
I didn't give all those details because I'm looking for more of a  
"best practices" type of advice. Just loading the terrain "just  
works", but is this the typical usage scenario for most users? What  
are some of the common ways to speed up a terrain database created  
with osgdem in this way? When I created the database with osgdem, I  
made it to level 10.

My specific case is just terrain and imagery. It's made from a ten  
meter DEM of the island of Oahu. The osga file is just shy of a gig.  
I'm "not-impressed" with performance because from looking at what is  
on screen, I've seen way better performance from my hardware (MacBook  
Pro w/ATI x1600 & a Mac Pro w/ATI 2400). The window is small and not  
fill limited.

Basically, I'm not looking for a detailed analysis of my particular  
situation, but wanted to know if there is something obvious that  
everyone else knows about for loading these types of files that I had  

Bringing it into the Cocoa viewer, I get 1.03fps from an elevated view  
looking down on the Island. Timeing stats are:

Event:  0.02
Update: 0.04
Cull: 0.41
Draw: 932.81

So... doing the math, looks like rendering is taking a pretty long  
time ;-)  I'm thinking there is some utility node or flag that most  
people turn on that I have overlooked.


On Jan 25, 2008, at 4:56 AM, Robert Osfield wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> Way too little information to be able to know what is up with
> performance, so lets start with a few questions to get the information
> needed to guide you in the right direction:
> What platform are you working on?
> What hardware?
> Did you compile a release build?
> What performance did you get?
> What is the update, cull, draw, GPU stats like?
> How big is the database?  Is it terrain, imagery, terrain+imagery?
> Other cultral data in there???
> Robert.
> On Jan 25, 2008 3:54 AM, Richard S. Wright Jr.
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm loading a terrain set created with osgdem (.osga) via something  
>> like
>> this:
>>   pTerrain = osgDB::readNodeFile("oahu-10.osga");
>> Easy as pie. However, for a really dense terrain, the performance  
>> is a bit
>> lack-luster. I wonder if everybody knows a trick that I haven't  
>> discovered
>> yet for speeding this up a bit. Some standard "optimization" node
>> configuration or setting that a newbie might have missed that can  
>> make a big
>> difference.
>> Richard
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