On Mer, 2003-07-30 at 04:09, Jim Sibley wrote:
> MS did it again. So it takes me 15 minutes, so what?
> Well, with 300,000 in the company, thats 75,000
> MANHOURS. IT security doesn't care - the manhours
> doesn't come out of its budget!

Which is a different problem. Failing to budget the cost
to realise that they should have paid someone to automate
the fix propogation 8)

One other organisation I deal with that has to handle lots of
Linux on desktops for example has all of the boxes doing an
apt-get from a private repository through per office apt caches
(and you can do the same with up2date and more of course).

An update propogates out to 500+ machines overnight, next boot
or when the admin tool ssh's into the box to kick it and check
for anything missing or in need of update.

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