On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 09:55:48AM -0500, Tom C scripsit:
> Talk about a niche outfit.

If it's not a cell phone camera, it's niche.

I think it's about functional specs; how well does this meet my needs
for what cost?

I can see a 135 digital camera being better at ambient light indoor
photography, but I can also confidently predict that two years from now,
any such body will be obsolete and that the majority of its imaging
performance will be available in smaller format cameras in less than a
year.  So is the six to eight months of better performance worth it?

Since this is a hobby and not a business, no, it's not.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't like a really good viewfinder; doesn't mean I
wouldn't like an indifference to conditions scarcely to be bettered by a
block of solid tungsten carbide.  But it *does* mean I think the value
is in the lenses, and that pretty much all of the imaging performance is
going to make it into APS-C with a modest time lag.

(You know how the camera business generally has suffered from a lack of
regular consumables?  Pentax could make them love it by the simple
expedient of shipping a camera with insane levels of ISO got by resort
to these little blocks of very cold solid hydrogen, the which you must
regularly obtain...)

-- Graydon

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