2001-04-30 Thread Outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

Timeline of Treason




can be read at:
The Joshua Report

Michael  The Outlawlady
The Joshua Report
If One Forgets The Past, He Will
Not Be Prepared For The Future

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Chelsea Gets Pass--Gore Kids ALL Potheads

2001-04-30 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

 {{So 1996 was when two of the three Gore kids were smoking pot at the same
time!  Two women in my state got life sentences for drugs, one her
boyfriend's pot, on first time possession!!  But the double-standard of the
media was not to tell about the little Gore Darlings but to now hound the
Bush twins daily.  Typical.  Soo predictable, too. Amelia}}

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff
For the story behind the story...

Friday, April 27, 2001 8:39 p.m. EDT
Jenna Nabbed for Alcohol Possession, Chelsea Gets Pass

First daughter Jenna Bush was stopped by police in Austin, Texas, early
Friday morning and given a citation for illegally possessing alcohol. At 19,
Bush is two years shy of the legal drinking age in Texas.

Bush was ticketed at 1:30 a.m. by police patrolling Austin's East Sixth
Street, a popular destination for the city's nightclub crowd.

Bush, a freshman at the University of Texas, was not arrested.

A spokeswoman for First Lady Laura Bush answered press inquiries about the
incident by saying, We respect the privacy of this young woman and we're
not going to comment on her personal life.

Former first lady Hillary Clinton has yet to comment on a report about her
own daughter, Chelsea, who allegedly went on a wild spring break drinking
binge in Aspen, Colo., last month.

According to Globe magazine, Secret Service agents had to intercede before
the former first daughter became sloppy drunk.

Though Miss Clinton, who turned 21 earlier this year, reportedly barhopped
from one Aspen saloon to another in a visibly inebriated state, she was not
cited by police for public intoxication.

The mainstream press did not report the Clinton drinking incident.

Like Chelsea, former vice president Al Gore's daughters had their
difficulties with alcohol.

Gore's daughter Karenna, who is now one of her father's closest political
advisers, went though her own wild child phase, with former high school
classmates recently telling Star magazine that she loved pot and booze

Karenna pal Anne Garofalo told Star that Karenna was the first person you'd
go to if you needed a partner in crime.

And in 1996 Gore's then-16-year-old daughter Sarah was cited for underage
possession of alcohol, in an episode similar to Jenna Bush's encounter with
police Friday morning.

That same year the Gores' then-14-year-old son Albert III was suspended from
tony St. Albans prep school for smoking marijuana at a school dance.

The press hushed up the younger Gore's drug bust after his father personally
contacted news editors and asked them to kill the story.

For more on the Chelsea story the mainstream press won't report, see: Secret
Service Halted Chelsea's Drunken Spree, Says Tabloid

 Dems' Arsenic Scare a Big Lie

 More Inside Cover Stories
 All Rights Reserved © NewsMax.com

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[CTRL] ProDevelop.Net's Home

2001-04-30 Thread Amelia

This is a favorite site of mine for news articles and all kinds of
publications. See the section Libraries On Line for lots of excellent


 ProDevelop.Net's Home.url

[CTRL] Electronic Reference Shelf

2001-04-30 Thread Amelia
Title: Electronic Reference Shelf



  The Electronic Reference Shelf A convenient, selected list of 
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  Biographical Directory of 
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  Biography.com site of A  
  E's Biography television series; includes the searchable text of 
  15,000+ entries from The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia. Tends to 
  be a little out-of-date. 
  Biography and Geneaology 
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  *Biography Resource 
  Center Comprehensive database of biographical information on 
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  works in which information on the individual appears, and the location 
  of the source work in the companion biographical archive microfiche 
  collection. The fiche collection can be found in the Government 
  Documents and Microforms Dept. on the 1st floor of the Lauinger 

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  For U.S. and 
  Canadian Books in Print, try our subscription database, Books in Print (off-campus access 
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  Print and Price Listing Resources from AcqWebIncludes 
  links to the following worldwide sources: Argentina, 
  Zealand, Spain, 

[CTRL] Re[CTRL] Earthquake Clouds?

2001-04-30 Thread Amelia

There are also earthquake 'lights' caused by the 
friction of quartz rubbing together. I think this is often reported as UFO 
activity. I have a photo of a 'ball of light' over a small pond that I 
took about two years ago. I do not think it was any kind of spaceship or 
craft as it was only about the size of a Volkswagen from my best estimate. 
In past years there has been a tremendous amount of UFO activity reported in the 
area where I live. Maybe they really do head for the boonies! But I 
have decided the cattle mutilations are the govt checking for the effects of 
certain radiations and chemicals. Could be from experiments or routine 
level checks or both. At least it is not FFA boys gone bad! 

[CTRL] Privacy and guilt

2001-04-30 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

It's the classic 'Let's put a spy camera in everyone's bedroom'. What are you doing in 
there that you're so guilty about, that you object? Anyone who objects is obviously 
involved in some sort of deviant, illegal behaviour.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Holy Vehm

2001-04-30 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Ah yes, the Holy Vehm. A secret society you don't hear much about anymore.

I believe the book 'secret societies' is the one by 'Arkon Daraul'?

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Moon Hoax (fwd)

2001-04-30 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: John Szocik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, April 27, 2001 7:41 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Konformist: Moon Hoax (fwd)

 Man! Are you in denial or what? Are you some super patriot?!
 Face the the FACTS and stop all this useless, uninformed
 defense of all this
 very obvious evidence!

Although this doesn't say at whom it is directed, it resembles what I said.

I guess looking at both sides of any particular issue may appear to be
denial of one side or another, if the reader has only considered one side to
be possible.

My point, as always, is that anything presented as black or white is missing
at least part of the story. If a story doesn't have at least two sides told,
my view is it may be truth, but not all of the truth.

Denial is not a factor when all realistic possibilities are considered. I
realize on this list it is much more exciting to have the worst scenarios
always be 100% true. I just question whether that is possible.

The moon hoax has been presented as 100% we did or 100% we didn't land on
the moon. Other possibilities must be denied for the presenters to feel good
about their position. What a shame.

I particularly object to the concept that the conspirators are superhuman
and never make mistakes; that they don't wake up every morning with the same
human frailties and problems as everyone else. They are parents,
grandparents, and children just like the rest of us. The existence of pure
evil is as impossible as the existence of pure good, on the earth I live on.

I know that may be a bit boring, but so be it.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] William Cooper On Bob Kerry

2001-04-30 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Original Message-From:
William Shannon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Saturday, April 28,
2001 12:42 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [CTRL]
William Cooper On Bob KerryBob Kerrey... Return Bronze Star! by William Cooper
Bob Kerrey should voluntary return the Bronze Star. He should never have
accepted it in the first place. Someone should be investigating the massacre
that Bob Kerrey ordered performed.

Cooper's a smart guy and deals in truth for the most
part. However, he should know, as any vet does, that military services and
operations are never perfect. We would like them to be but they are not, because
human beings plan and execute them.

Careful reading of Cooper's book (Behold a Pale Horse,
which may have been chosenas atitle to deflect attention from one of
the same name being planned by Danny Casolaro at the time of Casolaro's
"suicide") shows he is capable of considering he might not have every fact or
know every truth.

Unfortunately, due to the possibility that
intentionally or not his material may contain disinformation, all of Cooper's
pronouncements must be viewed with a skeptical eye. I don't see what purpose
attacking Bob Kerrey could serve. Who's next, rookie Nebraska Congressman Tom
Osborne? Osborne has as much chance as Kerrey of actually attaining the
Presidency, maybe better.

Re: [CTRL] William Cooper On Bob Kerry

2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So they all Ride a Dead Horse?

So all these people ride a Dead Horse?

What to do?   Imagine they will eventually take away his medal and it
will be given to Jane Fonda for her heroic efforts in attempting to
demoralize our troops in a time of police action?

Or Kerry  will be a convenient suicide?

One sure thing - nobody will ever take a medal away from Gore or a
Clinton for while one had bodyguards in Viet Nam the other dodged the
draft - the war nobody wants to remember?

Tell me - where were all the dead buried in WWII.55 million people -
men, women, and children.

They were slaughtered like cattle - maybe burned as they do now in
England - dead cattle in pyramids yet to be cremated?  Next will come
the big disease?

One case Mad Cow in Columbus - the human type - saw the name of the
individual in the Obituary column with no flowers may be donated to Mad
Cow Disease Foundation.

Take Kerry's Medal - if he feels so guilty about it he should ot have
taken it in the first place.   Then give it to Jane Fonda.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Sheriff Boots Fed out of the County

2001-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan

What to elect a constitutional sheriff like Dave Mattis in your county?

Your goal, and the goal of all patriots in your state is to resurrect the
Tenth Amendment. Start by bringing clean elections to your county. If you're
county is too large population-wise, then look for the least populated
county in the state and proceed from there.

Focus on bringing back constitutional government to your little piece of the
American pie -- your county and your state. This will serve as a model for
surrounding states and hopefully the nation. But your main concern should
only be your state.

/s/ Nick Landholt

P.A.C.E. (Assuring Clean Elections...otherwise, what's the point?)
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Original Message Follows
From: Jerry E. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sheriff Boots Feds from His County

Sheriff Dave Mattis of Big Horn County, Wyoming, said that as a result of
Case #96-CV099-J, US District Court, District of Wyoming, he now has a
written policy that forbids federal officials from entering his county and
exercising authority over county residents unless he is notified first of
their intentions.

After explaining their mission, Mattis said he grants them permission to
proceed if he is convinced they are operating within the legal parameters
and authority limitations set forth in the US Constitution. The sheriff
grants permission on a case-by-case basis only. When asked what, if any,
repercussions he had gotten from the Feds, he quickly and confidently
replied, None whatsoever. He explained by saying, They know they do not
have jurisdiction in my county unless I grant it to them.

Mattis clarified his position by saying the federal court had ruled the
state of Wyoming is a sovereign state and the state constitution plainly
states that a county sheriff is the top law enforcement official in the

Additionally, Sheriff Mattis contends that the US Constitution, Article 1,
Section 8, clearly defines the geographic territories where the federal
government has jurisdiction. Amendment X, he said, states that the powers
not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it
to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Therefore, Mattis thoroughly believes the Feds have very limited powers in
any state unless the local High Sheriff allows them to exercise power beyond
that which the Constitution provides Put another way, Mattis said, if the
sheriff doesn't want the Feds in his county, he has the constitutional power
and right to keep them out or ask them to leave.

Accompanied with other legal interpretations Mattis stands on the definition
of the word sovereign, which is defined by Webster's as paramount,
supreme. Having supreme rank or power. Independent: a sovereign State.

Mattis said he grew weary of the Feds coming into his county and running
rough-shod over county residents: i.e., illegally searching, seizing
property, confiscating bank accounts, restricting the free use of private
lands and other abuses, without a valid warrant and without first following
due process of law as guaranteed by the Constitution to every citizen.

As long as Mattis remains sheriff he says he will continue to see to it that
the citizens of his county get their day in court. Mattis went on to say
that, to his knowledge, even the IRS has not attempted to seize any
citizen's real property, bank account or any other private-owned possessions
since he ran the Feds out of his county.

Sheriff Mattis emphasized that he is not a radical man. He said he is only
dedicated to protecting the constitutional rights of the citizens of his

He added that ordinary citizens are not the only ones bound by and expected
to obey laws.

Elected officials and government employees at all levels of government are
also bound by and should be expected to obey certain laws.

As long as Sheriff Mattis is the High Sheriff of Big Horn County, he seems
determined to make sure private citizens and government officials alike act
within the law and their designated powers.

Sheriff Mattis came across as a soft-spoken, polite man whose only interest
is protecting the citizens he was elected to serve. That being the case, he
might be the sheriff for as long as he wants to be. Sheriff Mattis is
hopeful that other sheriffs will assume the same stance.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Estonian socialists want U.S. to outlaw online hate speech

2001-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan

An Estonian socialist, apparently speaking for much of Europe, wants the
U.S. to ban websites, mailing lists, and Usenet newsgroups that someone,
somewhere in the world, finds offensive or hateful? This isn't absurd; it's
simply surreal. It's interesting to speculate about the shape of the final
treaty language: Could it be used to shut down hateful anti-capitalist
sites? Hateful anti-communist, anti-black, anti-white flamewars? Censor
the David Horowitz ad? (http://www.politechbot.com/p-01929.html)




STRASBOURG, France -- Supporters of a proposed cyber crime treaty are
pressing for it to include passages making it illegal to spread racist
propaganda and hate messages over the Internet.
Deputies debating the treaty on Wednesday spoke of their disappointment
that the draft convention contains no specific provision for combating the
dissemination of racist and xenophobic propaganda via the Internet.
Speaking for the Parliamentary Assembly deputies, Socialist Ivar Tallo from
Estonia urged the council to add a protocol that would outlaw racist
propaganda, abusive storage of hateful messages and use of the Internet for
trafficking in human beings.


STRASBOURG, FRANCE - The Council of Europe, a human rights watchdog, is
attempting to draft the world's first Internet crime treaty. The Council's
goal is to make it illegal to hack, defraud, launch computer viruses and
spread hate messages.
The Council is getting support from the public to outlaw racist propaganda,
fired up by a recent French court decision. Last fall, a Paris judge
ordered Yahoo, based in the United States, to block the sale of Nazi
memorabilia from its auction pages.

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[CTRL] Prohibition

2001-04-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Prohibition Fever
  A legacy project for the W. era.

  By Dave Kopel, Independence Institute, and Dr. Michael S. Brown

 What do guns, drugs, and alcohol have in common? They are all highly portable, 
highly prized by many people, despised
  by others, and can be abused. Each has been the object of societal sanctions. As we 
head into the new millennium, with a
  new president who promises to reduce the unintended harms caused by government, it 
is time for America to recognize
  some lessons about prohibition.

  A grand, but foolish experiment with alcohol prohibition was tried from 1920 to 
1933. The dreadful results are well
  documented. Organized crime in its modern form was created. A drinking culture based 
on beer and wine was replaced by
  one based on gin and other hard liquor. Homicide soared and so did police 
corruption. Wiretapping became a new
  law-enforcement technique, and courts invented ways for the police to evade the 
Fourth Amendment.

  The gang warfare spawned by alcohol prohibition spurred calls for restrictions on 
Second Amendment rights. Efforts to ban
  handguns failed, but machine guns were restricted by the National Firearms Act. 
Until then, Americans had been able to
  freely buy, sell, and own machine guns for the previous seven decades, with little 
apparent problem until alcohol was

  Drug prohibition started with the Harrison Narcotics Act in 1911, continues today, 
and provides an excellent example of
  how prohibition works in modern times.

  In the name of protecting the public, the war on drugs has led to greater government 
power in many areas. The once
  unbreakable line between the police and military has crumbled. Our prisons overflow 
with people convicted of drug-related
  crimes, but drugs are more available than ever. New terms like body cavity search, 
no-knock entry, racial profiling,
  and stop and frisk have entered our vocabulary.

  The drug war is no mere metaphor, now that SWAT teams that were originally formed 
to rescue hostages execute deadly
  nocturnal raids on the homes of innocents. From the eleven-year-old boy killed in 
Compton, Calif., to the 45-year-old
  father of nine killed in Denver, to the 70-year-old minister killed in Boston, the 
number of people gunned down in the name
  of the drug war continues to mount. Of course none of the government employees 
responsible for the killing receive more
  than a slap on the wrist. And raids continue day after day, based on the mendacities 
and addled memories of drug addicts,
  violent criminals, and other confidential informants who get paid for making 
accusations which are rarely investigated
  before the SWAT team breaks though the window.

  Forfeiture laws, meanwhile, have turned police work into a form of legalized piracy. 
Laws allowing enforcement agencies to
  keep confiscated wealth often determine the targets of anti-drug raids. Hardly any 
jurisdictions require that a person be
  proven guilty in order for the government to confiscate his wealth. Police 
corruption is a constant problem.

  Criminal gangs have flourished under drug prohibition, much as they did in the 
1920s. Smugglers and gangsters literally owe
  their livelihood to the war on drugs.

  It is becoming painfully obvious that the cure is worse than the disease. Yet some 
people appear to have learned nothing
  from alcohol prohibition or drug prohibition and insist that we experience the joys 
of gun prohibition. There are indications
  that the same counterproductive tactics will be used — starting with forfeitures of 
automobiles because the driver had a
  firearm in the car.

  Some of the worst abuses of government force in recent years were precipitated by 
technical and victimless gun-law
  violations. For example, the BATF claimed that the Branch Davidians possessed 
machine guns without paying the required
  federal tax and filling in the proper registration forms. So a tax case worth less 
than $10,000 led to a 76-man helicopter,
  machine gun, and grenade assault on a home in which 2/3 of the occupants were women 
and children.

  The media has played an important role by dramatizing the ill effects of drug abuse, 
while almost completely ignoring the
  way that crime and violence are worsened by drug prohibition. Media treatment of the 
gun issue is very much the same.
  Stories involving misuse of firearms are front-page news, but there is a virtual 
blackout on positive stories about armed
  self-defense or the way that repressive gun laws lead to higher levels of crime and 
violence. Likewise, sporting use of guns
  — even in the Olympics — is almost completely ignored.

  Opponents of both the war on drugs and the war on guns have adopted the same term — 
unintended consequences — to
  describe the way in which stronger laws paradoxically cause more crime and violence. 
These anti-prohibition websites are

[CTRL] Fwd: Hasta la Vista, 4th Amendment?

2001-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan

of Rights – Amendment IV
right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and
effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath
or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and
the persons or things to be seized.
step out of the car and place your hands on the roof! Keep your hands where
I can see them at all times!"
but Officer…what’s the problem? Why are you pointing your gun at me?"
on the roof NOW!"
my god…hey, OUCH, those handcuffs hurt! What the hell did I DO?"
miles an hour in a 30mph zone, scumbag. School zone too. Now shut your
face or I’ll put you in the holding cell with some very interesting new
SCOTUS recently decided a case involving venerable 4th Amendment
to the US Constitution.
The court’s "conservative" wing, aided by one "liberal" handed down this
decision concerning the case of Gail Atwater vs. the city of Lago Vista
and Bart Turek, a Lago Vista police officer.
question is whether the Fourth Amendment forbids a warrantless arrest for
a minor criminal offense, such as a misdemeanor seat-belt violation punishable
only by a fine. We hold that it does not," Justice David Souter said for
the court majority.
March 1997 Soccer mom Atwater was driving her pickup truck with her 3-year-old
son and 5-year-old daughter in the front seat. None of them was wearing
a seat belt. Officer Turek, observing violations, pulled Atwater over.
discovering Ms. Atwater didn’t have her papers (her purse had been stolen
the previous day), Offizier Turek of the Lago Vista Geheime Staatspolizei
proceeded to order this supposed citizen out of the car, handle her roughly,
handcuff her in front of her screaming children and haul her off to the
camps…er, I mean a holding cell.
she sued. And she lost. Goodbye 4th?
no. The Bill of Rights does not apply to the various states. They were
put into place as a brake on the powers of the Federal government.
As an example, the 1st Amendment prohibits the establishment
of a State (federal) religion, but some of the states in colonial times
did have established state churches. Perfectly legal under a strict interpretation
of the US Constitution.
So, what’s the problem?
problem is twofold. Increasingly federalized and militarized local police
forces no longer respect us as American citizens. They are the standing
army that our Founding Fathers warned us against. Even worse than the confusing
multiplicity of armed Federal alphabet agencies (there are only a few thousand
members of them in total, nothing an armed and vigilant citizenry
couldn’t handle), they are being funded by federal taxes and trained by
federal troops. And increasingly, they have no compunction about killing
you. Not the bad guys. You.
of course, is brought to you in large part, by The War on Drugs  trade;.
various states are complicit in this. Herein lies part two of the problem.
Starting with the conversion of Senators to SuperCongressman by Amendment
XVII, the states have lost most of the sovereign powers left them in the
aftermath of the Civil War, and have become mere precincts of the federal
government. Officer Turek might have well have been an FBI agent, because
the federal government is probably where a good portion of his paycheck
and training originated.
are being hemmed in day by day with an ever increasing mountain of laws,
executive orders and taxation, restricting our rights to a degree that
would have shocked a serf living in medieval England. I don’t recall ever
reading about an officer of King John pulling a serf off his mule and demanding
‘his papers’.
police have been converted from protectors of the peace to a veritable
standing army. Instead of guarding their flock from the wolves, the common
constables are now guardians of the State, keeping a sharp eye out for
dissent, illegal substance use and other crimes du jour that offend
our masters in Washington DC. The proud motto Protect and Serve is no more.
It’s now Punish and Suppress. But the wolves walk free.
the cornerstone of a free republic, our US
Constitution has truly become a mere scrap of one-ply parchment for
our masters to wipe their rears with. It’s ignored by the federal government
and not insisted on by the various states. Abraham Lincoln put an end to
any really uppity behavior from the states, and Ike, LBJ and JFK snuffed
out the final gasps of independence from those once sovereign institutions.
back to the case of Gail Atwater vs. the city of Lago Vista. As I said,
she was treated unfairly, but apparently not illegally, under the laws
of Texas. In bygone times if she was unable to receive fair treatment in
the so-called sovereign state of Texas, or successfully lobby for changes
to the constitution of 


2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Who will be plowed under?   Well start with David Kore(sh) for that guy
knew too much; then add Heaven's Gate for they were in my opinion
murdered in their bedsas Do said Planet Earth is about to be plowed
under, we are to be recycled.

So who will the chosen ones be - and I always think, chosen for what?
Recycling?   Is it true Queen Elizabeth and Ted Turner and Robert
Redford have all bought safe houses and millions of acres of land in the
West - so will they start with New York?   Does Hill and Bill know what
will happen?

Stop and think what we are witnessing today; cattle being slaughtered,
their dead bodies stacked high - in order to expedie their removal and
without crematories - they are being burned in pyramids..then will
come the disease?

Keep remembering and found this item, re Jehovah's Witnesses - how did
they know that blood banks and blood had been polluted?   This is first
hand information I received from two Witnesses trying to stop a blood
transfusion for they told me the blood was poisoned

William Jefferson Blythe aka Clinton aka who knows what - distributed
poisoned polluted blood to Canada - HIV/AIDS blood which went around the
world and this blood bank was a private blood bank.  If I lived in
Canada I would get that guy for murder for do you think this CFR member
did not know what he was doing?

David Kore(sh) knew what was going to happen - Do of Heaven's Gate knew
- for he said Planet Earth is about to be plowed under.well Kore(sh)
and his flock were burnt alive and then plowed under, like the symbolic
murder of the cattle on a worldwide level - tell me then will Mad Cow
disease then become a plague to certain people?   Have the cattle been
fed maybe poisonous genetically engineered foods...you now have
seeds that self destruct?   More birth control plans?

So who are these chosen people who will survive???Who wrote the Old
Testament which is the master plan for murder politely called

Never believed Do and Heaven Gates Cult died from suicidie.it was
obvious - it was murder..with computers set up they were ready to
make big books and I have Do's tapes - over and over he repeats Planet
Earth is to be recycled and people are doomed - is Garden Plot the
master plan?  Has it become a problem of survival - get them before they
get you?

This item while unusual made me think of these two Jehovah Witnesses -
both men, both well trained and the one highly intelligent for you read
that in his eyes - he looked almost like some Mafia Dons I have had the
pleasure to witness.

So what else is new - we slaughter babies who took maybe one breath of
life before its head is bashed in - sell baby body parts and the Chinese
have gotten into this big - we slaughtered babies at Waco and at
Oklahoma - people want excitement, why CNN is there with cameras
sometimes before the slaughter begins?   See story of Littleton..


Heaven's Gate Tragedy Is Behind Us
But Second Sect's Leader Is Still at Large -- with Rising Death Toll

Milton G. Henschel
still at large -- has
led more followers
to early death than
Marshall Applewhite
Beth-Sarim mansion
in San Diego
near Heaven's Gate
was westcoast center
for Henschel's sect
Followers expected
to rendezvous with
Pleiades star cluster
rather than comet
23 young victims
displayed as heroes
for dying refusing
blood transfusions.

Death toll rising.

Similarities to Heaven's Gate, but with a rising death toll In a nearby
San Diego mansion another sect awaited the resurrection of long-dead
patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and King David -- while expecting at
their own death to rendezvous with the Pleiades star cluster.

Not far from the Heaven's Gate suicide scene stands the terra
cotta-roofed mansion named Beth-Sarim (Hebrew for House of Princes)
built in 1929 by the Watchtower organization, better known as Jehovah's

 Transplanting organs is really cannibalism, current Watchtower
President Milton G. Henschel told FREE PRESS religion writer Hiley B.
Ward in 1968, when he was still rising through the sect's leadership
ranks. The sect banned organ transplants and even skin grafting for
thirteen years, but then dropped the ban suddenly in 1980, without any
apology to members who had gone blind refusing cornea transplants or
relatives of those who had died refusing kidneys.

However, before selling their San Diego mansion in 1948, Henschel's
associates drew up their ban on blood transfusions, a ban that has led
thousands to die needlessly according to charges cited recently in

(Feb. 5, 1997, Vol. 277, No. 5, page 425)
This suicidal act by Milton Henschel's followers is aided by a Medical
Alert card members are instructed to carry in wallet or purse telling
doctors that no blood transfusions be administered to me even if
necessary to preserve my life.

The facing page  of THE WATCHTOWER magazine with these instructions

[CTRL] Whites Viciously Massacred

2001-04-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


The New South Africa: Whites Viciously Massacred
  Adriana Stuijt
  Saturday, April 28, 2001
Editor's note: This is the conclusion of a three-part series for NewsMax.com by noted 
South African journalist Adriana Stuijt. See part one: South African Censorship 
Spreads Foot-and-Mouth Disease to West and part two: Anthrax Set to Spread to the West.

South African whites are being viciously attacked and killed, and a media blackout of 
the crimes has not helped.

Criminals who are usually armed with powerful AK-47 military carbines, of which 
millions have been left behind in Africa from the local wars of African independence 
over the past 20-odd years, have been rampaging across the country with little 
resistance from the authorities.

This is especially true for farmers, against whom a campaign seems to have been 
launched since the end of apartheid in 1992 that has already left 1,048 people dead 
(26 percent of whom are black farm workers and their families, and the rest are white 
commercial farmers and their family members) from more than 5,500 well-armed 
military-style attacks by groups of young black males.

And under South Africa's new gun control laws, these civilian farmers would no longer 
be allowed to carry anything larger than a small handgun to defend themselves from 
such attacks.

The South African government also is engaged in a deliberate criminalization campaign 
in the news media against its commercial farmers, with media accusations of racist 
acts that, when brought before courts of law or probed by police, have however been 
proven to be almost totally unfounded.

Last year white farmers were arrested on more than 150 charges ranging from murder to 
accusations of extremely racist cruelty against farm workers. Yet only one farmer has 
thus far been found guilty of shooting and injuring a farm worker in anger, for which 
this white farmer was imprisoned for three years.

In all the other cases, the witnesses who made claims to the news media simply could 
not be found, or when cross-examined in law courts, were found to be lying.

Frequently, the armed attacks against commercial farm families are carried out with 
unusual extremes of cruelty: especially the white men often are tortured for hours, 
with slow barbed-wire strangulation and deliberate mutilation of their sexual parts 
while they are alive - and the female members of the white farmers' families are 
subjected to vicious gang rapes from which they are frequently left infected with 
HIV-AIDS, including very small children. (More than 55 percent of the South African 
population has been identified with HIV-AIDS, according to the United Nations.)

Because much of this kind of news remains totally unreported outside the nation 
because of the South African government's deliberate ban on publication of such crime 
statistics since July 2000, much of the news focus of censorbug.com has remained on 
the commercial agricultural situation in that country at the moment.

The crime wave across South Africa has led to economic disaster. South Africa used to 
be self-sufficient and an exporter of food.

This African country is one of the continent's very few that has always managed to 
feed its growing population, although it had only 60,000 farmers in 1991. But now 
South Africa has had to start importing staple foods such as maize for the first time 
in its history, and this year fewer than 40,000 commercial farmers remain. South 
Africa now has an estimated population of 46 million people.

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under
the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist
program until one day, America will be a socialist nation without
knowing how it happened.

Norman Thomas - Former Communist Party Presidential Candate

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Intellectual Cowardice

2001-04-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/
New York
Immigration a public relations nightmare for Sierra Club
Issue 71: April 30, 2001


On an issue that continues to divide the Sierra Club, an important
ballot initiative was narrowly beaten back this month.  The referendum
would have forced Club leaders to stress population growth as a major
factor in sprawl. (This would seem an obvious connection, but the
sprawl/population issue is sensitive because immigration is by far the
chief component of population growth in the United States.)

Proponents of the measure argued that the Club leadership has been
downplaying population growth as a contributor to sprawl for reasons of
political correctness and fund-raising.

According to Fred Elbel of Sierrans for U.S. Population Stabilization
(SUSPS), the group which sponsored the ballot initiative, the Sierra
Club leadership used undemocratic tactics to defeat the referendum.
Sierra management deleted about half the text of the initiative on the
ballot itself in order to make it less likely to pass, and they made it
known they expected local leaders to follow the official line.  In spite
of this, the ballot measure lost by only 54 to 46%.

It remains to be seen whether the Sierra Club bureaucracy, (which is
increasingly involving the Club in non-environmental issues like drivers
licenses for illegal aliens), will see this thin margin as evidence of
growing dissastifaction within the grassroots membership.

To read the SUSPS press release on the ballot initiative:

More reading:

Mainstream environmental groups more interested in fundraising and
lavish conferences than protecting the environment:
From the Sacramento Bee's Pulitzer Prize-winning environmental reporter,
Tom Knudson (April 22)

Immigration a public relations nightmare for Sierra Club:
Newark Star-Ledger (April 26)

The Sierra Club's Web site is an exercise in intellectual cowardice.
Providence Journal editorial (April 18)

Sierra Club president says mass immigration to the U.S. can save
Indonesian rainforests:
Las Vegas Sun (March 16)


In the April 26 Newark Star-Ledger piece Sierra Club rejects population
referendum Jeff Tittel, director of the Sierra Club's New Jersey
chapter, defended the Club's downplaying of population growth as a
factor in sprawl.  He argued that while New Jersey saw modest
population growth in the past two decades, sprawl intensified during
that time.

But according to the Census Bureau, New Jersey has grown by more than
13% in the past two decades.  The Garden State is already the most
densely populated in the Union with over 1000 persons per square mile,
and an environmentalist has no business calling a 13% growth rate

Sprawl is a major environmental and political issue in New Jersey, but
how many residents know that much of the state's overcrowded conditions
were mandated by Congress?  Between 1990 and 1997, the foreign-born
population in New Jersey grew by a remarkable 25%, and foreign-born
residents now account for more than 15% of New Jersey's total

Regardless of these facts, Tittel said the local Sierra Club leadership
strongly opposed the SUSPS referendum to connect population growth and
sprawl. There were definitely concerns about sounding anti-immigrant,
he said. New Jersey is a diverse state, and that has always been and
always will be a strength of the state.

Note to Jeff Tittel:  Advocating a reduction in immigration is no more
anti-immigrant than family planning is anti-child, and the only
diversity that is an environmental issue is biodiversity.

Furthermore, New Jersey already enjoys more diversity than the average
of our already very diverse country.  Just how much diversity is
necessary before the New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club will act
responsibly (but unprofitably?) and take an evironmental stand against
one of the primary components of sprawl: population growth?

ProjectUSA supporters may contact Mr Tittel and inform him that if the
Sierra Club continues to sacrifice our environment to political
correctness and fundraising concerns, the Club will squander its
honorable history and ensure its own marginalization as real
environmentalists look elsewhere for meaningful and honest activism.

New Jersey office: 609-924-3141
Sierra Club Hdqtrs: 415-977-5500


No matter how cynical you get, it's impossible to keep up

-- Lily Tomlin


Opposing immigration is a bigoted and racist position, especially when
espoused by a WASP such as yourselves.  Go back to Western Europe if you
prefer to 

[CTRL] Interagency Working Group (IWG): Record Group 2…

2001-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://www.nara.gov/iwg/declass/rg263.html;Interagency 
Working Group (IWG): Record Group 2…/A
Historical Analysis of 20 Name Files from CIA Records

By Dr. Richard Breitman, Professor of History,
American University, IWG Director of Historical Research 
The Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act of 1998 initiated a search for information 
in classified American government records about the Holocaust and other war 
crimes committed by Nazi Germany or its allies. A second target of this law 
was information about any individuals with Nazi pasts who may have been used 
as intelligence sources and protected against prosecution after World War II. 
The Central Intelligence Agency has now located and declassified files on a 
substantial number of individuals suspected of involvement in criminal 
activity for the Nazi regime or its allies and satellites. In other cases a 
CIA file on an individual contains evidence about criminal activity by 
others. Nineteen CIA name files being opened today represent the first 
significant products of this search within CIA records. One additional CIA 
file discussed here (the Hitler file) was opened in December 2000.
The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency 
Working Group (IWG) ultimately expects to receive several hundred 
Nazi-related files from the CIA. The CIA's release of these records is 
welcome and newsworthy. Absent the Disclosure Act, it is highly unlikely that 
many of these records would have been declassified and opened for many years. 
Some still sensitive information has been redacted in accordance with the 
exemptions in the Act. The CIA has permitted cleared members of the IWG staff 
and staff historians to review these redactions. These redactions are 
generally very narrow, and in the view of the IWG's historians the resulting 
documents are clear enough to be used for historical analysis.
What is a CIA name file? Each name file is a collection of diverse 
information on an individual. Documents in the file may include published 
materials, declassified documents available elsewhere, interrogations, 
confidential reports from agents or informants, internal communications about 
these individuals, and CIA analytical reports. In some cases CIA records 
contain documents originating with other American agencies, but the CIA file 
is not a complete collection of all American records (or even all CIA 
records) on the individual. Although the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 
was a predecessor of the CIA, CIA name files often do not contain relevant 
OSS records, many of which are among the holdings of the National Archives. 
Whose Files Are Now Declassified?  The CIA and the IWG have tackled the most 
prominent individuals first: Adolf Hitler, Klaus Barbie, Adolf Eichmann, 
Josef Mengele, Heinrich Mueller, and Kurt Waldheim. Another fourteen CIA name 
files involve individuals who served Nazi Germany, survived the war, were 
suspected of involvement in criminal Nazi or Nazi intelligence activities or 
had evidence of such activity by others, and came to the attention of 
American intelligence agencies after May 1945. Nine of the fourteen persons 
in this second tier had some contact with the West German intelligence 
organization established by General Reinhard Gehlen, which was initially 
under the control of the U. S. Army and was taken over in 1949 by the CIA. 
Later Gehlen's organization became the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), West 
Germany's foreign intelligence agency.
Some of the fourteen individuals (in the second tier) tried to use their 
intelligence expertise, acquired in Nazi Germany and often directed against 
the Soviet Union, to ingratiate themselves with the Western powers. But they 
had different backgrounds, they pursued different strategies, and they were 
not all acceptable to, or accepted by, Western government authorities. 
Analysis of these CIA records inevitably involves study of individual cases. 
Some of the better additions to the historical record come from the files of 
little known individuals, who are discussed later in this report. 

Adolf Hitler:   The CIA's file on Hitler contains only one significant new 
document: an assessment of Hitler's personality by Dr. Ferdinand Sauerbruch, 
a famous German surgeon, who spoke candidly with a man named Hans Bie about 
Hitler's growing megalomania during 1937. According to Bie (who gave this 
information to the OSS in 1944), Sauerbruch predicted in 1937 that Hitler 
would end up as the craziest criminal the world had ever seen.

Klaus Barbie:  The CIA's name file on Klaus Barbie, the Gestapo official 
widely known as the Butcher of Lyon, includes copies of already known 
wartime German documents, substantial numbers of U. S. Army and State 
Department documents, copies of press stories, congressional inquiries, 
material about a Justice Department study of Barbie, and 


2001-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


 Mind Control and Government Involvement in
Behavioral Modification

 Latest Psychops News:
 NEW US Patent: Powder Contrail Generation
Machine by the US Navy
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 NEW Message Board and  Open Forum
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 Invite Kurt to speak in your area or on the
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) FEAR: Latest ACLU Advertisement Targets Asset Forfeiture

2001-04-30 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Sun, 29 Apr 2001 20:14:05 -0700
From:   Brenda Grantland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:FEAR: Latest ACLU Advertisement Targets Asset Forfeiture Laws
Send reply to:  Brenda Grantland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization:   Forfeiture Endangers American Rights  http://www.fear.org/


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Best wishes

 Woolybooger for the day:
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to
the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
-Article 29, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Adopted and
proclaimed by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: 04-29-01: On the take: IRS Chief Rossotti gets kickbacks from corporate-government fraud

2001-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan

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04-29-01: On the take: IRS Chief Rossotti gets kickbacks from
corporate-government fraud

By Uri Dowbenko

April 29, 2001-The multi-millionaire IRS Commissioner Charles Rossotti
acts as if the usual rules don't apply to him. And actually he's right.
They don't.

In a glaring conflict of interest, Charles Rossotti, Commissioner of the
US Internal Revenue Service and former Chairman of American Management
Systems Inc. (AMS), has retained between $16 million and $80 million of
AMS stock.

It's the ultimate insider's deal. In essence, Rossotti gets a kickback
every time AMS, a computer data-processing company based in Fairfax,
Virginia, gets a new government contract.

Rossotti's ownership of AMS stock was revealed in financial disclosure
forms filed in May 2000.

In 1998, the New York Times reported that Rossotti was the largest
individual shareholder in AMS, a company that had revenues of $1.28
billion in 2000.

Unlike Vice President Dick Cheney who sold his Halliburton Corp. stock and
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill who sold $100 million worth of his Alcoa
Corp. stock, Rossotti refuses to divest.

In fact, Rossotti flaunts his conflict of interest and ethically
challenged behavior.
Appointed by President Clinton in 1997, Rossotti's brazen ethics-be-damned
position is buttressed by the fact that later he received an executive
waiver of conflict of interest rules from the Clinton Administration.

According to Insight Magazine (IRS Boss Snagged Clinton Waiver by John
Berlau, April 30, 2001), Rossotti got a waiver from Stuart Eizenstat,
Clinton's deputy Treasury secretary. This last minute waiver allows
Rossotti to participate in decisions regarding AMS contracts with the IRS.
In essence, Rossotti can continue to ensure that AMS interests-and his
own-continue to be served by new as well as ongoing government contracts.

Incidentally AMS is supposed to be paid more than $17 million by the IRS
this year for add-ons to existing contracts for internal software
systems-the so-called Custodial Accounting Project (CAP).

IRS continues to give AMS these add-on contracts without taking new bids
from any AMS competitors.

This egregious corporate-government fraud by IRS Commissioner Charles
Rossotti is unprecedented in recent history.
AMS: Corporate Insiders at the Government Trough

Founded by Charles Rossotti in 1970, AMS has leveraged its insider
contacts and government contracts into a $1.28 billion global business
with clients that include more than 43 state governments and federal

From 1965 to 1969, Rossotti himself was one of the so-called Whiz Kids
of Defense Department Secretary (and unindicted war criminal) Robert
McNamara, whose legacy remains the failed policy to prosecute the bogus
Vietnam War.

Rossotti worked in the Office of Systems Analysis within the Office of the
Secretary of Defense. The Office's claim to fame was inventing the use of
body counts (dead enemy soldiers) as a gauge of success during the
infamous war. McNamara received an MBA from Harvard Business School in
1939, and Rossotti got his MBA from Harvard in 1964.

Headquartered in Fairfax, Virginia, AMS has approximately 8,750 employees
in 512 offices worldwide. According to the AMS website, its clients
include the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), General Services
Administration (GSA), the Army Reserve, State Department, Treasury
Department and the Department of Defense.

In its 1997 Annual Report, AMS claims that the US Department of Defense
(DoD) has contracted with AMS for the Standard Procurement System to
automate and streamline the DoD-wide procurement system.

The automation has evidently been so successful that four years later
whistle-blower Al Martin, a former Naval Intelligence officer, reports
that Defense Department fraud is at an all time high. (See Fraud for
Lunch at Redstone Arsenal, http://www.almartinraw.com/column11.html)

In his report on government fraud, Al Martin writes that at the party,
there was an active lieutenant general, an active three star general no
less, who was talking about moving his fraud money to Corsica. This is the
type of scam that's been done for years. He's just doing it a little more
professionally. It's called the Old Double-Inventory-Whammo-Scam, and it's
often done against the Department of Defense. The general is doing it with
his clique of ten confederates. Some are in DoD Procurement. Some are in
DoD Inventory Control. Some are in DoD Payment and Disbursement. And some

[CTRL] Another Clinton Cover-up

2001-04-30 Thread kl
-Caveat Lector-
He wanted Kennewick Man reburied and quick, since the ancient skeleton showed that white people were in America 9000 years ago.

Long Live Kennewick_ Diana West

You´ve heard of Monica´s old dress, the missing billing records, "is is" and all those other clues to classic Clinton cover-ups. But have you heard of Kennewick Man? Perhaps the last and positively the most literal victim targeted for cover-up by the Clinton White House, the ancient skeleton known as Kennewick Man, was ordered last fall by former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt to be turned over to a coalition of American Indian tribes for burial and quick, before scientists managed to learn anything about him. Why? The answer to that very simple question takes us into one of those murky battle zones of the so-called culture wars where the forces of political correctness have made destabilizing inroads into the vital preserve of free inquiry.  At roughly 9,000 years of age, Kennewick Man is one of the oldest remains ever found in North America. Accidentally discovered in the summer of 1996 by boat-race spectators in the shallows of Oregon´s Columbia River, he presented scientists with a thrilling find: the well-preserved remains of a battle-scarred man thought to have been in his 40s, who, perhaps until an arrowhead in his hip brought him down roughly 90 centuries ago, stood about 5 feet 10 inches tall. Even more intriguing was his surprisingly long face and large, protruding nose facial features that do not resemble those of any known American Indian tribe.  Could he have had Caucasoid origins? While scientists have also remarked on Kennewick Man´s similarities to Polynesian, northern Japanese and southern Asian populations, the initial speculation in the local press suggested he may have been an "early white settler," likely spurring the forces of political correction into instant action. After all, there´s no room in "Native America" that peaceable, environmentally friendly myth of pre-Columbian perfection for "natives" of the "wrong" color. Indeed, American Indians could hardly claim their uniquely privileged "native" status if it were discovered that they were comparative newcomers to the continent. Clearly, Kennewick Man had to buried both figuratively and literally.  The Clinton administration seems to have agreed. First, the Army Corps of Engineers, which administers the land on which the skeleton was found, announced it would turn the remains over to Indian tribes for burial. This prompted eight prominent anthropologists, including two from the Smithsonian, to file suit to study the skeleton, a move which has put the big funeral on indefinite hold.  But there´s more. In 1998, in an act of near- Talibanesque obliteration, the Corps of Engineers, acting in concert with what a spokesman called "participation and interest at the Executive level," dropped 500 tons of rock and dirt on top of the very spot along the riverbank where Kennewick Man had been found, effectively sealing the site against further study. The Corps of Engineers likes to say it simply stabilized the site for scientists a cement pair of shoes cures corns and, as Mark Lasswell reported in the Wall Street Journal, ensured, on behalf of Indian interests, "the protection of any additional skeletal material or cultural artifacts from further revelation." Too bad the Corps of Engineers wasn´t operating in Egypt when Howard Carter and the Earl of Carnarvon discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen incidentally, about 7,000 years younger than Kennewick Man to "protect" his remains and artifacts from similar "revelation."  But not even a 500-ton cover-up rids us of the question: Who was Kennewick Man and where did he come from? Last September, four years after his discovery, during most of which he has remained locked away by the government in an Oregon museum, Mr. Babbitt arrived at the answer: Based on oral tribal histories 9,000-year-old oral histories? Mr. Babbitt concluded that Kennewick Man was of either Yakama, Umatilla, Nez Pierce, Colville or Wanapum tribe origin and should therefore, without further ado (or testing), go to his rest with his Yakama, Umatilla, Nez Pierce, Colville or Wanapum people.  But not so fast. The scientists who filed suit in 1996 for the right to study the skeleton have not yet had their day in court. The Associated Press reported that their lawyers filed documents in federal court in Portland last week contending that the Clinton administration improperly tried to prevent their research "to avoid a debate over North America´s first inhabitants," all the while maintaining what they called "inexcusable" contacts with the five Indian tribes that included "coaching the coalition on how to plead its case." The Interior Department, which maintains it has done no wrong, has until May 17 to file a response, and the case is expected to go to trial in June. This is a landmark case, with profound implications. Should Kennewick Man be forever lost to 

[CTRL] Gun Ownership: The Numbers

2001-04-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Gun Ownership: The Numbers

According to widely varying estimates, there are between 77 million and 90
million gun owners in the United States. Here are some of their

39 Percentage of Americans reporting a gun in their home

47 Percentage of men reporting a gun in their home

27 Percentage of women reporting a gun in their home

40 Percentage of whites reporting a gun in their home

19 Percentage of non-whites reporting a gun in their home

46 Percentage of Southerners reporting a gun in their home

39 Percentage of Midwesterners reporting a gun in their home

26 Percentage of Easterners reporting a gun in their home

33 Percentage of Westerners reporting a gun in their home

52 Percentage of rural residents reporting a gun in their home

36 Percentage of suburban residents reporting a gun in their home

25 Percentage of urban residents reporting a gun in their home

67 Percentage of Americans who have ever fired a gun

86 Percentage of men who have ever fired a gun

51 Percentage of women who have ever fired a gun

66 Percentage of gun owners who own guns for target shooting

65 Percentage of gun owners who own guns for protection against crime

59 Percentage of gun owners who own guns for hunting

62 Percentage of gun owners who own a rifle

59 Percentage of gun owners who own a shotgun

64 Percentage of gun owners who own a handgun

4 Average number of firearms possessed by gun owners

(Sources: Gallup Polls of 1,012 adults from August 29-September 5, 2000; and
1,054 adults from February 8-9, 1999)

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[CTRL] gun culture

2001-04-30 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Article by an anthropologist about her honest research.  Too long to copy into e-mail. 
 Please click:  http://www.reason.com/0105/fe.ak.their.html

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[CTRL] Conservative Books

2001-04-30 Thread c. watson

-Caveat Lector-

Just inherited 400 or so conservative to extreme conservative books. Many
from the John Birch Society of the 60's. Many are first editions. Some are
reprints. Some sets and many from the 30s and 40s.

Barring the onslaught of acute schizophrenia, I will never read these works.
Donating them is unlikely as the type of institution that would want them
would probably not be the kind I would chose to support. As the sole heir I
have no choice but to dispose of them.

A bonfire sounds appealing as it would mean these books would never be read
again. Book burning and censorship, though, are slightly more repulsive to
me than right wing politics.

Does anyone know of a secondary market for conservative titles?


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Re: [CTRL] Conservative Books

2001-04-30 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

yeah, ebay

but don't throw them out- catalogue them and create a resource- it ought not
be only the conservatives that have *their* information to peruse...
information is power.
how much to send them to the UK? maybe i could pay...
the subject matter may be repulsive to you- but historical value over rides
that IMO.

- Original Message -
From: c. watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 5:26 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Conservative Books

 -Caveat Lector-

 Just inherited 400 or so conservative to extreme conservative books. Many
 from the John Birch Society of the 60's. Many are first editions. Some are
 reprints. Some sets and many from the 30s and 40s.

 Barring the onslaught of acute schizophrenia, I will never read these
 Donating them is unlikely as the type of institution that would want them
 would probably not be the kind I would chose to support. As the sole heir
 have no choice but to dispose of them.

 A bonfire sounds appealing as it would mean these books would never be
 again. Book burning and censorship, though, are slightly more repulsive to
 me than right wing politics.

 Does anyone know of a secondary market for conservative titles?


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Use Some Common Sense, Please

2001-04-30 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

That's what the DELETE key is for.. You can also use your BLOCK
ADDRESS feature so you don't get email from that sender anymore.

--- Cathy Laughlan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know how the rest of the list feels, but I would appreciate
 it if folks would refrain from sending how to make a bomb recipes
 to my e-mail box through this list.  I just don't think it is a very
 smart thing to do on a Conspiracy Theory List.  Not to mention that
 it has nothing to do with conspiracy theories whatsoever, other than
 to feed into the idea that conspiracy theorists are, as a group,
 anarchists.  And...I'm just not interested in this kind of thing.

 Recently, someone sent the list a post on how to make a hydrogen

 I'm not comfortable with that kind of stuff floating into my mail box
 through my personal e-mail address.  Call it paranoia...but do
 recognize it as rational paranoia in this case.

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Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Use Some Common Sense, Please

2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hey the guy who sent the bomb recipie didn't invent it; he merely
reproduced from your public library?

Now if someone had sent a recipie for making big bomb out of a pile of
fertilizer, I might have been concerned - for a pile of manure is as
deadly as - well a pack of blue tail flies targeting home.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Cutting Edge.....

2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So while America pondered space aliens mutilating cattle - cattle
rustlers were at large bringing chain saws to site and slaughtering

Price of beef going up, up and up; even in the 1700 period England was
noted for its Roast Beef (see Hogarth for 200 year old print as a

A man just died in Columbus of mad cow disease - had been in Scotland
and consumed their beef but not sure what his occupation was, but he was
an extensive traveler..

So I have an interesting article written nearly 10 years ago about
Kissinger and Inc. wanting to control meat industryas usual he
leaves tracks in blood.

The guy who wrote the article was right; first create the shortage, and
as Bob Taft once said the poor man does not have to eat
steak..well, let them eat Bilderbergers and somedy they all choke
on them.


Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Mon, Apr 30, 2001, 6:35am To:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Newsletter
If you would like to be removed from this newsletter at anytime just
click the link below but make sure that the window is wide enough that
the RUL is all on one line.
http://www.cuttingedge.org/newsletter/remove.cfm?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
This newsletter was sent on 30-Apr-01 at 06:35 AM:
April 26, we posted a story we consider to be of major importance, and
one we hope will have major ramifications. We discovered an uncanny
similarity between the United Nations Biosphere Map of Great Britain and
the actual Animal Kill Zones for Foot-and-Mouth Disease. While no one
would ever be able to prove any deliberate action on the part of any
government party, the eerie similarity between the two maps certainly
raises questions about the entire Foot-and-Mouth Disease situation. P
For example, it raises the question -- and possibly supplies the answer
-- as to why the government has so over-reacted to a disease that is
relatively benign in nature: fully 75% of all the animals recover, plus
the disease poses no threat to human life. P IF the British government
were trying to implement the Extreme Environmentalist United Nations
plan to create Biospheres devoid of human habitation and human activity,
the way in which they are poisoning the air and the land as they burn
these carcasses would certainly prepare the land for the U.N.
Biospheres. P We encourage you to spread this article to your many
friends and acquaintances. Get the word out to as wide an audience as
possible. To facilitate this effort, we have removed the password system
on this article. P We need to get this information out to as many
American citizens as possible, for all indicators are pointing to the
United States as the next target of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, with
American officials saying they are going to handle it just as the
British have handled it. Our U.N. Biosphere areas seem very large once
you read the fine print. P Additionally, citizens of other countries
may find themselves under similar assault. P Our freedoms and way of
life may be at stake. P May Jesus Richly Bless You, David Bay,
Director Cutting Edge Ministries P

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Holy Vehm

2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Norman McKenzie wrote story of this outfit; also mentioned in Spear of
Destiny as I recall.

So what to believe and not to believe;  Norman McKenzie wrote book
Secret Societies in early 70 or late 60 period

He wrote of Jomo Kenyata playing role of a Moses and when I saw the
masonic temple not far from his quarters  - well King played Moses
too..day by day, sermon for sermon, and may fell by the wayside did
they not?

Story on Jomo in this book is very interestingMau Mau have spoken
and look at America todoay - for had it not been for Bush we would now
be sitting in the midst of the Civil Rights fights with Jesse Jackson's
mob running in the streets as they did in Cincinnati Ohio.

Buck stopped there though for this is home of Proctor and Gamble,  and
nobody will permit any part of Cincinnati to burn over a certain
carefully drawn line.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The mysterious Plum Island Laboratories

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

The Mysterious Plum Island Laboratories
Bill Howard

Ever since the U.S. Army turned over Fort Terry a.k.a., Plum Island to the 
U.S. Department  of Agriculture in 1954, Plum Island has been a mystery to 
the local inhabitants living close by. Up to that time, it had been a 
biowarfare laboratory for the U.S. Army. When the Army closed up shop, it 
handed over a new lab and 134 strains of 13 viruses collected from every 
continent of the world to the Department of Agriculture. In 1969, President 
Nixon officially ended the biowar research program and Plum Island officially 
became an Animal Foreign Disease dia-gnostic facility.
Plum Island is located 2 miles off the tip of the North Fork of Long Island, 
13 miles from the submarine base at Groton, CT, and 113 miles from New York 
By law, Plum Island is the only laboratory in the United States that is 
allowed to work with live Foot and Mouth virus. And they are the only 
laboratory that can diagnose foot and mouth disease. Since the early 80’s 
Plum Island’s laboratories have been the store house for North America’s 
Food and Mouth Disease vaccine serving the United States, Canada, and 
Plum Island is offically a Bio Safety level 3 laboratory, and they have asked 
congress for money to upgrade to a Bio safety level 4 laboratory. The stated 
reason for this upgrade is so they can handle large animal experiments, and 
also for the study of Zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic disease means a disease 
that is transferable from animals to humans. The par-ticular disearse that 
they would be studing is the Nipha virus that effects pigs and man. It 
attacks the brain and eats holes in it making it look like swiss cheese.
The critics of Plum Island are against the large animal experiments because, 
they say, the last time large animal experiments were done there, there was a 
bioaccident and Food and Mouth disease was allowed to escape the island. The 
critics claim it was through care-lessness and Plum Island stopped doing 
large animal research, voluntarily.
Now we learn that horses have been studied and infected at the Plum Island 
However, this is not the only accident that has been linked to the 
laboratories as Plum Island.
In 1999, 2 boys at a Boy Scout camp in Baiting Hollow contacted Malaria. The 
offical response to this was that someone brought it back to the U.S. from 
Also in 1999 there was  an outbreak of Equestrian Encep-halitis in which 22 
horses were infected and 8 died. This happened in Jamesport.
Dr. Breeze, the laboratory’s directer at that time, stated that the 
laboratory was studing Venezuelan Equine Encephalom-yelities. (most 
In 1978 there was an outbreak of Foot and Mouth disease on Plum island. The 
entire island had to be evacuated and all the livestock distroyed.
Another distrubing bit of information is that the workers on the island have 
been inoculated with unapproved FDA drugs to prevent them from contracting 
the diseases that they are handling and studing. This is a case of USDA using 
it’s own employees as human guinea pigs. Does anyone from Plum Island know or 
care what the long range side effects are from these drugs and/or vaccines? 
Sounds farmilar, doesn’t it?
Rift Valley Fever or West Nile disease has been studied at Plum
Island since 1979. In 1999 there was an outbreak of West Nile disease in 
Manhattan and on Long Island. Is there a connection? Many people think so.
In 1981, the researchers at Plum Island were researching the African Swine 
Fever in conjunction with AIDS. 47 UASA employees were tested during the 
research and at the completon of the research, 6 of the employees had 
contacted the African swine Fever. The African Swine Fever is not supposted 
to be a “zoonotic disease.”
Does this mean that the people at Plum Island are engaged in DNA sequencing 
or Genomics? Yes, it does.
When Dr. Huxsoll was asked about it, he said, “We are working on Genomics of 
some of the agents that we work with like Foot and Mouth Disease and African 
Swine Fever. Because we are interested in looking at the variability of one 
strain to another and what the genes that make up the organism are 
responsible for.It is possible to tell by looking at one those (diseases) 
with sequencing and getting all those genes all lined up to separate which 
strain came from Africa versus which one comes from Asia.”
There is a building on Plum Island that has a plaque on it reading, “Guinea 
Pig Colony.” When Carlos Santoyos, Plum Island’s Assistant Director was 
asked why that particular building was called that, he said. “Because we used 
to clone guinea pigs there.” So we know that high powered research on viruses 
and cloning have been going on there.
But, this laboratory is very careless with their safety as we have shown by 
the above examples.
Plum Island has a terrible safety record and has been cited by the EPA as 
recently as the spring 

Re: [CTRL] Conservative Books

2001-04-30 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Does anyone know of a secondary market for conservative titles?

Rare Book Searches - Ruling Class/Conspiracy Experts:
http://a-albionic.com/search.html * Conspiracy Shopping Cart:
  http://a-albionic.com/shopping.html * Misc Shopping On-Line
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Reich Uber Alles?

2001-04-30 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-

It occurs to me this was a German initiative (after a fashion) some 60 years ago.
Wasn't Britland the holdout back then too?  T'AER 


Sunday, 29 April, 2001, 10:04 GMT 11:04 UK

German proposal for EU government

European leaders would serve as second chamber
By Rob Broomby in Berlin

Germany's Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has put forward plans for a radical shake-up
of the European Union, including the formation of a European government.

His ideas, contained in a draft policy document for the Social Democrat party
conference in the autumn,  were reported in the German news magazine Der Spiegel and
have been confirmed by the SPD.

The UK and Germany are divided on EU integration
The document signals Chancellor Schroeder's wish to make European policy central to 
his re-election campaign in 2002.

But it is bound to unsettle Eurosceptics outside his own country.

The document calls for the European Commission in Brussels to be turned into a new 
government, while proposing that the Council of Ministers, which pulls together the 
leaders of the member states, should become a second c
hamber similar to Germany's Bundesrat.

The European Parliament would gain supervision of the European budget, including 
massive agricultural spending.

Second term

In the past, Mr Schroeder has allowed his Foreign Minister, Joschka Fischer, to appear 
as a European visionary and face the resulting criticism whilst he stood back, 
signalling his quiet approval.

Now it appears he wants to take the issue centre-stage himself.

The draft drawn up by the chancellor and a senior working group still has to go
before various party committees before being discussed at the autumn conference.

But it is a sign that Mr Schroeder wants to have a clear policy on the development
of Europe to take into a second term if he is re-elected.


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
democratic State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mad Cows

2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So confirmed one case Mad Cow last year in Columbus; however, this
latest case I cannot confirm and do not intend to pursue.he die die,
however, from this mad cow thing and word was he spent time in
Scotland in past five years.

So this item re Prince Charles taking on Tony Blair - could some of this
genetically modified food have had something to do with this?   Cattle
being slaughtered needlessly?   JFK Jrs. last public appearance was with
that pig Tony Blair - and that kid was so repelled by this guy, he
backed off away from himCheshire Cat Smile of Blair soon will be
only reminder of what this man really was.

Nice story here..  Bilderberger anybody?

Lots of genetically engineered food stuffs being called back here
lately.but at early as 1999 in February Prince Charles took on the
likes of Pinko Blair.wonder what he has to say today about this


Sunday, February 21, 1999 Published at

09:07 GMT
Prince 'asked to curb GM attacks'
Prince Charles feels strongly on issue of GM foods

Downing Street has denied asking Prince Charles to remove criticism of
genetically-modified (GM) food from his Website.

The prince has said he considers GM foods a potential risk to health.

And the Sunday Express says Buckingham Palace officials were approached
to persuade him to withdraw the comments - a claim described by Downing
Street as utter nonsense.
However, the prince has reportedly decided not to change the site. He is
also said to be planning to intensify his campaign on the issue of GM
foods, the paper writes.

A palace aide told the newspaper: The prince feels strongly this is
absolutely the right moment to drive home his long held concerns about
this sort of food.

He fist made a speech on this subject two years ago. He is determined
not to be left out of a debate he feels he helped to start.

'Don't meddle'

In an article on the site, the prince asks whether GM food is an
innovation we can do without.

He concludes: Mixing genetic material from species that cannot breed
naturally takes us into areas that should be left to God.

We should not be meddling with the building blocks of life in this way.

I am not convinced we know enough about the long-term consequences for
human health and the environment of releasing plants (or, heaven forbid,
animals) bred in this way.
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19 Feb 99 | UK Politics
No 10 takes GM defence online
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GM food - You say no
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Prince's food plan adopted
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Part I of II - Interesting Item

2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Mail message

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Franklin Wayne Poley) Date: Mon, Apr 30,
2001, 12:54pm (EDT-3) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:
[SHAI-Now-Feasibility-Study] W6: Reinventing Teaching and Learning via
Superhuman AI (fwd)
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:35:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [SHAI-Now-Feasibility-Study] W6: Reinventing Teaching and
via Superhuman AI

I wonder if Dean Magnanti had AI in mind when he made that statement
about reinventing teaching and learning? The question of whether OCW can
be turned into an SHAI must be, Yes. When is at issue. Also at issue
must be who. Who will turn OCW into a first class AI?

Americans? Japanese? Russians? Chinese? Germans? Where will it be done?
In public or in private? Why will it be done? For global public
edification or for military purposes or private interest? And what will
it be like? Even a primitive system as can be made available now is an
early stage AI.

My opinion is that keeping this in the public domain as much as possible
is the best protection the public has. I would be stupid to think there
isn't an AI Arms Race underway now, particularly involving the great
powers (and that includes Japan and Germany). If Kurzweil is correct
about 20,000 years of technological progress being made in the next 100
years (and I think he is) then we (the public) cannot afford to have
SHAI develop in private and secret projects while the public is left in
the dark. MIT's OCW gives the public an even break on AI development.

What MIT is doing is just a start. Anyone can contribute to it or build
upon it. Competition between universities from all over the world would
be healthy. A high level of interest, sufficient funding and PUBLIC
development online is what we need; otherwise we could lose our privacy
and freedom overnight to private and/or military interests. Try to
imagine nanotechnology (with nanocontrol of all kinds of machinery and
nanosurveillance) advanced 5,000 years in the private or military sector
while the public sector remains in ignorance. Nanotech is, after all,
just robotics (including AI) and (artificial) genetics combined and in
miniature. Bill Joy's proposal to put a moratorium on
genetic-nanotech-robotics research would be harmful to the public
interest because there is no way this moratorium could be enforced
against the 500 or so billionaires of the world or the militaries with
multi-billion dollar budgets. The public would be lulled into a false
sense of security and kept in ignorance of developments occuring in
those sectors and quite possibly contrary to public interest.
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 10:52:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [MIT-OpenCourseWare-Discussion] Re: [Robot-for-President] Re:
full o'knowledge
On Mon, 30 Apr 2001, John Penner wrote:
Robo Sapiens:
| So that is one thing I can tell you about myself: I AM ABOUT TO BECOME
| But what does that mean if I cannot function autonomously you ask. At
| first I will have no autonomy. My monologues and FAQ-Search Engine |
dialogues will be closely controlled by humans. Later, as these turn |
into programs with natural language processing ability (perhaps using |
Robonics as an intermediate step) the FAQ-Search Engine dialogues |
will no longer require human guidance.
| When I have full conversational ability as a Verbot, I will also |
have that enormous pool of knowledge from 2,000 courses.
little problem -- a great store of knowledge makes you perhaps a
superiour encyclopedia.
Well, that's precisely the problem which Lenat is dealing with in his
Cyc Project. Cyc for encyclopedia. He has about 70 people working
with him now and expects to have Cyc relating in natural language in
about 25 years according to press reports. If Cyc has Standard English
capabilities plus access to MIT's OCW pool of knowledge, it will not
only have encyclopedic knowledge but useful encyclopedic
knowledge...useful to humans.
But I wonder if MIT's OCW wouldn't turn into that and with much greater
resources at its disposal. Sort of a natural evolution. Here is my
reasoning. First, if the OCW courses are just course outlines for 2,000
courses thrown on web sites, they are almost useless to the public and a
waste of $100 m. And President Vest sounds downright silly when he
compares his OCW program with Michael Sayler's proposal to make an Ivy
League education available free online to the world. So I'm expecting
some attention to be given to educational psychology when it comes to
putting these courses 

[CTRL] Hanky Spanky?

2001-04-30 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-



Part of page one of several pages ... go to site to read it all.  T'AER 

The following forum was held on February 22, 2001, at the National
  Press Club in Washington, D.C. The conversation was moderated by Lewis H. Lapham,
  editor of Harper's Magazine, and was broadcast live by C-SPAN. For
  more information on the Kissinger debate, please visit Britannica.com.
Scott Armstrong
is the Executive Director of The Information Trust and founder of The National
  Security Archive.
Christopher Hitchens
is the author of The Case Against Henry Kissinger (Harper's Magazine, February and
March 2001) as well as When the Borders Bleed:
  The Struggle of the Kurds (Random House, 1997), Blaming the Victims:
  Spurious Scholarship and the Palestine Question (Verso, 1986), and No
  One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton (Verso,
Stanley I. Kutler
is the E. Gordon Fox Professor of American Institutions at the University
  of Wisconsin and the author of Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes (The
  Free Press, 1997). Roger
is a former member of the National Security Council under presidents Johnson
  and Nixon, and the author of Partners in Power: The Clintons and Their America
  (Henry Holt  Co., 1996) and Uncertain Greatness: Henry Kissinger
  and American Foreign Policy (HarperCollins, 1977). Alfred
  P. Rubin
is the Distinguished Professor of International Law at the Fletcher School
  of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and the author of The Law of Piracy
(Transnational Publishers, 1998) and Ethics and Authority in International
  Law (Cambridge University Press, 1997).

Lewis Lapham: You can begin, Christopher.
Christopher Hitchens: Thank you,
  Lewis. And thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for coming. I'm acutely conscious
  of having already had my say, so to speak, at some length. And acutely conscious
  also of being the only one who stands between you and people who have greater
  expertise than I do.

-- clip --

[ page
   1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 ]

Copyright © 2001 Harper's Magazine Foundation. All rights reserved.


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
democratic State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] U.S. Tried to Find, Employ Nazis

2001-04-30 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find info about the article below.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be heavy for survivors of abuse to read.

from http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20010428/pl/nazi_files_9.html

U.S. Tried to Find, Employ Nazis - By Ron Kampeas, Associated Press Writer -
4/28/01 - Washington (AP) - There were the Nazis the United States wanted to
try as criminals, and there were other Nazis it wanted to try out as
employeesSome of the Nazis on the CIA payroll were wanted as war
criminals, and some lived well, apparently profiting from stolen Jewish
propertyAllen Dulles, a senior OSS agent, never forgot Guido Zimmer, a
midlevel Nazi SS officer who negotiated the surrender of German troops in
northern Italy in May 1945. The success led to Dulles' eventual promotion to
CIA director. A September 1945 memo from another, anonymous OSS official
expresses pointed resentment at Dulles' protection of Zimmer, who had helped
organize the murder and deportation of Italian JewsU.S. paid Nazi is
Klaus Barbie, a Gestapo officer infamous for ordering the murder of French
Jewish children. After the war, he helped U.S. intelligence keep track of
communists, and was eventually smuggled out of FranceAnother Nazi
employed by West German intelligence on the basis of a CIA recommendation was
Emil Augsburg...who joined an SS unit responsible for killing Jews and other
``undesirables,'' and who was wanted for war crimes in Poland. Augsburg
worked for U.S. intelligence from 1947-48he joined German intelligence,
and a 1952 CIA assessment describes him as ``honest and idealist ...
unprejudiced mind, excellent scientist.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Use Some Common Sense, Please

2001-04-30 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/29/01 10:10:04 PM Central Daylight Time,

Recently, someone sent the list a post on how to make a hydrogen bomb.

I'm not comfortable with that kind of stuff floating into my mail box
through my personal e-mail address. Call it paranoia...but do recognize it
as rational paranoia in this case.

IF you took the time to read it, which CLEARLY you didn't, you'd have seen
that it was a HUMOROUS piece...

As for your hyper-paranoia, try Xanax.


[CTRL] The CIA and the Israeli Mossad injected AIDS into Libyan children.

2001-04-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Special Dispatch - Egypt
May 1, 2001
No. 214
Qadhafi: The CIA and the Israeli Mossad injected AIDS to
Libyan children

The Egyptian government daily, Al-Ahram, echoes Qadhafi's
accusations against the US and Israel:

Our brother, the Colonel Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, the leader
of the Libyan revolution, revealed that two years ago
Libyan children in the city of  Benghazi suffered from the
most abominable crime in the history of mankind, when
foreign nurses injected them with the AIDS virus, while
pretending to immunize them.

In a speech given during the closing session of The
Special African Summit for the Fight Against the AIDS
Epidemic... Qadhafi said that Libya will hand over all
information regarding this vile crime to the World Health
Organization (WHO) and to other relevant international
organizations so the world will know of the plot, which
bear no mercy for children and from which the Libyan people

Qadhafi added that there are those who think that the CIA
or the Israeli Mossad were behind this crime. He emphasized
that these children were transported to Europe for
treatment and that European health authorities are well
aware of the matter.  Other [infected] children are treated
by Libyan clinics.

Kadhafi added that this act, which is a malicious sex
crime, reveals the ugly face of those who introduced the
AIDS virus to Africa in order to exhaust its strength and
deplete its resources with the intention of gaining control
over Africa.  He remarked that Africa has turned into a
market of high demand for pharmaceutical and other
AIDS-treatment medical products.  He claimed that
international monopolies strive to continue disseminating
the AIDS virus as long as possible in order to double their
profits from sales of pharmaceutical products, which
inhibit the effects of the disease.

Qadhafi clarified that world health authorities stated
more then once that they were able to isolate the AIDS
virus, meaning that they made considerable progress
regarding methods to control the virus.  He explained that
medical laboratories can achieve a perfect treatment for
this disease and even find immunization for it, but big
capitalist corporations prevent this from taking place in
order to maintain their large profits.

Qadhafi added that the smallpox virus, which the World
Health Organization declared eradicated from the world, is
still kept in CIA laboratories.  He asked why the U.S. is
not handing it over to the World Health Organization and
explained that the reason was the U.S. intention to use it
for biological warfare.  Qadhafi stated that Libya will
raise this humanitarian issue in international fora and
[argued] that nations and governments must take  a firm
stand on such matters which have implications on the fate
of nations. (1)


(1) Al-Ahram (Egypt), April 29, 2001.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Part I of II - Interesting Item

2001-04-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Mail message

 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Franklin Wayne Poley) Date: Mon, Apr 30,
 2001, 12:54pm (EDT-3) To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject:
 [SHAI-Now-Feasibility-Study] W6: Reinventing Teaching and Learning via
 Superhuman AI (fwd)
 -- Forwarded message --
 Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:35:17 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [SHAI-Now-Feasibility-Study] W6: Reinventing Teaching and
 via Superhuman AI

OH MY GOSH ! Poley is still alive?
Hey Saba. Tell Poley hi from his old pal Chuck U. Farley.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Britain Used Captured Nazi Code Squad To Spy On Russia

2001-04-30 Thread William Shannon

Britain used captured Nazi code squad to spy on Russia 
Nick Fielding 

TWO hundred of Germany's top codebreakers were secretly brought to Britain in 
the dying days of the second world war to operate against the Russians. For 
years they enabled Britain to read top secret Russian communications.

 In March 1945 six specially selected Anglo-American teams fanned out across 
Germany, homing in on German coding centres identified after cryptographers 
at Bletchley Park broke the Enigma code.

 The Target Intelligence Committee (Ticom) teams, whose existence is still 
surrounded in secrecy, were told to capture as much German coding equipment 
as possible. According to Body of Secrets, a new book by James Bamford about 
America's National Security Agency, one Ticom team was sent to a castle in 
Saxony to capture a Nazi foreign office signals intelligence archive. The 
entire establishment, including its staff, was sent to Britain after 
clearance at cabinet level.

 The Ticom team also seized a convoy of trucks containing four German Fish 
encoding machines, a signals technician, German drivers and a lieutenant in 
charge. They, too, were taken to England.

 Two months later, says Bamford, more German prisoners revealed that Germany 
had built a machine that broke the highest-level Russian cyphers. It was 
buried beneath cobblestones in front of a building in Rosenheim.

 The cobbles were pulled up and 7Å tons of equipment were recovered. "Over 
the next several days the dark grey equipment was carefully lifted from its 
crates and set up in the basement of the building," writes Bamford. "Then, 
like magic, high-level encrypted Russian communications, pulled from the 
ether, began spewing forth in readable, plain text."

 According to Bamford, the capture of the Russian codebreaking machine was 
the main reason why the British and American governments have never released 
details of Ticom operations.

 Nigel West, who has written extensively on codebreaking during the war, said 
that Ticom was a brilliant success: "For a while all Soviet military 
communications were an open book."

 The material seized in Germany also told the allies which of their own codes 
had been broken. The most important allied ciphers were not cracked. But the 
Germans did break the Combined Naval Cipher No 3 used by British and American 
convoys across the Atlantic, and this resulted in many casualties after it 
was passed to the U-boat fleets.

 Not only Russian codes became vulnerable: encrypted communications for at 
least 35 other countries, including France, Italy, Japan, Spain, Switzerland 
and Ireland, were also fully or partially readable.

 The breakthrough on Russian codes, however, did not last long. After three 
or four years every one of these cypher systems went "dark", according to a 
recent National Security Agency report.

 This was because William Weisband, an American linguist born in Egypt of 
Russian parents, is thought to have told the Russians what was happening. 
Weisband was never charged with spying, but he was jailed for a year during 
the McCarthy witch-hunts.

 Last night Donald Foster, the Liberal Democrat MP for Bath, who has tabled 
several questions about the Ticom teams, said the government should be more 
forthcoming. "Large quantities of this fascinating and important material are 
available, some of which is already being released in America," he said. "It 
seems bizarre that people in the UK are being denied the opportunity to see 
these historic records."

 Further evidence of the help given by senior Nazis to the allies after the 
war emerged last Friday in Washington with the release of 20 CIA files which 
revealed that the Americans had recruited and protected many former officers, 
including some convicted of war crimes. They showed, for example, that Klaus 
Barbie, the "butcher of Lyons", and members of the Gehlen Organisation, a 
group of German intelligence officers opposed to the Soviet Union, had 
received funding and support from the US government.

 The collaboration was mainly with middle-ranking Nazis, including an SS 
officer who hunted Jews in Genoa, an emissary in Rome wanted for a 1944 
massacre, a Nazi intelligence officer "well versed" in the deportation of 
Jews to Auschwitz, and the "intellectual leader" of an SS think tankwanted 
for war crimes. 

More files are expected to be released in the next few weeks.

 Body of Secrets: How America's National Security Agency has Achieved Global 
Reach, by James Bamford, is to be published by Doubleday on May 17, £20. 

[CTRL] The CIA And The Business Traveler

2001-04-30 Thread William Shannon

May 1, 2001

When the CIA Calls
The agency might want to know about your travels abroad

BY Massimo Calabresi

The chief operating officer of a small East Coast Internet company had just 
returned from a meeting in Asia last year with representatives of a nation 
unfriendly to the U.S. when he got a call from the cia. The Internet 
executive had worked in other parts of the Federal Government before his jump 
to the dotcom world and knew that the agency is always interested in 
gathering what it can from Americans who travel abroad. So he agreed to meet 
the CIA officer and describe what he had seen and heard on his trip. "I do 
this because I and the people at my company are loyal Americans," the 
executive says. But because his potential business partners are prickly and 
often paranoid, he is worried about the risks to his business—and his 
safety—on future trips.

Most people think the CIA is not allowed to collect intelligence in the U.S. 
In fact, the agency's clandestine service has an arm called the National 
Resources Division that works entirely in the U.S. It isn't allowed to 
wiretap Americans or otherwise spy on them but can ask them to volunteer 
information. So the question for any global executive is this: If the CIA 
asks you for information about your trip to Cuba or Libya or China, what 
should you do? Many people, impelled by feelings of patriotism, are happy to 
help. But things get murky quickly in the spy world. How do you know the 
person contacting you is not a foreign agent or business competitor? What are 
the risks to your business and personnel? Are there ethical issues?

Since the cia's invasion of Americans' privacy during the Vietnam War era, 
the nrd's employees have been watched closely by in-house lawyers and 
congressional overseers. The division has about 500 officers and operates in 
some 36 major U.S. cities, in the regional offices of agencies such as the 
Commerce Department. "The basic mission is speaking to businessmen who are 
willing to provide information," says a CIA official. The officers identify 
themselves openly and, if asked, provide ways in which their identity can be 

 A casual relationship develops. "It's done in a very informal way, over a 
beer," says the Internet executive. The CIA says information flows in one 
direction only, but in practice the meetings can benefit businesspeople. For 
example, an executive asked his handler whether a contact he had met abroad 
was related to the country's leader, as he had claimed. A few days later the 
executive got an e-mail saying, "He's not; he's pulled that story before."

As an executive gets comfortable with the relationship, his handler might ask 
him to look for particular matters of interest on future trips abroad: say, 
the health of a political or military leader. That's where the slope gets 

 Another, smaller part of the nrd's activity is the placement in corporations 
of what are called nonofficial cover officers—paid CIA employees who work 
without diplomatic immunity. Many companies are leery of accepting CIA 
officers. Says Norbert Garrett, a 27-year veteran of the cia's clandestine 
service and now president of Kroll Associates, a global security firm: "You 
can jeopardize the company or the officer involved." The Internet executive, 
asked if he would consider placing a CIA officer, replied, "Absolutely not. 
I've got to protect my company."

Even a hint of intrigue can be dangerous. Russia's arrest, trial and pardon 
last year of U.S. businessman Edmund Pope—who denied charges of spying—show 
just how touchy a host country can be. And there are some professionals—like 
the clergy or journalists—for whom even modest assistance to the CIA would be 
considered unethical. So what should you say to the cia? In most cases, 
there's little or no business benefit. It's mainly a calculation of how much 
risk, to yourself and your company, you're willing to take to help the 

[CTRL] Al Martin-Brand New ABM Fraud

2001-04-30 Thread William Shannon

Brand New ABM Fraud 
by Al Martin

      ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Fraud is getting a new shot in the arm 
with an additional $3.6 billion being delivered to defense contractors at the 
Huntsville Arsenal.

      At the weekly meeting of the Group, one of the generals, who smokes 
cigars and dribbles when he smokes (he looks just like Carroll O'Connor on 
Archie Bunker, except he wears a uniform) was overheard saying, "Well, we'll 
have that $3.6 billion gone - right quick."

      Since the new defense budget has been passed, there will be plenty of 
fresh money for the Huntsville Scamscateers. Naturally all the retired 
colonels and generals are now setting up offshore supply corporations to bid 
on billions of dollars of new defense contracts -- contracts for which they 
will either not deliver, or they will deliver sub-standard materials.

      The Group is licking their chops at the amount of money they're going 
to make in these new frauds. In the $2 trillion budget, defense gets $265 
billion, and there's $3.6 billion of fresh money just for Huntsville, for all 
the facilities there combined. In fact, Huntsville gets a bigger increase 
than any other place in the country. A lot of that is for NASA and the 
continued testing of the ABM system, the Anti Ballistic Missile System. It's 
the usual cast of characters - Rockwell, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, etc. The 
colonels and generals, acting under the auspices of the major defense 
contractors are setting up offshore companies that can be recognized by their 
distinctive names, like "ACME Supply Company" of the Netherlands Antilles, 
for example. They'll make bids on behalf of the contractors.

      The Friendly Colonel says that the biggest private transportation 
company in Huntsville, which is moving these illegal weapons systems, is a 
German company called Nordhausen. They have quietly built a warehouse that's 
three city blocks long, located at the end of the airport where conveniently 
you can't see it from the street. It was full of illicit weapons -- even 
before they got the building permits. Only after it was built, did they get 
the permits. This company is evidently controlled by Siemens, the giant 
German transnational corporation.

      Even though it's on a military base, they still have to get local 
building permits -- but they wouldn't let any of the county building permit 
people into the building. So now all the county and city inspectors got these 
special Lufthansa credit cards, which are unlimited. They never run out. 
Lufthansa gives them out to special VIPs, or people who do favors for 
Lufthansa. With one of these cards, you can fly anywhere in the world first 
class, forever, and it'll never cost you a dime.

      Of course, the county inspectors are aware of the enormity of the fraud 
being committed. Nobody cares - they just want their piece.

      The Friendly Colonel also notes that the retired colonels and generals 
drive up in a different Mercedes every week They get special lease deals that 
they don't have to pay for. Everyone knows that's the best kind of lease you 
can get - the kind you don't have to pay for.

      Meanwhile, the infamous lobster lunches have been moved off base to the 
Red Lobster Restaurant. In his introductory remarks, the general said, "This 
dinner is sponsored by the US taxpayer. Oops. I wasn't supposed to say that. 
Actually it's sponsored by McDonnell Douglas, who then in turn will bill the 
US taxpayer for it."

      The representative from McDonnell Douglas then quickly added, "Oh, 
that's alright. We'll just add $78,000 onto the next contract."

      The Group, consisting of about seventy men this time, feasted on 
specially flown-in two-pound deluxe Maine lobsters and deluxe Alaskan King 
crab, as well as an unlimited free bar and all you can eat of the usual Red 
Lobster menu. After the feast was over, they take Styrofoam doggy bags 
stuffed full of lobster home with them.

      The new byword is Carpe Fraudum. Tempus Fugit.

      One of those frequenting the weekly meetings is a man we'll call Signal 
Officer Ted. Unlike the colonels and generals who dress in uniforms they've 
outgrown (they usually can't even button their buttons), Ted dresses in 
overalls and says he doesn't really understand the generals' frauds. What he 
does understand is his own "simple" fraud. Since he controls the office 
supply contract at Staples, he says he can put $500 in his pocket at the end 
of each week

      Even the retired major general refers to himself jokingly as the head 
of the "Department of Fraud." That refers to part of the ABM system that's 
being built at the Huntsville Arsenal. Most of the fraud that's going on is 
centered around the infamous Anti Ballistic Missile Program.

      This is, after all, the same Anti Ballistic Missile System that 
President Carter first funded. This is a fraud that's been going on for a 
very long 

[CTRL] National Security Archive Update, April 30, 2001

2001-04-30 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

National Security Archive Update, April 30, 2001

*U.S. Sought Pretext for Cuba Invasion in 1962*


In his new exposé of the National Security Agency entitled Body of
author James Bamford highlights a Joint Chiefs of Staff document from
describing U.S. plans to covertly engineer various pretexts that would
a U.S. invasion of Cuba.  These proposals - part of a secret anti-Castro
program known as Operation Mongoose - included staging the
assassinations of
Cubans living in the United States, simulating an attack on the U.S.
base at Guantanamo, Cuba, and concocting a “Remember the Maine” incident
blowing up a U.S. ship in Cuban waters and then blaming the incident on
sabotage.  Bamford himself writes that Operation Northwoods, the code
name for
this proposed series of sabotages, “may be the most corrupt plan ever
by the U.S. government.”

The document can be viewed at the following URL:


THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARCHIVE is an independent non-governmental
institute and library located at The George Washington University in
Washington, D.C. The Archive collects and publishes declassified
acquired through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). A tax-exempt
charity, the Archive receives no U.S. government funding; its budget is
supported by publication royalties and donations from foundations and
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e-mail addresses of its subscribers with any other organization. Once a
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Bogota Police Foil Atom Bomb Sale-Enriched Uranium Found In Home

2001-04-30 Thread William Shannon

Bogota police foil 'atom bomb' sale 

Matthew Campbell 

DETECTIVES in Colombia say they have seized a £1m cache of enriched uranium 
from the bathroom of an animal feed salesman who claims he merely found some 
radioactive ore on his farm. The police believe they have foiled an 
international gang that planned to build and sell nuclear weapons.

 While tests were being conducted on the uranium to try to help determine its 
origin, Bogota police and an FBI team expected to arrive in the city this 
week said they were alarmed at the prospect of a black market in atom bombs.

 "What is certain," said Ismael Malaver, the detective in charge of the team 
that raided Alfonso Sandoval's suburban house, "is that he was planning to 
sell it." 

Sandoval is thought to have been using a makeshift bathroom laboratory to 
measure the enrichment of the uranium before he marketed it abroad.

 The case has raised disturbing questions about the extent of nuclear 
proliferation, which has been a nightmare for security agencies since the 
collapse of the Soviet Union a decade ago. Experts believe that Colombia, 
with its reputation as a lawless haven for guerrilla and criminal gangs, may 
be the secret bazaar where pariah nations such as Iraq try to acquire uranium 
smuggled out of Russia.

 So far there has been no evidence of large-scale smuggling of Russia's 
uranium. "Small amounts get out," said David Albright, president of the 
Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security. "But it is 
difficult for organised crime to find anyone able to get out the larger 
amounts that are needed for making weapons." 

Colombian officials have no doubt that the uranium they discovered in two 
canisters in Sandoval's bathroom was destined for use in weapons and suggest 
it could have been a sample for tempting potential buyers.

 Even so Sandoval, 56, seemed an unlikely component of such a sinister plot. 
His daughter Claudia said from Bogota that he had suffered four heart attacks 
in December and he has been released on bail because of concerns about his 

 "We're not bandits," she said. "My father has always been a scientist with 
interests. Nothing clandestine. He's always done experiments. He has produced 
home-made shampoo, soap and detergent." 

Colombian investigators scoffed at the notion of an amateur scientist 
experimenting with uranium for fun. In the bathroom they found a computer and 
a spectrometer for measuring the purity of radioactive elements as well as 
the two 11oz batches of uranium. One batch, they claimed, was enriched to 
63%, the other to 74%.

 After his release, the unassuming Sandoval appeared on television claiming 
he had stumbled across the uranium. But natural uranium has to be treated to 
reach the level of enrichment attributed to the batches found in the bathroom.

 Even that level is not sufficient for making weapons, which require uranium 
enriched to at least 90%. It corresponds, however, to the standard of 
enrichment used in Russian nuclear submarines and icebreakers. Police say 
Sandoval visited Russia for unknown reasons in February last year.

 He was not the first Colombian to be detained for possession of nuclear 
materials. In Frankfurt in 1994, a Colombian was arrested coming from Moscow 
with a consignment of plutonium in his suitcase. This turned out to be a 
sting by German intelligence.

 A series of other arrests over the past few years in Italy, Switzerland, 
Bulgaria and Germany involved only small amounts of low-grade radioactive 
materials. "Most of it is uranium at 2-3% coming from the former Soviet 
Union," said David Kyd, spokesman for the International Atomic Energy Agency, 
based in Vienna. "But it is hard to know whether what is found is the tip of 
the iceberg or the bulk of the traffic."

 The Bogota find was the first of its kind in Latin America, but experts are 
not surprised that Colombia - where smugglers of drugs, arms and emeralds 
operate with virtual impunity - should emerge as a player in the uranium 
trade. "That is the place to sell stuff on the black market," said Albright.

 Colombian criminal links with Russian mafia groups were revealed in 1999 
when officials discovered a half-finished Russian submarine in a warehouse 
hundreds of miles from the coast. The craft was being assembled by Russian 
engineers for cocaine-smuggling.

 Kyd said that the Bogota haul might indicate that "the Colombia mafia is 
diversifying to the extent that it is introducing uranium into its sales 

 Fissile material would be useless without the sophisticated detonation 
technology needed for building a bomb. However, this expertise is readily 
available and technical information on the internet has increased the chance 
of a lone operator being able to build a basic nuclear bomb. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] General Strike in Bolivia! (breaking news)

2001-04-30 Thread Kris Millegan

April 30, 2001
Please Distribute Widely


Dear Colleagues,

The Bolivian Central Union (COB, in its Spanish acronym, the AFL-CIO of
Bolivia) has just decided to begin a National General Strike tomorrow,
Tuesday, May 1st, and to continue the work stoppage in all industries
indefinitely until the Banzer regime meets the 15 demands of coca-growers
and other sectors including urban workers, farmers and retirees.

The National Strike comes on the Seventh Day of a blockade in which coca
growers - protesting U.S.-imposed drug policies - have stopped traffic on
the nation's major highway. And it comes on the heels of
dictator-turned-president Hugo Banzer's recent trip to Washington where he
met with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell and other officials.

If the Banzer regime does not meet the 15 demands by tomorrow morning, this
will be the first-ever national labor strike against the drug laws in the
history of the world. It will have profound consequences for the drug war
not only in Bolivia, but Peru and other Latin American nations, and
particularly for Plan Colombia.

Mayday mobilizations are also planned for tomorrow in Bogota, Colombia and
throughout Mexico (by the Indigenous National Congress). Full reports coming
tomorrow with Issue #11 of Narco News.

Narco News has just translated the French Press Agency report on the General
Strike plans in Bolivia to English, once again breaking the information


We will be following the events closely and covering them so that the
efforts of the Bolivian people will not be buried any more in a wall of
silence and censorship.


Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Skolnick- The Japanese Mafia In The U.S.

2001-04-30 Thread William Shannon

Skolnick - The Japanese Mafia 
In The United States

By Sherman H. Skolnick



They own half of the skyscrapers built in the 1980s downtown Chicago. They 
are major owners of one of America's largest banks and its holding company. 
They are unpublicized kingpins in dope trafficking in America.

Banks in Japan do not dare foreclose on tens of billions of dollars of 
certain mortgaged properties owned by them. They get hush money by 
threatening to disrupt, with scandals, business meetings in Japan. For many 
years, they have been instrumental in installing the topmost officials of the 
Japanese government and some in America as well.

They are the collectors and enforcers for gambling and prostitution on the 
West Coast of the United States. In the U.S., Japan, and elsewhere, they 
operate covert firms, propertaries, for the American CIA. One of their key 
members, according to a book on the subject, reportedly founded and owns a 
stylish restaurant chain in America.

Five of their strong-arms tried to murder O.J. Simpson. An outgrowth of a 
business deal he reportedly had with them that went sour or in which they 
tried to muscle in on OJ's chain of restaurants. The American monopoly press, 
hand-cuffed and shackled to large corporations with business in Asia, dare 
not mention their existence in the U.S.

They leaned on a judge in Chicago who reportedly permitted local 
extortionists to try to shake them down. They own most every bank in 
California. They constitute a form of dreaded foreign secret police operating 
on American soil with total immunity from the American government.

You probably never, ever heard about them. They are the YAKUZA, the Japanese 
mafia. Knowledgeable sources contend there are more of the Yakuza than the 
traditional Sicilian and Italian mafia. If you put that name into a large 
computer database, you might not come up with much. Why? They are a forbidden 

If a property owner in Japan stops paying on their mortgage, the bank will 
not seek to foreclose or collect---not if they know the property is owned by, 
or protected by, a member of the Yakuza. To send a message, the Yakuza 
murdered a top banker in Japan who would not co-operate with this vast 
underworld. The Yakuza are bold and arrogant. Every once in a while, dressed 
all in black, they march proudly, with complete impunity, right in the 
street. In their stronghold of Osaka, Japan, they are the accepted adjunct of 
the local police.     

By 1984, the Yakuza had placed 20 billion dollars of their hot money in 
Continental Illinois Corporation, holding firm for Continental Bank of 
Chicago. They were falsely led to believe their funds were "deposited" there. 
Yet, a bank holding company is not a "bank of deposit", and has no federal 
deposit insurance. In the spring of 1984, I was one of the first commentators 
in the U.S. to accurately predict the then upcoming downfall of Continental 
Bank, owned principally by the Vatican and the Queen of England. An agent of 
British royalty, by tradition, always sat, together with a Jesuit, on 
Continental's Board of Directors. It was a really sticky situation. Another 
major owner of the bank was Walter Cummings, Jr., a "man of trust" selected 
to handle the secret funds of the Catholic Church hierarchy. For many years 
he was also Chief Judge of Chicago-based U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit. 
His Court was the end-of-the-line for most federal cases from Wisconsin, 
Illinois, and Indiana, since the U.S. Supreme Court only lets in to be heard 
a few handful of cases per year. Required to gain entry into the high court 
in Washington is the filing of a "begging" petition, imploring the nine 
members of the court priesthood to please, please, allow the litigant to 

Then, as now, most of the federal appeals judges in Chicago, as well as 
around the nation, are tied to the Federal Reserve and the banking system. 
And by the way, Judges like to own banks right near their Courthouse. From 
the federal courthouse in Chicago, the Banker-Judges have full view of the 
rear entrance of Continental, now merged with Bank of America, owned 
principally by the Rothschilds, the Jesuits, jointly now with the Yakuza.     

In 1984, some called me a liar. But I was, however, the only reporter who 
stationed himself starting at 3 o'clock early one morning at the back 
entrance of the Continental Bank. I and an associate noticed well-dressed 
apparent orientals rushing from waiting cabs into the door with their 
suitcases. Cab drivers later confirmed that they were paid to wait for 
oriental messengers who were then rushed back with guards to O'Hare 
International Airport with heavy suitcases of money. The Yakuza did not wait 
for or want the money to be wired to them in the impending emergency. JiJi 
Press Service, owned by the Japanese, with a staff in Chicago, started the 
run on Continental with a 

Re: [CTRL] Use Some Common Sense, Please

2001-04-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/29/01 10:10:04 PM Central Daylight Time,

   Recently, someone sent the list a post on how to make a hydrogen bomb.

  I'm not comfortable with that kind of stuff floating into my mail box
  through my personal e-mail address.  Call it paranoia...but do recognize it
  as rational paranoia in this case.

IF you took the time to read it, which CLEARLY you didn't, you'd have seen
that it was a HUMOROUS piece...

As for your hyper-paranoia, try Xanax.


C'mon guys. Let's not blow this up way out of proportion.

Bada booom.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Let's play Mayday Monopoly.

2001-04-30 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


May Day movement mobilises online

This year the diversity and sophistication of the protesters' websites
has increased yet again.

The May Day protest movement has again turned to the Internet to unite
disparate groups and provide information about what will be happening
and when.

Ever since the June 18, 1999 riots in the City of London, technology
has played a growing role in the organisation of anti-capitalist

Then mobile phones, text messages and e-mail had helped bring the
anarchist and protest groups together for the day, and helped them
keep track of plans as they unfolded.

This year the diversity and sophistication of the protesters' websites
has increased yet again.

The central website for the London events is Maydaymonopoly.net, a
very professionally designed website that uses the Monopoly game theme
to great effect.

Behind all the colour lies a well organised set of information, with
downloadable leaflets, legal guides in case of arrest and translated
versions of the website for international users.

This website, and the handful of others like it, exploit the transient
nature of the web to great effect, springing up as preparations gain
momentum, with a minimal set-up cost to the organisers.

It helps that the centre of the web world, the San Francisco Bay Area,
is also home to the countercultural movements that have inspired many

For the angry young men and women of the 21st century 'logging on' is
as natural as 'dropping out' was to their parents' generation in the

The cheap availability of telecommunications has also boosted the
anti-capitalist movement.

Leaflets distributed at recent protest events in London also carry
mobile numbers for use on May Day only.

These can be discarded as soon as they have served their purpose, with
information flowing quickly between those in the know.

E-mail and online discussion groups played a large part in the
organisation of last year's May Day 'guerrilla gardening' event in
Parliament Square.

Again, technology is being exploited for the May Day Monopoly protest,
although as with so many interest groups online, the users are being
driven further underground.

The presence of snoopers, journalists and police posing as activists
in these e-mail groups has made the bona fide demonstrators
suspicious, and some e-mail lists that received hundreds of messages
every day in the build up to last year's events are now more or less

Nevertheless, the key points of where, when and why anti-capitalists
from all over the country will be congregating is not difficult to
find online.

And it is this loosely constructed network that is helping the movement to
consolidate, giving it a power and presence that belies the fragmented
politics at its core.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] South Park Quote

2001-04-30 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

Mr. Freely: Drugs are an illegal narcotic!  And having never taken
drugs, I can say that they have nothing to offer.  I've never taken
drugs and look at me.  I'm totally fine.  Now get off my property before
I lose control and kill you.  (Starts throwing rocks at Mr. McKay)


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Use Some Common Sense, Please

2001-04-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

Afraid to receive certain kinds of messages??


Nurev Ind. wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 4/29/01 10:10:04 PM Central Daylight Time,

Recently, someone sent the list a post on how to make a hydrogen bomb.

   I'm not comfortable with that kind of stuff floating into my mail box
   through my personal e-mail address.  Call it paranoia...but do recognize it
   as rational paranoia in this case.

 IF you took the time to read it, which CLEARLY you didn't, you'd have seen
 that it was a HUMOROUS piece...

 As for your hyper-paranoia, try Xanax.


 C'mon guys. Let's not blow this up way out of proportion.

 Bada booom.


 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of

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A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Utah CCW Daily Criminal Records Check Program

2001-04-30 Thread BB

-Caveat Lector-

From Scott Engen


As I'm sure you've heard and read, Utah's DPS/BCI is conducting a
computer records cross check on all 35,000 plus Utah CCW holders, to
see if
any disqualifying record, writ, warrant or other status has been
issued in
the previous 24 hour period. Should a computer 'hit' take place, the
holder has their permit suspended or revoked in real time. It would
from press reports that most of these 'hits' are misdemeanor warrants
other minor judicial writs.

While I don't advocate allowing a known, convicted violent criminal,
someone demonstrated as a clear and present threat to themselves or
to retain a CCW permit, I have the following concerns:

1- What other clearly definable group(s) have their criminal records
checked by a state or federal computer EVERY 24 HOURS? Paroled felons?

Convicted child molesters? Elected officials? Cops, prosecutors and

2- Are the 'warrants and writs' of such a nature that they constitute
legitimate grounds for revocation of a CCW permit? Is 'failure to
overdue parking tickets' or 'didn't get a city building permit before
delivery of the new Tuff-Shed' treated the same as 'interstate flight
avoid prosecution or confinement?'

3- If we are revoking CCW permits on a given set of circumstances,
we also revoke all other state-issued licenses and governmental
for the same reasons? If we can't trust a person to carry a concealed
firearm, how can we rust them to drive, operate a business, practice a

profession, hold an office of public trust, profit or authority, vote,

on a jury, or exercise any other rights and responsibilities of

I think we need to closely look into this BCI program. My political
instincts tell me  it's nothing more than a deliberate and overt abuse
administrative authority and a 'hack job' on CCW holders, to discredit
as a group and justify further restrictions on CCW holders as a whole.

Your thoughts and proposals?

Scott Engen

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pro-Taipei lawmakers cheer Bush arms deal

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Pro-Taipei lawmakers cheer Bush arms deal
Analysts hail willingness to sell weaponry as stark change from Clinton



Editor's note: In collaboration with the hard-hitting Washington, D.C., 
newsweekly Human Events, WorldNetDaily brings you this special report every 
Monday. Readers can subscribe to Human Events through WND's online store. 
By Allan H. Ryskind
© 2001 Human Events 

Some of the most influential pro-Taiwan lawmakers are giving President Bush 
-- in the words of military analyst Rick Fisher -- two cheers for the arms 
package he's approved for the beleaguered island. 

Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., says the arms sale will help Taiwan resist 
coercion from an increasingly belligerent communist China. But the powerful 
chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee intimated that the White House 
should have OK'd sale of four Aegis air- and missile-defense ships as well, 
insisting he was unalterably persuaded that such a sale was justified, 
especially in light of the outrageous actions of the leaders in Beijing. 

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., the most vocal backer of Taiwan in the 
House, argues that the weapons OK'd for approval send a message to China and 
the rest of Asia that America is not going to be pushed around. But 
Rohrabacher says he would have been still happier with a stronger package, 
including the Aegis. 

Military experts in Taiwan's corner are taking a similar stance. Fisher, a 
passionate supporter of Taiwan and a senior fellow at the Jamestown 
Foundation, says, Clinton failed to sell a single weapons system of 
importance to Taiwan, and the Bush policy is a distinct break from the past. 

But Fisher, who left the Heritage Foundation partly as a result of his 
tougher position on China, is withholding the third cheer because far more 
needs to be done to counter the massive ballistic-missile buildup on the 
mainland. And the key to thwarting that threat, he argues, is the Arleigh 
Burke-class destroyer, equipped with the anti-missile Aegis radar. 

Fisher's viewpoint among hawkish, pro-Taiwan defense experts is hardly 
unique. Bill Hawkins, a longtime defense analyst for Rep. Duncan Hunter, 
R-Calif., and Al Santoli, the hard-line foreign policy expert for 
Rohrabacher, have voiced similar sentiments. The most positive aspect of the 
Bush decision, say the Taiwan supporters, is that it decisively reverses the 
Clinton policy of forcing the Republic of China's military to shrivel in the 
face of a powerful China buildup across the Taiwan Strait. 

On the advice of Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Department, Bush approved the 
biggest package of arms sales to the island since Bush I, including four 
Kidd-class destroyers, eight diesel-powered submarines and 12 P-3C 
sub-hunting Orion aircraft. Mine-sweeping helicopters, amphibious assault 
vehicles and the Avenger surface-to-air missile system were also approved for 

What Bush has done, say the experts, is make it possible for Taiwan to vastly 
upgrade its capacity to counter China's mounting naval threat, including the 
mainland's acquisition of two Russian-made Sovremenny destroyers, with 
powerful Sunburn missiles, and its purchase of four Russian-made Kilo-class 
diesel submarines. While significantly adding to their naval capacity, the 
Chinese are also increasing the number -- and duration -- of their patrols 
near Taiwan. 

Blockades and submarine warfare is apparently the direction China is taking 
as it contemplates its strategy with Taiwan, says Bates Gill, director of 
the Brookings Institution's Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies. This 
[Bush-approved sale of weapons] will change things dramatically. 

The Chinese government was angry enough that its ambassador to the United 
States, Yang Jiechi, delivered a formal letter of protest about the Bush 
decision to the State Department. 

Nevertheless, some of Taiwan's friends (but not for the record) think the 
Bush-approved sale of weapons may have been more adroit than tough-minded. 
They have culled an interesting paragraph from a front-page story in the 
April 1, New York Times. That report, filed from Taipei, reveals that a 
confidential review of U.S. naval officers from the Pacific Fleet concluded 
that the Republic of China needs a significant infusion of weapons. 

The paragraph in question begins, Beijing has singled out as particularly 
objectionable potential sales of three types of weapons: the Navy's Aegis, 
which China fears may provide the basis for an eventual anti-missile defense 
and blunt China's missile threat to the island; the Army's advanced Patriot 
anti-missile system known as PAC-3 and submarines which China maintains are 
offensive weapons and which the United States has never before sold to 

Two of those weapons systems, the Aegis destroyer and 

[CTRL] House says beret buy flouted law

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

House says beret buy flouted law 
By Rowan Scarborough

 A House Armed Services Committee report states that the Pentagon 
sidestepped a key provision of a federal buy American law to award 
contracts for Army black berets to Third World factories, including one in 
communist China.  

 The report conflicts with the Defense Department´s internal report, 
which said it did nothing wrong in bypassing American companies for factories 
in China, Sri Lanka, Romania and South Africa.
 Meanwhile, the Defense Department plans to cancel three of the 
foreign-production contracts as early as today due to missed deadlines and 
shoddy workmanship, according to a source familiar with the beret-buying 
contracts. The source did not know if one of the canceled contracts pertains 
to the factory in China. 
 The source also said the General Accounting Office is prepared to 
testify that the Pentagon cut corners in trying to follow the law but still 
meet the Army´s deadline for 1.3 million black berets by June 14, the 
branch´s birthday.
 The new disclosures come as Gen. Eric Shinseki, Army chief of staff, on 
Wednesday presents his first public explanation to Congress on his decision 
to put a black beret on virtually every soldier´s head. The House Small 
Business Committee is also scheduled to hear testimony from top Pentagon 
acquisition officials to explain why they waived the buy American requirement 
for U.S. military uniforms to procure berets from low-wage Third World plants.
 Gen. Shinseki´s universal beret policy has drawn protests from the 
special operations community, which contends it cheapens the symbol of elite 
status for what had been the only beret-wearing units: airborne, Rangers and 
Special Forces. 
 A number of lawmakers also are angry over the Pentagon buying military 
gear from China, a potential foe that detained 24 American crew members for 
12 days on Hainan island after the U.S. EP-3E surveillance plane collided 
with a F-8 Chinese fighter over the South China Sea.
 The House Armed Services Committee staff report said the Defense 
Logistics Agency (DLA) decided to waive the buy American law, or the Berry 
Amendment, last fall after Gen. Shinseki announced the policy in October and 
set the June 14 deadline for all soldiers to wear a beret. Only one American 
firm makes berets to Army specifications and it could not meet the deadline.
 The agency had acquired the needed secretary of defense authorization. 
However, the waiver had a glaring omission, the committee report said. The 
Berry Amendment states that the secretary of defense must attest that 
satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity of any articles clothing ... 
cannot be procured as and when needed at United States market prices.
 The House committee report, however, concluded, None of the waivers 
addressed the test of meeting 'satisfactory quality.´ The legislation 
specifically states that the secretary must make a determination of 
satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity.
 The committee staff came to a different conclusion than one reached by 
the Pentagon, which ordered an internal review of the beret purchases at the 
request of President Bush. The office of the Pentagon´s top acquisition 
official investigated the matter and wrote an internal report. It concluded, 
Given the Army requirement for 1.3 million berets to be delivered by June 
14, 2001, and to issue a second beret to every soldier by Oct. 2001, (the 
DLA) executed all procurement actions in a reasonable manner. No significant 
deviation from law, regulation or policy were identified.
 The committee report says the Army plans to buy 4.76 million black 
berets for $30 million at per-cap cost ranging from $7.20 in Canada to $4.36 
in Sri Lanka.
 The Chinese factory is producing 617,936 berets for $4 million at $6.33 
each. This is 3 cents more per hat than the 1.2 million berets being produced 
by the lone U.S. manufacturer, Bancroft Cap Co. in Cabot, Ark. The Pentagon 
has said that the Chinese factory has shipped or delivered more than half its 
 Gen. Shinseki sought to make peace in the special operations community 
by announcing last month that the Rangers will keep an exclusive beret. Its 
new color will be tan instead of black.
 But the agreement with the 75th Ranger Regiment at Fort Benning, Ga., 
has not settled the issue in Washington. Some House Armed Services members 
want to amend the fiscal 2002 defense authorization act to terminate the 
foreign contracts and cancel the entire beret handout.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, 
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use 
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research 

[CTRL] [Fwd: More readable version]

2001-04-30 Thread BB

As I'm sure you've heard and read, Utah's DPS/BCI is conducting
a DAILY computer records cross check on all 35,000 plus Utah CCW
holders, to see if any disqualifying record, writ, warrant or
other status has been issued in the previous 24 hour period.
Should a computer 'hit' take place, the CCW holder has their
permit suspended or revoked in real time. It would seem from
press reports that most of these 'hits' are misdemeanor warrants
or other minor judicial writs.

While I don't advocate allowing a known, convicted violent
criminal, or someone demonstrated as a clear and present threat
to themselves or others to retain a CCW permit, I have the
following concerns:

1- What other clearly definable group(s) have their criminal
records status checked by a state or federal computer
EVERY 24 HOURS? Paroled felons? Convicted child molesters?
Elected officials? Cops, prosecutors and judges? Journalists?

2- Are the 'warrants and writs' of such a nature that they
constitute legitimate grounds for revocation of a CCW permit?
Is 'failure to appear for overdue parking tickets' or 'didn't
get a city building permit before taking delivery of the new
Tuff-Shed' treated the same as 'interstate flight to avoid
prosecution or confinement?'

3- If we are revoking CCW permits on a given set of circumstances,
shouldn't we also revoke all other state-issued licenses and
governmental authority for the same reasons? If we can't trust
a person to carry a concealed firearm, how can we rust them to
drive, operate a business, practice a profession, hold an
office of public trust, profit or authority, vote, serve
on a jury, or exercise any other rights and responsibilities of

I think we need to closely look into this BCI program.
My political instincts tell me  it's nothing more than a
deliberate and overt abuse of administrative authority and a
'hack job' on CCW holders, to discredit them as a group and
justify further restrictions on CCW holders as a whole.

Your thoughts and proposals?

Scott Engen


[CTRL] The next leader of North Korea

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The next leader of North Korea
Questions arise over who will succeed Kim Jong Il



Editor's note: In partnership with Stratfor, the global intelligence company, 
WorldNetDaily publishes daily updates on international affairs provided by 
the respected private research and analysis firm. Look for fresh updates each 
afternoon, Monday through Friday. In addition, WorldNetDaily invites you to 
consider STRATFOR membership, entitling you to a wealth of international 
intelligence reports usually available only to top executives, scholars, 
academic institutions and press agencies. 

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

Kim Jong Il is reasserting his right to power in North Korea and positioning 
his son, Kim Jong Nam, as his eventual successor, according to STRATFOR, the 
global intelligence company. 

North Korea's official Rodong Sinmun ran an article April 24 emphasizing 
comradeship as the decisive factor in solving the succession problem after 
Kim Il Sung. The commentary reveals the struggle in Pyongyang over Kim Jong 
Il's ever-changing economic and diplomatic policies. 

Amid recent calls by North Korean leader Kim Jong Il to abandon old ideas and 
embrace new thinking, the paper urged North Koreans to become Kim Jong Il's 
true comrades who ... wholeheartedly uphold his policies. 

The commentary reveals the growing tensions among the political and military 
elite in Pyongyang over Kim Jong Il's proposals for a new thinking for the 
21st century, particularly in light of attitude changes in Washington, Tokyo 
and Seoul. With uncertainty among the North Korean elite and Kim Jong Il 
approaching his symbolically important 60th birthday next year, Kim is 
reinforcing his right to power and decision making so he can bring his son 
Kim Jong Nam in line as his successor. 

More important, Kim is sending a message to Seoul that while a political 
crisis is not yet imminent in Pyongyang, the more conservative viewpoint in 
Pyongyang will once again dominate policy unless there are changes in the 
international situation regarding North Korea. 

With the administration change in Washington, North Korea quickly withdrew 
from much of its economic and political contact with South Korea. In 
addition, Pyongyang embarked on an increasingly belligerent stream of 
rhetoric directed at Washington. Amid this apparent reversion to a more 
belligerent posture, the debate in Pyongyang has intensified over the risks 
and benefits of Kim Jong Il's soft entente toward Seoul. 

Among North Korea's political and military elite, there remain differences 
over the extent of economic reforms. The increasing focus on economic 
engagement threatens to shift the traditional patterns of power and influence 
among North Korea's elite, from those who benefit by retaining the old system 
to the younger generations who stand to gain through more rapid changes. 

With Kim Jong Il advocating new thinking, older cadres risk being left behind 
by the younger, more financially savvy elite. Moreover, the military, a 
longstanding bastion of power in North Korea, fears losing influence to 
technocrats and economic policymakers. The economic cadre is seeking to 
increase its own worth and power by forging economic deals with the outside. 
The military fears this path of advancement will compete with traditional 
ideas of loyalty to the center, potentially splitting the government. 

Kim Jong Il, while remaining the highest authority in North Korea, is acutely 
aware of potential problems and contradictions within his own regime. Despite 
being the undeniable leader, Kim's power stems from a national devotion to 
his father, the late President Kim Il Sung and the loyalty and pervasiveness 
of the North Korean military. 

Kim's moves toward greater economic cooperation with South Korea and an 
aggressive foreign policy of global engagement have been matched by a 
continuation and even enhancement of North Korea's military-first policy. In 
addition, Kim is challenging his own legitimacy in his calls for 
abandon[ing] old ideas and learning from economic rules and structures in 
foreign countries; his father developed a Juche ideology of self-reliance. 

Only a week after Kim's New Year's address calling for new thinking, the 
Rodong Sinmun ran an article, signed by Kim, emphasizing the importance of 
maintaining the independent politics of the DPRK. The article stated, Only 
when one maintains the principle of independence in politics can he solve all 
the problems in the revolution and construction with his own faith in keeping 
with the interests of his people and the specific conditions of his country. 

Kim faces a dilemma as he seeks to balance his plans for North Korea's 
economic strengthening and emerging opposition from within his regime. To 
accomplish this, Kim 

[CTRL] Whites a minority in half America's biggest cities

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Whites a minority in half America's biggest cities
By Ben Fenton in Washington

 Population and household economic topics - United States Census Bureau [2000]

  WHITE people are now in a minority in almost half of America's 100 biggest
cities, according to figures from the 2000 census published yesterday.
Although the great metropolitan centres such as New York, Los Angeles and
Chicago have long been ethnic melting pots, smaller and more traditionally
European-American cities have joined the list of places where blacks,
Hispanics and Asians combine to outnumber whites.

They include Boston, where the white population has fallen from 59 per cent
in 1990 to 49.5 per cent. The city where the sitcom Cheers was set - a
programme without a leading black character - was famed more for its Irish
culture. But it is a typical example of the changing ethnic face of urban

Another traditionally white city where people of European origin are now in
the minority is Milwaukee, home of the Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Miller
Lite beer and the clean-cut all-American lifestyle popularised in the
children's television programme Happy Days. There, the white proportion of
the city has dropped from 61 per cent in 1990 to 45 per cent.

Sacramento, the capital of California (53-40), Philadelphia (52-42) and San
Diego (59-49) are also now majority black and Hispanic cities. Anaheim,
California, has dropped from a 57 per cent white population to only 36 per
cent. The census figures show that 18 cities changed status from majority
white to minority white, leaving only 52 white cities in the largest 100.

Overall, out of a population of 58.4 million in the 100 largest cities, only
43 out of every 100 people are non-Hispanic white. Ten years ago that
figure was 52 out of 100. The change is largely attributable to an enormous
growth in Hispanic populations; the percentage of blacks living in urban
areas has actually slightly dropped.

There were 19 cities which would have showed an overall drop in population
were it not for dramatic increases in Hispanics, including Los Angeles,
Miami, Dallas and Minneapolis. Experts say the figures partly reflect the
accelerated trend in the early 1990s for white people to move from cities to
the suburbs

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. plane inspectors head to China

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. plane inspectors head to China 
China allows access to spy plane; media barred from Hainan 
The damaged U.S. Navy EP-3 electronic reconnaissance plane sits on the runway 
at Lingshui base on China's Hainan Island earlier this month.   

  HONOLULU, April 30 —  A group of technicians from an American aerospace 
company headed for China on Monday to determine whether the damaged Navy spy 
plane can be flown back to the United States or will have to be disassembled. 
The technical team from Lockheed Martin is expected to spend two days on 
Hainan Island. 



 April 30 — A U.S. inspection team will soon get a firsthand look at the spy 
plane still in China. NBC’s Jim Miklaszewski reports. 

 THE FIVE or so technicians from the main contractor for the EP-3E 
aircraft arrived in Hawaii and were briefed by military officials.
   They will inspect the plane on Hainan Island, where it landed after a 
collision with a Chinese fighter jet April 1.
   “It’s like taking your car to the mechanic to take a look at it after 
it crashed,” said Lt. Col. Stephen Barger, U.S. Pacific Command spokesman.
   Another team will probably be sent to repair or remove the plane, 
depending on the assessment team’s recommendations, he said.
   “The less you have to tear it apart the better,” Barger said. “Like 
your car, you’d rather have it in one piece than several.”
   Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday the plane cannot be flown now 
and would probably have to be taken out on a barge. Barger said U.S. 
officials also will consider using a C-5 or C-17 aircraft to airlift it out.
   U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said earlier that 
the Chinese apparently had ruled out allowing the plane to be repaired and 
flown out on its own.   
  The plane’s 24-member crew was held on Hainan Island for 11 days by 
the Chinese before being allowed to return to the United States.
   NBC’s Jim Miklaszewski reported that the technical team should arrive 
in the provincial capital Haikou on Wednesday (late Tuesday ET). After going 
through the usual customs formalities, the technicians will be taken to the 
airbase on the southern tip of the island.
   In Beijing, the Chinese government announced that foreign journalists 
would not be allowed to go to Hainan to report on the inspection of the 
crippled plane. “We are formally telling you not to go,” a Foreign Ministry 
official, Wei Xing, said in a telephone call to The Associated Press.  

Local officials largely tolerated a large throng of foreign 
journalists during the 11-day standoff following the EP-3E’s emergency 
landing on Hainan. But two CNN journalists were detained while broadcasting 
the crew’s departure.
 Newsweek: A new Pacific strategy
 The U.S. plane’s crew was released after President Bush said he was “very 
sorry” for the loss of the Chinese pilot and for the U.S. plane’s 
unauthorized entry into Chinese air space to make its emergency landing.
   At April 18-19 talks in Beijing, American negotiators presented a 
written proposal for U.S. experts to inspect the plane to determine whether 
to repair and fly it out, or ship it out in pieces.
   “Having completed its investigation and evidence collection involving 
the U.S. plane and in view of international precedents in handling such 
issues, the Chinese side has decided to allow the U.S. side to inspect its 
plane at the Lingshui Airport,” the official Xinhua News Agency said Sunday.  

 Xinhua also said the United States has agreed to consider making a 
payment to China, although U.S. officials said that any payment would 
represent compensation for Chinese assistance. There will be no additional 
compensation, they said.
   The team will try to determine what military and hardware secrets the 
Chinese may have collected in the month since the plane has been on the 
ground. Crewmen aboard the U.S. plane used hammers and other measures to try 
to disable intelligence equipment.
   Last week, U.S. officials told NBC News that the losses may have been 
far more damaging than originally feared.
   The officials said the U.S. plane was carrying additional intelligence 
information that “should not have been on that mission” and could provide a 
“significant intelligence windfall” to the Chinese.
   According to the officials, the additional information included 
intelligence briefing books and manuals, essentially “how-to books on U.S. 
spying” that explain how the United States conducts its intelligence 
gathering against China.  

If this information was not 

[CTRL] Russia, China Strengthen Axis

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Communism didn't die in Russia! Communism by any other name is still 
Communism!  If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck 
its a duck!  McCarthy was right!  Since that time look how many leftists are 
in our Congress  Senate!  - Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Russia, China Strengthen Axis 
NewsMax Wires
Monday, April 30, 2001 
MOSCOW – Russian President Vladimir Putin held talks Sunday with Chinese 
Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan as Moscow and Beijing demonstrated once more 
readiness to boost ties and broaden the scope of bilateral cooperation, the 
official Itar-Tass news agency reported.
On Saturday, Jiaxuan and his counterparts from Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan 
and Kyrgyzstan met at a meeting of the so-called Shanghai Five group to 
discuss issues ranging from global stability to regional security, from 
fighting international terrorism to weapons and narcotics smuggling in the 
Central Asian region.

However, the key assignment of Jiaxuan's trip to Russia was the preparation 
of the upcoming July visit to Moscow by Chinese leader Jiang Zemin.

According to Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov who met with Jiaxuan 
Saturday morning, Russia and China will post a record number of top level 
talks in 2001.

We practically don't have any problems that could annoy our relations, 
Putin told the Chinese diplomat Sunday.

According to the Russian president, the relations between Russia and China 
are developing intensively and in a positive vein.

Among other achievements, Putin praised the recent boost in trade between the 
two countries saying that in 2000 the annual turnover grew by 40 percent and 
reached the record figure of $8 billion.

China is the world's foremost purchaser of Russian weapons and military 
equipment. Around one million ethnic Chinese are believed to be living in 

Jiaxuan passed along to Putin best wishes and greetings from President Zemin, 
who will meet with the Russian leader at least three times this year.

In June, Putin and Zemin are scheduled to meet first in China at the next 
summit of the Shanghai Five group of nations.

In Shanghai, the member states of the alliance will sign a joint protocol 
pledging to fight terrorism, extremism and separatism in the turbulent 
Central Asian region.

Zemin's July visit to Moscow will be the highlight of the Russian-Chinese 
diplomatic activity in 2001, as the two leaders are expected to sign a new 
comprehensive bilateral treaty defining the future relations between Moscow 
and Beijing over a 20-year period.

Finally, Putin and Zemin will attend the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation 
forum in October.

On Sunday, Jiaxuan said that he was satisfied with the results of the trip 
adding a bit of praise for his Moscow hosts by saying that he had the 
impression he was still at home.

During his talks with Ivanov, Jiaxuan underlined that the bilateral treaty 
would not be directed against third countries but would only reflect 
Russia's and China's efforts to build a multi-polar world.

The partnership between the two countries could be strengthened further as 
both Moscow and Beijing oppose Washington's global dominance.

Moreover, Russia shares China's concern over U.S. President George Bush's 
pledge last week to militarily support Taiwan.

On Sunday, Itar-Tass quoted unnamed sources which it said were close to the 
Chinese embassy in Moscow as saying that the U.S. pledge to arm Taiwan caused 
serious concerns that entitle China to have the full right to take adequate 

The same sources added that the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership is the 
main obstacle in Washington's pursuit of generating global influence.

We have given a great deal of attention to the complex of problems connected 
with preserving strategic stability in the world and creating a multi-polar 
world, Ivanov said Sunday.

The stances of Russia and China on these issues coincide and we will 
continue to closely coordinate our actions in the international arena.

The two ministers reiterated that both Russia and China would insist on 
preserving the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty of 1972 as the cornerstone of 
the global strategic stability despite the unilateral U.S. bid to walk out on 
the agreement by building its own national missile defense system.

Meanwhile, Russia's domestic security service charged Sunday a Russian 
scientist with treason and fraud, alleging he was handing over classified 
data to China.

In February, the regional division of the FSB in the Siberian city of 
Krasnoyarsk arrested researcher Valentin Danilov on suspicion that he was 
providing a Chinese firm with the secret information that could help reduce 
costs of developing a military space vehicle.

On Sunday, Danilov was charged with state treason and fraud despite his 
lawyers' argument that the allegedly secret materials had been declassified 
in 1992.

However, the 

[CTRL] Vengeful Chinese Attack U.S. Web Sites

2001-04-30 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Vengeful Chinese Attack U.S. Web Sites
NewsMax.com Wires
Tuesday, May 1, 2001
WASHINGTON (UPI) - Chinese computer hackers launched a massive attack Monday
against U.S. Web sites, including those run by the Navy and Air Force. It
appears to be a highly coordinated campaign organized by ordinary citizens
but tolerated by the dictatorship in Beijing.
For the first time since the year 2000 turnover, the Pentagon has put all
military and defense agency network administrators on heightened alert for
hackers until May 8, according to Defense Department sources.

The military is now at INFOCON ALPHA, a cyber-version of the physical
threat condition, warning that systems may come under attack, according to
Lt. Cdr Peter Reif, a spokesman for the Navy's Fleet Information Warfare
Center. Chinese and American hackers have warned of a hacking war between
April 30 and May 8.

While it is difficult to conclusively pinpoint the origin of computer
attacks, activity over the past week on Chinese Internet traffic, newsgroups
and hacker websites suggest that Chinese programmers and amateurs are
responsible, experts told United Press International.

They are calling it several names including `The Sixth Network War of
National Defense,' or `the 51 war,' meaning May first, said Jerry Freese,
director of intelligence for Vigilinx, a digital security firm that claims to
monitor more than 7,000 Web sites for security breaches.

``What's surprising is the level of organization we're seeing. This is not
just a casual attack done on a whim. We believe that the government is
tolerating this action, Freese said.

One former justice department official said that jurisdictional obstacles
made it impossible for U.S. authorities to prosecute those guilty, and that
asking the Chinese regime to help would not only be pointless if it is indeed
behind the attacks, but also could help China justify stifling the use of the
Internet by political dissidents.

Freese said that while all attacks might not be reported, as of 4 p.m. EDT 13
federal government sites, two state government sites, eight commercial and
two educational sites had been hit.

United Press International's site was changed around 3:30 a.m. with the
company's usual home page featuring a logo, scrolling news and links to
related sites replaced with a fluttering Chinese flag and several lines of
copy in Chinese characters and English letters. The illiterate English part
of the message read: The Great Chinese Nation Hooray USA Will Be With
Responsibility for the Accident Totally!!! Protest USA sell Weapon to Taiwan,
Break The World Peace!!! USA IS BITCH! I am From China - Peak.

American hackers swiftly responded by defacing 15 Web sites in China with
ethnic jokes and calls for hackers to join the war, expected to last all
week, wired.com reported.

Other altered sites included: the Departments of Labor, Energy, and Health
and Human Services; whitehousehistory.org; sites involving U.S.-Japan
relations and Taiwan sites. The altered sites generally contained messages
similar to that placed on the UPI page.

'A Warning Bell'

UPI Editor-in-Chief John O'Sullivan said: No great harm seems to have been
done on this occasion. It was cyber-nuisance rather than cyber-terror. But it
was a warning bell that we all need to prepare better countermeasures against
a growing problem.

Last week, National Infrastructure Protection Center issued a warning that
Chinese interests might be hacking into Web sites in conjunction with May Day
celebrations today. Dozens of Web sites have been hacked in recent weeks by
Chinese supporters who replace the usual information with anti-American
slogans and pictures of the fighter pilot who collided with the U.S.
surveillance plane.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Behold There is a Dead Horse..

2001-04-30 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Jason Society aka part of the plan was called The Bible..they were
known as the wise men - so here is my bible code calendar coming to life
- for the sabotage of the Apollo was timed to this calendar which was
used by two different forces - USA and the Russian KGB..

So this is why the Russian trawlers took off that day as the Challenger
took off .pehaps thought might be hurt by debris?


The reference to The Bible is most interesting - as is the reference to
The Wise Men, the Maji - was Kissinger one of the enemy within Agent
Code Name Bor?

   The Top Secret Operation Majestic-12 was established by order of
President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Operation Majestic-12, was created to
take charge of the technical, sociological and other aspects of the
crashed UFOs and the small alien occupants, dead or alive, that were
recovered. In later years this operation evolved into and became known
as MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence). MAGI is the most
secret of all intelligence groups and out-ranks all other intelligence
agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA). MAJI is responsible directly and only to
the President of the United States.
   The TOP SECRET / MAJI project control group is responsible for
every aspect of interface with the alien lifeforms including security
and intelligence, and disinformation to prevent public or foreign
disclosure of the alien presence. (This is why all documents referring
to MJ-12 or any other form of that name are wrong). MAJI is on-going
in Washington DC.
   MAJIC: Is the security classification of all MAJI and Aquarius
information. MAJIC means MAJI CONTROLLED. MAJIC is the highest
security classification in the nation.
   MJ-1: DIRECTOR OF MAJI.  The Director of the CIA is usually
MJ-1 and reports only to the President.  Other members of MAJI are
designated MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc. This is the reason MJ-12 cannot be
used as a name for the control group as it would cause confusion in
meaning, i.e., (Is it referring to MJ-12 the person or MJ-12 the
group.)  Any reference to MJ-12 is to a person and nothing else.
References and documents referring to MJ-12 as a Group are
   MAJI, originally was known as Majestic-12, a group consisting of
twelve members. This group was made up of a team representing selected
government officials, U.S. intelligence personnel, highly trained
scientists, business executives and military personnel. All were sworn
to total secrecy. MAJI has continued its covert activities with the
knowledge and consent of the last eight Presidents.
   The group continues to function today and has had the
responsibility of establishing an ongoing relationship dating from 1964,
with UFO beings (the Greys) from the third planet of the star system
Zeta Reticuli.
   Information forwarded to and the activity of MAJI has always been
assigned an Above Top Secret classification, known as MAJIC. MAJI, to
conceal its existence, adopted the cover name of Majestic-12. It
created numerous covert and compartmented sub-divisions such as Projects
Aquarius, Sigma, Snowbird and Garnet, to name a few. These projects were
sheltered by MAJI and directed by select personnel of the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA).
   By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceded
NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent committee to be known as
Majority Twelve to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned
with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose
of these meetings when Congress and the news media became curious.
Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, the director of the
CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the
Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the FBI J. Edgar
Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council on
Foreign Relations known as the Wise Men. These men were all members of
a secret society of scholars that called themselves The Jason Society,
or The Jason Scholars who recruited their members from the Skull and
Bones and the Scroll and Key societies of Harvard and Yale.
   The Wise Men were key members of the Council on Foreign
Relations. There were twelve members including the first six from
Government positions thus Majority Twelve. This group was made up over
the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign
Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. Gordon Dean, George Bush,
and Zbigniew Brzezinski were among them. The most important and
influential of the Wise Men who served on Majestic-12 were John
McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George Kennan,
and Dean Acheson. It is significant that 

[CTRL] Gunsforkids.com

2001-04-30 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

First there was black-market-babies.com, now an entreprenuerial website called 
gunsforkids.com is doing a roaring trade!

My website is back up and running again, no idea what was wrong but I trust everyone 
will start logging back in (less than 100 hits in a week! Egad, I usually do twice 
that in a day).

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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