Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> Then we have to have logic to differentiate <? from <?xml, for example.
>  It would make the parser quite a bit more complex if we have to start
> parsing stuff outside of the active open tags.  Not sure it is worth the
> effort nor the extra overhead.

Isn't something similar already done?

I was thinking that making short_open_tag runtime-only would be the best 
solution (applying it only to include/require files, not on the same script 
enabling the option), but given the amount of necessary code and behaviour 
changes it is unsuitable for 5.3 (and somebody needs to be willing to do 

I'm not aware of something similar being proposed before, so, what do you 

I'm still looking for a way to warn about the use of open_short_tag not 
being explicitly enabled on the PERDIR level. Otherwise the only thing I see 
would make applications change would be when the default is Off and they 

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
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