Actually not everyone Bazza, just you :) We can debate who's the used car 
salesman here vs. whom isn't until the end of dawn, but I challenge you to 
prove me wrong on the "used car salesman spiel" given you seem to have all the 
answers lately?

As for "behind the scenes" it is what it is?

As for how the Silverlight deployment will work - for a guy whom seems to have 
it all figured out you've not been paying attention. Silverlight will push out 
through the Windows Update, It will auto-update existing Silverlight 
installations via the auto-updater, OEM deals, Content driven solutions (ie NBC 
Olympics style setups) etc.

You want me to give you a run sheet of our entire game plan so you can run it 
off to your buddies at Adobe, think again bazza :) think again! :)

Sorry, nice try but no cigar.


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barry Beattie
Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 1:22 AM
Subject: Re: [OzSilverlight] Success or Failure of SL.?

> sorry you're being argumentative bazza :)

Scott, you think everyone is argumentitive if they don't blindly
swallow your used-car-salesman speil and choosing to look at the fine
print. Meh.

but Scott, while I have your attention, what's the behind the scenes
story with this?

"Also... how long until SL2 comes down in Windows Update??"

that's a good question

related to that: how will the runtime get onto people's machines (inc
non Microsoft ones) without Windows Upadate?**

** the answer, Scott, I'm sure we both agree, is "compelling apps".
Just like Flash did.

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