Raphael Geissert wrote:
> Patrick ALLAERT wrote:
>> 2010/1/13 Derick Rethans <der...@php.net>:
>>> On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Raphael Geissert wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> Would it be possible to force short_open_tag to a specific value for
>>> those applications alone? Perhaps through an .htaccess file? That way,
>>> Debian keeps the "PHP default" but still allows those apps to work.
>> Raphael, you didn't seem to react on Derick's suggestion above
>> although it seems one of the best proposition so far.
> I sort of commented about it on one of my replies to Rasmus. The problem 
> with that approach is that not all SAPIs can be configured via a .htaccess, 
> and changing the global value affects all applications (and if they all use 
> a SAPI where .htaccess files can't change the settings there's not much they 
> can do).

I think you are again becoming a victim of too much generalization.
Like using the slower re-entrant mysql client library, for example, just
in case you have a threaded SAPI that needs it.  99% of people are going
to be using the prefork Apache SAPI or fastcgi, neither of which needs
this, and thus you are penalizing the majority in order to support edge
cases more easily.

Same goes for per-package configuration.  The common case, Apache and
fastcgi, can do per-directory configuration, but you are choosing not to
use it in order to support edge cases.  Instead of trying to change PHP
here, I'd be going after your problematic edge cases and bringing them
up to speed so they can support per-app configuration.


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