Hi Stephan
Am 10.03.2014 um 10:43 schrieb Sebastian Messerschmidt <sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de <mailto:sebastian.messerschm...@gmx.de>>:

I've tried the trunk too, with the same results. But thank you for your advise. Maybe one of the iOS experts can give me some hints regarding the iOS 7.0 SDK.

What's your cmake setup? You can't create a configuration for the simulator and then compile osg for the device or vice versa, both must match. A more detailed error-description might be useful.
I set it up as Simulator and Iphone directly but both failed with different error messages. As stated above in the thread I either get errors in osgDB telling mit that stat64 ist not defined or CoreServices headers are not found, or an error in _cdefs.h teling me the architecture is not supported. I've tried compiling on another Mac using the 6.1 SDK which succeded. Unfortunately I cannot ipgrade to 7.0 there right now.

So basically the 7.0SDK should built with the OSG -trunk?
Is there any setting which has to be done inside the generated xcode-project?

Also, due to my missing experience: When do I build for the Simulator? If I want to test it exclusively on the Mac?




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