>  C# skills can be used to make the server side software as well - far more 
> value for money here.

I'll pay that. fair enough.

> If I was evaluating which language to learn - how could I choose the language 
> that binds me to client side development?? I choose the language that I can 
> apply to pretty much anything.

as far as core language goes, C#, Java and ActionScript are getting
closer every day. In fact, the way that .NET does class files and
namespaces is something that other languages should learn on (esp
Java, IMHO)

but it's the intimate knowledge of the .NET framework vs the Flex
framework vs the kitchen-sink Java libraries that's the real

> C# is also far better supported - Google = 17million hits for ActionScript vs 
> 70million for C#.

no disputing that. But I suppose the support ratio in a couple of
years should be active SL developers vs active Flex ones.

(all this talk of C# ... sigh ... what ever happened to my "first love" .. VB?)

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