Thanks for the reply, I've got Windows Server 2003 64 bit, 6GB ram, Intel Xeon X3210 @ 2.13ghz. I'm not using any control panel software, just manual srcds through a bat file. Like I say they run perfectly full until a map change.

On 29/01/2012 02:51, Mike @ BOOM! wrote:

What are the specs of your server? I'm very curious about the CPU, RAM, O/S
etc. you are using. Also, are you using any software to control your servers
like TCAdmin or GameCP? I've never experienced your problem and I run 8
active 24-slot TF2 servers and 2 CSS servers on a dual Intel quad-core Xeon
box. I have never set affinity and let TCAdmin do all the work. The box runs
perfectly. I was also running a single Intel Q6600 box for a long time too
and again, never saw your issue with 10 CSS servers. Something's not right
if you ask me, but I could just be lucky I guess.


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