On Wed, 2008-05-21 at 01:13 -0700, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> On May 21, 5:25 pm, Cliff Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I would say however that mod_proxy module in Apache is also purpose
> built for proxying, that doesn't mean it is a good idea to use it.

The advantage Nginx brings over even purpose-built proxies is its async
model.  Pound is quite capable and easy to use but has limited
scalability due to being threaded.  Nginx can handle many thousand
requests per second while using only a few megabytes of RAM and a
relatively small amount of CPU. 

> What I was trying to say was that where there are solutions whose only
> purpose is to do something, also look at them as well as those which
> may do it as one function of many. This is because the solutions which
> try to do just the one job do often come with a better feature set for
> that one task, that depending on what you are doing may make more
> sense. Yes it may mean a drop in performance for some aspects of the
> problem being solved, but this may be made up in other ways through
> the other features it provides.

Again, in general I'd agree (and I really used to like Pound a lot), but
in this case, unless you need sophisticated load-balancing algorithms,
it's hard to beat Nginx.

> Sorry, I am generalising again of course, but when you really don't
> know the exact details of what a person is wanting to setup and why,
> it is hard to do anything else. :-)

Just because we don't necessarily know exactly what we're arguing about
doesn't mean we have to stop ;-)


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