Well a full server on my box uses 20% of a core and at a map change this will rise to 100% briefly, but this causes lag to the other server running on the same core also using about 15%. Yes it's TF2 running at 66 tick.

I'm running 4 servers with a core each but i'd like to stick a small css server on one of them but I can't when it will lag every so often due to a map change, if there wasn't a map change it'd run happily. I could limit the cpu usage by the server but wouldn't this mean it would take alot longer to change map and It does usually lag at the "Executing server config" or whatever it is called bit.

On 28/01/2012 15:42, Eoin Jenkins wrote:
Have you checked to make sure this isn't IO related ?

On 28 January 2012 16:27, E. Olsen<ceo.eol...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Honestly, as a rule never run more than one server instance per physical
core. If you have the capacity on your box, I would set the affinity for
each instance to its own core and see if that solves the problem.

On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Aerolite Gaming
<ad...@aerolitegaming.co.uk>  wrote:
I can have 2 servers running happily on one of my cores but as soon as a
map change occurs the server goes to 100% which lags the other one out and
causes a lag spike for a few seconds. Does anyone know how to stop this
happening or possibly limit the cpu usage on a map change.


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