On Wednesday 23 December 2009, Øyvind Harboe wrote:
> I do think it might be useful to print actual address
> ranges erased in some reasonably terse and non
> warning format.

If it's going to be erasing data beyond what it was told
to erase, we deserve at the very least a warning.

That's pretty basic:  don't destroy user data.  And if
you must, at least warn that something may now be broken.

> This would help the user learn what flash address_range
> / write_image erase is doing and should cover your concern
> as well, I think.

My concern is that it erases the wrong address range:
a bigger one than I told it to erase.  Just a warning
from "flash erase_address ..." would NOT be enough.

What we have right now is some upper layer calls (at
least "write_image") that are trying to rely on a lower
level interface that was dangerously broken ... when it
should just be telling those lower level calls exactly
what to do.

- Dave
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