Shigeru Miyata wrote:

> "Seak, Teng-Fong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >      Chinese (as well as Japanese and Korean) can also be written from right to
> > left, even though this isn't very common nowadays.  Actually, in tradition,
> > Chinese is written from top to the bottom, then from right to left.  But I
> > don't think Latex is able to support this :-)
> Theoretically speaking it is of course possible.  However, dimensions
> [deleted]
> TTB_RTL (for Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and TTB_LTR (for Mongolian)
> primitives.

     Actually, there's another possible solution (or even simpler): rotate all
characters to the left by 90° :-)  but only if it's supported by LaTeX.  If this is
supported, we just need to type in LTR then TTB and after rotation, the text will be
TTB then RTL.

     But I'm not sure if LaTeX supports already double-byte encoding, so I'm not
going to ask this question in the newsgroup for the moment.


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