On Wed, 19 Oct 2005 11:05:17 +1200
Andrew Errington wrote:

> No.  You are assuming that:
> a) The customer uses the ISP's email service

every ISP I know gives the customer one email address, and you are
foolish if you don't fetch that mail periodically, as its the obvious
way for the ISP to cantact you. You should fetch the mail even if you
don't use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as your main email address.

> or
> b) the customer has provided a real email address to the ISP for such a 
> purpose
> and
> c) the customer has not set up a spam filter to filter out all the helpful 
> messages and special offers from said ISP

yes good point

> There's nothing in the T&C about announcing outages, so there's no reason 
> to expect any notification.  In fact the only thing they say they will send 
> to you is an account for services used.

Implying that the term "Service" in "Internet Service Provider" means
about the same as it does these days at the "Service Station". 

> A

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