:21 -0500
> >
> > Paul Hartman <paul.hartman+gen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Based on a brief googling I didn't see anyone who has a working
> > > connection to a Checkpoint VPN.
> >
> > Thanks, Paul. I've already the "solution", as I'm not so much
> > trying to get something accomplished (access machines "inside"
> > which I can do just fine with SSH tunnel), as to figure out why we
> > have these various, related, open source software packages
> > available but no basic client-to-corporate "real-world"
> > implementations specifically outlined for the Gentoo community --
> > that I can find. :(


> > Or, should I instead, just go outside and play? I thought someone
> > else here had hoped to make something like this work... ;-)
> I very much share your frustration.  On and off (OK, mostly off) I
> have been trying to get a VPN connection to my router going, and have
> tried vnpc, kvpn and racoon all of which failed.  Meanwhile, a friend
> tried the shrew VPN client and succeeded after a couple of hours of
> tweaking his Vista box! Arrrgh!

Yeah, I have no problem to get to "working", with XP on VMWare.

Naturally, I haven't given up. Seems like it's nearly there... also, there are 
some examples and docs installed.

> I assume that I have all the right components installed (judging from
> the wiki pages) 

Wiki pages? Hmm. Which ones?

> but I am not sure about my configuration.  Unlike
> your set up which seems to be almost there, mine won't even complete
> stage 1 handshake.  Very, very, very frustrating ...

Well, racoon now claims it has started the connexion. It could have been as 
trivial as a trailing ' ' on my pre-shared secret. Or not...

Either way, it's still not working... just a bit closer.

racoonctl vc pub.vpn.ip.add
VPN connexion established

And still nothing useful happens.

ping -c 1
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 0ms

And tons of debug info. Well, it's more than I had, but less than useful.

> Sorry that I can't be of much help with this.  :(

No worries.

It seems like this really *should* be possible, though. I'll try to post my 
findings if I get it working.

 DEBUG: pfkey UPDATE succeeded: ESP/Tunnel pub.vpn.ip.add[0]->[0] 
May 19 16:00:21 lappy racoon: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel[0]->[0] spi=53896550(0x3366566)
May 19 16:00:21 lappy racoon: phase2(quick): 0.337284
May 19 16:00:21 lappy racoon: DEBUG: ===
May 19 16:00:21 lappy racoon: DEBUG: pk_recv: retry[0] recv() 
May 19 16:00:21 lappy racoon: DEBUG: get pfkey ADD message

May 19 16:00:21 lappy racoon: INFO: IPsec-SA established: ESP/Tunnel[4500]->pub.vpn.ip.add[4500] spi=1021286747(0x3cdf995b)

Not much showing for the failure to communicate, though. :(


 |\  /|        |   |          ~ ~  
 | \/ |        |---|          `|` ?
 |    |ichael  |   |iggins    \^ /

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