Hi Stephan,

Thank you for you insights.
If you don't mind I would message you if I have further questions. Simply tell me when I start to annoy you.

Hi Sebastian,

Am 05.03.2014 um 08:42 schrieb Sebastian Messerschmidt 

I've been requested to explore the options of OpenSceneGraph development under 
There are some starter tutorials, but I still have some questions (without 
having touched the toolchain right now)

1. Depending on the device I guess I'm bound to OpenGL ES 1 and 2?
You are bound to ES1 OR ES2. It depends on the context you create. And you’ll 
have to setup cmake accordingly.

2. What about external dependencies, are there all available resource to get my 
favourites like curl, tif, freetype going?
It’s hard to find the dependencies, I have some precompiled libs for curl and 
freetype. The hard part is to compile them for both the devices and the 

3. How are plugins handled? Is there some delay load mechanism, or do they have 
to be compiled statically into the application?
iOS require static linking.

4. Last of all: How well does it work? Is the setup/building/deploy working 
If you master the hurdle of setup and compilation of osg and its dependencies 
its working w/o problems. The linking times are relatively high because of the 
static linking requirements.

One major annoyance is cmake’s inability to compile socalled universal libs. 
These libs contain code for the simulator and the devices (arm6, arm7, arm64). 
I can open source my build-scripts which creates 2 cmake-projects in different 
folders, compile osg and afterwards create universal libs. If there’s any 
interest I can setup a git repository.

Here’s an example of a working ios-app, which may guide as a blueprint:

https://github.com/Present3D/present3d-control (it contains also freetype + 
curl 3rdparty-libs)


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