Raphael Geissert wrote:
> Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
>> But why do you want them to change?  Short tags are convenient and if
>> the app doesn't have to worry about <?xml or <?xsl type stuff, it can
>> run happily with short tags enabled.
> Because it is just not about the application but the whole system. With the 
> apache filter SAPI enabling short_open_tag is really a no-op. As for the 
> other SAPIs it mostly depends on what kind of files are used and whether an 
> extension such as htscanner is at hand or not.
> If that's not available, having to change the settings for every application 
> is a mess. By making it a runtime-only option they would always work.
> Cheers,

What about having a new value?

short_open_tag = Warn

People who is knowingly wanting to use short tags can enable it. People
concerned with portability
fix the application. And people which don't bother to change defaults...
get warnings. Until an update
which disables it for true.

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