At 10.19 23/10/2003 -0500, Gilles Detillieux wrote:
I guess the only safe way to automate the selection of this would be
for htdig to keep track, on a server by server basis, to see if a server
responds favourably to HEAD requests.  If it doesn't, then it would turn
off this action for this server, but otherwise it seems it would almost
always be an advantage to keep it on.  But now we're getting into the

That's what actually happens with persistent connections. However, for instance, the 'Limit' directive with apache can be set by directories or locations and I would not risk to disable the attribute for every document on the server just because one failed. Again, I guess that the 'webmaster' is the one that knows his scenario better than any one.

If I'm not mistaken, as the code now stands, htdig will assume a document
is inaccessible if the HEAD request fails, and so it won't try the GET on
that document at all (unless head_before_get is explicitly set to false).

Hmmm ... by looking at the code in HtHTTP::Request(), we should add an 'if statement' for the case when the server returns a 405 status code. We should also add a proper Document Status for this in the Transport class (Document_method_not_allowed?).

Basically when we issue a HEAD method and we get a not allowed method response, we should get the resource.

What do you think? Anyway, I am going to open a feature request for this so we keep it in mind.

So, properly automating this selection would require some code changes
to the HtHTTP classs to implement this -- not something we want to start
monkeying with at the eleventh hour before release.

I agree.

Gabriele Bartolini: Web Programmer, ht://Dig & IWA/HWG Member, ht://Check maintainer
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