On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 01:47:19PM -0500, Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
> After 44 years, I would feel like an traitor if I shot with anything
> but a Pentax.
I don't feel that strongly.  I borrowed a D100 back before Pentax had
a DSLR, and a few years later a friend let me use a D1 for a day at the
track.  I've rented Canon gear when I didn't have the lenses I needed
in my bag.

But I'm far too heavily invested in Pentax glass to think about going
to anything else, even though probably 90% or more of what I shoot now
is taken using equipment I've picked up in the last 3 years (the K10D,
the 16-50 and the 50-135).  Getting the equivalents of what I can use
for that final 10% would cost me a fortune to replace in any other mount.

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