[CTRL] Transparent and Unimaginative Spin Comment

1999-04-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

This is so obviously a manufactured "crisis," it's becoming downright
comical.  I can't watch CNN or MS-NBC (NBC) news --bigger-money-buttkissing
billionaires Ted Turner's and Bill Gates' media mind-control orgs,
respectively-- anymore without laughing aloud at the clumsy propaganda ploys,
rehashing the grossest cliches of the WWII period.

For example, first the media trumpets that the Serbs are separating all the
able-bodied Kosovar men from the women. "Where are all the MEN within this
flood of refugees?" the talking heads wink, ominously.  There's talk of some
kind of concentration camp or slave labor camp for Kosovars in
Serb-controlled Yugoslavia.  Then, when the cameras finally focus on the
refugees thronging into Macedonia, it's obvious to anyone with eyes that
there are as many able-bodied men as women represented in those crowds ... so
suddenly, no more talk of "missing men" or "detention camps."  The spin
shifts gears --
and next, the supposedly heart-wrenching refrain is that the Serbs have
gathered all the
choicest Kosovar women into camps that function as brothels for the Serb
monsters, where any female from age five to 95 is brutally gang-raped until
she's a bloody pulp.
Again, CNN and MS-NBC are flashing maps on the screen indicating the
geographical location of these alleged mass-rape camps, just as with male
"concentration camps."
We note, though, there somehow manages to be an equal number of men and women
trudging across the border from Kosovo ...  Maybe it's just temp work for
some gals ...
Logically, the NEXT charge should be that those "evil" Serbs [that heavily
weighted, subjective value-judgment word being used incessantly by our
messengers of "facts"]
are committing "atrocities" involving innocent children --like the horror
stories concocted by the Madison Avenue boys to demonize the Iraqis in
Kuwait-- such as tearing babies from their mothers' breasts and herding them
en masse into Stalinist "thought-reform"
camps to be raised identity-less by The State, all toward the end of "ethnic
cleansing" ... Those infants who aren't impaled on the bayonets of laughing
baby-raping Serbian
maniacs, that is.  Sorry, I can't help but laugh.  This is World War ONE
quoted almost word for word, strictly by the book, as if we were STILL that

For the first four days of the war, the military "experts" and diplomatic
talking heads on CNN and MS-NBC kept making the same MISTAKE on the air -- a
mistake that was too embarrassingly telling to CORRECT on the air,
apparently, because in all 3 instances where I caught it, no one else seemed
to notice; the heated rhetoric just went on, no loss of momentum.  The
mistake?  When spokesmen MEANT to say "Milosevic," they'd forget themselves
and say "SADDAM" instead ...  Old reflexes die hard.  But then, any "Hitler"
will do for the sheeple -- it's the SYMBOL here, not the reality, that
matters ..
(On second thought, though, maybe it WASN'T accidental mis-speaking  ... In
that case, it'd be the verbal equivalent of a "subliminal," used in hypnotic
programming. )

Comical too is the media's current "Damned if you do, damned if you don't"
ploy, a classic double-bind : If Milosevic (A) drives Albanians out of
Kosovo, it's cause for NATO action-- and now, if he (B) PREVENTS them from
leaving-- it's cause for NATO action.  If we buy the latter as well, then
NATO is HELPING the Serbs with "ethnic cleansing."

NOW, I think, would be a GREAT time to review all our old "Propaganda 101"
texts ...

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Hungary/Yugoslavia

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

an influx of armed sic Serbian refugees fleeing NATO attacks in Kosovo
and the rest of Yugoslavia [flooding into Hungary]

Refugees, or invaders/infiltrators under the guise of refugee-dom?

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[CTRL] NATO Ministers Meet

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "NATO drew up a plan for landing ground troops in Kosovo as far back as
last summer ... "

NATO Foreign Ministers Gather

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- With no end to the air war against Yugoslavia in
sight, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and fellow NATO foreign
ministers gathered at alliance headquarters today for a brief show of unity.

The 19 NATO foreign ministers want to use the meeting, called by Albright
last week, to show Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic that the alliance is
holding together despite his tough resistance to the bombing campaign, now in
its 19th day.

Arriving in Brussels on Sunday, Albright said the Serbian onslaught against
ethnic Albanians in Kosovo means fewer Serb troops will be permitted to
remain in the province than previously proposed.

In another policy shift bound to anger Milosevic, Albright did not rule out
partitioning Kosovo as part of a settlement, provided there are ways to
protect Orthodox Christian holy sites.

``Lots of parts of Rambouillet have been overtaken by events,'' Albright said
of the accord, negotiated outside Paris, that was rejected by the Serbs and
accepted by the Kosovo Albanians last month.

Albright said ``there has to be recognition'' of the Serb offensive that has
forced the expulsion of more than one-third of the ethnic Albanians in what
the United States has denounced as a ``scorched-earth'' campaign.

More than 100 fresh aircraft were en route to the war zone to step up the air
operations against Yugoslav army and police forces who have been waging a
systematic campaign to empty Kosovo of its ethnic Albanian inhabitants.

Military and political leaders insist the airstrikes have been effective in
damaging the Yugoslav military's support network, and in recent days, hitting
ground forces in Kosovo.

Military briefers say Serb activity in Kosovo has slowed and that most
Yugoslav forces are now dispersing and defending against the allied air

Senior NATO diplomats say the four-hour foreign ministers' meeting will
stress the need for a political solution for the province and its 2 million
inhabitants, 90 percent of whom are ethnic Albanians.

Albright was also expected to meet later today with rebel Kosovo Liberation
Army representative Jakup Krasniqi.

What kind of political agreement is now possible in Kosovo is a much more
difficult question than it was just three weeks ago. Originally, the basis
for any settlement was the agreement worked out at Rambouillet in February
and March. That agreement called for a wide autonomy for the province within

Now, as one NATO ambassador put it, the Rambouillet framework is looking less
realistic, but so far no viable alternatives have emerged.

The introduction of ground forces in Kosovo is a subject that will not go
away. Officially, NATO says ground troops will only enter the province in a
``permissive environment,'' either as part of the originally planned NATO
implementation force or some sort of force to escort refugees back.

NATO considered plans for a land invasion of Kosovo as far back as last
summer, one among a large number of options studied at the time. That plan
was put on the shelf and so far, senior diplomats say, no one has proposed
reviving it. Nonetheless, much of the military analysis for a ground
intervention has been done. Initiating one, however, would take considerable

In what one top NATO diplomat described as ``an interesting role reversal,''
some members of Congress have been calling for ground forces and several
other allies seem ready to go that way.

For the moment, however, both political and military officials say the air
campaign has a lot of time left before it will have run its course.

Another problem faced by the ministers is the harmful effect the bombing is
having on relations with Russia. Moscow has severed relations with NATO and
most of the activities of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council, created
two years ago in Paris, have been put on hold.

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[CTRL] After-the-War Scenarios

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The Serbs and elements of the Kosovo Liberation Army are likely to
CONTINUE fighting and seek to rearm for future war -- the Yugoslavs with the
aid of Russian nationalists and the KLA with possible help from Muslims in
Iran ...
 "30,000 NATO peacekeepers have been stationed in Bosnia for FOUR YEARS
now -- and still no end to their mission is in sight."

Post-War Kosovo Scenarios Eyed

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- When NATO bombs and missiles stop striking Serb military
targets across Yugoslavia, what might the political map of the Serbian
province of Kosovo look like? And who will be living there?

Foreign policy analysts suggest four leading scenarios for the province's
future once the conflict between the military alliance and Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic's forces ends:

A NATO-led force accompanies ethnic Albanians back into Kosovo after Serb
army and police forces pull out of the province. This is the most optimistic
picture and tracks the Clinton administration's goals.

The Albanian Kosovars, a majority of the province's population, would live in
peace but in a devastated land that would need international help to be
rebuilt. Living under NATO or U.N. protection for at least several years, the
Kosovars may or may not gain the autonomy NATO is pushing for -- or the
independence for which they have been fighting.

Milosevic's forces hunker down and absorb the NATO pounding while mopping up
their ethnic cleansing campaign, which could slow or even stop. Serbs have
swept about half the 2 million people out of Kosovo since February 1998 --
the majority since NATO airstrikes began March 24.

NATO could declare it has achieved its military goal of degrading Serb forces
until they no longer threaten Kosovars in the province, which once was 10
percent Serbian. Refugees in neighboring nations or European camps might
never return.

Milosevic negotiates a peace deal -- perhaps with the help of a friendly
nation such as Russia -- to withdraw Serb forces from all or part of Kosovo
and allow refugees to return under international protection. This could
result in a real or de facto partition along ethnic lines or demilitarized

Speaking to reporters Sunday, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright did not
rule out a partition of Kosovo, so long as there are ways to protect Orthodox
Christian sites. But Defense Secretary William Cohen and White House chief of
staff John Podesta, in separate television interviews, dismissed any idea of

NATO airstrikes, alone or with ground troops, drive Serb forces from Kosovo.
President Clinton has repeatedly ruled out ground troops for such an
operation, although a growing number of members of Congress want him to
consider it.

Ethnic Albanians could return, enjoying de facto or real independence with a
demilitarized no-man's land between Serbia and Kosovo guarded by
international peacekeepers.

But war is messy and politics unpredictable, and almost anything can happen
-- from the war spreading to neighboring Macedonia and Albania and beyond, to
the Western-leaning Montenegro government splitting from Yugoslavia, leaving
Serbia alone in the onetime six-nation federation that mostly dissolved in
earlier this decade.

``This is a long, drawn-out chess game. We may know two or three moves in
advance, but not much beyond that,'' said Janusz Bugajski, director of East
European studies at the private Center for Strategic and International
Studies in Washington.

Anthony Cordesman, also at the center, said none of the possible outcomes is
``particularly attractive'' because the United States and NATO would be left
more deeply entangled in the Balkans than ever, and for years to come.

For four years, 30,000 NATO peacekeepers have been stationed in Bosnia and no
end is in sight for their mission. Proposed for Kosovo is a 28,000-member
NATO-led force, including 4,000 Americans.

The Serbs and the most radical elements of the Kosovo Liberation Army also
will likely continue fighting in pockets of Kosovo or Yugoslavia and seek to
rearm for future war -- the Yugoslavs with the aid of Russian nationalists
and the KLA with possible help from Muslims in Iran, Cordesman said.

Bosnia and Macedonia -- both former Yugoslav states -- could be further
destabilized as the possibility of Kosovo independence remains ``a time
bomb,'' he said.

Ivo Daalder, a former White House official who worked on Bosnia matters,
views the most likely outcome under current conditions as partition of Kosovo
populated by returned ethnic Albanians, allowing both NATO and Milosevic to
declare a measure of victory.

NATO would not accept Serb control of a Kosovo emptied of most of its ethnic
Albanians because it would be too great a blow to the 19-nation alliance on
its 50th anniversary and in its first offensive military campaign, said
Daalder, now affiliated with the Brookings Institution.

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[CTRL] Former CIA Director Under Investigation

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Justice, CIA Probe Ex-Chief Deutch

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- CIA technicians found 31 secret files in the unsecured
personal computer at the home of the former Director John Deutch shortly
after he stepped down as the nation's top spy, it was reported Sunday.

The Central Intelligence Agency turned the case over to the Justice
Department, which investigated for a year before deciding not to file
charges, Newsweek magazine said.

The Justice Department returned the case to the CIA, which Newsweek said was
preparing a critical report and considering revocation of Deutch's security

Agency spokesman Bill Harlow said he was familiar with the Newsweek story but
could not comment. The newsmagazine said Deutch would not comment, and a call
to his Massachusetts home was not returned immediately Sunday.

Quoting Justice Department sources, the magazine said Deutch's mishandling of
classified material came to light shortly after he resigned in December 1996.
He was to continue as a consultant.

Agency technicians went to his home for a routine check to ensure CIA
procedures were being followed to protect secrets, Newsweek said in its issue
appearing on newsstands Monday. They found 31 classified national security
documents on his personal computer, even though he had a secure agency
computer at home, the report said.

During the Justice Department investigation, Deutch was reappointed to a
federal panel that studies how to combat proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and was given top security clearances, Newsweek said.

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[CTRL] No Prosecution for Ex-CIA Chief

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Ex-CIA Chief Won't Be Prosecuted

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Justice Department has declined to prosecute former
CIA Director John Deutch for keeping secret files on his unsecured personal
computer at home after he stepped down as the nation's top spy, a department
official said today.

But the department recently sent the case back to the CIA for possible
disciplinary action after it concluded Deutch's actions were reckless rather
than criminal, this official said, requesting anonymity.

The CIA is preparing a critical report and considering revocation of the
security clearances Deutch still has as a government consultant, Newsweek
magazine reported Sunday.

Newsweek disclosed that in late 1996, CIA technicians found 31 secret files
on Deutch's home computer. The CIA spent a year weighing the case before
sending it to the Justice Department and the department spent another year
reaching its decision, the magazine said.

CIA spokesman Bill Harlow said he was familiar with the Newsweek story but
could not comment. The newsmagazine said Deutch would not comment, and a call
to his Massachusetts home was not returned.

Quoting Justice Department sources, the magazine said Deutch's mishandling of
classified material came to light shortly after he resigned in December 1996.

Agency technicians went to his home for a routine check to ensure CIA
procedures were being followed to protect secrets, Newsweek said. They found
31 classified national security documents on his personal computer, even
though he had a secure agency computer at home, the report said.

During the Justice Department investigation, Deutch was reappointed to a
federal panel that studies how to combat proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and was given top security clearances, Newsweek said.

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[CTRL] Rothschild Garage Sale

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Rothschild Art Collection Sold

.c The Associated Press

LONDON (AP) -- In the sumptuous surroundings of auctioneers Christie's, the
portraits by Dutch master Frans Hals, the richly illustrated 16th-century
religious manuscripts and lavish furniture built for King Louis XVI look
quite at home.

But behind them lies the tale of a famous family brought low by Nazi

Christie's is selling 250 artworks from the collection put together last
century by Barons Albert and Nathaniel von Rothschild, scions of the Austrian
arm of the 250-year-old banking dynasty and both avid collectors.

Within hours of annexing Austria in March 1938, the Nazis seized the
Rothschilds' beloved artworks and it was only in February that the Austrian
government agreed to return them. But the Rothschilds can no longer afford
such luxuries.

``In the war, the palace in which this collection was exhibited was reduced
to rubble, and so were their investments, factories and their
wealth-producing powers,'' Christie's chairman Lord Hindlip said at a news
conference Monday.

``The Rothschilds ... really have no alternative but to sell,'' he said.

The sale on July 8 is expected to realize more than $40 million.

At the end of the war, American soldiers discovered the Rothschild collection
hidden in a ski resort in the Austrian Tyrol. From 1947, it went on display
in leading museums, including Vienna's Kunsthistorisches Museum and the
Austrian Gallery.

But last year, Culture Minister Elisabeth Gehrer granted permission for the
works to be exported, saying she wanted to overturn the ``immoral decisions''
taken at war's end.

``It breaks my heart to see these things being sold: they are the last of my
childhood,'' Albert's granddaughter, Baroness Bettina der Rothschild, said in
a recent interview with The New York Times.

Hindlip called the collection ``the most exciting I have seen in my 36-odd
years at Christie's.''

Among the highlights of the 31 paintings to be sold are three Hals portraits,
including one of the Amsterdam merchant Tieleman Roosterman, splendid in
black suit with white ruff and cuffs. It alone is expected to fetch up to
$5.6 million.

The furniture collection includes a lavishly worked wooden commode built by
cabinetmaker Jean-Henri Riesener for Louis XVI's Fontainebleau palace in 1778
but later moved to Versailles. It carries an estimate of $2.4 million to $4

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[CTRL] German Debate over Role in NATO

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "`We have a responsibility toward our allies in NATO [to support the
airstrikes in Yugoslavia],'' argued German Chancellor Schroeder. "We ALSO
sic have a responsibility toward the people of Kosovo.''

Schroeder Backed on Kosovo Stand

.c The Associated Press

BONN, Germany (AP) -- Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder won broad support from his
party today for his stand on bombing Yugoslavia after he rejected calls by
left-wingers for a stop to NATO's air assault.

Schroeder, speaking at a special convention of his Social Democrats, insisted
Germany's credibility as a NATO ally was at stake in a conflict that has
launched its military into combat for the first time since World War II.

``We have a responsibility toward our allies in NATO,'' Schroeder declared in
a speech kicking off an afternoon of debate. ``We also have a responsibility
toward the people of Kosovo, who have become victims of the most gruesome
human rights violations.''

Kosovo overshadowed a meeting originally called to elect Schroeder as new
party chairman, bolstering his authority in the 6-month-old government. His
leftist rival, Oskar Lafontaine, quit that post and the finance minister's
job last month in a power struggle.

Running unopposed, Schroeder, a centrist, was elected today by 370 of 493
delegates, or 76 percent. The less than overwhelming support was a sign that
many Social Democrats feel Schroeder doesn't represent the party's soul,
having stayed aloof from its core left-wing beliefs and now going against its
decades-old anti-war tradition.

But with the party now forced to make hard choices in government, a large
majority of delegates backed the government's staunch commitment to the NATO
campaign in a show of hands.

Addressing his critics, Schroeder repeated NATO's argument that continued
airstrikes -- which include German Tornado warplanes -- are necessary to
force Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic agree to peace in Kosovo and a
return of ethnic Albanian refugees.

``An end to airstrikes would not bring us one millimeter closer to this
goal,'' he said.

That stand has provoked vocal objections from a leftist minority in the party
as well as the once thoroughly pacifist Greens, Schroeder's junior coalition

But a motion by left-wingers and the Social Democrats' radical youth
organization calling on the government to press for an end to the airstrikes
and fresh Kosovo peace talks was rejected at the convention.

Though its defeat had seemed certain from the outset, the move indicated the
depth of unease among many Germans about their country's assertive new role
in the post-Cold War world.

``It must be possible to replace military logic with political logic,'' said
Andrea Nahles, head of the youth wing.

Schroeder argued forcefully for his stand in an hourlong speech, saying that
Germany had a special responsibility to stand firm against Milosevic
precisely because of its Nazi past.

``Especially as Germans, our response must be clear: We must never again
allow murder, expulsions and deportations to be tolerated by politicians,''
he said.

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[CTRL] Serbia Invokes Alliance with Russia-Belarus

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Yugoslavia Wants Russian Alliance

.c The Associated Press

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Yugoslavia's parliament voted today to join an
alliance with Russia and Belarus, an action aimed at getting military help to
stop NATO airstrikes. Russia said membership can't be granted instantly.

Serbian Premier Mirko Marjanovic said after the parliament vote that it was
``normal'' for Yugoslavia to join the union with its historic Christian
Orthodox allies.

``It is yet another way to resist the NATO aggression,'' Marjanovic said.

The NATO alliance says airstrikes will continue until Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic withdraws military and police forces cracking down on
separatist rebels in the southern province of Kosovo.

Milosevic requested membership in a letter to Russian President Boris Yeltsin
that was delivered to the Russian Foreign Ministry on Sunday.

``Moscow positively regards the idea of Yugoslavia's membership in the union
of Russia and Belarus, and corresponding orders have been given to study this
issue,'' Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov told reporters in Moscow today.

But Ivanov and other Russian officials have cautioned Yugoslavia that
membership can't be granted quickly. Ivanov said last week that NATO
operations against Yugoslavia were likely to be over before the country could
be included in an expanded union.

The pro-Western leaders of Montenegro, Serbia's partner in the Yugoslav
federation, dismissed the federal parliament's resolution.

Predrag Popovic, deputy speaker of the Montenegrin legislature, described the
proposed union as Milosevic's ``last and desperate effort to save his power
and the ideology of which he is a slave.''

Russia and Belarus haggled for months before their union deal was completed
in 1997, and the incorporation of Yugoslavia into the alliance could present
even more difficulties than the original agreement.

Even if Yugoslavia is admitted, it wouldn't automatically mean military aid.
The union calls for military cooperation, among other things, but also
envisions extensive political and economic ties, including the possibility of
a single currency.

The Russia-Belarus union remains largely an agreement on paper. Both
countries have deeply troubled economies and neither has been able to offer
much assistance to the other.

Ivanov reiterated that Russia doesn't want to get involved in the Yugoslav
conflict militarily and ``targets all its efforts'' at preventing the
conflict from spreading.

The idea of a union between Russia, Belarus and Yugoslavia is popular among
many politicians in Russia, though some, including Yeltsin, have said that
now is not the best time to consider it.

The notion of a Slavic union is particularly popular among Russian
Communists, who regret the breakup of the Soviet Union.

Throughout its troubled history, Yugoslavia always has been against any
domination from either the West or the East and has jealously defended its

The motion passed in each house without a dissenting vote. In a statement,
the Yugoslav parliament called the proposal ``a historic step of great
importance to Yugoslavia's people.''

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[CTRL] Russia Sends Armored Convoy to Serbia

1999-04-12 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Hungary, Russia Reach Deal on Convoy

.c The Associated Press

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Hungary and Russia struck a deal today allowing a
convoy of Russian trucks to proceed to Yugoslavia, Hungary's prime minister
told Parliament.

Hungary stopped the convoy of 73 trucks at its border with Ukraine on
Saturday, denying entry because five of the vehicles were armor-plated. The
vehicles violated the 1998 U.N. arms embargo on Yugoslavia, Hungarian
officials said.

The Russians said the convoy was carrying humanitarian aid for embattled
Yugoslavia and that the armored vehicles were deployed ``to protect personnel
providing humanitarian aid.''

Moscow threatened dire consequences if the matter wasn't resolved quickly.

Under the deal struck today, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said Russia would
send home the five armored vehicles after their loads were transferred to
other vehicles.

``With this agreement, the Hungarian government regards the issue over and
closed,'' Orban said.

Two Hungarian observers will accompany the trucks stalled at the Zahony
border crossing from Ukraine, 150 miles east of Budapest. Four gasoline
tankers will also be allowed to travel with the convoy, Orban said.

NATO officials in Brussels, Belgium, said the armored vehicles and fuel could
have been used militarily. NATO spokesman Jamie Shea said the trucks and fuel
would have been ``a direct military asset.''

Convoy leader Vladimir Bashkirtsev accused Hungary of stopping the trucks
under pressure from NATO, the ITAR-Tass and Interfax news agencies reported.

Hungary, the former Soviet satellite bordering Yugoslavia, now is a member of
the NATO alliance launching airstrikes on Yugoslav forces.

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[CTRL] Singapore Superbug

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Singapore Killer Bacterium on Rise

.c The Associated Press

SINGAPORE (AP) -- A common bacterium that causes respiratory tract infections
has evolved into a killer bug that antibiotics cannot fight in Singapore,
doctors and news reports said today.

The number of cases of streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium that proved
resistant to antibiotics shot up from 2 percent in 1991 to 43 percent in
1997, said Dr. Ling Moi Lin, a microbiologist at Singapore General Hospital.

The bacterium ``used to be very sensitive to penicillin, but is now showing
resistance to it,'' Ling told The Associated Press. ``It's also showing
resistance to new classes of antibiotics.''

The bug can infect the respiratory tract, sinuses or ears. It is most
dangerous when it spreads to the lungs and causes pneumonia, Ling said.

``It's a very common bacterium,'' the doctor said, noting that it could be
spread through the air by inhaling droplets coughed out by an infected

About half of all patients over 60 die when the bacterium affects their blood
or brain, and the infection is also fatal to four out of 10 children under
the age of one, The Straits Times newspaper reported.

The newspaper quoted an article from the Annals Academy of Medicine in
Singapore, in which Associate Professor T.K. Lim warned: ``We may witness, in
the near future, the emergence of this virtually incurable `superbug' in

Doctors said overuse and misuse of antibiotics had probably led to the
emergence of a bacterium resistant to drugs, a common problem with many types
of bacteria around the world.

``If people use too much of an antibiotic, this is the end result,'' Ling
said. ``The antibiotic will kill the bacteria that are most sensitive. The
ones that are left behind will learn to mutate and resist the antibiotic.''

Singapore's Health Ministry is reviewing guidelines on antibiotic use in an
attempt to combat the problem, the ministry said today in a written response
to questions.

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[CTRL] Contemptible, Contemptuous Head of State

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Clinton's capsule biography in American history textbooks will say
'first elected president impeached and first to be held in contempt while in
office.' "

Judge Holds Clinton in Contempt

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton faces a new blot on his record and
thousands of dollars in fresh legal expenses after a federal judge cited him
for contempt of court. Historians believe he is the first chief executive to
receive such a penalty.

U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright concluded Monday that the president
lied about his relationship with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky in
a Jan. 17, 1998, deposition in the Paula Jones case.

``Simply put, the president's deposition testimony ... was intentionally
false,'' Wright wrote.

The judge ordered Clinton to pay Mrs. Jones ``any reasonable expenses
including attorneys' fees caused by his willful failure to obey this court's
discovery orders'' and also to pay $1,202 as reimbursement for the judge's
travel in the case.

One option is for Clinton to use his legal defense fund, which has raised
$4.5 million, to pay the sanction.

Clinton's lawyers were mum, leaving their options open until they see what
sort of penalty Mrs. Jones requests. One of her lawyers said Monday night it
could be tens of thousands of dollars.

Wright, however, hinted in her ruling if Clinton attempts to contest her
findings, it could have political costs for a president eager to put the
impeachment crisis behind him that ended in January when he was acquitted on
perjury and obstruction of justice charges in the Senate.

``This court is fully aware that the president may have engaged in other ...
conduct warranting'' punishment and if Clinton exercises his right to contest
the finding it would open the door for hearings complete with witnesses ``on
all matters concerning the president's conduct,'' she warned.

At her home in Cabot, Ark., Mrs. Jones was overjoyed. ``Ah! Ta ta ta ta ta.
That's all I have to say,'' she said, waving her hands above her head and
dancing. Asked whether she believed the sanction against the president was
good for the country, Mrs. Jones said, ``I could care less. It's not about
that, it's about what he did.''

The judge also set in motion a process that could strip Clinton of his law
license, referring the president's testimony to the Arkansas Supreme Court's
Committee on Professional Conduct.

Wright said she would delay enforcement for 30 days to give Clinton an
opportunity to ask for a hearing or to appeal.

``I think it's a vindication,'' said John Whitehead, one of Mrs. Jones's
lawyers. ``This is the first event in the whole proceeding where the
president was actually held accountable in the end.''

Historians said they believed the action was a first.

``I have never heard of any case where a president has been found in contempt
in a civil case,'' said Mark Rozell, a professor of political science at the
University of Pennsylvania.

Clinton's historical ``boxscore'' will say in part ``first elected president
impeached and first to be held in contempt while in office,'' said Rozell.

Wright directed Mrs. Jones' lawyers to submit within 20 days a statement of
their expenses, which Whitehead said could be ``tens of thousands of dollars.

``You have all the expenses related to seven lawyers who attended the
deposition -- air fares, the time spent there (in Washington), the time
preparing, meals, and what we believe was the cause and effect of the whole
thing,'' said Whitehead.

Senior presidential aides, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Clinton
lawyers regarded the penalty as less severe since the judge had the option of
making a criminal referral against the president to the U.S. attorney's

The judge said any finding of criminal contempt would have required a more
lengthy process involving hearings and taking evidence. Also, she noted that
much of Clinton's conduct had been investigated by the independent counsel's
office and she wanted to ``prevent any potential double jeopardy issues from

Robert Bennett, the private lawyer who represented Clinton in the Jones case,
said he would have no comment on the judge's ruling ``until I have had the
opportunity of reviewing this matter fully.''

Rep. Asa Hutchinson, the Arkansas Republican who was one of the House
prosecutors in the impeachment trial, said a ``nonpartisan and nonpolitical
judge'' had found the president had willfully disobeyed court orders to be
truthful and ``I have to underline the 'willful' part of her ruling.''

The office of Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, whose investigation prompted
the impeachment crisis, declined comment Monday night.

Wright said her decision to dismiss the Jones case a year ago would not have
changed, even if the president had been ``truthful with respect to his
relationship with Ms. Lewinsky.''

Mrs. Jones appealed the dismissal, but then settled the case by accepting an

[CTRL] Russia May Send More Ships

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Russia May Pull Bosnia Peacekeepers

.c The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia may send additional naval ships to the Mediterranean
and withdraw its peacekeepers in Bosnia to show its opposition to NATO
strikes in Yugoslavia, Russia's defense minister said today.

So far, Russia has limited itself to mostly symbolic actions in expressing
its opposition to NATO. But Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev said Russia was
still considering stronger responses.

Russia has sent one intelligence-gathering ship into the Adriatic to monitor
NATO warships in the region, and has said it may send several more warships
to the Mediterranean or the Adriatic.

Sergeyev did not say how many ships might be sent to the region or when that
might go. Military officials have said the squadron's task would be to
monitor NATO forces, but Sergeyev said today the step was a pre-planned

``We have planned to replace our floating dock near Syria. The new floating
dock will naturally be escorted by other ships,'' he said, according to
Russian news reports.

Russia might also withdraw its peacekeepers from Bosnia, where they have
served alongside NATO forces, Sergeyev said.

Russia has already suspended all contacts with NATO and says it has taken its
soldiers in Bosnia from under NATO command. However, the move has little
meaning because the Russian forces depend on NATO logistical support.

Sergeyev said today that Russia could go a step further and pull out the
peacekeepers altogether ``depending on the situation in Yugoslavia.''

President Boris Yeltsin has condemned the NATO raids, but said that Russia
won't get involved militarily or supply Yugoslavia with weapons.

Seeking help from Russia, Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic has asked
that his country be considered for admission into an alliance of Slavic
nations that already includes Russia and Belarus. The Yugoslav parliament
vote Monday in favor of joining.

Russia said that it supports Yugoslavia, but that the issue must be
thoroughly studied and no decision could be made quickly.

The 1997 union between Russia and Belarus has remained largely symbolic, with
both nations suffering from deep economic problems and unable to provide any
real assistance to each other.

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[CTRL] NATO Tries to Calm Russia

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Albright Meets With Russia Minister

.c The Associated Press

OSLO, Norway (AP) -- With NATO unity reaffirmed, Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright is holding out to Russia a role in peacekeeping in Kosovo while
cautioning against providing military intelligence or aid to Yugoslavia.

``We believe Russia has a constructive role to play in helping to bring about
and implement a settlement,'' State Department spokesman James P. Rubin said
today upon arriving in Oslo with Albright in a springtime snowstorm.

``Russia has found itself out of the mainstream,'' Rubin said against a
backdrop of U.S. assertions that virtually all of Europe supports the NATO
bombardment of Yugoslavia.

Today's fence-mending meeting here with Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov
follows a North Atlantic Council meeting in Brussels in which the 19 NATO
allies considered having Russian and other European troops join in enforcing
a settlement in the province if Yugoslavia accepts peace terms.

While NATO would lead the force, ``that doesn't mean there are not other ways
that other forces could be part of that,'' Albright told reporters Monday.

``It is absolutely necessary to have the Russians involved,'' French Foreign
Minister Hubert Vedrine said. ``Not just as a matter of form, but of

Russia has suspended its ties with NATO to protest the bombing of the Serbs
and sent a spy ship toward the Adriatic Sea. In ordering the moves, President
Boris Yeltsin alleged that the United States and its allies ``want to take
over Yugoslavia, make it their protectorate.''

American officials traveling with Albright said they have no evidence Russia
helped Yugoslavia with intelligence. Albright said Sunday on her flight from
Washington that she reminded Russia the United Nations had imposed an arms
embargo on Yugoslavia.

``It is important to abide by that Security Council resolution ... and we
expect them to do so,'' Albright said.

She then turned down an appeal for weapons from a representative of the
Kosovo Liberation Army. A senior U.S. official said she told Jakup Krasniqi
at a meeting Monday that any move to arm the rebels in defiance of a U.N.
arms embargo on all sides in Yugoslavia could weaken support for the ethnic

Moscow also argues that NATO is acting illegally in Kosovo because the U.N.
Security Council hasn't explicitly authorized action.

Norwegian Foreign Minister Knut Vollebaek said he did not expect a
breakthrough in the U.S-Russian rift.

``I believe we should lower our expectations,'' he said.

Norway, a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, holds the
rotating chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in
Europe. That is the capacity in which Vollebaek is playing host to today's

``They both were interested in meeting,'' Vollebaek said. ``They wanted a
neutral ground, and the OSCE was acceptable for both.''

The Norwegian told reporters that it was important that ``we make the Russian
side understand that our demands are not negotiable.''

Albright said hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians still in Kosovo face
starvation, and the NATO ministers had begun discussions of ways to p)their
rights in the event of a settlement.

After confirming NATO's unity at 19-nation foreign ministers meeting,
Albright said while partition of Kosovo was not an option, the foreign
ministers considered ``some kind of international protective status'' for the
region Milosevic has pledged not to surrender.

Such a protectorate would allow the ethnic Albanians, who numbered 1p million
and made up 90 percent of the population before exodus and execution, ``to
live with a high degree of self-government without the threats and terror
that they have been living under,'' Albright said.

She said ``there are a number of ideas that are out there'' and ``none of
those have been settled upon.''

In a parallel move certain to anger the Yugoslav president, NATO is moving to
deny Milosevic authority to keep Serb troops in Kosovo after the conflict.

A six-nation peace plan that he rejected would have permitted 5,000 Serb
troops to remain, half of them to patrol the border of Kosovo, which would
remain a part of Serbia. The other half would leave after a year.

Milosevic nullified autonomy in the Serbian province a decade ago and has
refused to accept a settlement that would maximize autonomy but not extend
independence to the province.

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[CTRL] Senate Hearing on Chinese Espionage

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Panel Holds China Espionage Hearing

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An Energy Department intelligence officer says he was
blocked from acting and reporting on an alleged case of Chinese espionage at
a nuclear weapons lab because of concerns about the lab's reputation and the
administration's China policy.

Notra Trulock, whose charges are the subject of an internal investigation by
the department, spoke at a rare open hearing on the spy case held Monday by
the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Elizabeth Moler, former deputy secretary and acting energy secretary for a
short time in 1998, strongly disputed Trulock's claims that she kept him from
briefing the House Intelligence Committee. The committee wanted information
on the case of a scientist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New
Mexico suspected of passing nuclear weapons secrets to the Chinese in the

Testifying after Trulock at Monday's hearing, she said she never saw a memo
from Trulock in which he requested permission to brief the panel, and that
charges she prevented the briefing because of possible negative repercussions
for the administration's China policy ``are absolutely false.''

Republicans have criticized the lax security at the national weapons labs and
say they want to find out whether the administration downplayed the spy case
and Chinese acquisition of other sensitive technology.

John Warner, R-Va., chairman of the armed services panel, criticized Moler
prior to the hearing for working to block and then trying to water down
security reforms he sought at the labs in 1998. She responded that she was an
``enthusiastic supporter'' of efforts to better protect secret work carried
out by the labs.

Trulock said that in 1997, when he tried to take action in response to the
then-developing Los Alamos case, his proposals ``were ignored, they were
minimized and occasionally even ridiculed.''

He said he was told by department officials that further inquiries into the
matter could hurt the credibility of the national labs and affect their

Trulock said he gave Moler's assistant a memo in July 1998 with a request
from House Intelligence Committee Chairman Porter Goss, R-Fla., for a
briefing on the case. When there was no response in the next week, he said he
asked Moler personally and she responded that Goss' committee was ``only
interested in harming the president on his China policy.''

Trulock said he was willing to take a polygraph test to confirm his

Moler countered, ``I have never denied a request by Mr. Trulock, to my
knowledge, to brief'' the committee.

She said that in the same month she did turn down a senator's request for a
briefing because the matter was by then in the hands of the FBI, which has
been conducting a criminal investigation.

Since the case became public earlier this year, Energy Secretary Bill
Richardson, who took over the department late last year, has imposed new
security measures for the weapons labs and said he has ordered an internal
investigation into Trulock's charges.

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[CTRL] Russia Appeals to World Court

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Copyright 1998 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news
report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed
without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

Russia Seeks Court's View on Kosovo

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Russia wants the World Court to determine the legal
consequences of NATO airstrikes on Yugoslavia, which Moscow says violate
international law.

Ambassador Sergey Lavrov introduced a draft resolution Monday to a General
Assembly committee that deals with strengthening the United Nations and
upholding its charter.

Moscow has argued that NATO action over the Kosovo dispute is illegal because
the U.N. Security Council didn't explicitly authorize it. Russia also says
the strikes against its Serb allies violate the fundamental goal of the
United Nations, which is to maintain peace in the world.

The draft request doesn't mention Kosovo, NATO or Yugoslavia by name, but
diplomats said the intent of the resolution was clear: to give Russia another
chance to formally object to the NATO assault on its allies in Belgrade.

The draft cites the U.N. Charter in saying individual nations and regional
organizations cannot use force against sovereign states without the
authorization of the Security Council.

``No considerations, whether political, economic, military or of any other
kind, may be used to justify the threat or use of force in violation of the
Charter of the United Nations,'' it says.

It requests ``as a matter of urgency,'' that the International Court of
Justice give its opinion on the legal consequences such unauthorized
intervention would have for the United Nations and for peace in the world.

The court, also known as the International Court of Justice, is based in The
Hague, Netherlands, and handles disputes between states. It has no
enforcement powers and relies on voluntary compliance with its rulings.

U.S. officials said they were studying the Russian draft but noted that it
may be difficult for the court to even consider because the Russians were
asking for a ruling on a theoretical question -- not a concrete dispute
between states.

Russia brought its position before the 15-member U.N. Security Council last
month and was resoundingly defeated when it failed to get a resolution
demanding an end to the strikes.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Bank Readiness for Y2K

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Date:   99-04-12 09:52:30 EDT
From:   x


...Banks are heavily regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., which
is just winding up Phase II Y2K compliance this week, she said.  Phase III
runs through the end of the year, according to the Federal Reserve Board.
Each bank is rated as to its readiness, but that rating cannot be disclosed,
Gowans said

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Second Coming is Coming

1999-04-13 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Zany "Illuminati" vision of the Apocalypse in a new book (fiction) whose
author lists under "acknowledgments" the fabled "Hawthorne Abendsen" (aka Das


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Now's It's Serbian Terrorists IN THE U.S.

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

FBI Warns of Serb Terrorism in U.S.

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The FBI is investigating a Serb-language letter faxed to
several Orthodox churches in the United States urging terrorist strikes on
U.S. military installations.

Counterterrorism agents at the FBI sent out an electronic alert memo last
week to military bases, nuclear weapons labs and other key installations
after Serbian Orthodox churches in the Sacramento, Calif., Milwaukee, Chicago
and Indianapolis areas received the letter via fax. It urged Serbian
Americans to respond violently to U.S.-led NATO strikes on Yugoslavia.

``The threat letter requested that all Serbian nationalists living in America
take action against the NATO decision to intervene in the Serbian/Kosovo
conflict by killing as many American soldiers in the United States as
necessary to stop the NATO attacks in Serbia,'' according to the FBI memo.

The memo, which was obtained by The Associated Press, was distributed to
military bases and other sensitive federal installations, such as nuclear
weapons labs, through a special e-mail warning system, officials said.

Dale Watson, the FBI's deputy assistant director for counterterrorism,
declined to discuss the memo but said the church letters weren't the only
Serb-related terrorism threats being examined by FBI investigators.

``As the war continues, we receive a lot of threats in here. The FBI looks
into them,'' Watson said Wednesday in a telephone interview. ``This (letter)
is not just an isolated situation. We look at threats; we take them all

Serbian Orthodox church officials in the cities mentioned in the FBI memo
either declined to comment or said they had no information about the
Serb-language letter.

No arrests have been made of any Serb nationals suspected of planning
terrorist acts. The agency is investigating whether there is any link between
the Yugoslav government in Belgrade and the threats in the United States,
officials said.

The alert memo warned military commanders nationwide ``that there is a
credible threat outstanding to take action within the United States against
U.S. military personnel.''

Military bases around the country had been on alert dating as far back as
last summer's bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. But bases are
stepping up security measures.

``We have increased our threat condition from Alpha to Bravo,'' said Bob
Pepper, spokesman for the 49th Fighter Wing at Holloman Air Force Base, N.M.,
home of F-117 stealth fighters being used against Yugoslavia.

The one-step increase in threat awareness, he said, probably would not be
noticeable to outside civilians. It involves more intensive identity checks
and stricter requirements for non-military people entering the base.

Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon said military commanders were responding to
the FBI warnings.

``We are aware of these threats and we have disseminated the information to
local commanders and it's up to them to adjust ... according to the threats
they see,'' Bacon said.

Increasingly, the Pentagon has become concerned with the possibility that
terrorists would locate and target individual servicemen, perhaps in their
homes. As a result, the Pentagon has grown reluctant to identify individual
pilots flying strike missions and has scrubbed military Internet sites of
personal and family information and service members.

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1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Security Council Split on Kosovo

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- As the world increasingly looks to Secretary-General
Kofi Annan and the United Nations for a solution to the Kosovo crisis, the
Security Council's divide illustrates the chasm that must be bridged.

It's Russia and China vs. the United States and its NATO allies. Again.

This time it's not the Cold War battle of communists and capitalists. But the
rhetoric is equally heated, and at the moment there are no signs of

As Wednesday's council meeting on the humanitarian crisis in Macedonia and
Montenegro demonstrated, the protagonists are focused on different sides of
the war.

Russia's U.N. Ambassador Sergey Lavrov has decried the impact of NATO bombing
on innocent civilians at every recent Security Council meeting -- and
Wednesday he denounced the attack on a Yugoslav bridge while a train was
crossing as ``barbaric.''

China's U.N. Ambassador Qin Huasun went even further, claiming the twin NATO
strikes on the bridge deliberately targeted civilians as an act of terror,
diplomats said.

NATO members on the council countered that the alliance expressed regret
about the bridge bombing -- and pointedly noted that there had been no
expressions of regret about the hundreds of thousands of ethnic Albanians
expelled or forced from their homes by Serb forces.

``There is no targeting -- none, zero in terms of NATO planning,'' said
deputy U.S. Ambassador Peter Burleigh.

The allies then tried to push for a council statement demanding that Yugoslav
authorities immediately release two Australian humanitarian workers whom
Belgrade has accused of spying -- but Russia opposed asking for their

By the end of the debate, council members could agree only on a statement
calling for immediate consular access to the Australians and expressing
``deepest concern at the grave humanitarian situation in and around Kosovo.''

While the Security Council's divisions have relegated it to the sidelines so
far, last week's peace initiative by the secretary-general and Wednesday's
proposal by Germany -- which suggests a U.N. peacekeeping role -- could make
the council a significant player in a Kosovo settlement.

The European Union on Wednesday backed Annan's five-point proposal, which
closely resembles NATO's conditions for stopping airstrikes. It calls for
Yugoslavia to end the intimidation and expulsion of civilians, withdraw
military forces, and allow deployment of an international military force to
help the return of refugees.

There was no talk Wednesday in the Security Council of any peace deal.

Slovenia's U.N. Ambassador Danilo Turk said Annan's ``very carefully
crafted'' initiative provides the framework for a solution -- but he said
``conditions are not yet ripe'' for any council action.

Asked about the German proposal, Lavrov said when NATO is ready to stop the
bombing, the council might be ready to discuss it.

But Burleigh said Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic must take the first

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1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Is U.S.-led NATO becoming a problem for the EU and UN?

EU Backs Annan's Kosovo Plan

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- European Union leaders are backing a U.N. peace
initiative for Kosovo while still giving their unwavering support to NATO's
bombing campaign to end the Serb offensive in Kosovo.

``There's not going to be a halt to the NATO action until the demands that we
have set out -- which are entirely reasonable, humane, civilized demands --
are met in full,'' British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Wednesday after the
15 EU leaders met with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to discuss the
Kosovo crisis.

Billed as a summit to discuss a German peace plan, the leaders instead backed
a similar five-point initiative launched by Annan in Geneva last week.

Annan's formula, which closely resembles NATO's conditions for stopping
airstrikes, calls for:

An immediate end to the Yugoslav campaign of intimidation and expulsion of

Ceasing all military and paramilitary activities in Kosovo and withdrawing
these forces.

Accepting unconditionally the return of all refugees and displaced people to
their homes.

Accepting the deployment of an international military force to help in the
return of refugees and delivery of aid.

Permitting the international community to verify compliance.

Annan said he had no plans to go to Belgrade to speak to Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic and there was no indication Milosevic would accept such a

German chancellor and current EU president, Gerhard Schroeder, said the EU
still supports a political settlement based on the February agreement at
Rambouillet, France -- which the Kosovo Albanians signed and the Serbs

He said the EU was prepared to run an interim administration of Kosovo under
such a plan. The Rambouillet plan calls for a NATO-led peacekeeping force, as
opposed to Annan's proposal of international troops.

The leaders also agreed to a future conference to discuss the long-term
stabilization of southeastern Europe.

But before a date can be set for such a conference, Milosevic must end his
force's bloody crackdown in Kosovo, which has forced hundreds of thousands of
ethnic Albanians to flee the province.

``We need great determination to follow the military option until it achieves
its objective,'' said French President Jacques Chirac.

NATO officials say the three weeks of airstrikes have begun to stagger
Milosevic and are hesitant to ease up and give him a chance to recuperate.

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[CTRL] Killer Kid Sentenced to 70 Years

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Teen-Ager Gets 70 Years for Murder

.c The Associated Press

TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) -- Portrayed as both victim and criminal, a teen-ager
who admitted to killing an 11-year-old boy apologized as he was sentenced to
70 years in prison.

Sam Manzie, 17, described by prosecutors as a sociopath ``programmed to have
sex, rape and kill,'' told the victim's parents he doesn't know how he got
that way: ``I still can't figure out why I did what I did.''

He will have plenty of time to think about it. A judge ordered Manzie to
serve at least 59 1/2 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole.

Eddie Werner was strangled after he came to Manzie's house selling items for
the PTA in 1997.

Prosecutors said Manzie killed the boy for rejecting his sexual advances. He
later shot a photo of the boy's half-naked body, a necktie and alarm clock
cord around his neck.

With his head bowed, Manzie calmly read a statement of apology, saying he was
sorry ``for all of the suffering I've put so many people through.'' He ha
pleaded guilty to murder.

The apology came during an emotional 2 1/2-hour courtroom drama Wednesday in
which Manzie's mother was ejected for an angry outburst and Werner's grieving
parents called for a life prison term.

The Manzies blamed psychiatrists and other mental health experts for not
locking their son up before he killed the boy. His parents asked a judge to
do so less than a week before the killing, but the judge released Manzie to
his parents' custody.

``We were told over and over and over again that he wasn't violent, that he
wouldn't hurt anybody,'' Dolores Manzie said.

But the judge ordered her removed from the courtroom later when a prosecutor
said she had threatened to kill herself if doctors did not agree to commit
her son to full-time care.

``Take him for a week and tell me you'd be able to handle it!'' she screamed.
``I couldn't handle my child anymore. At least I admitted it.''

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[CTRL] Q2K -- Dan Quayle for President

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Quayle To Run for President

.c The Associated Press

HUNTINGTON, Ind. (AP) -- Former Vice President Dan Quayle, trying to
refurbish his image and jump-start his GOP presidential campaign, declared
his candidacy Wednesday by pledging to rebuild American values after ``a
dishonest decade of Bill Clinton and Al Gore.''

Seeking office for the first time since he and President Bush succumbed to
Clinton and Gore in 1992, the former Indiana senator sought to push beyond a
history of political gaffes and controversies. ``Murphy Brown is gone,'' he
said, ``and I'm still here fighting for the American family.''

Quayle's use of the TV sitcom in the 1992 campaign to highlight a ``poverty
of values'' brought him criticism and ridicule from some quarters. But he
returned to the theme Wednesday, betting that primary voters will reward him
for casting a spotlight on the family-values debate.

``The question in life is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The
question is, are you ready to get back up, are you willing to get back up and
fight for what you believe in?'' Quayle said.

A crowd of nearly 6,000, packed to the gym rafters at his former high school,
shouted ``Q2K! Q2K! Q2K!'' for Quayle-2000. Fireworks exploded before and
after his speech, covering the stage in a haze of smoke. Rock music, hundreds
of handpainted signs and an appearance by ball-tossing former Chicago Bears
quarterback Jim McMahon gave the announcement a pep rally feeling.

``I have come back home to announce that I will seek and I will win the
presidency of the United States,'' Quayle said.

Gore, who succeeded Quayle as vice president and is seeking the Democratic
presidential nomination, was singled out by Quayle for calling President
Clinton a great leader during the impeachment effort.

``What arrogance. What disdain for the values that parents are trying to
teach their children. What contempt for the rule of law,'' Quayle said.
``This should not stand.''

``We are coming to the end of a dishonest decade of Bill Clinton and Al
Gore,'' he said. ``It's time we work to reclaim the values that made America

Gore's staff dismissed the attack. Spokesman Chris Lehane said, ``Dan
Quayle's vision of America will take us back to the Dark Ages of the last GOP

Appearing relaxed and in command of his topics, Quayle spoke from notes and
varied from a draft of the speech given to reporters.

He promoted his proposed 30 percent across-the-board tax cut, billing it as a
boon to middle-income families.

And he portrayed himself as the best qualified potential commander-in-chief,
recalling his participation in White House war councils. After Bush picked
him as vice president, Quayle had withstood withering criticism for having
joined the Indiana National Guard years earlier, thus avoiding service in

``You can only get so much from briefing books and crash courses. You need
experience,'' Quayle said. Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the early favorite for
the GOP nomination, is getting scores of private briefings to bone up on
foreign policy.

``A presidency is not to be inherited,'' Quayle said.

Aides would not say whether Quayle was alluding to Gore or the Texas governor
-- or perhaps both. Gore is Clinton's choice to win in 2000, and Bush is the
son of the former president.

Asked for comment, Bush campaign spokeswoman Mindy Tucker said simply,
``Governor Bush congratulates Vice President Quayle on his announcement and
wishes him well. Governor Bush intends to campaign by laying out a positive
vision for a brighter future for America.''

Quayle himself wants to inherit President Bush's mantle.

The former vice president, 52, is a long shot for the nomination despite his
popularity among grass-roots activists and his strong organization in New

He joins a crowded field of conservative candidates wrestling over the same
votes. His campaign team has come together slowly. And he raised about $2
million in the first quarter of 1999 -- $1 million less than projected.

Quayle's largest obstacle is what one supporter calls the ``potato factor''
-- a reference to the day he misspelled the word in a classroom full of
school children. That and other miscues turned the vice president into a
punch line for countless jokes, cementing for many American the perception
that Quayle was ill-suited for the job.

Stuck with the image, Quayle wants to turn it to his advantage in the GOP
primaries. He is telling conservative voters that the controversies prove his
willingness to fight the media and liberal elite to protect values. A new
internal poll of 1,000 primary voters showed that 70 percent agreed with this
statement: ``Dan Quayle has proven he can take a punch; the media made fun of
him and he is still standing firm for what he believes.''

His supporters argue that Quayle will easily exceed the low expectations to
sneak up on Bush, who they say can't live up to his early billing.


[CTRL] Cold War Is Back, With Nuclear Threat

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Geez, Louise -- I don't mind folks nowadays going "retro" in neo-beatnik
chic and postmodern '50s kitsch, but THIS is going TOO far ... !

Russia, China Warn US of Arms Race

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia and China on Wednesday warned of a new arms race if the
United States goes ahead with plans to develop a nationwide defense system
against limited missile attack.

The U.S. Senate recently approved a bill calling for construction of the
defense system ``as soon as technologically possible.'' The Americans have
grown concerned about the possibility of attack from countries such as Iran,
Iraq and North Korea.

Russian politicians have been unanimous in assailing the U.S. plan to develop
anti-missile defenses, saying the move would violate the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile treaty. Moscow strongly opposes U.S. proposals to amend the treaty to
allow for limited missile defenses.

Russian and Chinese military officials and diplomats who met in Moscow to
discuss the situation issued a statement saying the two countries have
serious concerns about the U.S. plans.

``The fulfillment of these plans would violate the main obligation under the
ABM treaty,'' said the statement, circulated by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

Russia and China ``believe that undermining or violating the ABM treaty would
lead to a whole range of negative consequences: New factors would appear that
would be capable of destabilizing the international situation ... and create
conditions for the resumption of the arms race,'' the statement said.

Russia also contends the creation of a missile defense system would put on
hold any further nuclear weapons reductions.

President Boris Yeltsin recently approved a bill by Russian lawmakers that
would make their approval of the START II arms reduction treaty, which the
United States is anxious to see ratified, dependent on a U.S. commitment to
the ABM treaty.

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[CTRL] July 1999

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

"1999 and seven months / Comes a king of terror from the sky ...
 Reviving the great king of the 'Angolmois' " ..."

It just occurred to me that July (seventh month) 1999 is the MILLENNIAL
anniversary of the taking of Jerusalem by the Crusaders (and Knights Templar)
and the crowning of the first European CHRISTIAN "king" of the Holy Land,
till then under Muslim control ...

During the last two years, there have been posts on CTRL that indicated the
Knights of Malta (SMOM) --the Vatican's virtual army, interlocking with the
CIA, Mafia, neofascist Masonic Lodges like P2, and NATO bigwigs like
Alexander Haig -- were reorganizing and gearing up for a "jihad" against
non-European non-Christians in the Near East -- the crossroads to which lie
in the Balkans and across the Bosporus, i.e., in Turkey.  It DOES seem now
that the E.U., successor to the HRE, is trying to elbow the Muslims of
Albania and elsewhere in the Balkans OUT of Europe, OFF the continent proper,
and sweep the Eastern Orthodox nations eastward, back under the umbrella of
"Russia," with its own sphere of influence across the Urals.
"Housecleaning," you might say.

Also, lately there has been a continuing effort by the Vatican to "convert"
Russia (in keeping with the "command" of the so-called "Fatima Prophecies")
and bring the entire Eastern Orthodox branch of Christendom under the direct
control of the Pope, in effect reconstituting the mostly-Slavic Habsburg
Empire, historically a counterpole to, and bulwark against, Western European
expansionism  -- up until the outbreak of World War One, when it simply
became a battlefield between greedy Germany and greedy Russia.
Makes me wonder how "integrated" the newborn EU actually is, what with its
member nations split between secular or Protestant and traditional CATHOLIC
allegiences ...

What's up, I wonder?  A new "Crusades" for the Middle East, the Balkans

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Re: [CTRL] Breaking News: Gun Kills 2, Wounds 4 at Mormon Library

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-15 15:53:37 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lyman Platt, a genealogist, said a gunman entered the library and quickly
fired off a dozen rounds.

Bad genes, obviously ...

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Big Brother -- NATO's Censor Squad

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The order for the TV station to stop broadcasting was issued by the
'Independent Media Commission,' a panel of international officials that is
charged with regulating broadcasting media in postwar Bosnia.
 "The IMC has the authority to call in the NATO-led Stabilization Force,
SFOR, to make sure the station goes off the air."

Bosnian Serb TV Station Banned

.c The Associated Press

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina (AP) -- A Bosnian Serb TV station was ordered to
stop broadcasting because its coverage of the Kosovo crisis was deemed
inflammatory and inaccurate, a senior international official said Thursday.

The program of Kanal S, based in the wartime Bosnian Serb stronghold of Pale,
near Sarajevo, ``had a very inflammatory'' program, said Alexandra
Stiglmayer, the spokeswoman for Bosnia's top international official, Carlos

The order to stop broadcasting was issued Wednesday by the Independent Media
Commission, a panel of international and local officials that is charged with
regulating and licensing broadcasting media in postwar Bosnia.

It came after Kanal S failed to respond to previous warnings to stop its
biased reporting of NATO airstrikes intended to force Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw his forces from Kosovo, a province of Serbia,
the dominant republic of Yugoslavia.

The station has rallied to back fellow Serbs under attack. The station has
failed to report, for example, on the tens of thousands of ethnic Albanian
refugees forced from their homes by Milosevic's forces and has portrayed the
Serbs as victims of NATO aggression.

If the station does not comply, Westendorp's office will ask local
authorities to enforce the order. If they ignore it, Westendorp, who is
responsible for carrying out the Dayton peace plan that ended Bosnia's 3
1/2-year war, will consider other options, Stiglmayer said.

Ultimately, Westendorp has the authority to call in the NATO-led
Stabilization Force, SFOR, deployed in Bosnia to make sure the station goes
off the air.

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[CTRL] The Vatican and Genocide

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Another Catholic "martyr," like the Nazi collaborator the Pope recently

Bishop's Arrest Upsets Vatican

.c The Associated Press

VATICAN CITY (AP) -- The arrest of a bishop accused of having a role in
Rwanda's 1994 genocide is ``an act of extreme gravity,'' the Vatican said

In its first comment since the arrest Wednesday of Bishop Augustin Misago,
the Vatican expressed the hope that the prelate's ``innocence will be rapidly

Justice Minister Jean de Dieu Mucyo said in Rwanda that the bishop was being
held in ``preventive detention'' until authorities decide whether to try him
in Kigali or in his diocese of Gikongoro, in southern Rwanda.

He is accused of having a role in the genocide that killed more than 500,000
minority Tutsis and politically moderate Hutus.

``The arrest of a bishop is an act of extreme gravity that not only wounds
the church in Rwanda but the entire Catholic church,'' said Vatican spokesman
Joaquin Navarro-Valls.

Misago is the highest-ranking church official to be arrested on genocide
charges. So far, 19 Rwandan priests have been jailed on suspicion of aiding
the killings, which ended in July 1994 when the Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic
Front won power and ousted the extremist Hutu government.

A total of 125,000 people have been jailed on suspicion of taking part in the
genocide, and more than 1,000 have been tried.

Relations between the government and the Catholic church have been tense.
Groups of genocide survivors have demanded a public apology from the Catholic
clergy for the killings in churches and missionary-run schools, where
thousands of Tutsis were hacked and burned to death by Hutu soldiers and
militiamen, often with the alleged complicity of the priests.

Rwandan President Pasteur Bizimungu and Tutsi survivors of the massacres in
Gikongoro Prefecture said Misago refused shelter to Tutsis trying to escape
death from Hutu mobs.

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[CTRL] Palestinian Arabs + Russia + China ...

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Arafat Asks Chinese for Support

BEIJING (AP) -- Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat met with China's president
on Thursday to win Beijing's support for the declaration of a Palestinian
state as early as next month, state-run media reported.

While stopping short of a public pledge of support, Chinese President Jiang
Zemin said China backed ``the just cause of the Palestinian people,'' the
Xinhua News Agency said.

``Palestinians will surely realize their lofty goals of restoring their
legitimate national rights and establishing an independent Palestinian
state'' so long as they adhere to peaceful negotiations with Israel, Xinhua
quoted Jiang as saying.

Arafat arrived in Beijing early Thursday for two days of talks with Chinese

Arafat has been meeting with world leaders to learn whether they would
support him if he unilaterally declared an independent Palestinian state on
May 4, the end of a five-year interim period of autonomy.

His visits have included Japan, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Yemen, Russia,
South Africa and Turkey.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] NATO: Oops! Well, Shit Happens.

1999-04-15 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The United States says it regrets [killing 64 noncombatant Albanian
refugees] -- but blames Milosevic for 'making' us do it.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO admitted Thursday it mistakenly bombed a refugee
convoy in Kosovo but vowed to press ahead with its air war against

The United States said it regretted the carnage but blamed Yugoslav Slobodan
Milosevic for driving the ethnic Albanian civilians from their homes in the
first place.

U.S Secretary of Defense William Cohen, promising to intensify aid raids,
accused Milosevic of cynically making propaganda out of the attack in which
Serb officials say 64 civilians were killed.

Cohen told the Senate Armed Services Committee that Milosevic's description
of the attack as an atrocity was ``one of the most grotesque statements I can
conceive of.''

Despite pictures of limbless civilians amid the wreckage of tractors that
flashed around the world, the alliance has pushed ahead with its air war
aimed at forcing Milosevic to bend to its demand for a Yugoslav troop
withdrawal from Kosovo.

Anti-aircraft fire resounded across Belgrade overnight and explosions shook
the Yugoslav capital in the biggest bombardment since air strikes started
three weeks ago.

At NATO's Brussels headquarters spokesman Jamie Shea said the alliance was
taking every possible precaution to avoid collateral damage but one tragic
accident would not weaken its resolve.

NATO played a tape recording of the F-16 pilot who carried out the attack, in
which the alliance says one of its bombs appeared to have mistakenly hit a
civilian vehicle.

He said he made two passes over a three-vehicle convoy of dark green,
two-and-a-half ton vehicles and fired a laser-guided bomb at the lead vehicle
on his third pass.

He said he had seen a villages burning on the main Prizren-Djakovica-Decani
highway and convoys of uprooted civilians in a bottleneck at the north
entrance to Prizren.

He said he believed the vehicles he attacked were Yugoslav military or police
conducting an ethnic cleansing operation.

Serbian official media said 64 people died when the convoy of about 100
tractors, cars and other vehicles carrying several thousand refugees was
attacked from the air on a highway near the south Kosovan town of Djakovica.

``We cannot confirm the figures given by Serb sources, but NATO regrets any
harm to innocent civilians, and reminds that the circumstances in which this
accident occurred are wholly the responsibility of President Milosevic and
his policies,'' the alliance said.

In London, British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook accused Yugoslav leaders of

``I will not accept the criticism that is emanating from Belgrade,'' Cook
told a news conference. ``How dare they now produce crocodile tears for
people killed in the conflict for which they are responsible.''

Meanwhile European Union leaders backed a United Nations conditional peace
plan for Kosovo.

German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, whose country holds the current
presidency of the 15-nation bloc, said Thursday Yugoslavia would have to
accept all the West's conditions for a Kosovo settlement before NATO
suspended bombing.

``This, and only in this order, would make it possible to suspend NATO's
military measures and open the way to a political solution,'' Schroeder told
parliament in Bonn.

Schroeder also said he was ready to meet Victor Chernomyrdin, appointed by
President Boris Yeltsin Wednesday as his Yugoslavia envoy. Kremlin aides said
the veteran former premier had a mandate to seek ``unorthodox'' solutions to
the Kosovo conflict.

Germany has been at the forefront of diplomatic efforts to bind Russia --
Belgrade's traditional ally -- into an international settlement to the Balkan

Chernomyrdin welcomed a German peace plan for Kosovo, signaling a mellowing
in Moscow's tough stance against NATO.

``We have to back a peaceful way out of this crisis and what Germany is
proposing today -- to stop all military action for at least 24 hours and look
for compromises -- deserves attention,'' he told reporters in Moscow.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cover-Up By Order of Clinton's Deputy Energy Secretary

1999-04-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Energy Officials Avoided Spy Case

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Energy Department officials say they kept a House Armed
Services subcommittee in the dark last year about alleged Chinese espionage
at a national weapons lab as part of a policy of limiting those being told of
the case.

Notra Trulock, the agency's special adviser for intelligence, told the
military procurement subcommittee Thursday that he was under specific orders
from Elizabeth Moler, then deputy energy secretary, not to talk about the
alleged Chinese theft of nuclear warhead secrets from the Los Alamos National
Laboratory in the 1980s.

``I did not make full disclosure'' at a closed hearing of the subcommittee
last October, Trulock said. ``I apologize.''

The panel's chairman, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., said the lawmakers were
``very upset'' by the failure of Trulock and Moler, who were under oath at
the time, to reply to questions about espionage at the national labs and
asked, ``Why weren't we told the whole truth?''

Since the alleged spy case was revealed earlier this year, congressional
Republicans have been strongly critical of what they say was the
administration's slow response to the case and its failure to keep Congress
adequately informed.

Trulock on Monday backed up their contentions, telling the Senate Armed
Services Committee that Moler last July prevented him from talking to the
House intelligence panel about the case.

On Thursday he said Moler edited the testimony he had prepared for the
October Armed Services Committee hearing to take out references to espionage
at the national labs.

Moler, who also appeared at both the Monday and Thursday hearings, took
strong issue with Trulock's version of events, saying she never tried to stop
him from testifying and did not edit his testimony.

But she acknowledged that Federico Pena, then energy secretary, had decided
the agency, because of the sensitive nature of the case, should limit its
Capitol Hill briefings to the House and Senate intelligence committees. She
said this was ``common practice.''

She said she told Trulock to limit his testimony to the subject of security
issues involved in visits to the labs by foreign nationals.

Hunter reminded her that his subcommittee oversees two-thirds of the Energy
Department's budget and said, ``We need candor from the department on
(security) losses this country has suffered.''

``With the benefit of hindsight,'' Moler said, ``we should have been more
responsive in this area.''

The Energy Department and the FBI in 1996 began an investigation into
suspicions that Taiwan-born American Wen Ho Lee, a scientist at Los Alamos,
transferred intelligence on the W-88 nuclear warhead during the Reagan

Lee was fired from his job at the New Mexico facility last month, but has not
been charged with any wrongdoing and the FBI has cautioned it may not have
the evidence for a criminal case.

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[CTRL] Never-Told-A-Lie Bill Warns of Serbian CBW

1999-04-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

US: Yugoslavia Has Chemical Agents

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Yugoslavia has reportedly stockpiled chemicals that could
be used as weapons and President Clinton promised a swift response to any
chemical attack.

Yugoslavia has made no threats to use deadly chemical weapons and Pentagon
officials said they have no intelligence indicating that Belgrade has any
such plans.

Speaking in San Francisco to the American Society of Newspaper Editors,
Clinton said U.S. intelligence has been closely watching Belgrade's chemical
agent supply.

``My response would be swift and overwhelming,'' Clinton said Thursday. ``And
we have, obviously, intelligence about the capabilities about the Serbs in a
number of areas militarily, just as we do with other countries. But I think
they are quite well aware of the dangers of overly escalating this.''

A Washington think tank reported that Kosovo rebel forces this week claimed
that Serb soldiers had attacked them using stun grenades with a
hallucinogenic gas. Kosovo rebels contacted by The Associated Press in
neighboring Albania could not affirm that report.

The most recent independent reports considered highly reliable by U.S.
intelligence indicate that the Belgrade government of Slobodan Milosevic
inherited most of the chemical weapons program from the communist era prior
to the breakup of Yugoslavia.

A 1997 report by Human Rights Watch, a group that watches for human rights
violations across the world, said there was evidence that Yugoslavia
continues to maintain an offensive chemical weapons capability. The group
cited research in the United States and Yugoslavia and interviews with people
in the Yugoslav chemical weapons program.

The stock of agents includes sarin, the blister agent sulfur mustard and the
incapacitating agent BZ, the Human Rights Watch report said. It said the
stockpile of both agents and weapons ``appears to remain active today.''

Kevin Kavanaugh of the Federation of American Scientists, a Washington-based
think tank that follows defense and intelligence matters, said Kosovo
Liberation Army rebels battling Serb regulars in southwestern Kosovo reported
they were attacked with grenades containing BZ.

The gas is intended to create debilitating hallucinogenic effects on
soldiers, rendering them helpless. U.S. defense and intelligence officials
consider BZ to be a riot control agent, not a chemical weapon. Kosovo rebels
were distributing gas masks among their ranks, Kavanaugh said.

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[CTRL] Billions for the War Machine, Good for Business

1999-04-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 NATO says to expect "months."  4-6 billion bucks?  Oh, just take it out
of "petty cash," i.e., the feds' Social Security surplus slush fund.  Or push
for more cutbacks in education, health, and welfare for our own "underclass,"
virtually refugees already ...

Conflict May Cost Over $1 Billion Monthly

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congress and the White House are sparring over the scope
of a still-evolving emergency spending bill to pay for the conflict in the
Balkans, with Republicans pressing for more money to meet some of the
Pentagon's long-term needs.

The air campaign alone, which began on March 24, cost the United States $600
million in the first three weeks and will cost an additional $1 billion a
month if sustained, congressional budget analysts said.

White House budget director Jack Lew said the Clinton administration was
``very close'' to putting the finishing touches on its measure after he met
late Thursday with leaders from House and Senate appropriations committees.

Administration officials had suggested the bill would be in the vicinity of
$4 billion, but congressional aides close to the process are now suggesting
it will probably be higher -- at least $5 billion. That figure will also
include direct humanitarian aid to refugees and assistance to countries in
the Balkans that are taking them in.

It may also include more money for the ongoing peacekeeping operation in
Bosnia and to help pay for last winter's airstrikes against Iraq.

Republicans, in general, were pressing for a more generous package than the
one the administration is considering.

``There is a stretching thin of our overall capacity,'' House Appropriations
Committee Chairman C.W. Bill Young, R-Fla., told Secretary of State Madeleine
Albright at a hearing. ``We have to do more than just replace the bullets and
the missiles,'' he said.

Some Republicans have suggested that the spending bill should also contain
money to shore up what they see as declining military readiness around the
world. Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., has even suggested it
could become a vehicle for paying for an across-the-board 4.8 percent
military pay raise approved earlier this year by the Senate, but for which
funds have yet to be provided.

Whatever the final cost, it appears likely that Congress will agree to take
it out of the newly found budget surplus, rather than from tapping into other
accounts. The surplus in the current fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30, is
projected at about $110 billion.

Democrats and Republicans have both pledged to save the surplus to help ease
future financial problems of the Social Security system. Republicans also
want to use some of it for a tax cut.

Asked if Congress could finance the operation through the usual spending
process, and within existing budget guidelines, Senate Budget Committee
Chairman Pete Domenici, R-N.M., said: ``No, we can't. What we need for Kosovo
has got to be an emergency declaration.''

When a spending bill is designated as ``emergency,'' it means that the money
for it comes out of the surplus, as in the current financial situation, or
adds to the deficit in the years when the government operates in the red.

The Congressional Budget Office said its estimates of the cost of the air war
did not include humanitarian aid, or certain procurement costs, such as
replacing the F-117 stealth fighter that was lost. That aircraft is no longer
being manufactured.

CBO Director Dan Crippen said that sending on ground troops -- an option the
administration says it is not currently considering -- could cost an
additional $200 million a month, assuming a force of one heavy division plus
support, or about 27,000 troops.

Meanwhile, the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, an independent
research organization, issued a report that was generally in line with the
CBO report. It put the price tag for U.S. participation for the first three
weeks of the air campaign at $400 million to $600 million.

It said that, with 300 more warplanes and 24 Apache attack helicopters on the
way, the campaign will soon be costing $25 million to $65 million a day.

The administration had hoped to get the spending bill to Congress by week's
end. But the timetable appeared to be slipping into early next week.

For one thing, both Young, the House Appropriations chairman, and Senate
Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, are part of a
congressional delegation leaving today for a weekend tour of military and
refugee sites in the Balkans.

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[CTRL] Israel Seizes Lebanese Village

1999-04-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "A 20-man Israeli infantry unit moved into Arnoun, a village in Lebanon
near where one Israeli soldier was killed in a roadside bombing earlier, and
seized it, effectively annexing it to the 425-square-mile Israeli-occupied

Israel Seizes Village in Lebanon

NABATIYEH, Lebanon (AP) -- Israeli troops seized a village in southern
Lebanon on Thursday night, hours after their planes blasted suspected
guerrilla hideouts, Lebanese security officials said.

They said the jets fired at least four missiles near the Shiite Muslim
villages of Zibqine, Jebal al-Boutom and Sheyabieh. There was no immediate
word on casualties from the airstrikes and a ground clash that preceded it.

The Israeli army confirmed the airstrikes.

The security officials said a 20-man Israeli infantry unit, accompanied by
two Merkava tanks and a bulldozer, moved Thursday night toward Arnoun, an
inland village near the area where an Israeli soldier was killed in a
roadside bombing on Monday.

They met no resistance. They were apparently planning to seal off Arnoun and
effectively annex it to the rest of the 425-square-mile Israeli-occupied
zone, said the officials, speaking on customary condition of anonymity.

There was no confirmation from Israel that its troops had taken Arnoun, which
is about 4 miles southeast of the market town of Nabatiyeh and about the same
distance from the Israeli border to the south.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had said in Jersualem on Monday
that Israel would not accept ``as inevitable attacks on our soldiers.''

He said Lebanon had violated an unwritten agreement that no guerrilla attacks
would be launched from Arnoun.

``We are doing what we need to do to handle these threats,'' he said.

Arnoun has been a frequent target of Israeli retaliation for attacks by
guerrillas seeking to drive some 1,500 Israeli soldiers and 2,500 allied
militiamen from the occupied zone.

On Feb. 17, Israeli troops fenced off Arnoun in what they said was a bid to
reduce guerrilla infiltration. Lebanese university students marched and cut
down the barbed wire a week later.

Thursday night's Israeli incursion came a day after the Lebanese government
refused to heed a U.S. request to send its army to the village, a move that
could have forestalled the push.

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[CTRL] World Bank to Bribe Russia

1999-04-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Gee, only weeks ago --before Russia's outrage at Kosovo-- the IMF was
balking at offering Russia even HALF that amount ...

Russia Promised $2.3B in Loans

.c The Associated Press

MOSCOW (AP) -- Russian officials will fly to Washington next week to start
drafting an agreement with the World Bank on a $2.3 billion loan that it
promised Thursday.

World Bank President James Wolfensohn said in Moscow that Russia would
receive the money over two years once the government reaches agreement with
the International Monetary Fund.

``I'm very happy to reconfirm the confidence we have in Prime Minister
(Yevgeny) Primakov and the steps taken by his government,'' Wolfensohn said
after he met with government officials.

Wolfensohn said the loans, if finalized, will be used to restructure Russia's
industrial sector and finance social reforms.

Russia is trying to arrange new loans to meet at least some of its huge
foreign debt payments that fall due this year. It hopes that the resumption
of IMF loans will help attract money from other lenders and possibly persuade
them to write off some old debts.

The IMF and the World Bank orchestrated a $22.6 billion bailout package to
Russia last year, but disbursements were frozen in August when the government
defaulted on some debts and devalued the ruble under the impact of the global
financial crisis in developing countries.

A Russian delegation will fly to Washington on April 25 to begin drafting the
new loan agreement, which they hope to prepare by the end of the month, First
Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Maslyukov said after a meeting with Wolfensohn.

The Russian delegation will also meet IMF officials in Washington, Maslyukov
said. An IMF delegation was also in Moscow on Thursday.

The government has floated the idea of writing off up to $75 billion of
Russia's $103 billion Soviet-era debt, but western creditors have shown
little enthusiasm for the proposal so far.

``Creditors don't seem to be very happy with the idea of a massive reduction
of the (Russian) debt burden or a partial write-off,'' Deputy Finance
Minister Mikhail Kasyanov said during a meeting with the Paris Club of
creditor nations in France on Thursday.

Maslyukov insisted that creditors will back down and accept Russia's
proposals. ``We will definitely reach an agreement. The question of how much
(will be written off) depends on Kasyanov,'' he was quoted as saying by the
Interfax news agency.

Meanwhile, Russian tax chief Georgy Boos said Thursday that up to $14 billion
is taken out of Russia illegally each year, the ITAR-Tass news agency
reported. That's more than the Russian Central Bank's gold and currency
reserves, which stand at $10.8 billion, according to an Interfax report

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[CTRL] Turkey's Kurdish Time Bomb

1999-04-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Kurds in pivotally-important-to-NATO Turkey are standing in line
hoping to become the next ethnic minority entitled to NATO firepower -- but
NATO is foursquare behind the fascist military dictatorship that presently
governs Turkey, so the persecution of 12 MILLION people --treated worse by
Turks than the Kosovars by the Serbs-- is not so urgent a "holocaust" as a
few hundred thousand Albanians across the Straits ...

Pro-Kurdish Pols Winning in Turkey

.c The Associated Press

KIZILTEPE, Turkey (AP) -- Cihan Sincar, running for mayor in Turkish
elections, pledges to struggle as long as she lives for the rights of
minority Kurds. But she knows that politics can turn deadly.

Her husband, Mehmet, a pro-Kurdish legislator, was killed in 1993, shot in
the back of the head.

Now Sincar and a half dozen other members of a pro-Kurdish party are expected
to win local elections Sunday in key towns in Turkey's predominantly Kurdish

Their successful campaigns have created tensions with the government, which
is engaged in a bloody war with Kurdish rebels and is extremely wary of any
expression of Kurdish identity.

The vote is the first time that the People's Democracy Party, or HADEP,
Turkey's only legal pro-Kurdish opposition party, has contested the local

The party calls for greater cultural freedoms for Kurds. Prosecutors have
accused it of taking orders from Kurdish rebels fighting for autonomy in the
region since 1984.

Club-wielding police broke up a HADEP rally in the region's main city of
Diyarbakir on Tuesday, beating party supporters even as they fled the rally.

Dozens of police backed by an armored personnel carrier raided Sincar's
campaign office in the town of Kiziltepe a day later, recording the names of
party workers and frisking them.

Tensions are also higher in the region following a number of bombings thought
conducted by Kurds angered by the February arrest of rebel leader Abdullah
Ocalan, who now faces treason charges.

Sincar, 44, who faces trial on charges of aiding Ocalan's Kurdistan Workers
Party and was detained for nine days in November, vowed to continue her

``I will struggle for my people as long as I live,'' she said.

``There is an obstinate denial of a Kurdish entity,'' she said, sitting in
her apartment surrounded by scores of supporters. ``We are citizens of
Turkey, but we are Kurds.''

Sincar is widely expected to win the race for mayor of Kiziltepe, a town of
113,000 just north of the Syrian border. The town has often been the scene of
gunfights between Kurdish guerrillas and Turkish soldiers.

Two of Sincar's brothers-in-law were guerrillas killed in shootouts with
soldiers. She named her youngest son after one of them -- Kamuran.

Among the freedoms HADEP seeks is the right to use the Kurdish language --
which was only allowed to be used at all in 1991 -- in schools and

But the issue is sensitive in Turkey, where the government is quick to see
any expression of Kurdish identity as a veiled attempt to break up the state.

The government denies discrimination against its 12 million Kurds and points
to Kurdish success stories, such as late President Turgut Ozal.

HADEP ran in 1995 national elections but did not get enough votes for a
parliament seat.

Pro-Kurdish candidates also demand more funding for the poor, largely rural
southeast, where many villages still lack running water and electricity.

The area is under a visible military presence. Four army checkpoints dot the
75-mile road between Diyarbakir and Kiziltepe. Nearby shantytowns are
populated by Kurdish villagers forced from their homes by government troops
during a scorched earth campaign to deny the rebels local support.

Sincar refused to speak about the upcoming trial for Ocalan or about the
rebels. But she said some of her supporters have sons fighting as guerrillas
and hiding in the nearby mountains. The fight has left 37,000 dead since

``I don't want Turkish or Kurdish mothers to suffer,'' said Sincar. ``I
pledge to my supporters to try to bring their sons from the mountains. We
need peace.''

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[CTRL] House Examines Big-Bank Money-Laundering

1999-04-16 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

House Studies Money Laundering

WASHINGTON (AP) -- House members on Thursday discussed ways to attack money
laundering, examining the roles played by larger financial institutions and
small check-cashing businesses.

``Money laundering is the Achilles' heel of organized crime,'' said Rep.
Marge Roukema, chairwoman of the House Banking and Financial subcommittee on
financial institutions. ``Fighting money laundering is about fighting

The Treasury Department estimates that some $48 billion in drug-linked money
alone is laundered overseas.

One growing trend, involving ``money services business,'' has attracted
congressional scrutiny, but no consensus on how to crack down. In this
scheme, money is laundered in relatively small amounts through check-cashing
companies and sellers of traveler's checks.

Roukema, R-N.J., said 160,000 such companies do about $200 million in
business every year.

Critics of tighter reporting requirements on transactions said the changes
would represent an invasion of privacy, needless regulation and an impediment
to immigrants aiding families overseas.

``I'm more interested in the big boys'' of the money-handling world, said
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.

Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., also said he opposes regulating the smaller businesses.

``There are legitimate tools already available to law enforcement to handle
money laundering,'' said Barr, a former U.S. attorney.

One case mentioned involved Citibank and Raul Salinas, the brother of Carlos
salinas de Gortari, Mexico's president from 1988 to 1994.

A report for Congress in December said Citibank officials violated their own
money laundering controls in helping Raul Salinas move as much as $100
million in alleged drug money out of the country.

But the report by the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm of
Congress, said it remained unclear whether the nation's second largest bank
broke any laws in moving the funds.

A Citibank spokesman said at the time that the report contained ``errors of
fact and interpretation'' but said the bank would cooperate fully with law
enforcement authorities.

The GAO said neither it nor the Federal Reserve could determine whether
Citibank broke any laws, and the Comptroller of the Currency found the bank's
actions ``did not result in civil violation of the Bank Secrecy Act.''

Raul Salinas has denied wrongdoing and said most of the money he moved came
from sale of a construction company.

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Re: [CTRL] Turkey's Kurdish Time Bomb

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-16 07:03:31 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 the Turkish government is actually a democratically-elected
centre-right coalition

Apologies for any inaccuracy.  I must not be up to date.  This time last year
there were a lot of news items describing the Turkish military's program for
exterminating Kurdish "terrorists," supervised by the same bloodthirsty
rightists (overlapping with the Grey Wolves, themselves "terorists") that the
CIA had funded and the NATO/P2 clique was associated with in the '80s.  I do
remember reading awhile back that elections were due in Turkey, but I haven't
checked to see if any such "political theatre" (more international PR for the
new "kinder, gentler" NATO ) even mattered to the local Powers That Be.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Russia Mobilizes, America Sleeps

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Just a reminder: The LAST time there was a "Communist threat" involving
Russia (USSR) and China, the PRIMARY benefit of that "virtual" state of war
--an advantage seized upon by OUR one-party (i.e. CFR+Trilats+ Bilderbergers)
ruling class as well as by THEIRS-- was the limitless amount of governmental
control --"virtual" martial law-- over the domestic citizenry, which such a
condition justified, hence made possible -- a "blank check" for
totalitarianism AT HOME, to "defend" against the same ABROAD.
During the first Cold War, unhypnotized minds as early as 1948 (e.g., George
Orwell in "1984"), long before the prosaic "Report from Iron Mountain,"
recognized that there was no more ideal system for COOPERATION between the
superpowers publicly appearing to be "at war."  Optimum conditions for the
GLOBAL military-industrial-multinational corporate state, through bargaining
divided into Western and Eastern gang-turfs, the two secretly ALLIED
economically and politically to maintain this single, only PUBLICALLY dual,
system for half a century in a "steady-state" form -- attesting to its
STABILITY as a system of rule, offering minimum bloodshed abroad, maximum
social control at home.

Behind the scenes of the present publically broadcast "suspense story" of
Russia and China re-aligning in a NEW Cold War against the more tightly
integrated "Free World"
of financial hegemony, there lies nearly two decades of economic negotiations
with the "enemy" by the same "Free World" -- ample time to secretly
accomplish by now THEIR integration as well into the "new and improved,"
mostly re-costumed LARGER global system -- the Same Old System that worked so
well for both sides during the last half century -- revived at exactly that
time when the productive bourgeoisie of all its sub-unit "nations" cannot
remember how things were at the beginning, and are therefore less likely to
recognize how the larger system REALLY functions, and WHY it exists ...  .

To make slaves more obedient as well as more productive, you need to instill
fear not of their OWN masters (which might lead to mass rebellion) but fear
of the caricature-like archetypal Masters of some OTHER race of people,
ELSEWHERE -- "they" who "like robots" (!) blindly do the bidding of "their"
evil system of enslavement ...

Sheeple go "THROUGH the Looking-Glass," like Alice, into a collective fantasy
world of projection, displacement, and denial.  Those who are SANE realize
it's only a MIRROR.

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1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Martial law with a happy face.  Mr Rogers' voice: "Little Johnny, the heavily
armed man in the Ninja outfit is your friend and mine."  "Starship Troopers"
isn't satire anymore ...

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Does K = (or approximate) K?

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-17 10:30:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In other words, the world's last superpower might be cocky enough to pick
another fight.

Clinton does indeed seem to represent "the right stuff" of his generation,
already legendary for its clueless narcissism, ambition, greed, amorality,

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Re: [CTRL] War Coverage to Die For

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-17 02:03:51 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ... referred to [CNN's] coverage as "emotionalism now masquerading as news"

Hear, hear.  I've seen NOTHING approaching "journalism" on either the network
or cable news stations since at least the Gulf War period.  I'm repeatedly
astonished at how many hyperbolic heavily-emotion-laden value-judgment
adjectives our allegedly "unbiased" so-called "newsmen" manage to crowd into
every broadcast soundbyte.  They're using the word "evil" lavishly these
days, at least once every five minutes ...

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] FW: Konformist

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-17 19:44:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."
--- Thomas Jefferson, 1787

Which reminds me:
Monday is April 19th.  We can assume that the feds are on full alert again.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Power in Y2K [Cowles Koskinen]

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

John Koskinen, George Grindley, Jr., Rick Cowles

In early April, Liza called my attention to a March 3rd, 1999, message in a
thread in Ed Yourdon's Time Bomb! 2000 discussion forum:
  "Yesterday, someone posted in the Play by Play thread something about a
 Georgia representative who appeared on a radio talk show, saying that
Koskinen was telling state officials to make contingency plans for a
three-week power outage. A couple of us raised eyebrows at that, so Iinquired
who it was.
  "I took the time to call GA Rep. Grindley yesterday.  In our
conversation, he established this and divulged a bit more.  Mr. Grindley is
chair of Georgia's Task Force 2000.  In speaking with the CIO of Georgian
state systems, the CIO mentioned that Koskinen had told them to ensure their
contingency plans addressed 3 weeks without electric power."

(A "CIO" is a Chief Information Officer - the head computer person.)

I wrote to Representative George Grindley, Jr. to verify that.  Here's his

From: "george grindley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Electricity  Y2K
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 22:36:47 -0400

Dear Bill,

I did indeed make the statement that you attributed to me. John is using
three weeks as the outside possibilty, but I think things could get ugly.  I
wouldn't give you any odds that nuclear power will be working by then.  The
feds have said they must be compliant by July 1, or shut down.  It takes
about 4 months to totally shut down a plant.  Personally, I believe a serious
concern is the cyber terrorism of the power grid.  The department of defense
is really concerned that this is being planned.  This could last awhile under
these conditions.

 The truth is,...no one really knows for sure.  Prepare for the worst, hope
for the best, and weigh the risk of preparation with the risk of

Yours in service,

George Grindley
State Rep. Dist. 35
Marietta Ga
At about the same time, Cynthia Beal posted a note in the Millennium Salons
forum that pointed me toward Cory Hamasaki's DC Weather Report #113.  Along
with Rick Cowles' interesting account of events related to the Peach Bottom 2
nuclear plant losing its monitoring systems doing Y2K testing, there was this:
 "On February 26th, Rick [Cowles] spoke at Y2KWise in Maryland.  The
meeting was well attended; there were about 200 people who listened, asked
incisive and well thought out questions.

After the meeting, I spoke with Rick, got his private assessment.  Here's the
DC Y2K Weather Report confidential word from Rick:

1. Expect serious problems with power for about a month.  No guarantees one
way or the other but prepare for black outs, brown outs, rolling black outs,
voltage spikes, and other problems.

2.  For about a year, the power will be unstable.  There might be occasional
outages, dirty power, your refrigerator might blow up, more black outs but
not as frequent as in the first month.

3.  Some places will have more problems than others."
 (End quote.)

For those who've been trying to get a grip on the y2k power situation for the
past couple of years, taken seperately, these two statements (as interesting
as they are), are somehow "nothing new."  But taken together, and considering
they were made at approximately the same time in completely different
contexts, they somehow seem more "definitive" (in a world completely muddled
with, "No one knows"), and credible.  Actually, they almost seem like "the
outspoken radical" and the "ultra conservative" agreeing that it looks like
we're in for somewhere between two weeks and a month of serious power
trouble.  Rick has been at the forefront of y2k and power communications with
the general public since 1997.  John Koskinen (chairperson of the President's
Council on Year 2000 Conversion -- for anyone not familiar with him), has
been highly "low key" since taking that job in February of last year, working
hard to make sure no one panics over y2k.

So... Don't panic, but... You know.

[CTRL] Wag the Dog Honored

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Yugoslavs Honor 'Wag the Dog'

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -- Yugoslavia's film academy announced Saturday it
awarded its top prize to ``Wag the Dog,'' a film about an American president
who fabricates a war in Albania to distract attention from a sex scandal.

The academy recognized the film's stars, director and producers, and it
invited them to travel to Belgrade to accept the award.

Belgrade TV stations aired Wag The Dog on March 26, two days after NATO began
pounding the country in air raids. The movie was also shown last summer.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Berezovsky the Bag Man

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Russian Sought on Money Laundering

MOSCOW (AP) -- A Russian billionaire who faces an investigation on money
laundering charges said he would return home from France on Sunday, news
reports said.

Boris Berezovsky, who is believed to have close ties to President Boris
Yeltsin, has vowed to fight the charges, which he says are part of a
political vendetta against him by Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov.

He had earlier said he would come back Saturday, but postponed the trip for a
day because of back pain, ITAR-Tass and Interfax both reported.

An arrest warrant was issued against him while he was in France on a business
trip. But the warrant was dropped after Berezovsky promised to return for

Prosecutors allege Berezovsky was behind the illegal transfer of $250 million
from Russia's largest airline, Aeroflot, to the Swiss company Andava.

He denies the charges, saying they were trumped up by Primakov.


 "In our strange age, an extremely wealthy man can BUY
himself a foreign policy.
 "Take, for example, GEORGE SOROS, the hedge-fund shaman who
has spent more than $1 billion to influence political conditions
in 31 countries around the globe: last year Mr. Soros alone
managed to outgive the U.S. in the lands of Hungary, Yugoslavia,
and Belarus. THAT's power.
 "And take the charter members of the multinational
Gulfstream-jet set, men like BILL GATES, Rupert Murdoch, Gianni
Agnelli, Jack Welch, Michael Eisner, Norio Ohga, BORIS
BEREZOVSKY, and Gustavo A. Cisneros.
 "They control the tentacles of industrial octopi so vast and
influential that heads of state must adhere to their words.
 "In some cases, in some countries, they must follow their
every whim ..."

 from The Warsaw Voice, March 2, 1997 No 9 (436)

BEREZOVSKY CASE: An Offer Forbes Can't Refuse?

 A high-ranking Russian official is suing the magazine that
dubbed him "Godfather of the Kremlin."
 Boris Berezovsky, deputy secretary of the Russian
president's Security Council, is asking the American magazine
Forbes to pay him _100,000. This amount will just cover the fees
for the American and British lawyers hired by Berezovsky. George
Carman, reputed to be Britain's most expensive lawyer, is one of
 In its Dec. 30, 1996 issue, Forbes published an extensive
article called "Godfather of the Kremlin?" in which it charged
Berezovsky with responsibility for the 1995 killing of popular
television journalist Vladimir Listev. The magazine also accused
Berezovsky of having numerous mafia connections and embezzling
$50 million collected by his company from thousands of Russians
who purchased AVVA shares-allegedly to start producing a new
passenger car.
 Berezovsky, aged 51, is one of the most interesting
personalities in the new Russia. He is a capable mathematician
and professor, and the author of more than 100 academic
publications. At the end of the 1980s, he became involved in
business. Using his contacts with the Volzhansky Car Factory, he
established the LogoVAZ company, which soon became the main
dealer for the popular Russian Lada cars.
 Berezovsky's unusual ability to acquire allies among the
highest authorities paid off when President Boris Yeltsin signed
a decree exempting LogoVAZ from customs duty on cars imported to
Russia. This allowed the company to become Russia's main dealer
in Mercedes, Volvos and other foreign makes.
 In 1993, LogoVAZ sales were estimated to be $250 million.
Berezovsky took the car market, reputed to be controlled by the
mob, by storm -- the most likely explanation for the attempt on
his life in 1994. A Mercedes with Berezovsky in it was destroyed
by a bomb planted in a nearby car. Berezovsky's chauffeur was
killed in the blast, and his bodyguard seriously injured, but he
was unhurt.
 This incident did not prevent the growth of Berezovsky's
empire. General Aleksandr Korzhakov, responsible for Yeltsin's
security at the time, was regarded as Berezovsky's main patron in
the Kremlin.
 With the help of the authorities, Berezovsky took control of
Russian television's main channel; he also holds a 30-percent
share in the Russian-American TV6 channel, the popular weekly
magazine Ogonyok and the newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta (read in
influential circles).
 He has set up his own bank, gains profits from Aeroflot, and
last year took over most of the shares of Sibneft, a leading oil
 Berezovsky played a key role in last year's presidential
elections. He financed Yeltsin's election campaign, as well as
General Aleksandr Lebed's, to take as many votes from communist
leader Gennadi Zyuganov as possible.
 He used his "close acquaintance" with Yeltsin's favorite
daughter Tatyana Dyachenko to convince her of the need to remove
Korzhakov, whose friend he had been until recently.
 On Oct. 29, 1996 Yeltsin signed a decree appointing
Berezovsky deputy 

[CTRL] The Enemy Eats at McDonalds, Watches CNN

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

McDonald's in Belgrade Opens

.c The Associated Press

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -- In a city under NATO attack, a small event can
assume great meaning. Take, for instance, the reopening of a McDonald's
outlet vandalized last month by an anti-American mob.

Or the fact that tens of thousands ignored heavy rain and chilly winds -- not
to mention a wartime atmosphere -- to cheer runners in the annual Belgrade
marathon and an accompanying three-mile fun run.

``Let us show them (NATO) that our spirit is high and we are not afraid of
their bombs,'' a well-dressed elderly woman said, as she cheered the runners
on by waving her umbrella in the air.

In a city struggling to adjust to the NATO air campaign and the resulting
miseries -- nights in air raid shelters, gasoline shortages and fraying
nerves -- both events brought hopes of a return to normal life in the

``The main thing is that we are open,'' McDonald's employee Snezana
Atanazovic said.

Dozens of Belgraders lined up for their first fix of fries, shakes and
burgers since the seven McDonald's outlets closed in Belgrade on March 26.

That was two days after the first NATO missile struck Yugoslavia, releasing a
torrent of anti-U.S. feeling in a city of American fast-food addicts.

A mob targeted the McDonald's restaurant on downtown Terazije Square, along
with the nearby American Cultural Center and the U.S. Embassy a few miles
away, breaking windows and smearing outer walls with hateful slogans.

The center and embassy remain closed. But along with two other outlets, the
Terazije McDonald's opened Saturday despite signs that not all was right:
windows boarded over; a metal detector at the entrance; police nearby.

Belgraders came to eat -- or to stare.

``I went in just to see if it was open, because I didn't believe it when I
walked past,'' said Radomir Kratovac. ``I'm pleased but also surprised
because a lot of people in Belgrade remain resentful of America.''

Kratovac, 35, and others interpreted the reopening as a hopeful sign. ``It
means that normal life is returning somehow.''

Expressing the same sentiments in more elemental terms, Aleksandar
Simeonovic, 4, clamped down on a double-decker burger that half hid his face,
rolling his eyes when asked if it tasted good.

``Mmm, I missed this,'' he said, coming up for air.

His grandmother, Jelena Simeonovic, 53, said not all Belgraders shared the
sentiments of the mostly youthful mob that wrecked the restaurant.

``I am happy for this day, both for my grandson and because I hope it's a
sign things will get better,'' she said.

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[CTRL] Elections in Turkey

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Factions Vie in Turkish Elections

.c The Associated Press

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey's elections are emerging as a free-for-all
between squabbling secular parties and an Islamic movement whose leaders have
been hounded by the military and courts.

Secular Turks say the disunity could again propel the Islamic party into a
leadership position after Sunday's vote.

Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit's center-left party has been climbing in the
polls, boosted by public euphoria over the mid-February capture of Kurdish
guerrilla leader Abdullah Ocalan. But his Democratic Left Party is expected
to capture only 20 percent of the vote, about as much as the Islamic Virtue
Party, the largest in parliament.

Most of the other votes are expected to be divided between four major secular
parties. They all agree on the need for a pro-Western foreign policy and
economic privatization, but personality disputes among their leaders divide

``Turkey cannot tolerate living through chaos again,'' the daily Sabah
newspaper wrote in a front-page editorial, saying that a future coalition
between Ecevit and a center-right secular party was needed for stability.

Revolving coalition governments formed by feuding secular parties combined
with a harsh crackdown by the military and courts against the Islamic
movement has created political instability in the past.

The military helped force Virtue's predecessor from government in 1997 and
the courts have jailed the charismatic ex-mayor of Istanbul on charges of
inciting religious hatred after he read a religious poem at a political

Virtue Party leader Recai Kutan told voters Saturday in the central city of
Kayseri, a stronghold of the Islamic movement, that their ballots will
``strike at those who (hurt) human rights, democracy and freedom.'' But many
analysts say he may be ignored by some voters who fear provoking the

``The Virtue Party's vote will show how much political Islam is surviving in
Turkey,'' said Oral Calislar, a columnist with the Cumhuriyet newspaper. He
added that he does not expect the party to get more than the 20 percent its
predecessor received in the last elections.

The party, however, could find a place in a coalition government if the
secular parties are unable to band together.

In the largely Kurdish southeast, the pro-Kurdish People's Democracy Party,
or HADEP, appears poised to capture key mayorships, a development that would
be certain to raise the concerns of the all powerful Turkish military, which
is at war with autonomy-seeking Kurdish rebels.

Security forces broke up one of the party's rallies and have barred Kurdish
candidates from towns where they are running.

``There is so much pressure on HADEP in Turkey that they cannot compete
freely,'' Calislar said.

The vote in the southeast will be closely watched as a gauge of public
sentiment following Ocalan's capture. The war has claimed 37,000 lives.

On Saturday, Turkish soldiers killed eight Kurdish rebels, including a
commander, the Anatolia news agency reported. The fighting was touched off by
a rebel ambush on a military convoy Friday that killed six soldiers.

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[CTRL] Nuke Power India Melting-Down

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

India Businessmen Fears Instability

.c The Associated Press

BOMBAY, India (AP) -- The defeat of India's federal government in a
confidence vote Saturday alarmed business and industry leaders who fear
long-term political instability, postponed economic reforms and worsening
investor confidence.

Minutes after the vote, the Bombay Stock Exchange index dropped 7 percent to
3,318 from Friday's close of 3,572.91. Stocks had surged 3.8 percent when the
market opened Saturday on expectations the government would win the vote.

``The market was desperately hoping for the government to scrape through,''
said K.R. Bharat, country manager of Credit Suisse First Boston, an American
investment unit. ``There will be huge uncertainty because the budget, seen as
investor-friendly, will not be passed. We will have to wait for the new
government to pass it.''

But Arjun Singh, a senior leader of the Congress Party -- which is poised to
form the next government -- said his party does not want to hold up the
finance bill. ``Congress is not interested in creating'' a financial mess,
Singh told Press Trust of India.

Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee's government lost a confidence vote by
one ballot Saturday, and he submitted his resignation.

If the Congress Party fails to form a new government, new elections will be
called, four years ahead of schedule.

Industry leaders fear a minority government led by the Congress Party won't
bring stability.

Business leaders also fear that reforms of insurance and patent laws and
urban land rent ceilings will be sidelined with the possibility of the
country facing its fourth general election since 1991.

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[CTRL] Mr Smith, Where Are You When We Need You?

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

I'm rolling on the floor laughing ...  Here in San Francisco, the program
manager (or whoever decides on scheduling) of local TV station KGO is running
"Mr Smith Goes to Washington" -- What a counterpoint to "Wag the Dog"
buttkissing on other channels !

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Japan's Surgical Assembly Line

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Medical Errors Outrage Japan

.c The Associated Press

YOKOHAMA, Japan (AP) -- Instead of fixing a 74-year-old man's heart problem,
surgeons removed part of his right lung. Then they gave the 84-year-old with
the lung problem heart surgery.

But that's not all.

Eight hours later, as the misidentified patients were receiving post-op
transfusions, the hospital staff realized their error. Fortunately, the
patients both had the same type blood -- or else the transfusions might have
killed them, too.

Few cases of medical bungling in Japan have received as much publicity -- or
generated so much outrage -- as this one at the Yokohama City University
Hospital earlier this year.

Many experts, however, say there is little being done to address the
underlying problems: overworked doctors and a dangerously cavalier attitude
toward the quality of care.

``Patients are treated like machine parts on a conveyer belt. Doctors often
don't care about each patient, they don't even remember their faces,'' said
Makoto Kondo, a radiologist at Keio University Hospital, one of the best
medical facilities in Japan.

Since the botched surgeries in this city just south of Tokyo were revealed in
January, Japan's media has focused the national spotlight on similar, and at
times worse, mistakes around the country:

In February, a 58-year-old housewife died after a nurse accidentally injected
her with disinfectant instead of blood medication.

Also in February, a 61-year-old housewife went into shock after receiving
transfusions of the wrong blood type.

In March, a 7-year-old boy had to undergo an operation to remove part of a
surgical instrument mistakenly left inside his skull.

Doctors say fatigue from chronic overwork contributes to such errors. And
with advanced technology and the increasingly complex array of medications, a
simple mistake like a wrong syringe can easily kill a patient.

But critics of the medical status quo in Japan say such problems would not be
so bad if more was done to supervise the quality of doctors' performances.

Medical records, for example, are usually off-limits to patients. Doctors
need not even renew their licenses. And rarely are mistakes made public --
officials at the Yokohama hospital only acknowledged theirs after a national
newspaper reported them.

Shunya Ito, a member of Medio, a civil group investigating malpractice, said
the medical community's treatment of patients reflects its hierarchical
structure -- with patients on the lowest rung.

``We patients feel so intimidated that it's even difficult to ask doctors any
questions,'' he said.

Ito's 72-year-old father died six years ago at a hospital an hour after
beginning to receive an intravenous injection containing potassium. Ito sued,
and had medical experts saying the injection may have contributed to his
father's death.

The hospital denied any wrongdoing, and Ito lost the suit.

Some members of the medical community say hospitals are often too concerned
with protecting their own reputations -- at times resorting to illegal means.

Shigemi Oshida, professor of forensic medicine at Nihon University of
Medicine, said hospitals routinely destroy evidence of operating room

``Japanese hospitals haven't tried to learn from mistakes,'' he said. ``And
by covering up, they fail to share valuable lessons.''

Because of the secrecy and difficulty in obtaining documents, victims of
hospital mistakes are rarely able to take legal action. But according to the
latest Supreme Court statistics, more are willing to try. Malpractice suits
have nearly doubled to 2,700 in 1998 from 1,508 cases 10 years ago.

Shamed into action, the government has formed an investigative panel and is
expected to announce its recommendations later this month.

``We were shocked,'' said Tatsuya Aoki, an official at the Health and Welfare
Ministry's department of health policy. ``The Yokohama case suggested this is
a universal problem.''

Staff at the Yokohama hospital, meanwhile, are taking more care to clearly
identify their patients and to double-check blood types before giving

``We learned an important lesson,'' said hospital spokesman Nobuo Uchida.
``Next time we make a mistake, there will be no future for our hospital.''

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Kurds Protest in Germany

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

80,000 Join Kurd Protest in Germany

BONN, Germany (AP) -- More than 80,000 people gathered Saturday in Bonn for a
demonstration demanding more democracy in Turkey and the release of jailed
Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan.

Organizers said participants came from around Europe to the daylong event,
held on a meadow across the Rhine River from Bonn's government quarter.

Through chants and banners, the crowd called for a political solution to
Turkey's Kurdish problem and the release of Ocalan, who was arrested in
February and faces treason charges in Turkey.

Police, who had stepped up security around the city, reported no disturbances
or arrests, although traffic was tied up considerably for a time.

More than 37,000 people have died as a result of fighting since Ocalan's
Kurdistan Workers Party took up arms in 1984 in a bid to gain autonomy.

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[CTRL] Greece Suffers from Kosovo

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The EU is all about MONEY, of course, and NATO is the EU's "enforcer."

Kosovo Conflict Harms Greece

.c The Associated Press

ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Greece's economy has been hurt by the Kosovo crisis
but remains on track to qualify for Europe's single currency, Premier Costas
Simitis said Saturday.

Simitis told senior members of his governing Socialist Party that growth was
now expected to fall half a percentage point short of the projected 3.5
percent this year.

Greece is the only country in the 15-member European Union that has not
qualified for the euro and hopes to meet entry criteria by the end of the
year. Britain, Denmark and Sweden have opted out of the currency for now.

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[CTRL] German General Leads NATO into the Millennium

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Because of Kosovo, Moscow has broken relations with NATO.
 ['They'll be back,"] says NATO's General Naumann. 'To be polite, I won't
point out who needs who more desperately.' "

German General Helped Steer NATO

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Klaus Naumann, the four-star German general who
heads NATO's military arm, bristles a bit when asked if the attacks on
Yugoslavia are an illustration of the 19-nation alliance's future.

It's not quite that simple, says Naumann, 59, who shortly will end his tour
as NATO's top general: Military action will always be a last resort. NATO
will never be quick to take up arms, he says.

The difference between the old Cold War NATO and the emerging alliance, he
says, is that the old one was focused on a one-dimensional threat --
aggression by the Warsaw Pact. And that, ultimately, was easy to understand.

``This threat has disappeared, but what has emerged is a Europe which is full
of uncertainties and instabilities,'' said Naumann, described by some at NATO
as a superb combination of diplomat and military strategist. ``We have a new
risk pattern -- multifaceted, multidirectional.''

As NATO prepares to celebrate its 50th birthday at a summit meeting in
Washington later this month, explaining these new threats to the public is a
prime concern. Bewildered citizens are sometimes unclear what vital interests
are at stake in an obscure place like Kosovo.

``It's difficult to convey the message,'' Naumann acknowledged. ``It's
difficult to understand it because we are focused on the traditional concept
of defense as something for a national state ... more or less tied to the
defense of a nation's territory.''

Increasingly, however, risks transcend one nation and can't be fought with
national approaches.

``Even the most powerful country of the alliance, the United States of
America, became vulnerable against non-state actors,'' said Naumann,
referring to terrorists and fanatical groups that can acquire weapons of mass
destruction. ``No one can defeat the Americans militarily, but non-state
actors can pose a threat.''

Naumann is chairman of the NATO Military Committee, which approves and
oversees the plans and activities of Gen. Wesley Clark, the alliance's
supreme allied commander for Europe who is running the Kosovo operation.

In that role, Naumann sees new types of conflicts emerging, like Bosnia,
where NATO still heads nearly 30,000 peacekeeping troops, or Kosovo, where a
humanitarian tragedy threatens to destabilize the Balkans, menacing the
security of all of Europe.

Collective defense remains at the core of NATO's policy, where an attack
against one member is considered an attack against all. But the alliance also
tries to prevent conflicts and manage crises, Naumann says, which means ``we
will act at the periphery of the treaty area and beyond the treaty area on a
case-by-case basis.'' Thirdly, the alliance tries to project stability by
creating partnerships with countries like Russia and Ukraine.

There are satisfactions in a job like his, says Naumann, who also worked at
NATO as a young colonel dealing with nuclear matters. What has exasperated
him is that his fellow Europeans haven't been able to show more cohesion and
take more responsibility for Europe's security into their own hands.

``They feel like Popeye, but they have forgotten to take their can of
spinach,'' says Naumann.

In the German general's view, ``there is not much resolve to show the way, to
act as Europeans, to take a little bit of the burden on their shoulders.''

One of the greatest challenges, he said, has been establishing a meaningful
post-Cold War relationship with Russia. That was started two years ago by
creating the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council -- but Russia's unhappiness
with NATO's bombing Yugoslavia has put that cooperation on hold.

Through the joint council, Naumann says, the Russians had hoped to have a say
in anything NATO does.

``I think this is the point which was so disappointing for them. They had
hoped NATO would not take any decision at all without having them asked to
rubber-stamp it,'' he said.

But because of Kosovo, Moscow has broken relations with NATO and recalled its
military representative, something Naumann fears could last for some time.

``I do hope they will reconsider, since they need us and we need them,'' he
said. ``I'll leave it open, in order to be polite, who needs who more

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[CTRL] Monday, April 19

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Okla. City, Waco Anniversaries Loom

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Justice Department security officials on Thursday issued
their annual security warning to employees about the April 19 anniversary of
the Oklahoma City federal building bombing and the assault on a religious
compound in Waco, Texas.

``Although the FBI does not have any specific threat information concerning
the week of April 19,'' Justice Security Officer D. Jerry Rubino issued the
annual warning ``to raise your level of security awareness.''

The FBI sends a similar alert to federal, state and local law enforcement
around the country each year at this time.

Rubino noted that April 19 is ``meaningful to self-styled patriots in the
current militia movements.''

On that date in 1995, the Oklahoma City federal building was bombed by
Timothy McVeigh, a drifter who had expressed anger over the assault by
federal agents on April 19, 1993 on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco,
Texas. McVeigh has been sentenced to death; two other men have been convicted
as accomplices.

More than 70 residents of the compound died at Waco of various causes as a
fire broke out during the assault. The Oklahoma City blast killed 168 people
and injured hundreds of others.

April 19 also is the anniversary, Rubino pointed out, of the 1775 battles
between British soldiers and American Minutemen at Lexington and Concord,

Rubino noted the week ends with the 50th anniversary celebration here of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization and ``the continuing conflict in the
Balkans also has the potential for initiating terrorist threats'' aimed at
NATO officials.

Rubino said all identification badges will be checked on entrances to Justice
buildings and arriving packages will be X-rayed. He advised employees with
windows on the street to close their blinds or shades.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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[CTRL] Fallout from LDS Library Shooting

1999-04-17 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "[Salt Lake City police] want psychiatrists to be required to report to
the state Department of Public Safety the names of all people diagnosed with
any one of a list of particular mental illnesses ...
 ... so that gun dealers would be barred from selling to anyone on the

 "Television coverage of the NATO attack in Kosovo, reminding [the
shooter] of his wartime youth, a might have spurred his deadly attack.".

Utah Mulls Shooting Circumstances

.c The Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- A mentally ill man's shooting rampage at the Mormon
Family History Library has left health officials, law enforcement and the
gunman's son arguing over whether the tragedy could have been averted.

``It's so terrible, so shocking and it could have easily been prevented,''
said Alex Babarin, 48.

His 71-year-old father, Sergei Babarin, walked into the library Thursday and
opened fire, killing two people and wounding four before police killed him.

While Alex Babarin said Friday that the mental health system should have been
more attentive, Salt Lake County mental health officials said they did
everything they legally could.

Meanwhile, Police Chief Ruben Ortega pushed for new laws to keep guns out of
the hands of certain mentally ill people.

``This is ludicrous. It's happening too much all over the country and
innocent people are dying,'' Ortega said.

The chief focused on loopholes in parts of the 1994 Brady bill, which
prohibits the sale of guns to those who have been declared mentally
incompetent. Ortega said the problem is that few of Utah's 100,000 people
diagnosed with mental illness meet a threshold required by law, which
essentially requires a person to be a clear and imminent danger to himself or

Ortega wants psychiatrists to be required to report to the state Department
of Public Safety the names of people diagnosed with any one of a list of
particular mental illnesses. Gun dealers would then be barred from selling to
anyone on the list.

``That's so doable and it makes so much sense,'' Ortega said. ``We can work
out the law to give the doctors and patients protection.''

But Alex Babarin said that law wouldn't have deterred his paranoid father's
murderous impulses.

``He could just take a car and run people down,'' Babarin said

Babarin said he fought to get his father committed for nearly a year. Just
two days before the shooting, his father accused him of spying and being out
to get him -- the same charges he leveled against his wife, his neighbors,
even people passing in the street.

But his illness went untreated because he also feared doctors and refused to
take the medication prescribed to him, calling it poison.

In recent weeks Sergei Babarin had said television coverage of the NATO
attack in Kosovo reminded him of his wartime youth, and his son thinks that
might have spurred Thursday's deadly attack.

``It would have been easily prevented, just by taking him for a few days or a
few weeks at the hospital, start him taking medicine,'' Babarin said.

But Valley Mental Health center did not admit him because doctors there did
not diagnose him with schizophrenia.

Dr. Michael Stevens, Valley's clinical director, said the hospital could not
declare him incompetent for fear of violating his civil rights, which demand
an involuntary patient show an imminent threat of endangering himself or

Instead, it was determined that Babarin would be admitted if he showed
further signs of danger.

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Re: [CTRL] FW: Konformist

1999-04-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-17 23:50:33 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Let's hope there is already enough evil going on with war and
nothing domestically happens.

Fingers crossed ...  But there are all those "un-American" anti-war
"radicals" now, who are already shown on TV (or at least on local TV, here in
San Francisco) calling Clinton a genocidal murderer ...  Don't forget the
'60s, when protesters against the VIETNAM War were met by surveillance, or
force, or "legally" silenced on trumped-up charges.

One can never be quite sure what these "dangerous madmen" who "see
conspiracies everywhere" and dare to question authority openly are "capable
of," according to the cliche picture conveyed repeatedly by the mass media
since Waco and the WTO bombing -- especially NOW, when moneyed, militarized,
social-control institutions like NATO (largely a front for the US
military/corporate/intelligence establishment) are so paranoid about the
legitimacy of their OWN authority, already thrusting well beyond all lawful
bounds and rational justification.  Much is possible during a virtual state
of war, and more when we're LITERALLY at war, which we can expect to be the
case shortly --
and the opportunities, alas, are all on the side of certain types who expect
the PUBLIC to submit to their power every bit as much as the ENEMY and who
regard any kind of domestic dissent as the equivalent of treason --
particularly if it's VISIBLE dissent that might reveal to "the enemy" that
the American people are not united foursquare behind, and blindly support,
the whims of a "macho" US military-industrial inferiority complex.

Already I'm reading editorials in the press, by "mainstream" journalists,
that accuse those using the Internet to criticize this war of being the
equivalent of "fifth columnists," irresponsibly (or worse, like Tokyo Rose)
"forwarding Enemy propaganda"  ...  Yes, the Cold War is back, and with it, a
paranoid Manichean dualism that is best represented fictionally in "Invasion
of the Body Snatchers" (1954).  The pods, they are a-growin' ...

They "thin the herd" of influential or potentially influential dissenters,
like peeling successive layers of an onion, in the following manner:
First they "woo," appealing to herd feelings like the fear of social
That failing, they bribe with something valuable, money or desired
That failing, they back into the shadows, plot to entrap, and then resort to
Should THAT fail, they say "Oh, to hell with it" and just bring in the

Beat the rush: start now to take inventory of where you're vulnerable to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bitter Anti-Americanism in Europe

1999-04-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Behind Europe's acceptance of U.S. leadership in the
Yugoslav crisis, however grudging and bitter, is the fact that
the European Union itself has no leader.
 "After the EU's executive branch and governing commission
floundered in scandal--"
 (Is that convenient, or what?)

 "Four of the globe's five leading defense contractors are
American-based firms, and the annual sales of just two of them,
Lockheed Martin and Boeing-McDonnell Douglas, exceed those of all
European defense firms combined.

Bitter Debate in Europe on U.S. Role/
Washington's dominance of NATO creates wave of anti-Americanism

 by Frank Viviano
 San Francisco Chronicle, April 15, 1999

 As bombing raids mount over Serbia, NATO's war against
Slobodan Milosevic is paralleled by a bitter war of words
raging inside the borders of the Atlantic Alliance itself.
 The confrontation pits NATO's supporters against an unlikely
coalition of opponents -- ranging from the Communist Party in
Italy to the extreme right-wing National Front in France, along
with a broad range of prominent intellectuals and mainstream
politicians -- who view the intervention in Kosovo as a thinly
disguised effort to impose Washington's will on Europe's future.
   ``Held on a leash by the Americans, we have violated
international law and the charter of the United Nations,''
charges former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt.
 ``Europe cannot accept the presence on its soil of a man
(Milosevic) and a regime which, for nearly 10 years, has engaged
in Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and now in Kosovo, in ethnic
cleansing operations, assassinations and massacres,'' responds
French President Jacques Chirac.
 Ironically, NATO's critics and supporters alike ask
precisely the same question that troubles many Americans: Will
Europe ever be able to police its own back yard?
 Kosovo demonstrates ``that a common European defense policy
is brutally absent today, and also that such a policy has never
appeared so necessary,'' Francois Hollande, first secretary of
France's governing Socialist Party, said Friday.
 ``NATO has become the de facto department of diplomacy,
defense and security in Europe,'' declares former French Interior
Minister Charles Pasqua, a right-wing critic of the Kosovo
 There is little sign that the controversy will halt the
bombing, which is firmly backed by the center-left parties that
govern 13 of the European Union's 15 member-states in 1999 and
also by a majority of their voters.
 But there is every sign that the bitterness will be lasting,
as will European unhappiness with military reliance on the United
 ``The partnership with NATO in the Yugoslav crisis is simply
a cloak, masking great differences between the United States and
its European allies,'' a former high-ranking aide to U.N.
Secretary-General Kofi Annan said in a Chronicle interview before
the bombing campaign had even begun.
 Since then, the cloak has decidedly come off, in a wave of
the harshest anti-Americanism to sweep Western Europe since the
Vietnam War.
 The acrimony has been greatest in France, where suspicion of
U.S. intentions always runs high and where the commitment of
troops and equipment to the Kosovo intervention is the largest of
any European country in the alliance.


 At times, newspaper commentaries are so unremittingly
hostile to the United States that a reader might well imagine
Paris is at war with the Pentagon, rather than with the Yugoslav
 ``In the event of total victory (in Kosovo), one would have
to say that it is both a great military success for NATO -- that
is, for the United States -- and an irreparable humanitarian
catastrophe, a political setback for Europe,'' thundered Alain
Joxe, director of France's elite Graduate School of Social
Studies and an influential political pundit.
 America's strategic and economic views ``are dangerous and
foreign to our political ethics,'' he wrote in Le Monde on
Monday.  Its activities in Kosovo ``do not set the stage for
postwar reconstruction, but for mafia chaos.''
 Regis Debray, a longtime adviser to late French President
Francois Mitterrand, went so far as to charge that his fellow
Europeans had become brain-dead automatons, their minds destroyed
by American imperialism and too much exposure to frivolous U.S.
cultural exports.
 In a fog induced by overconsumption of McDonald's, CNN and
Hollywood movies, ``America is deprogramming Europe, which grows
as uncivilized and myopic as its leader,'' he wrote in a widely
quoted attack on the Kosovo intervention April 1.
 ``America: You have to be against her. That's the basic
demand of intellectual conformism, on the left and on the right
(in Europe),'' French writer Pascal Bruckner answered in an angry
reply. ``In short, you put those who want to save the Kosovars on
the same level as those who want to liquidate them.''


Re: [CTRL] Does K = (or approximate) K?

1999-04-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-18 11:30:57 EDT, you write:

What does HYBRIS mean

Hybris or hubris (it's an English loan-word transliterated from Greek, where
"u" becomes "y" in some cases, as in "hygiene") means "over-confidence" or
"vanity exceeding all bounds," ending in disastrous consequences for the
person.  It's the primary term to describe the "hero" in Greek drama, where
an otherwise admirable protagonist comes to a tragic end (sometimes
attributed to the "envy" of the gods) because of this "fatal flaw."
That isn't far from "bad karma" as understood by the Greeks' ultimate
ancestors, the Aryans of India, in Arjuna's case in the Mahabharata, for
example.  But nowadays we
attribute less to the "gods" and more to psychology -- it's "pride cometh
before a fall."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Apr 15 Protest Against NATO in SF

1999-04-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The national mass-media seem to have a deliberate policy of giving ZERO
airtime to instances of protest against Clinton/NATO/Kosovo by Americans at
home.  But--

 "At the end of the 20th century, we face a great battle
between the forces of globalism and tribalism," Clinton said.

 "On Nob Hill, about 500 demonstrators clogged the sidewalk
across from the Fairmont's main entrance while Clinton spoke.
 "The crowd was a bizarre mix of left- and right-wingers --
who normally would be shouting at each other but united on this
day to denounce Clinton -- and about 80 pro-NATO Albanian and
Kosovar Americans.
 "'Normally we don't agree,' a conservative radio talk show
host said, jerking a thumb toward a Communist group handing out
"Stop the Bombing" flyers, 'but today we are trying to speak with
one voice on the war.'"

President Defends Balkan War/
NATO must not waver, he tells editors in S.F.

 by Marc Sandalow and Carla Marinucci
 San Francisco Chronicle, April 16, 1999

 President Clinton came to San Francisco yesterday to defend
America's commitment to the military offensive in Yugoslavia,
calling civilian deaths a ``regrettable'' but ``inevitable''
consequence of NATO's campaign to prevent centuries of ethnic
violence from threatening world peace.
 Speaking to newspaper editors at the Fairmont Hotel, Clinton
insisted that NATO will not back down in Yugoslavia, even as the
human toll mounts, because ``we don't want the 21st century to be
dominated by the dark marriage of modern weapons and ancient
ethnic, racial and religious hatred.''
 In remarks to about 300 members of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors that lasted about an hour, Clinton presented
a philosophical argument for U.S. involvement in the Balkan
conflict, drawing on history and his own vision of ethnic
 "At the end of the 20th century, we face a great battle
between the forces of integration and the forces of
disintegration, the forces of globalism versus tribalism,'' he
 The president repeatedly framed the struggle in Yugoslavia
as an attempt to move beyond centuries of ethnic hatred and
discussed his hopes that southern Europe would one day be as
unified as Western Europe. But he warned that the ``grand vision
of the 21st century'' as a time of ``prosperity and personal
freedom ... is being threatened by the oldest demon of human
society: Our vulnerability to hatred of the other; those who are
not like us.''
 ``We don't want to see Europe refight with tanks and
artillery the same battles they fought centuries ago with axes
and arrows,'' he said. ``In the face of that, we cannot be
indifferent, at home or abroad. That is why we are in Kosovo.''
``Kosovo is a very small place on a very large fault line,''
the president continued. ``On the border lands of Central and
Eastern Europe, at the meeting place of the Islamic world and the
Eastern and Orthodox branches of Christianity.''
 Although Clinton's comments emphasized the broader purposes
of the military campaign, the first question after his address
concerned the NATO bombing on Wednesday that accidentally killed
more than 70 civilians, by Yugoslav estimates.
 Asked ``Did we screw up?'' Clinton responded: ``You cannot
have this kind of conflict without some errors like this
occurring,'' adding that the incident will not diminish NATO's
resolve. ``It is also inevitable in a conflict of this kind, with
planes traveling at high speeds.''
 National security adviser Sandy Berger told reporters that
the media's attention on the civilian deaths is understandable
but urged them to put the incident in the perspective of a bloody
 ``I think we have to have a sober, serious, conscientious --
but not hysterical -- attitude about these things,'' Berger
 Clinton also responded to a complaint from the editors
association that the Department of Defense is failing to provide
reporters with enough information about the progress of the
military operation.
 The president said he is already working on the problem,
explaining that he has spoken to other NATO leaders about finding
ways to give the media more timely and detailed reports. He also
said that bad weather and the rugged terrain in the Balkans make
it difficult to obtain and disseminate reliable information.
After his address, Clinton worked the rope line, chatting
with editors and other members of the audience.  At one point, he
was lectured by conservative columnist Arianna Huffington.
 Clinton's trip to San Francisco -- his 45th visit to
California as president -- lasted only hours.  He arrived at San
Francisco International Airport shortly before 11 a.m. and was
greeted by 22 Americorps volunteers from the East Bay.
 ``I know you have tough decisions to make, but I am always
praying for you,'' 19-year-old Lupe Ornelas of Berkeley told
Clinton, as they embraced.
 The greeting was not as warm on Nob 

[CTRL] Resurrecting the Reichstag

1999-04-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Rebuilt German Reichstag Is To Open

.c The Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) -- What hasn't happened to the Reichstag?

It was burned during the Nazi era, bombed by the Allies, and stormed by Red
Army soldiers who scrawled obscenities on the walls and planted the red
Soviet flag on the roof, marking the defeat of Hitler.

East Germany built the Berlin Wall just a few steps from its back door. And
after the Wall came down, the artist Christo wrapped the Reichstag in a
million square feet of silvery fabric, a celebration of the end of communism.

Now the old parliament has undergone yet another transformation.

After a $330 million renovation, the Reichstag debuts Monday as the reclaimed
seat of German lawmakers, a defining episode in the government's return this
year to the prewar capital of Berlin.

More than any other building in the city, the Reichstag (pronounced
RIKES-tahg) has symbolized every phase of Germany's turbulent, terrible
history over the past 80 years. So it only seems fitting that in his
restoration, celebrated British architect Sir Norman Foster has made the
Reichstag into a new symbol for the new capital, one of a Germany mindful of
the past but moving confidently into the future.

Foster preserved the Reichstag's original 19th-century facade, with its
Italian Renaissance-style columns and carvings, and the inscription over the
main entrance: ``To the German People.'' But he also gave the parliament a
new glass dome that bursts from the top of the old, ravaged building and
sparkles like a beacon on the city horizon.

Inside, almost everything is new: the central parliament chamber, the offices
and meeting rooms, the five new restaurants, the sleek furniture, the gray
decor accented with primary colors and pastels. All the modernness only
emphasizes the wartime scars the architect left behind.

Take the east wing, where Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has an office. Doors
along the hallway are bright blue, with shiny steel handles and hinges, but
sections of the white, stone walls are still gouged and jagged from bombings
and covered with Russian graffiti -- names and rude slogans dated ``1945.''

``A lot of events have passed over that building and left their imprint on
the fabric,'' says Foster, who took journalists on a preview tour last week.
``I think it has more integrity to reveal and accept the history, making it
tangibly visible for present and future generations.''

The architectural mix of old and new in large part embodies the professed
spirit of Schroeder's center-left government. His so-called Berlin Republic
stresses that enough time has passed for Germany to be powerful without being
threatening, that it can remember its crimes without being defined by guilt.

It's an attitude that comes partly from Schroeder himself. The chancellor,
55, is the first from a generation untroubled by memories of Hitler. But it
also comes from the government's return to Berlin, scene of Prussian
imperialism and Third Reich horrors. In the planning since 1991, one year
after Germany's reunification, the move this year sets a major milestone in
the success and confidence of German democracy.

Monday's ceremony opening the Reichstag is the first key event in the move
from Bonn, the provincial southwestern city where the capital was relegated
after World War II. Next comes the election of a new German president in May
and the new parliamentary session in September -- the first to start in the
restored building.

``I remember how from East Berlin, you could see the Reichstag so near and
yet so far,'' parliamentary President Wolfgang Thierse, an east German, told
German radio. ``Even then it represented a longing for unity, freedom and

German democracy actually comes full circle with the reopening of the
Reichstag, which was built in 1894 to house the first German parliament, an
attempt to install elements of democracy under Kaiser Wilhelm. Real democracy
took hold -- however briefly -- after World War I, when the empire was

``This is a return to the building's original purpose,'' says historian Brian
Ladd, author of a book about Berlin architecture. ``Some may see this as an
attempt to pretend the intervening years never happened. But I think it shows
that German democracy has earned the right to confront its past and live with
it. And that includes the Third Reich.''

Hitler never governed -- never even spoke -- in the Reichstag, but the
building nonetheless represents the Nazis by association. All the grim
history raised concerns about whether Germany should return to Berlin, the
seat of power at its most terrifying.

But the transformed Reichstag is as light as its legacy is dark. Glass walls
around the central parliament and a viewing platform on the second floor mean
visitors can see and hear what's going on inside. The feel is one of
openness, of a transparent and accessible government.

CTRL is a 

[CTRL] Clinton Laying Groundwork for Bush II

1999-04-18 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Poll: Clinton Scandals Hurt Gore

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Public weariness with the Clinton administration's ethical
problems may be hampering Vice President Al Gore's efforts to build support
for his presidential campaign, a poll released Saturday suggested.

A Gore campaign adviser said it was too early to gauge the impact of the vice
president's close ties to Clinton.

For the first time since September 1997, when Gore was at the center of a
controversy about campaign fund raising, his favorable ratings slipped below
50 percent in the poll by the Pew Research Center for the People  the Press.

The new poll indicated 47 percent of the public has a favorable view of Gore,
while 43 percent say their view of the Democratic front-runner for 2000 is

The poll also indicated Gore needs to gain strength among women and
independents, two important groups in his bid for the presidency.

Three-fourths of all respondents questioned said they were tired of problems
associated with the Clinton administration. Of the independents who said they
were tired of the administration's problems, almost two-thirds, 63 percent,
favored Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the Republican front-runner, over Gore.

Campaigning in New Hampshire, Gore told reporters: ``The country wants to
move on to a discussion of the future and not dwell on the past. I have
condemned the president's personal mistakes. He is my friend, but what he did
was wrong. I think they understand that I am a different person who has been
part of a team that produced an economic recovery and the economic progress
that we have had in America.''

``Of course people are tired of scandals,'' said Mark Penn, a pollster who
advises Gore.

``They didn't ask, 'Are you tired of the Republican right wing?''' he said.
``Our analysis is that the vice president is starting out where all vice
presidents start out, where (Richard) Nixon started out, where (George) Bush
started out.''

Penn said it is too early to analyze the effects of the Clinton presidency on
Gore's candidacy.

``At the end of the day, the Clinton factor will be positive,'' said Penn,
who also conducts polls for the president.

He said the Clinton-Gore administration will get credit for producing a
prosperous economy and making many other changes beneficial to the nation.

In the Pew poll, women preferred Bush over Gore by a margin of 52 percent to
42 percent. In January of 1996, Clinton led Republican nominee Bob Dole by
almost 20 percentage points among women. Independents, a key swing group in
the 2000 election, favored Bush over Gore by almost a 2-1 margin, according
to the poll.

When people were asked to give a one-word description of the vice president,
the top response was ``boring.'' In a Pew poll in September 1996, the word
mentioned most often was ``intelligent.''

``At this point, it's very, very early,'' said Pew survey director Greg
Flemming. ``But Gore's got a lot of work to do.''

Bush was supported by 54 percent, and Gore had 41 percent. Former Red Cross
President Elizabeth Dole, another Republican in the race, led Gore 52 percent
to 42 percent. But polls taken this early before an election often don't
forecast the eventual winner.

The poll of 1,786 adults was taken March 24-30 and has an error margin of
plus or minus 3 percentage points.

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Re: [CTRL] Kosovo and an American contradiction

1999-04-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

The NATO intervention is a hubristic and dangerous bid to establish a
precedent for de facto world government.

 "At the end of the 20th century, we face a great battle
between the forces of globalism and tribalism."
 --Bill Clinton (April 15, San Francisco)

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: SNET: a vet looks at Kosovo

1999-04-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-19 03:24:44 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Well, we have the music makersmake our day in the USA.

In the Sixties, Country Joe and the Fish sang:

"And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn.
Next stop is Vietnam.

"And it's five, six, seven, open up the Pearly Gates.
There ain't no time to wonder why --
whoopie -- we're all gonna die!

"Come on, all of you big strong men.
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam,
way dawn yonder in Vietnam.

"So put down your books and pick up a gun.
Come on, we're all going to have a lot ot fun.
Come on, Generals, let's move fast.
Your big chance has come at last.
Now you can go out and get those reds
because the only good commie is one that's dead,
and you know that peace can only be won
when you've blown them all to kingdom come.

"Come on, Wall Street, don't be slow.
Why, man, this is war a go go.
There's plenty good money to be made
by supplying the army with the tools of the trade.
But just hope and pray, if they drop the bomb,
they drop it on the Viet Cong.

"Come on, mothers throughout the land,
pack your boys off to Vietnam.
Come on, fathers, don't hesitate.
Send your sons off before it's too late.
You can be the first one on your block
to have your boy come home in a box."

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Microsoft et al. Woo NATO

1999-04-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "'This spectacle leads me to think, 'What's NOT for sale anymore?'''
said Bill Hogan of the Center for Public Integrity, a Washington watchdog

Cos. Contribute to NATO Celebration

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- As Washington prepares for a celebration marking NATO's
50th anniversary that will attract world leaders, more than 40 corporations
are paying to join the party.

Thirteen companies -- Ford, Microsoft and the defense contractor United
Technologies among them -- have plunked down at least $250,000 for a seat on
the board of directors of the summit's host committee. Twenty-eight others,
including such notables as Kodak, Coca-Cola and IBM, have given at least
$25,000 to join the host committee.

The committee is scheduled to host the welcome reception for delegates Friday
at the National Air and Space Museum and the Washington Salutes NATO
gathering a day later. Already, corporate sponsors have joined diplomats,
members of Congress and federal officials at several pre-summit receptions,
including one last week at the Turkish embassy, where they chatted over
platters of meatballs, stuffed grape leaves and franks-in-jackets.

The committee has raised $6.5 million toward its goal of $8 million.

Some donations let companies show off their products. DaimlerChrysler is
donating Mercedes to help ferry the delegates around town; Motorola is
providing cellular telephones to be carried over Nextel Communications'
network, another donation; Microsoft is providing software.

The companies also will put their names before the estimated 2,500
journalists covering the event, which is drawing extra attention because of
the NATO airstrikes in Yugoslavia.

``It's a great opportunity for these businesses,'' host committee spokeswoman
Dana Vickers Shelley said. ``The heads of government and the heads of state
will be there, but included in their delegations will be foreign trade
ministers and other officials.''

Similar corporate-funded committees helped serve as hosts for the G-7
economic summit in Denver in 1997 and the Summit of the Americas in Miami in
1994. The cities holding the Democratic and Republican national conventions
create their own corporate-supported committees every four years.

``It leads me to think, 'What's not for sale anymore?''' said Bill Hogan,
director of investigative projects for the Center for Public Integrity, a
Washington watchdog group. ``One would be hard-pressed to think of any other
board of directors where the only qualification is paying your way on to

Standing near a buffet table at the Turkish reception, Boeing Senior Vice
President Christopher Hansen said his company simply was supporting NATO.

``We think it's important to reinforce the alliance,'' Hansen said. ``I
wouldn't want to make the justification on a business level.''

Other business leaders acknowledged the potential benefits of joining the
NATO host committee.

``It's a natural for us because Ameritech is the largest foreign investor in
European telecommunications,'' spokesman George Steinitzer said. ``Our
purpose here is to support our existing relationships in Europe.''

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[CTRL] FALSE Testimony of NATO Bomber of Refugees

1999-04-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "NATO Brig. Gen. Giuseppe Marani said he produced the tape as "an
example'' of how a pilot might react and because the tape "was available.''

Confusion in NATO Account of Attack

.c The Associated Press

BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) -- Confusion over a deadly attack on a Kosovo refugee
convoy deepened Sunday after NATO said a tape of a pilot it presented after
the attack may not be the pilot who attacked the convoy.

Washington has said the pilot on the tape described a strike against military
targets -- without hitting civilians. However, NATO Brig. Gen. Giuseppe
Marani said the pilot may indeed have struck civilians, adding that NATO is
awaiting the results of an inquiry.

Marani said he produced the tape as ``an example'' of how a pilot reacts
during a ground attack over Kosovo and because ``that tape was clear, was

On Wednesday, Yugoslav authorities said NATO planes had killed more than 60
Kosovo Albanians in an attack on a refugee column. A road strewn with refugee
bodies was shown on Serbian television and foreign journalists were escorted
to the site to film the carnage.

NATO acknowledged Thursday that at least one of its planes had mistakenly hit
at least one civilian vehicle with fatal results.

``NATO deeply regrets the loss of life from this tragic accident,'' NATO
spokesman Jamie Shea said Thursday at the alliance's daily media briefing.

After Shea's introductory comments, Marani played a tape of what he said
``may be this incident.'' The F-16 pilot, who was not identified, described
an attack on a three-vehicle convoy he believed to be military vehicles
involved in burning villages.

Since then, NATO has faced mounting criticism of its refusal to explain
discrepancies between the mistaken strike it acknowledged and remains seen by

NATO acknowledged hitting just one civilian vehicle, possibly a tractor on a
road north of the Kosovo town Djakovica. The Serbs showed several vehicles
hit on a road south of the town.

In Washington, Navy Capt. Steve Pietropaoli said Saturday that the pilot
heard on the tape ``is not thought to be responsible in any way for anything
other than the attack that he described on a military vehicle.''

However, Pietropaoli said he did not mean there was not an accidental attack
on civilians in the area. ``It appears to be that that may be the case,'' he

NATO's military command is refusing to offer any further details of the
refugee attack pending results of an investigation.

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[CTRL] NATO in Montenegro Next?

1999-04-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Queried about the possibility of a naval blockade, White House press
secretary Joe Lockhart said, ``We believe that this is an idea worth
 "Yugoslavia's only seaports are in Montenegro.
 "The NY Times reported today that when the United States raised the
issue of a naval blockade with NATO allies last week, France objected on
grounds that this would require endorsement by the United Nations."

U.S. Seeks To Block Oil to Serbs

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Clinton asked Congress today for $6 billion in
emergency spending to sustain the U.S. military engagement in Kosovo and
increase aid to ethnic Albanians fleeing the province.

``There are literally lives hanging in the balance,'' Clinton said. ``I hope
that the Congress, in the spirit of bipartisanship, will pass the package
right away.''

Clinton said the emergency spending would ``ensure that we have the resources
to sustain the air campaign to ensure that we achieve our goals while
maintaining our high level of general military readiness.''

Congressional leaders promised to give the measure prompt attention, but
Republicans suggested they would try to expand it to cover longer-range needs
of the Pentagon. ``This emergency funding measure cannot be shortsighted --
it cannot simply replace bullets for bullets and bombs for bombs spent in
Kosovo,'' said House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.

Meanwhile, the United States is seeking NATO support for cutting off seaborne
shipments of oil into Yugoslavia to limit President Slobodan Milosevic's
ability to fight ethnic Albanians. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright did
not rule out the possibility of a naval blockade of Yugoslav ports.

Albright, after noting that a relentless NATO bombing campaign has heavily
damaged Yugoslavia's oil refining capacity, said, ``We're taking all kinds of
steps to limit the ability of outside powers to ... deliver oil.

``The Croatians have turned off their oil pipeline. And we are talking with
our NATO allies about taking stricter action in order to limit the amount of
oil that goes in,'' she said Sunday on ABC's ``This Week.''

Would that include a blockade of ports? Albright was asked. ``Well, there is
a way to visit and search ships and we're looking at a variety of way to
tighten the screws on him (Milosevic) economically,'' she replied.

Clinton spoke with Russian President Boris Yeltsin today for 45 minutes.
Yeltsin has been critical of the NATO campaign, but a White House official
said the two emphasized the things they agreed upon, such as the need for
Serb forces to withdraw from Kosovo.

It was the first time that Clinton and Yeltsin had spoken since the start of
the airstrikes, and the conversation came after Yeltsin named a special envoy
for the crisis last week.

``They're looking for ways to be helpful. There's broad agreement that we
can't allow the relationship to be damaged by Kosovo,'' said the official,
who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Queried about the possibility of a naval blockade, White House press
secretary Joe Lockhart would say only that NATO was considering ``a variety
of things'' that could loosen Milosevic's grip on power.

``We believe that these are ideas that are worth pursuing, and that's what's
being discussed,'' he said.

Yugoslavia's only seaports are in Montenegro. Kosovo is a province of
Yugoslavia's other republic, Serbia.

There were weekend reports that oil was still being delivered through
Montenegrin ports and that the United States was reluctant to impose a

The New York Times reported today that when the United States raised the
issue of a naval blockade with NATO allies last week, France objected on
grounds that would require endorsement by the United Nations Security

Albright said NATO will fight to the end to wear down Milosevic. Yugoslavia's
military is being weakened by NATO bombing, she said. ``Our allies are all
determined to prevail.''

She said Clinton still has no intention of sending ground troops into
Yugoslavia to follow the air attacks that begin March 24. A ground plan
shelved last fall could be updated quickly, she said, although military
experts have said it would take two to three months to prepare.

NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana agreed, saying, ``At this point, the
alliance has no plans to go into an invasion.'' However, he added, ``If the
moment comes when it is necessary, I'm sure the countries that belong to NATO
will be ready to do it.''

``We are going to maintain the air campaign to the end,'' he said on ``Fox
News Sunday.''

British Prime Minister Tony Blair and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder
affirmed allied unity. ``I think the important thing is to see the strategy
we have through,'' Blair said on CBS' ``Face the Nation.'' Schroeder told
CNN's ``Late Edition'' he sees ``no reason whatsoever'' to change current
policy. ``Airstrikes have to be continued, and they have to be sharpened 

[CTRL] Kosovo: UN Secretary Going to Moscow

1999-04-19 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Yugoslav foreign minister appeals to the UN to stop the [U.S.]
 NATO's own charter makes its mandatory that the UN get involved
immediately.  Three weeks and counting and NATO, pressured by the U.S., is
ignoring the UN.

Annan To Discuss Kosovo in Moscow

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- Secretary-General Kofi Annan said today he will go to
Moscow next week to discuss the Kosovo conflict.

Annan told the Security Council in closed consultations of his plans to add a
day onto a previously scheduled visit to Germany from April 26-28.

U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard confirmed that Annan had consulted with the
Russian government and decided to travel to Moscow on April 29. He would
presumably return to New York the following day.

Last Friday, Yugoslavia rejected the key element of Annan's Kosovo peace
initiative, saying an international military force in Yugoslavia was

Annan had also urged Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to immediately end
the expulsions of ethnic Albanians from Kosovo and withdraw his forces from
the province. He pledged to urge NATO to end its airstrikes if Milosevic

The initiative had won wide support among the 15 European Union leaders who
gathered last week in Brussels, Belgium, in search of a solution to the

After receiving a letter from Yugoslav Foreign Minister Zivadin Jovanovic,
Annan issued a statement through his spokesman saying that he wasn't
surprised by the Yugoslav response. He added: ``We are only at the beginning
stage of our search for a diplomatic solution.''

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[CTRL] Washington DC on Terror Alert for Friday

1999-04-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Security High for NATO's 50th

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The city that made its way through the Million Man March,
massive civil rights and anti-war protests and quadrennial inaugurations is
taking unprecedented steps to protect an event that will attract few
spectators -- largely because those who come will be stopped at the

Bomb squads, SWAT teams and other federal and local police units and
personnel are throwing a smothering security blanket over America's capital
beginning Friday to protect leaders of about 40 countries meeting for NATO's
50th anniversary.

The cloak of protection, intensified because of the NATO bombing campaign,
includes the first-ever closing of several Smithsonian museums for security
reasons. Police are virtually shutting down more than two dozen blocks in the
busy heart of the city.

Yet organizers continue to scale back public aspects of the gathering,
turning it solely toward serious business topped by talk on NATO's conflict
with Yugoslavia. Bleachers just set up for a major outdoor ceremony were
being dismantled Monday after leaders decided to meet on Kosovo Friday
morning instead of holding a public ceremony and parade.

Strategy sessions and security drills began six months ago to prepare for
anything from drive-by shootings or truck bombing to nuclear or biological

``We are the No. 1 target in the world,'' said Jim Rice, FBI special agent
for terrorism. ``But we have home-field advantage. We know the streets. We
know the skyline. If something is out of place, we know it.''

Altogether, 17 agencies are involved, including riot police and hazardous
chemical units, plus security details for each world leader.

``All are prepared to respond to an emergency,'' said Secret Service Special
Agent Jim Mackin. ``Our goal in planning was to prevent them from having to
do that.''

The war in Kosovo and U.S. and British skirmishes with Iraq add to potential
security problems. But so far neither action has brought a specific threat --
at least not one made public.

``I don't want to jinx anything, but the threats we have today are the same
ones we had yesterday and the day before,'' Rice said. ``We are prepared.''

Traffic will be banned from several blocks surrounding the sprawling new
Ronald Reagan Building downtown, where the leaders will meet. Closer in, even
pedestrians will be restricted.

Nine downtown Smithsonian museums were set to close Friday. Museum officials
agreed to the unprecedented shutdown after NATO organizers demanded that
nonessential government workers in a nearly 100-block security zone stay home
to sharply reduce the number of people in the area. The zone includes much of
the National Mall.

The three most popular museums will remain open -- Air and Space, Natural
History and American History -- and all museums will be open Saturday and
Sunday. They usually close only on Christmas.

``We got pressure not to bring any of our people in,'' said Smithsonian
spokesman David J. Umansky. ``But we have a responsibility to the American
people,'' who expect the free museums to be open.

Eight busy downtown streets and a major subway stop next to the NATO meeting
site will be closed for the three-day event. And all city schools will close
Friday, including those miles from the summit.

``If I were a terrorist, this is the last town I would hit,'' said Frank
Cilluffo, global crime expert with the Center for Strategic and International
Studies. Nevertheless, the summit provides a tempting target ``for those
interested in showcasing something to the world.''

The principal terrorist threat is from truck bombs, which is what much of the
physical security around Washington is designed to stop, noted Brian Michael
Jenkins, a California-based terrorism analyst.

But, he said, ``Can those measures prevent some individual or ad hoc
conspiracy or terrorist group on behalf of a multitude of causes from setting
a bomb somewhere in the city? Absolutely not.''

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[CTRL] Serbs Unlikely To Have Nuclear Arms

1999-04-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Uh, thanks for bringing up the subject, in the same breath as "Trust me"

Serbs Unlikely To Have Nuclear Arms

.c The Associated Press

VIENNA, Austria (AP) -- An international nuclear watchdog agency today
dismissed reports that Yugoslavia might attempt to produce nuclear weapons
and said the only danger might be posed if NATO bombs inadvertently struck a
nuclear research facility.

NATO forces are aware of the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Science, located
about 10 miles from the Yugoslav capital of Belgrade, said David Kyd,
spokesman for the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency.

``The risk of Yugoslavia misusing this material is low. The higher risk is
that a stray missile might go in this direction,'' Kyd said.

The 6.5-megawatt, Soviet-designed research reactor has about 130 pounds of
highly enriched uranium, including 5,000 uranium fuel rods stored in 30 drums
in a pond on the site, along with fresh fuel, he said.

Officials from the Institute for Science and International Security, an arms
control research group in Washington, were quoted in recent newspaper reports
as saying there was enough material at the facility to make nuclear weapons.

``I can't imagine in my wildest dreams what they would do with this,'' Kyd
said. Producing nuclear weapons could pose a danger to the Yugoslavs
themselves, and could provoke retaliation, he explained.

IAEA inspectors normally visit the Vinca facility each month. But no
inspection has been conducted since late January because of security risks in

If the agency feared the nuclear materials were being misused, it could
request special permission to visit the site. But the country has always
complied with its nuclear obligations, Kyd said.

``I'm pretty confident we'd find everything as it should be'' if the IAEA did
an inspection, he said.

The Yugoslav government has stressed that no NATO airstrikes hit the
facility, which is located in a sparsely populated area.

``No one in their right mind'' would deliberately target the facility, Kyd

The possibility remains that a bomb could go astray, but it is impossible to
predict the environmental damage it could do.

``You can't make a back-of-the-envelope calculation,'' he said, because
everything would be contingent on factors such as the strength of the weapon
and whether the facility took a direct hit.

An indirect hit could cause local contamination and radiation could seep into
the groundwater, he said.

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[CTRL] Lone Nuts Catch War Fever ?

1999-04-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Two Gunmen Open Fire in Colo. H.S.

.c The Associated Press

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) -- Two young men dressed in long, black trench coats
opened fire in a suburban high school today, scattering students as gunshots
ricocheted off lockers, witnesses said. At least three students were injured,
one student said.

There were also reports of explosions in the school, which was ringed by
ambulances and police officers at lunchtime.


April 18 -- BELGRADE (Reuters) - ... A British newspaper, the Observer, said
Sunday NATO was laying plans for a ground invasion, perhaps as early as the
end of May. It said 80,000 troops had been earmarked for the operation and
that some American soldiers had already started training in Colorado.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Federal Funds = Private SLUSH Funds (Example #42,967)

1999-04-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Ex-Headstart Chief Accused of Fraud

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) -- The former director of a Headstart program has been charged
with embezzling $250,000 intended to help poor families.

Beatrice Richardson, 49, surrendered to police Monday and appeared before
U.S. Magistrate Judge James Francis, who released her on $200,000 bond.

Prosecutors accused Ms. Richardson of diverting the money from the program to
a clothing business, her sons' fledgling companies, her daughter's college
tuition and an ex-boyfriend.

Ms. Richardson allegedly had three seamstresses from her clothing company,
B-Rich Clothing, working in a Headstart program room meant to be used as a
children's classroom.

``Many of the government's allegations are incorrect,'' said Ms. Richardson's
lawyer, Richard Willstatter, who wouldn't comment further. Ms. Richardson
refused to comment.

Ms. Richardson's children were not accused of wrongdoing. Among them is
director Matty Rich, who was 19 when he released the critically acclaimed
1991 movie ``Straight Out of Brooklyn,'' about the downfall of a black
working-class Brooklyn family. Prosecutors said a movie company co-owned by
Rich and his mother, plus a music company owned by another son, received more
than $50,000.

Ms. Richardson, who now lives in Clearwater, Fla., was charged with writing
unauthorized checks to benefit herself and her family while she was program
director of the Metro North Association's Headstart program between

The Headstart programs are meant to benefit preschool children whose parents
are on public assistance or whose income is below the poverty level.

The city initially investigated because its Administration for Children's
Services, which administers the program on behalf of the federal government,
reported questionable expenses in the program.

If convicted on embezzlement charges, Ms. Richardson could face a maximum
sentence of 10 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.

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[CTRL] Oops Again

1999-04-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Marine Jets Kill Civilian in P.R.

.c The Associated Press

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) -- Two U.S. Marine jets on a training run missed
their target and bombed a communications tower on an island off Puerto Rico,
killing one civilian and injuring four others.

The two F-18 jets based on the aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy struck
the tower at about 7:30 p.m. Monday, said Roberto Nelson, spokesman for
Roosevelt Roads Naval Station.

The bombs hit the tower where four civilian contractors and one military
observer were helping direct the jets over the island of Vieques, off Puerto
Rico's east coast.

The Navy will investigate, Nelson said. The four injured men were in stable
condition in a military hospital, the Navy said.

A contractor, David Sanes, 35, was killed, according to Robert Rabin of the
Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, a civilian group which
opposes the military exercises.

Activists fighting to force the U.S. military to stop using the island
declared that it was inevitable that an accident should occur.

``Vieques lives under the continual danger that this type of situation will
happen if the Navy makes a mistake in its bombardment from ships and
airplanes,'' Rabin said.

Many of the 9,400 residents of 21-mile-long island oppose the use of live
ammunition, which they say is destroying coral reefs, disturbing fishing
grounds and thwarted efforts to attract tourists.

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[CTRL] Pope to Canonize JP Morgan Partner's Daughter

1999-04-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 ""Saint" Katharine Drexel was born to great wealth. Her father was a
banker and business partner of J.P. Morgan.
 "The Drexels, devout Roman Catholics, believed their wealth belonged to
God, who entrusted it to them to care for the poor."

.c The Associated Press

BENSALEM, Pa. (AP) -- A socialite and heiress to one of Philadelphia's
largest fortunes, Katharine Drexel could have had or done anything. What she
chose instead as her life's work shocked high society but has her poised to
become the second American-born saint.

The woman who lived a storybook youth of mansions, world travel and private
tutors took a vow of poverty, entered the convent and used all of her $20
million inheritance to establish a missionary order dedicated to helping
those treated the worst and regarded the least.

``She ... gave everything to God, including herself,'' said Sister Ruth
Catherine Spain, who belongs to the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament order
founded by Mother Drexel and who lives in the order's motherhouse in

Supporters began touting her cause almost immediately after her death in 1955
at age 96. And a pair of mysterious healings -- one confirmed, the other
still being investigated -- are drawing her closer to sainthood. She would be
the only American-born saint besides Sisters of Charity founder Elizabeth Ann
Seton, canonized in 1975.

Four other people with U.S. ties have reached beatification, which is the
last step before sainthood: Mohawk Indian convert Kateri Tekakwitha;
Belgian-born priest Damien de Veuster, who cared for lepers in Hawaii;
Spanish-born priest Junipero Serra, who founded nine California missions; and
French-born nun Theodore Guerin, who founded the Sisters of Providence of St.
Mary of the Woods in Indiana.

Mother Drexel is the closest to canonization of America's 29 candidates, most
of whom are decades away from sainthood.

``There's no white smoke yet,'' said Monsignor Alexander Palmieri, vice
postulator, or official advocate, for Mother Drexel's cause for sainthood,
referring to the plume that signals when a new pope is chosen. He said he
hoped canonization could come by the end of this year. She was beatified in

Katharine Drexel was born in 1858 to a family of great wealth. Her father,
Francis Drexel, was a banking magnate and business partner of J.P. Morgan.
Her uncle, Anthony Drexel, founded Drexel University. Young Katharine was a
world traveler and a debutante but also was taught the importance of charity.

The Drexels, devout Roman Catholics, believed their wealth belonged to God,
who entrusted it to them to care for the poor. In addition to making monetary
donations, the family distributed food, clothing and money three times a week
from their mansion in Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square neighborhood.

When Francis Drexel died in 1885, the family fortune was worth $15 million,
the equivalent of about $250 million today. Though she and her two sisters
were pursued by many suitors, Katharine was drawn to religious life.

After she joined the Sisters of Mercy in Pittsburgh in 1889 at the age of 30,
The Philadelphia Public Ledger ran the headline, ``Miss Drexel Enters a
Catholic Convent -- Gives up Seven Million.''

The woman who once dressed in the finest fashions now stitched her torn
shoelaces back together.

``She dedicated her life to ministering to African American and Native
American people, which was by no means a popular thing to do at that time,''
Palmieri said.

In 1891, she founded what was then called Blessed Sacrament Sisters for
Indians and Colored People. The order's work was unpopular in the early
years; undeterred, Mother Drexel urged the nuns to pray for those who opposed

The Ku Klux Klan once threatened to burn one of the order's Southern schools
and its church if the sisters didn't leave.

``Lightning struck the (KKK) headquarters and burned it to the ground,''
Palmieri said.

In Mother Drexel's lifetime, the order established 12 American Indian schools
and more than 100 rural and inner-city schools for blacks, including New
Orleans' Xavier University, the only historically black Catholic college in
the country.

At its height, 550 women belonged to the order. Today there are about 260.

The road to sainthood is a rough one.

After an exhaustive scrutiny of the would-be saint's life, the case for
sainthood is reviewed by the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints,
which consists of about 25 cardinals and bishops. If the committee and the
pope approve, the candidate is designated ``venerable.''

Then the search begins for two miracles, which are confirmed through
interviews with witnesses, theologians and medical experts. The first miracle
earns the candidate the title ``blessed'' and the second, ``saint.''

In 1987, Mother Drexel was declared ``venerable.'' In 1988, the Vatican
confirmed Robert Gutherman was cured of deafness in one ear after praying to
Mother Drexel. The church is 

[CTRL] NWO vs Catholic Old World Order

1999-04-20 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

UN hits back at Vatican on Kosovo rape victims

By Evelyn Leopold

UNITED NATIONS, April 15 (Reuters) - The U.N. Population Fund on Thursday
criticised the Vatican as insensitive to the suffering of Kosovo women
because of its opposition to a ``morning-after pill'' for rape victims in
refugee camps.

``I am surprised and disappointed at the Vatican's statement condemning the
provision of emergency contraception to Kosovo refugees,'' said Dr Nafis
Sadik, the UNFPA executive director.

``It shows an insensitivity to the suffering of the women of Kosovo,'' Sadik,
a Pakistani physician, said in a statement.

A senior Vatican official on Tuesday said the use of the ``morning-after''
pill was tantamount to abortion. Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, vice president of
the Pontifical Academy for Life, reflecting the Vatican's position, called
the pill a technique that should not be confused with a contraceptive.

He made his comments in the Italian Roman Catholic daily newspaper Avvenire
in reaction to UNFPA's announcement it had sent reproductive health kits to
refugee camps in Albania that included the ``morning after'' pill.

The Vatican's U.N. delegation last month also spoke out against using the
pill, saying it involved chemicals used in abortions.

Sadik said this was not the case: `` It's a form of oral contraceptive. Of
course whether a woman will or not use it is a decision for her to make.''

She told a news conference too many people confused high-dosage birth control
pills with the RU-486 pill that aborts a pregnancy and which UNFPA does not

The multi-use UNFPA kits, which were shipped on April 8, included a variety
of contraceptives as well as testing for sexually-transmitted diseases,
equipment to deliver babies without medical facilities and equipment for
medical personnel in complicated deliveries and blood transfusions.

The kits are to provide emergency aid to some 350,000 women for three to six
months. Sadik said relief agencies estimated some 20 births a day among the
Kosovo refugee population.

The kits also contained the ``morning-after pill,'' which prevents pregnancy
when taken within 72 hours of sex but which is not considered an abortion
pill by many health experts.

Sadik said she was very concerned at reports of rape among the refugees, a
reference to persistent reports that Serbian soldiers had gang-raped ethnic
Albanian women at an army camp as they attempted to flee. Some were killed
but some accounts from survivors are beginning to emerge.

Sadik said UNFPA was not on the ``front lines'' in the refugee camps but had
distributed the kits to the U.N. refugee agencies, Albanian government health
services and Red Cross societies, where they were in demand.

She said UNFPA surveys in Kosovo before the NATO military strikes showed
there was little knowledge of contraceptives and that abortion was used

The Vatican, during the Bosnian war, also objected to any kind of abortion
that would terminate pregnancies of rape victims, mainly Moslem women. It
says it is important to distinguish between violence suffered and human
beings who have begun a new life.

International Pro-Life Group Condemns UN:
Demands US Stop 'GlobalContraceptive Imperialism'

FRONT ROYAL, Va., April 19 /PRNewswire/ -- Fr. Richard Welch, CSSR, JCD,
President of Human Life International (HLI), today condemned the decision by
the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to send so-called "emergency
reproductive kits" to the refugees fleeing the bloodshed in Kosovo.

"Under the guise of 'humanitarian effort' population controllers at the UN
are found once again working in tandem with the International Planned
Parenthood Federation (IPPF) to promote their insidious shared agenda of
waging war against minority women and children throughout the world.  They are
now conducting global contraceptive imperialism on a massive scale," Welch

"The displaced refugees are in need of emergency food, clean water,
shelter and medical assistance -- not suction machines, abortifacient devices
or drugs such as the 'morning-after pill,' which actually causes an abortion
to take place. By lying in bed with Planned Parenthood the UN has demonstrated
its disregard for the religious preferences of the Kosovo refugees, most of
whom are Muslims who strictly oppose abortion and artificial contraception,"
Welch added.

This week the US House of Representatives votes on renewed US funding
measures for the UNFPA.  Tacked on as an amendment to the Foreign Relations
Authorization Act, H.R. 1211, the funding request received bipartisan support
last Wednesday when the International Relations Committee approved it by a
vote of 23 to 17.  The bill faces stronger opposition in the full House this
week as officials of the Catholic Church and various pro-life groups are
already criticizing the UNFPA decision to promote abortion and artificial
birth control among the Albanian refugees.  The Vatican roundly condemned the

Re: [CTRL] Trenchcoat

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-21 00:21:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Maybe these kids are following his example; from their written messages,
it would appear so...Clinton is following in the steps of the Nazi party.

My first thought on hearing "black trenchcoats" and guns was that somebody
had enjoyed THE MATRIX (just released) way too much ... Keanu Reeves in black
trenchcoat, etc., battling the enemy within a virtual-reality reality ...

But no, MS-NBC is saying instead that, judging from the statements of
itnesses to the killings and from the content of the killer kidz' websites
--yes, these 17-year-old "outcasts" not only had grenades and firearms but
cars and cell phones, Internet access and personal Web sites-- the true
inspiration for the Trenchcoat Mafia was a freshly-released album by an
allegedly GERMAN but Seattle-based "industrial" rock band, whose lyrics
(quoted on one of the perps' web pages) glorify mass destruction, chaos, and
the apocalypse and sound like something the Antichrist would shriek.
Furthermore, noting that the day of the shooting was Hitler's birthday, the
crew stated that, according to those who knew the perps, they were admirers
of Hitler and Third Reich imagery and specifically targeted non-Aryans (black
and latino high
school students) for death (in addition to the "jocks" they apparently
despised also).

In other words, the shooters were nerdy Hitlerites (McNazis?) out to do some
"ethnic cleansing" of their own little world -- at exactly the time when
these are the predominant propaganda images and ideas being beaten into all
our psyche by the nightly news.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Magnetic Anomaly

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-21 03:03:05 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I suspect that the magnetic anomaly has already had an effect of triggering
a 6.5 M earthquake near New Zealand, and perhaps may have contributed
to the crazed minds of the suicide killers in Denver.

I don't know about the particular magnetic anomaly referred to here --heck,
there's probably even a huge solar flare striking the earth right now too--
but I DO know that for weeks already, and for months to come (including the
August eclipse, wherein it figures large) the two planetary "malefics,"
Saturn and Mars, have been in opposition -- and it's "natural" under that
aspect to expect assaults, fatal accidents, murders and ... WAR.
In other words, it's "amok time" on planet Earth through most of this year,
AD 1999.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Balkans: Seriously / IV-F

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-20 19:09:09 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 (6) Yugoslavia's foreign assets should be subject to seizure in all NATO
countries, both to exert pressure on Belgrade and as a prelude to eventual
reparations for the damage inflicted on Kosovo by Milosevic's forces.

Inevitably, NOW they're resorting to "asset forfeiture" on a GLOBAL scale!

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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[CTRL] Japan's Whistleblowing Criminals

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "A new class of ''corporate racketeers' extort money from brokerage
houses by threatening to publicly divulge incriminating information about them
 "A total of 31 executives from Japan's top five brokerage companies have
been indicted on corruption charges, and 25 of them have been convicted"

Japan Corporate Racketeer Sentenced

TOKYO (AP) -- A corporate racketeer was sentenced to nine months in prison
today for taking $104 million in illegal payoffs and loans from Japan's top
stock brokerages and a bank, a court spokesman said.

Ryuichi Koike, 55, was convicted of violating the commerce law by illegally
accepting the payoffs in exchange for not interrupting the companies' annual
shareholders meetings.

The Tokyo District Court also fined him $5.8 million, a court spokesman said
on customary condition of anonymity.

Koike received the money in 1994 and 1995 from all of Japan's ``Big Four''
brokerages -- Nomura Securities Co., Daiwa Securities Co., Nikko Securities
Co. and the now-defunct Yamaichi Securities Co.

He also received illegal loans totaling $98 million through a Dai-Ichi Kangyo
Bank subsidiary between 1994 and 1996.

``The defendant repeatedly conducted racketeering as a profession and
therefore cannot avoid serious blame for carrying out the crimes'' Kyodo News
agency quoted the court ruling as saying.

The court also blamed the companies for prolonging the crimes by using the
defendant's influence as a racketeer to their benefit, instead of taking
measures to cut their ties with him, Kyodo said.

The racketeers, known as ``sokaiya,'' threaten to disrupt shareholder
meetings by divulging embarrassing information about companies unless they
are paid off.

The disclosure of Koike's operation has rocked the Japanese corporate world
and led to several high-profile arrests.

A total of 31 former executives of the five companies have been charged, and
25 of them have been convicted, including five Nomura executives who received
suspended prison terms, Kyodo reported.

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[CTRL] Trenchcoat Mafia Profile

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Colorado Suspects Called Outcasts

.c The Associated Press

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) -- They are called the ``Trench Coat Mafia,'' a group
of about 10 students who wear long black coats, keep to themselves and follow
shock rocker Marilyn Manson.

Despite their dark lifestyle, they had not shown an inclination for violence
before Tuesday, according to some of their fellow students at Columbine High

Authorities and school district officials said they had never heard of the
group. ``We were not aware of the Trench Coat Mafia until today,''
Superintendent Jane Hammond said Tuesday.

A reference to the group in last year's Columbine yearbook reveals nothing
more than general teen-age exuberance.

Even so, some students said they believed the two gunmen who went on a
shooting rampage at Columbine were members of the group.

Classmates and Denver media identified the gunmen as Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold. Police refused to identify them.

Sean Kelly, a 16-year-old student, said Harris and several members of the
group made a video in class about guns they had. He also said that several
members recently bragged about getting new guns.

Some students said the killers targeted minorities and athletes. Kelly said
he heard Trench Coat Mafia members making ``generally derogatory remarks''
about blacks and Hispanics.

Student Andrew Beard, said Harris and Klebold often said they ``hated the
jocks'' ``because they thought they could do anything they wanted, walk
through life smoothly.''

Beard said members of the group often came to school in steel-toed combat
boots, some of them wearing Nazi crosses.

A dedication to the Trench Coat Mafia in the 1998 Columbine yearbook lists 13
members and carries the following message: ``Who says we are different?
Insanity's healthy! Remember rocking parties at Kristen's, foosball at Joe's
and fencing at Christopher's! Stay alive, stay different, stay crazy. Oh, and
stay away from CREAM SODA!!! Love always, the chicks.''

But other students had developed a less innocent image of the group.

``They're really dark people,'' said Wes Lammers, a 17-year-old junior.
``There were a lot of jokes that one day they might snap or something.''

Casey Brackley, 15, said she was very aware of the group even though it was

``I never saw them threaten anybody or bully anybody, but we avoided them
because they were different,'' she said. ``Anyone dressed in black you're
scared of because it signifies gothic or death.''

Added Josh Nielsen, a 17-year-old junior: ``They're not well-liked in the
school and no one treated them well.''

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] NATO Standing In the Way of OUR (!) War in the Balkans

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Lawmakers Say NATO Slows Down War

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- NATO's cumbersome procedures are sharply limiting Army
Gen. Wesley Clark's military options in Yugoslavia, some lawmakers are
suggesting. ``The NATO consulting process is slowing down the war,'' said
Sen. Robert Bennett, R-Utah.

``And if you win it -- what do you win? First prize is 50 years in Kosovo.
I'm not sure that's a prize I want to win,'' Bennett said.

Congressional frustration is increasing over NATO's caution and its constant
need for a consensus -- amounting to what many suggest is a war by committee.

``But for NATO, we would not be in this fight, and because of NATO, we can't
win this fight,'' Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., told Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright as she defended NATO's role on Tuesday before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee.

She strongly disagreed -- although conceded NATO's was a little rusty as a
military machine.

``NATO is the right instrument, and while it has never fought a war, it is
doing a pretty darn good job doing it,'' she said. ``We need to hone it, but
we are on the right track.''

But calls are increasing in the Republican-led Senate for more direct action
to stop Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's aggression against Kosovo's
ethnic Albanians.

A bipartisan group of seven senators led by 2000 GOP presidential hopeful
John McCain of Arizona filed a resolution Tuesday that would authorize ground
troops in Kosovo -- even though the administration has not requested them.

``When a president threatens a war he should plan for it,'' McCain said late
Tuesday in satellite remarks to the National Association of Broadcasters
convention in Las Vegas. ``President Clinton seems neither to have a plan A
nor a plan B.''

Other lawmakers have called for even more direct action to try to overthrow

``I think we should put a Tomahawk missile through Milosevic's bedroom
window,'' said Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Ted Stevens,

But removing Milosevic is not part of NATO's strategy.

Albright made that clear earlier Tuesday at a White House briefing when asked
if she thought Milosevic should be removed -- and how that would be achieved.

``That is not ... our goal for this conflict,'' she responded.

That goal, ``as we have all said, is to try to get the Serb forces out of
Kosovo, the refugees back into Kosovo and have the protection of an
international security force,'' she added.

The bombing campaign is not a U.S.-only operation, but is subject to review
by the other 18 NATO countries. And NATO may need Milosevic one day to
enforce terms of a peace agreement.

The United States says its prefers to have a democratic government in place
in Belgrade -- but is short on details on how that might be accomplished.

NATO's cautious position toward Milosevic was underscored Tuesday when
British Prime Minister Tony Blair suggested allies will ``carry on until he
does step down.''

Jamie Shea, the NATO spokesman, quickly clarified Blair's remarks by saying
NATO policy was to get Milosevic to ``back down'' rather than ``step down.''

To be sure, the four-week-old air campaign against Yugoslavia is run by a
four-star American Army general -- Clark.

But military planners from other NATO nations are closely watching over his

``I think we've been able to strengthen the consensus process in NATO,''
Clark recently told a group of U.S. reporters in his command post in Mons,
Belgium, about 30 miles from NATO headquarters in Brussels. ``And I think
that's very evident in the increasingly smooth flow of the air campaign.''

But lawmakers who have been to Europe to meet with Clark tell a different
story, suggesting he is being hamstrung.

``General Clark just does not have the options he needs,'' said Sen. Dick
Lugar, R-Ind., a senior member of the Foreign Relations Committee. ``He needs
a consensus finding for targets and for objectives. As a result, General
Clark is bound by that consensus.''

A bad omen for NATO on the eve of its 50th anniversary celebration?

Not really, said Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan, senior Democrat on the Armed
Services Committee, and a strong NATO booster. And he says he fully expects
NATO to be around for its 100th birthday, as well, ``because it serves an
ongoing useful function.''

``It's extraordinary how NATO's new nations, like Hungary, are willing to
take risks for a common cause here,'' Levin said. ``And the common cause this
time is an important one. NATO will prove itself by succeeding in not
allowing Milosevic to ethnically cleanse Kosovo.''

EDITOR'S NOTE -- Tom Raum covers national and international affairs for The
Associated Press.

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[CTRL] Oil-Rich Venezuela Rejects U.S. Control

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Venezuela Accuses U.S. of Meddling

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- President Hugo Chavez's government accused the
United States on Tuesday of meddling in its foreign relations and said it
will support Cuba, Iran and China in U.N. votes on human rights.

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jose Vicente Rangel said that while relations
between the two countries generally are good, ``at times there have been
pressures'' by U.S. officials trying to influence Venezuela's foreign policy.

``Venezuela doesn't allow itself to be pressured by anyone,'' Rangel told

He said he was instructing Venezuela's delegates to the U.N. Human Rights
Commission in Geneva to vote in favor of Cuba, Iran and China. The group'a
annual six-week meeting started March 22.

Rangel criticized the nearly four-decade-old U.S. embargo against Cuba,
saying that the United States should not demand respect for human rights
``while there is an embargo against a small third country in violation of
international human rights.''

Chavez was barred from entering the U.S. after he led a failed coup attempt
in 1992, but the ban was lifted after his landslide victory last December.
Venezuela is one of the top foreign suppliers of oil to the United States.

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] Raison detre ?

1999-04-21 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

DENVER, April 21 (UPI S) _ The National Rifle Association will hold its
annual convention in Denver starting on April 30, just 10 days after
heavily armed teenagers carried out an indiscriminate massacre at a
suburban high school. Some 22,000 NRA members expected to attend the
three-day meeting face yet another argument for gun control, which the
group passionately opposes.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Clinton Helped China Defeat the US in WWIII

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "Administration officials admitted for the first time that China
obtained classified information on the NEUTRON BOMB ..."

CIA: China Stole US Weapons Secrets

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- China is a few years away from fielding improved nuclear
weapons with the help of classified information gained by spying on the
United States, according to a U.S. intelligence damage assessment of Chinese

In addition to gaining improved weaponry, including lightweight warheads for
use on multiple-warhead ICBMs, China may also be more likely to spread its
older weapons technology to other countries as its own weaponry improves, a
U.S. intelligence team concluded.

In a long-awaited damage assessment, administration officials disclosed
Wednesday for the first time that China gathered classified information not
just on the W-88 warhead and the neutron bomb but on ``several'' modern U.S.
warheads -- particularly ``re-entry vehicles,'' the nuclear weapons mounted
on multiple-warhead rockets.

The assessment made clear that China's espionage efforts were likely to

``China obtained at least basic design information on several modern U.S.
re-entry vehicles,'' according to an unclassified version of the assessment.
``Significant deficiencies remain in the Chinese weapons program. The Chinese
almost certainly are using aggressive collection efforts to address

China has denied the espionage charges, saying its own scientists achieved
improvements in nuclear weapons design.

In terms of damage to U.S. national security, the conclusions of the new
assessment were guarded.

U.S. intelligence said it could not determine whether China has passed
classified U.S. nuclear information to other countries. But the assessment
reasoned that ``Having obtained more modern U.S. nuclear technology, the
Chinese might be less concerned about sharing their older technology.''

The assessment also emphasized that China has yet to deploy an improved
weapon based on the information obtained through espionage at the U.S.
nuclear weapons laboratories and elsewhere.

``To date, the aggressive Chinese collection effort has not resulted in any
apparent modernization of their deployed strategic force or any new nuclear
weapons deployment,'' the assessment concluded.

But a senior intelligence official speaking on condition of anonymity said
the multi-agency assessment team predicted in its classified report that
China would field improved weapons within a few years.

As a result of the loss of secrets, ``future Chinese weapons will look more
like ours,'' the official said.

The Chinese weapons intelligence-gathering effort exploited open as well as
classified sources, the former including such venues such as public
conferences and scientific exchanges.

President Clinton, who was briefed on the findings Wednesday, ordered a
review to assess potential vulnerability to espionage beyond the U.S. nuclear
weapons laboratories.

``Measures to protect sensitive nuclear weapons information must be
constantly scrutinized,'' Clinton said in a statement.

Republicans have accused his administration of being lax in responding to the
FBI's initial concerns in 1995 about possible Chinese espionage at U.S.
weapons labs. The issue followed on the heels of allegations that the
administration promoted commercial satellite exports that allowed Beijing to
improve its ballistic missiles.

The FBI's nuclear weapons lab probe focused on a Taiwanese-born American at
Los Alamos National Laboratory, N.M., suspected of passing nuclear secrets to
China. The probe came to light this year.

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Shelby said the briefing
Wednesday made it clear that Chinese spying continued into the Clinton
administration. Clinton has said he knows of no espionage breaches at the
weapons labs during his tenure.

``It confirms my worst fears,'' Shelby, R-Ala., said of the damage
assessment. ``We made it easy for the Chinese because of weak security at our
national labs. ... We took too long to find out what was going on and we
still don't know how deep and wide the problem is.''

Rep. Norm Dicks, D-Wash., ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence
Committee, said that while the report ``demonstrates a terrible intelligence
failure'' by the United States, the long-term security implications are less
clear because the Chinese have not yet fielded new weapons.

China has an estimated 18 to 20 ICBMs and perhaps 400 short- and medium-range
missiles -- all with single-warhead nuclear weapons. This arsenal pales in
comparison to the U.S. cache of about 10,000 nuclear warheads.

Beijing decided not to try to keep up quantitatively in the arms race.
Instead, it is trying to improve the credibility of its nuclear threat by
improving its retaliatory capability, according to the intelligence
assessment. Doing so involves developing lighter, more mobile and therefore
more survivable 

[CTRL] Trenchcoat Mafia: Heil Hitler!

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Where did these "Mafiosi" get their programming for violent, antisocial

 "Leader Eric Harris wore German insignia, spoke German, loved violent
video games -- and, after graduating, intended to join the military.
 "``He was into combat more than anyone else I've ever seen,'' Beard
 "From [age 11 to 14]  Harris [was an "army brat" and] lived at the Air
Force base in Plattsburgh, NY, where his father was a pilot ..."

 No need to go calling for gun control, Internet censorship, or rock
music bans ...
 If you really want to save kidz's minds from being warped by the
romanticizing of violence and the glamorizing of guns and combat, STOP THE
network TV 

A Look at the 'Trenchcoat Mafia'

.c The Associated Press

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) -- Their strange affectations as part of the
``Trenchcoat Mafia'' were what made Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris stand out
at Columbine High School.

But if the pair's fondness for Hitler and black trench coats seemed bizarre,
other students could relate to the social pecking order that had put Klebold,
17, and Harris, 18, squarely at the bottom.

High school can be cruel if you're not part of the ``in'' crowd, and Klebold
and Harris were reminded daily that they were ``out.''

``Our school is very status structured. People would yell comments to them,
like weirdo or outcast,'' said Johnna Nelson, 17, a junior who describes
herself as a preppie. ``They'd blow it off, but over and over, it must have
had an effect.''

On Tuesday, Klebold and Harris walked into their school carrying guns and
explosives and killed 13 people. Witnesses say they singled out those who
infuriated them the most: athletes who occupied the top of Columbine's social

``All jocks stand up! We're going to kill every one of you,'' one of the
gunmen yelled in the library, recalled Aaron Cohn. He believes he was spared
because a girl leaped onto his back while he lay on the floor, covering the
baseball slogan on his shirt. Minutes later, the gunmen turned their guns on

Both teen-agers' families issued statements Wednesday expressing sympathy for
the victims, and Klebold's family wondered what went wrong:

``Like the rest of the country, we are struggling to understand why this
happened,'' the family said.

Harris and Klebold had a juvenile record, but not for anything violent --
they were caught breaking into a car last year. They completed a program that
allowed them to clear their record, said District Attorney Dave Thomas.

But the assault did not come out of the blue. The two were part of a dozen or
so misfits who called themselves the Trenchcoat Mafia, a group well known
around school.

Members posed for a yearbook photo last year. They had their own special spot
in the cafeteria, near the stairs. They wore black trench coats -- no matter
the season -- and berets with German crosses. They openly admired Hitler.
They spoke constantly of war and guns, and Harris had made a video at school
in which he bragged about his new guns.

Harris was a leader in the group, other students say. He wore German
insignia, spoke German in the hallways to Klebold, and loved violent computer
games. He told classmate Andrew Beard that he intended to join the military
after graduation.

``He was into combat more than anyone else I've ever seen,'' Beard said.

From 1993 to 1996, Harris lived at the Air Force base in Plattsburgh, N.Y.,
where his father, Wayne Harris, was a pilot, according to the Plattsburgh
Press-Republican. In Littleton, the Harris family moved into a tidy,
two-story home on a quiet suburban cul-de-sac.

Friends of Klebold said he went astray after meeting Harris.

``Dylan was real quiet, real smart,'' said Nick Baumgart, 17, who met Klebold
in grade school. ``When Eric and Dylan got together, Eric changed Dylan's

At school, they were respectful of teachers, reserving their invectives for
blacks, Jews, Hispanics, and especially athletes. Klebold was a Boston Red
Sox fan, but his enjoyment of sports did not extend to the ``jocks'' in
school who taunted him.

``Dylan said he hated the jocks, and how they could walk over people and
thought they were tough,'' Beard said.

A couple of months ago, members of the Trenchcoat Mafia made a date to fight
the jocks on a Friday night at a baseball field, said football player Matt

The jocks showed up, but the Trenchcoats were two hours late, and they went
to the wrong spot, Good said. They also showed up carrying swords and brass
knuckles -- not the jocks' idea of a clean fight. The fight was never

John House, 17, a senior, said he refused to associate with Klebold after he
joined the Trenchcoat Mafia.

``I went bowling with him, and when he would do something good, he would
shout, `Heil Hitler!' and throw up his hand,'' House said. ``It just made
everyone mad.''

[CTRL] The Foley Follies -- Another Scandal in the Clinton Club ?

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

US Ambassador's Japan Deals Curbed

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thomas Foley, the U.S. ambassador to Japan, will have to
withdraw from matters involving the think tank where his wife is a researcher
and the major Japanese bank closely tied to it.

Heather Foley was often controversial as the unpaid chief of staff to her
husband when he was House speaker. The State Department, billing itself as
``family friendly,'' has ruled that Mrs. Foley's new job conforms with ethics
rules but that her husband must not be involved in decisions on matters
involving the think tank, the Japan Research Institute, or its affiliate,
Sumitomo Bank, which, in turn, is part of a huge Japanese conglomerate.

``Mrs. Foley has authorized us to say that she is happy to be working,'' the
State Department said in a statement.

State officials said a department review before Mrs. Foley began her job in
October found ``her employment conforms with all relevant State Department
regulations regarding employment overseas.''

Sensitive to even the appearance of a conflict of interest, the department
said Foley ``should recuse himself from official activities involving the
institute and Sumitomo Bank, unless properly authorized'' by the agency.

Foley became ambassador to Japan in October 1997 after 30 years in the House,
where he served as speaker from 1989 until his defeat in the 1994 elections.
During most of Foley's tenure as a Democrat from Washington state, Mrs. Foley
was his unpaid chief of staff. She gained considerable behind-the-scenes
influence among then-controlling Democrats when her husband became a party

She tried to stay out of the limelight, but made headlines when she was
forced to testify before a federal grand jury in 1992 during an investigation
of scandals at the House Post Office. She was neither a subject nor a target
of that investigation, according to the U.S. attorney at the time.

But out of the limelight, Mrs. Foley had much to do with hiring and firing of
staff, and remodeling much of the House side of the Capitol -- a task that
brought criticism for perceived excesses, including marble floors in

After Democrats took considerable heat when it became known that the old
House bank was covering overdrafts for lawmakers, Mrs. Foley quietly
presented a list of members who were overdrawing their accounts to Republican
leaders -- a warning that both parties could be hurt by the scandal.

The State Department official said the agency ``reviewed carefully'' her new
job, pointing out she was a private citizen.

``As a family-friendly employer, the department sympathetically reviews
requests for employment by family members of its employees ... in their areas
of professional experience,'' the department said.

``Under department regulations ... the spouse of a ... department employee
may accept outside employment in a foreign country unless such employment
would violate any law of such country, could require a waiver of diplomatic
immunity deemed unacceptably broad by the chief of mission, or could
otherwise damage the interests of the United States as determined by the
chief of mission.''

The chief of mission normally is the ambassador, but in this case, department
officials in Washington made the determination that her employment ``merited

Several conditions were established: Mrs. Foley's name cannot appear on any
institute materials or reports that are distributed outside of the institute;
the institute should not use her name to publicize its work, to raise funds
or to attract new clients; and Mrs. Foley should not use her access to the
embassy or to other State Department resources to further the interests of
the institute, Sumitomo Bank or the bank's clients.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] Trenchcoat Website

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Colo. Gunman May Have Had Web Page

.c The Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) -- The FBI intends to serve search warrants on America Online
to gather information on Web sites and member profiles relating to the
shooting at Columbine High School.

One of the suspected gunmen, Eric Harris, is believed to have had a Web site
filled with apocalyptic imagery, apparent bomb diagrams and song lyrics such

Denver Division spokesman for the bureau, Gary Gomez, said the FBI would
present the warrants as early as today.

Using the America Online screen name ``rebdomine'' -- possibly a word play on
the school mascot, the Rebel -- Harris apparently titled his Web page ``REB's
words of wisdom, if you don't like it, ill kill you'' and packed it with
drawings of devils, guns and pyres of skulls.

The site featured verses like: ``WHAT I DON'T SAY I DON'T DO.'' ``WHAT I

Those lyrics and others quoted on the Web page are from various songs by the
German industrial rock band KMFDM. On its Web site, the band expressed
sympathy for the victims of the shooting.

``We are sick and appalled, as is the rest of the nation, by what took place
in Colorado yesterday,'' said Sascha K., founder of KMFDM.

At the bottom of the AOL page, Harris listed his favorite chat room: ``ich
bin ein auslander,'' pidgin German for ``I am an outsider.''

AOL spokeswoman Kim McCreery said she couldn't comment on whether this was,
in fact, Harris' account. Any content considered relevant to the school
shooting was taken down and preserved for the FBI, she said.

``Our policy in a criminal investigation is to comply with a subpoena or
search warrant as quickly as we can get the information together,'' McCreery
said. ``We'll cooperate with authorities and do what we can.''

Harris also apparently had a member profile on AOL, a self-written
description of an account holder's interests. Profiles thought to belong to
the other gunman, Dylan Klebold, also were apparently taken down.

``At this point we have no clear evidence that the people who were directly
involved posted any kind of warnings,'' McCreery said Wednesday.

Harris' alleged page was copied and posted at another Web site before it was
taken down.

While there is no way to absolutely prove these are Web pages created by
Harris, there are indications they are real.

The page included a Microsoft Word document with instructions on making
pipebombs. Microsoft Word automatically inserts the author's name in the code
of the document, which often can be read when the document is converted to
plain text.

The name listed was Wayne N. Harris, who is the father of Eric Harris,
according to the Denver Post.

The copied page could also traced back to a site called ``The Floating
Pancreas,'' another site filled with death imagery. The Floating Pancreas
listed a profile of a member going by the name ``NiggerRip'' and listing his
e-mail as [EMAIL PROTECTED] and included a Web page pointing back to
rebdomine's original AOL address.

The profile was created in February 1998.

Another AOL spokeswoman, Tricia Primrose, noted that hoaxes are common after
big news events. It is relatively easy to perpetrate an Internet hoax because
of free e-mail services and trial accounts on providers like AOL.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] VA Hospital -- Vets as Human Guinea Pigs

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Lawmakers Probe VA Research

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Lawmakers expressed concern Wednesday over ``sloppy''
management by officials at a Los Angeles veterans hospital that allowed
potentially harmful clinical research to be conducted on patients without
their proper consent.

``The concerns about informed consent go straight back to the awful things
that Nazis did to people during the Holocaust and called it medical
research,'' said Rep. Terry Everett, R-Ala., who chairs the House Veterans
Affairs Committee's oversight and investigations panel. ``The civilized world
vowed that it should not happen again.''

The research problems, along with an overall failure to meet federal
regulations, prompted federal regulators last month to suspend research at
the West Los Angeles VA Healthcare Center, the nation's largest veterans'
hospital. They also spurred an investigation into the issue by two House
panels -- including the one Everett heads -- into whether the problems are
widespread among VA facilities.

During a hearing on the issue Wednesday, lawmakers questioned witnesses about
other violations that have surfaced since the research suspension was
imposed. The most serious violations involve Dr. Philip Sager, a cardiologist
accused of collecting data on four patients during heart procedures without
obtaining their consent.

In 1995, Sager conducted ``moderate to high-risk'' catheterization research
procedures in which probes were inserted in the hearts of four patients. One
patient had twice refused to give his permission.

Sager was suspended without pay for 10 days. An investigation later
determined he only served seven days of his suspension, although hospital
officials told lawmakers Wednesday that Sager will finish serving out his

Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla., who chairs the VA subcommittee on health,
chastised officials for being slow to learn about Sager's behavior and for
failing to make sure he had been punished.

``All down the line, there's a tentative approach here,'' he said.

Everett questioned why Sager was not fired.

Dean Norman, the acting chief of staff at the West Los Angeles facility, said
a panel of doctors had determined that suspension was more appropriate than
termination for Sager because he had not violated practices before and he was
a well-known and respected cardiologist.

Kenneth W. Kizer, the VA Department's undersecretary for health, announced a
pair of initiatives that he said will toughen controls on medical research.
Kizer said the department will create the Office of Research Compliance and
Assurance, an independent agency that will review all VA research efforts. It
also will fund an outside program to accredit all department research
programs, particularly those involving human subjects.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Moneyed Morality School of Law

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 (Conservatives seem to have fared better politically in the '50s, when
they were allied with the Catholic Church, than they are nowadays, after
having allied themselves with  "born-again Capitalism" TV evangelists and
other questionably "moral" Protestants.)

Pizza Magnate Turning to God's Law

.c The Associated Press

DETROIT (AP) -- Domino's Pizza founder Thomas S. Monaghan spent nearly four
decades making a lot of dough. Then he gave it up to work for someone else:

Now, after several years of Roman Catholic philanthropy and support of
conservative causes, he is spending $50 million to establish a law school
that he says will combine legal advocacy and Catholic morality.

``This is one of the most exciting things I've been involved in in my life,''
said Monaghan, 61. ``Certainly, one of the most important. Certainly, a lot
more important than selling pizzas, except, of course, that pizza made
something like this possible.''

Monaghan's planned Ave Maria School of Law has already attracted some legal

One-time Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork signed on as its first faculty
member. Rep. Henry Hyde is a member of the board of governors, as is Cardinal
John O'Connor, archbishop of New York. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia
has offered advice.

The school plans to open in 2000 with about 40 students and seven or eight
teachers. It will rent space in or around Ann Arbor, where Monaghan lives and
Domino's is based.

The law school is part of Monaghan's larger effort to promote Catholic
education. His foundation runs two elementary schools and two preschools,
with another elementary school under construction. He is also building the
Ave Maria College, a private liberal arts school.

``I've been very disappointed in general with Catholic education in the
United States, particularly how it teaches the faith,'' said Monaghan, who
went to 10 high schools and five colleges and never made it past his freshman
year. ``I'm afraid that much of it has become secularized.''

He also cites other reasons for promoting religious education: ``The lack of
God in our society, the breakup of families, the low legitimacy rate,
abortion -- the list goes on.''

There are already 24 Catholic law schools among the 181 law schools in the
country -- and no shortage of lawyers, according to Ave Maria dean Bernard
Dobranski. Even so, Dobranski said there is a need for high-quality lawyers
with high morals.

``The rule of law, we believe, must be grounded in the belief that there is
an objective moral order, and that will be our mission,'' he said.

Some critics, such as the Rev. Robert Drinan, a law professor at Georgetown
University, say existing Catholic law schools do a good job of mixing the
legal with the spiritual. He said Georgetown was doing it ``before Mr.
Monaghan was born.''

``We have three full-time Jesuit lawyers. We say Mass at noon. What more can
we do to make it Catholic?'' Drinan said.

Drinan said Monaghan's real aims appear to be political.

``The first professor hired is Robert Bork, and he's not known for any
religious faith. They want his political views,'' he said, describing those
views as ``right-wing, anti-abortion -- the views of Mr. Monaghan.''

Robert Sedler, a law professor at Wayne State University known for promoting
liberal causes, said he would have no problem with Ave Maria having a
political agenda.

``What's wrong with that? Lawyers like myself advocate civil rights, antiwar,
equality. Lawyers do this -- they practice to advocate their causes,'' he
said. ``I have the greatest respect for Mr. Monaghan. He made his fortune and
he's using his fortune to advance causes he believes in.''

Monaghan's fortune did not come easy. An orphan at 4, he spent his childhood
in foster homes and orphanages, served three years in the Marines and then
enrolled at the University of Michigan, hoping to pursue a degree in

To help pay for school, he and his brother, James, borrowed $900 and bought a
restaurant named DomiNick's. James Monaghan later traded his share of the
business to his brother for a used Volkswagen Beetle. Thomas Monaghan added
stores and renamed the company Domino's in 1965.

As Domino's Pizza grew, so did Monaghan's flair for spending his profits. He
bought the Detroit Tigers in 1983, set a record for used cars by paying $8
million for a 1931 Bugatti and spent $1.6 million on a dining room table and
chairs designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

But starting in 1989, Monaghan took two years off from Domino's to explore
his religious goals. He became an outspoken opponent of abortion, which
resulted in a nationwide boycott of Domino's by the National Organization for
Women. Finally, last year, he sold nearly all of the company.

``God's been very good to me,'' Monaghan said. ``This is something I wanted
to do for some time -- to get out of the pizza business and get on with
things that are more important. I call this the main event.''

[CTRL] Trenchcoat Mafia, the Video

1999-04-22 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Gunmen Had Premonition in Video

LITTLETON, Colo. (AP) -- Months before they massacred a dozen students and a
teacher, two high school students made a video portraying themselves in
trench coats, shooting athletes as they walk down their school hallway.

The video was made for a class last fall.

On Tuesday, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold wearing black trench coats, walked
into the school, spraying gunfire and setting off explosives before killing
themselves. Witnesses said they targeted athletes,

In the video, the two ``had their friends pretend to be the jocks, and they
pretended to be the gunmen shooting them,'' junior Chris Reilly told the
Denver Rocky Mountain News Thursday. ``I saw the video Eric and Dylan made.
 It represented what happened.''

Eric Veik, 16, who helped the two produce several videos, said all were in a
similar genre. ``They always wore trench coats. They always wanted to be the
intimidators, the good guys out to get the bad guys,'' he said.

Veik turned over three to four copies of the videos to police after the

Teacher Garrett Talocco, who taught the class, declined comment, as did
school district spokeswoman Kay Pride.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Old post [St Malachi]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-19 15:27:53 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I can't find anything called (1) St Malachi on the Next Pope, so I don't
know if that's the post in which the material re reviving primitive
Christianity appeared.

Quoting Arthur Prieditis' "The Fate of the Nations:
Nostradamus' Vision of the Age of Aquarius," 1982, Llewellyn.

From Chapter 8, "Three Views of the Future"

 "To translate the incongruous quatrains of Nostradamus and to solve all
riddles propounded therein is, indeed, a very hard task ... Harder still it is
to arrange the unraveled quatrains into a correct sequence of the approaching
 "The first step toward that purpose is -- to classify into separate
groups all quatrains that [are "unfulfilled" but] seem to have for subject
matter the same identical event.  Next, we have to try to arrange
chronologically the quatrains of each separate group.  In such a way separate
fragments of the future unfold before our eyes.
 "The most important of these fragments are:
 "1) the Mohammedans will invade Europe,
 "2) the Asians will invade Europe,
 "3) the Arabs will succeed in expelling the Jews from Palestine,
 "4) monarchy will be restored in France [under "Chyren" = "Henry V"],
 "5) France will temporarily become the dominant power in France,
 "6) England will lose her status as a first-rate power and will never
regain it,
 "7) the power of the Pope will come to an end,
 "8) a new sect or religion will arise, and
 "9) a cosmic catastrophe, called 'translation of the terrestrial globe'
by Nostradamus, will occur.
 "Besides these main prospects many minor ones are revealed, for instance,
revolution in and partition of Italy, revolution in England, a new crusade
against the Mohammedans, and other events."  (p. 315)

 "Nostradamus especially mentions changes in the religious life and, as we
have seen, foretells the ruin of Catholicism and, at the same time, the birth
of a new faith.  Protestantism will be consolidated and renovated and will
come into close union with the new religion, absorbing it.
 "This religion will find adherents among both Christians and Islamites
and, although risen under Mohammedan occupation (V-53), will have preserved
the essential content of the Christian faith (X-31) and, in reality, WILL BE
 "Hence, it can be described as a new and at the same time as an ancient
form of the Christian faith.  Catholicism will strive against the new
religious school, sensing in it a rival and competitor in the contest for
human souls, but the new faith will soon gain ground (VIII-69) and find many
adherents in Germany [birthplace of Protestantism], where the situation will
be favorable for such a profound, religious revolution.
 "Simultaneously with the regeneration of primitive sic Christianity, a
great prophet and law-giver will appear ... in the Near East, whither the
European Christians churches will send their representatives to take part in
theological councils to determine what is to be rejected, what retained.  It
can be assumed that the new faith will be based upon some newly found or,
rather, recovered documents, which today still remain unknown, although they
originate in the times of early Christianity (VII-36).  It will be a new,
final Reformation of the Christian faith.
 "Under the guidance of this new faith, after the long racial and
religious wars, the world will finally, about the year 2800, obtain real
peace, which is called "the great millennium" by Nostradamus, and which is
identical with the millennium ... long awaited by many Christians (III-92 and
I-48)."  (pp. 339-40)

 "B:60}  Plague will arise in 3 parts of the world.  Mortality will be so
great-- snip
 "B:62-67)  [Islamic invasion of southern Europe from the eastern
Mediterranean, via Turkey.]  After Arabs will have taken [Italy] and, coming
from the Adriatic Sea, will have invaded Hungary, France [having a
Mediterranean coastline] will join forces with England [who, turning pro-Arab,
later stabs France in the back] for common defense.  The counter-offensive
will take place from Portugal (IX-60) and America will give assistance to
Europe (I-28).  The naval and air forces of the United States, Canada and
South America will arrive in the Mediterranean to save Europe and to liberate
Palestine [since by now Israel is also under Arab occupation].
 "When will this Arab invasion occur?
 "It will happen when, in Rome, the seat of Peter is taken by a pope who
will be taken prisoner by the Arabs ... He will have a big part in all these
events but [finally] he will be abandoned and persecuted.  Palestine will be
recaptured and will become a new seat of Christianity, because the [faith]
will return to Jerusalem.
 "B:113-14)  Then will come  the expansion of the yellow race.  Asia
will have already begun military 

[CTRL] (1) Tesla [repost]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 First in a series of excerpts from:

"Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla --
 Biography of A Genius," by Marc J. Seifer,
 1996, Birch Lane Press, Carol Publishing Group
 ISBN 1-55972-329-7

 Seifer's biography of Tesla, making use of documents not
available to previous biographers, manages to debunk the Tesla
"myth" (regarding, for example, his reputed "spirituality" and
his public "celibacy") and to expose Tesla's unsavory political
leanings (citing FBI files), yet without sacrificing the respect
justly due the inventor's extraordinary accomplishments.
 (Along with learning more about his proposed "free energy"
system, the reader will here discover that Tesla, a pioneer in
Robotics, was also the father of Artificial Intelligence.)
 Seifer manages to reveal a great deal more about Tesla's
relationships with Thomas Edison, famous capitalists like J. P.
Morgan, and less familiar figures active during the turn of the
century, when a virtual explosion of new technologies resulted in
centralization of all financial power in the hands of just a few
"titans of industry," owners of the entire US economy.
 (Here we will see the Morgan-Astor and Rockefeller-Harriman
factions at work, learn their attitudes toward new technology,
and smell corruption at the roots of all our modern industries.)
 This book offers quite an enlightening portrait of "the
spirit of the times," one similar to our own in many ways ...


 ... In 1880, Tesla left for Bohemia (now in the Czech
Republic) ... Tesla enrolled in the University of Prague, one of
the foremost institutions in Europe ...
 Just two years after Tesla's stay, Harvard psychologist
William James would come to visit, to meet with [its rector,
Ernst] Mach and Mach's archrival, Carl Stumpf ... Stumpf was a
student of the controversial ex-priest Franz Brentano (who also
influenced Sigmund Freud) and Tesla's philosophy teacher.
 Stumpf opposed a number of key psychophysicists, including
the famed Wilhelm Wundt, but at the same time he helped shape the
thinking of a number of key students, such as phenomonologist
Edmund Husserl and Gestalt psychologist Wolfgang Kohler.
 With Stumpf, Tesla studied Scotish philosopher David Hume.
A persuasive advocate of Hume's "radical skepticism," Stumpf
argued ... that the human mind was born a blank slate, a "tabula
rasa" ... Through the sense organs, Tesla learned, the brain
mechanically recorded incoming data.  The mind, according to
Hume, was nothing more than a simple compilation of cause-and-
effect sensations ... The will and "even the soul [were] reduced
by Hume to impressions and associations of impressions."  Tesla
also studied the theories of Descartes, who envisioned animals,
including man, as simply "automata incapable of actions other
than those characteristic of a machine."
 This line of thinking would dominate Tesla's worldview and
served as the template for a mechanistic paradigm that would lead
the inventor to discover his most original creations ...
 --p. 18-19

 Tesla emphasized that his concept [of alternating current,
AC, using rotating magnetic fields] involved new principles
rather than refinements of preexisting work ...
 [But] was Tesla the first to conceive of a rotating magnetic
field?  The answer is no.
 The first workable rotating magnetic field similar to
Tesla's 1882 revelation was conceived three years before him by
Walter Baily, who demonstrated the principle before the Physical
Society of London on June 28, 1879 ...
 Two years later, at the Paris Exposition of 1881, came the
work of Marcel Deprez, who calculated "that a rotating magnetic
field could be produced ... by energizing electromagnets with two
out-of-step AC currents."
 A question that remains unanswered was whether or not Tesla
knew of Baily's work.  It is quite possible that he had read
Baily's paper, although no one at the time, including Baily,
comprehended the importance of the research or understood how to
turn it into a practical invention ...
 --pp. 24-25

 With the backing of Wall Street moguls, Edison began to
illuminate the private homes of the wealthy in New York City.
The first was that of J. P. Morgan ... The year was 1881.
 Tesla's ship dropped anchor in New York in late spring of
1884 ... He proceeded cautiously to Edison's new laboratory ...
[Edison's British partner, Charles] Batchelor probably met Tesla
and introduced him to the inventor ...
 Tesla realized that his academic training and mathematical
skills had given him a great engineering advantage over Edison's
plodding strategy of trial and error.  Tesla said: "... I was
almost a sorry witness ... knowing that just a little theory and
calculation would have saved him 90 per cent of the labor ..."
 Tesla was completely unsuccessful in describing his new 

[CTRL] (2) Tesla [repost]

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Excerpt from "Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla --
  Biography of A Genius," by Marc J. Seifer,
  1996, Birch Lane Press/Carol Publishing Group
 (ISBN 1-55972-329-7)
[Jump ahead to the end to get a taste of things to come ...]


 Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Edison, Westinghouse had been
surreptitiously meeting with Henry Villard, Edison's financial
backer, over a two-year period to discuss a possible merger ...
 [Villard] conferred with J. Pierpont Morgan, the real power
behind the operation, and had Morgan send Edward Dean Adams, a
longtime banking associate, to Menlo Park to try and get Edison
to align with Westinghouse.  Edison would hear none of it.
 Villard switched tactics and approached Thomson-Houston with
the thought of buying them out ... In December a meeting was held
at 23 Wall Street, in [J. P.] Morgan's office, to finalize plans
for a merger.  After Morgan looked over the financial records of
both companies, he realized that Edison Electric, which was in
debt for $3.5 million, had less revenue [so he] suggested that
Thomson-Houston buy out Edison Electric ...
 [H]e created a monopoly ... Morgan maneuvered Villard out of
the company altogether --he had to blame someone for problems--
and Charles Coffin took control of the new consolidation.  They
named the company General Electric (GE).
 Edison realized that a new age of electricity had arrived,
one that would not countenance [the financial losses created by]
his commonsense, trial-and-error approach.  So Edison turned his
interests to furthering the work of Edward Muybridge, a pioneer
in motion pictures.  In 1888 and 1891 he had his first patents on
a device he called the kinetograph and a few years later he
developed a fully-working movie camera and projection system.
 The "Morganization" of General Electric created an even
greater foe for Westinghouse but also a critical problem for GE.
Whereas Westinghouse was blocked [by Morgan's control of Edison's
patents] from using an efficient lightbulb, GE was blocked from
generating AC ...
 From the point of view of the courts, it was still undecided
as to who the author of [Tesla's] AC polyphase system really was.
Westinghouse had [patents from his own technicians] to back those
of Tesla ... [GE] approached Charles Steinmetz with a scheme to
work on improvements on AC designs in such a way that these would
obscure Tesla's.  Attracted [by] intrigue, Steinmetz accepted.
 The fray between Westinghouse and GE took a new turn in the
race to win the bid to light the upcoming Chicago World's Fair
and to harness Niagara Falls.
 Westinghouse [conferred] with Tesla ... and the money men
reluctantly agreed to dismantle the lucrative but outmoded [pre-
Tesla] machinery.  [GE] hoped someone like Steinmetz could come
up with a competing design, but they hadn't realized that Tesla
held all the fundamental patents.  Quite simply, there was no
other [possible] system; one couldn't proceed without [Tesla].
 [GE's Elihu] Thomson and Steinmetz were reduced to figuring
out ways to somehow bypass the patents ...  In a [clear] case of
industrial espionage, [they] apparently paid a janitor to steal
the Tesla blueprints from the Westinghouse plant.
 The intrigue must have triggered a variety of emotions in
Steinmetz [who] had already lived a clandestine life in Germany.
Editing a radical socialist newspaper under a pseudonym during
the so-called Reign of Terror, he had learned to use secret
passwords at radical meetings and write with invisible ink, as
when he [acted as courier for] his leader, the charismatic
revolutionary Heinrich Lux ...
 Steinmetz never renounced his affiliation with the Socialist
movement, [yet] he supported an unscrupulous capitalist corporate
structure ...  motivated by the all-consuming profit motive [and
counting on] its ability to subvert the law to achieve its ends.
 His affiliation with the Machiavellian policies of [J. P.
Morgan-controlled] GE induced Steinmetz abandon his ideals: His
opus on AC, "Theory and Calculations of Alternating Current
Phenomena," first published in 1897, omitted any reference to
Tesla ... (At the time, Tesla's [own] book was a veritable bible
for all engineers in the field.  That it does not even appear in
the blibliography of Steinmetz's work is astounding.}  In the
foreword to Steinmetz's second text, "Theoretical Elements of
Electrical Engineering,' written in 1902 ... Steinmetz wrote,
"The electrical literature has been haunted by so many theories,
for instance [Tesla's, about] the induction motor, which are
incorrect."  This not only aided in obfuscating the truth, it
bolstered [Steinmetz's] own image in the corporate community.
 As these texts on AC would serve as important [sources] for
subsequent writers, it was quite common in later years for

[CTRL] The Stinking Underbelly of NATO

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "... an underground NATO arms network [in Turkey and the Balkans] that
shipped weapons to the Iran-Iraq war for return payments in heroin .. "

Subj:   Consortium
Date:   97-06-05 08:52:41 EDT

Subject: Guns, Drugs  Terrorist Grey Wolves
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Robert Parry)
Date: 5 Jun 1997 03:44:11 GMT
Message-ID: 5n5cmb$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The new issue of The Consortium (No. 40) is on the Web.

The top story reveals how dramatic new leads in a guns-for-drug
corruption scandal in Turkey tie into longstanding intelligence
mysteries in Europe and the United States.  This rupture of Turkish
intelligence secrets started with a fatal car crash on a remote highway
south of Istanbul.  A prominent Grey Wolf terrorist was linked in death
to a top Turkish intelligence official.

The new evidence has threatened to expose other secrets about the
collapse of a Vatican bank, the attempted murder of Pope John Paul II
and the reality behind a NATO arms network that shipped weapons to the
Iran-Iraq war with return payments in heroin.  Violently, the
powers-that-be in Turkey are clamping down on journalists and other
investigators.  Not surprisingly, the story has received almost no play
in the big American papers.

The second story looks at Lawrence Walsh's remarkable new book about
the Iran-contra scandal and how virtually every senior official in the
Reagan national security apparatus lied.  Entitled Firewall, the book
is a well-documented narrative about how in the late 1980s, Washington
had become a city run by liars who were, in turn, protected by a
relentless Republican cover-up, a weak-kneed Democratic Congress and an
easily-bored news media.

The Consortium's URL is http://www.delve.com/consort.html

An annual subscription to the Web site is only $10.  Pass words can be
obtained immediately with Visa/Mastercard by calling 1-800-738-1812 or
703-920-1802.  Or by sending a check or money order to the Media
Consortium, Suite 102-231, 2200 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201.

For only $12 more, you can order Robert Parry's new book, Lost History:
Contras, Cocaine  Other Crimes.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Looking Back at the 1989 Malta Summit

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "The Rockefeller-dominated Chase Manhattan Bank set up shop in Malta in
1989. Their purpose for being in Malta involved a new strategy around Europe
after 1992.
 "As Bradford Gordon, Chase VP stated: "We liked the idea of having an
operation that was close to the Common Market, but not in it."  Frank G.
Zarb, chairman of Smith Barney Harris Upham  Company felt that with "the
right structure of laws protecting
confidentiality Malta could work better than Switzerland for Middle Eastern
 "Although Switzerland is not a part of the Common Market, it was felt
that "Swiss Practices might change when its neighbors in the European
Community drop many trade and finance barriers in 1992." The Maltese Labor
Party was disturbed by the secrecy surrounding development of this "offshore"
bank. They also feared this would
"simply make Malta a center for [European] money laundering."

 "If European unity in 1992 is the focus of a 'crusade-in-the-making',
the unification of common interests by those outside the European Common
Market would necessarily take place as well.
 "By developing Malta as a "confidential" financial center, European
unity can be kept in check through monetary manipulation of vital markets
such as oil and the shipment of oil from the Middle East ...
 "Is there some kind of a relationship between the events surrounding the
Malta Summit and the Persian Gulf crisis between Iraq and the US over control
of oil and the Middle East?
 "Does the Skull and Bones secret society. through the Chase Manhattan
Bank and the Knights of Malta, have a role in the development of this "New
World Order"?

Subj:   [CTRL] CTRL- Malta: The Summit behind the Summit - 1989
Date:   97-06-19 14:02:56 EDT
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kris Millegan RoadsEnd)

an excerpt from:
Malta: The Summit behind the Summit - 1989
A Research Paper

An Interesting piece.

. . .centralized banking system which answered only to the Pope. In effect,
they placed themselves outside the routine scrutiny of other church
functions. Individual monarchs at times even owed money and favors to the
Templar and were thus dependent on this military order for both protection
and financial support. An example of the subtle power and influence of the
Templars is noted at the signing of the Magna Carte in 1215. There stood next
to King John, as  a co-signer and influential witness to the proceedings.
Aymeric de St Maur. Grand Master of the English Knights Templar. Aymeric also
acted as King John's confidant and, later, the executor of the King's will
[Bagent, 1989].

Eventually the Templars grew strong enough to even ignore the edicts of the
Pope and his bishops and operated independently of both church and state.
They had evolved into an institution unto itself with the Grand Master acting
as sole director of this august orsanization [Partner, 1987].

After their defeat in 1291 at the Battle of Acre, both Orders first set up
headquarters on the island of Cyprus with the reluctant permission of the
Cypriot King Henry. As Cypriot hostility towards the Orders grew because of
their wealth and power being maintained without apparent purpose, the
Hospitallers decided to move their operation to the Island of Rhodes and in
1308 changed their name to the Knights of Rhodes. After they lost the Island
of Rhodes in 1522, the Hospltallers negotiated with Emperor Charles V and
were granted residence on the island of Malta on March 23, 1530. Their name
was changed once again to Knights of Malta to reflect their new found home.
They remained on Malta until 1798 when Napoleon drove them off the island
during his campaign to Egypt. Today, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
(Knights of Malta) exists in Rome and is recognized by the Vatican as a
sovereign state with the protocol status of both a "Roman Catholic Cardinal
and a prince of the Holy Roman Empire" [NY Times, April 7, 1988]. The
official title incorporates their history from 1113 to the present: 'The
Sovereign Military Hospitaler Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of

The Knights Templar, on the other hand, met a more unfortunate destiny.
Phillip the Fair, King of France, conspired with Pope Clement V to destroy
the Knights Templar in one fell swoop. Desperate for capital, circa 1307,
King Phillip saw the immense wealth of the Templars as a way out of financial
ruin. Politically, too, the Templars often sided with the barons against the
monarchs (while the Hospitallers [Knights of Malta] tended to support the
monarchs over the barons). This unfavorable alliance between Templars and
barons save impetus for Phillip to rid himself of a potential political
threat as well.'

With the Pope's cooperation King Phillip sent out orders to his senechals
throughout the kingdom to seize and confiscate all Knights Templar and their
Property. The time set for this was Friday, October 13, 1307. 

[CTRL] Adriatic and Aegean

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 "[Its relationship with Russia] has brought Cyprus under pressure from
Washington and the EU, who fear a heightening of tensions between Greece and
Turkey, both members of NATO -- and both at loggerheads territorial rights in
the Aegean Sea."

Russian missiles arrive on Greek island

ATHENS (Reuters) - Russian anti-aircraft missiles have arrived on the Greek
island of Crete after Turkey strongly objected to plans to install them in
Cyprus, the Greek government said Thursday.

The S-300 surface-to-air missiles were ordered from Russia by the Cypriot
government in a bid to counter Turkish air superiority over the divided

Turkey reacted angrily to news of the order, threatening to use force to
prevent the missiles from arriving on Cyprus.

Cypriot President Glafcos Clerides reached an agreement with the Greek
government earlier this year to install the missiles in Crete.

Clerides had come under pressure from Washington and the European Union to
cancel the order for fear that it might heighten tension between Greece and
Turkey, which are both members of NATO.

The two countries have long been at loggerheads over Cyprus and territorial
rights in the Aegean Sea.

The S-300s, with a range of 90 miles, would have been a significant boost to
Cyprus' virtually non-existent air defenses.

Cyprus is now mulling the acquisition of a shorter range alternative.
Representatives of Alenia, an Italian arms firm, are currently in Nicosia
discussing the prospects of selling the Cypriots the ground-to-air Aspide
missile, an Italian diplomat said.

The rocket has a range of eight miles.

``They are here to see what possibilities there are for an agreement,'' a
spokesman of the Italian embassy in Nicosia said.

Cypriot defense officials refused to comment.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded the northern third
after a coup in Nicosia engineered by the military junta then ruling Greece.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Oil and the War

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Reuters: "There is an unexpectedly large drop in domestic stockpiles of
oil in the U.S., the world's largest consumer -- just at a time when global
producers have decided to end the oil GLUT by dumping a percentage of world

 "Without some basis in international law, which is still lacking," the
French foreign minister said, "turning the Adriatic into the Persian Gulf is
not a good idea.''
 "The UN is the only body empowered to authorise a naval blockade.
 "So NATO is considering ways to BYPASS the Security Council, where
Russia would be likely to VETO such a blockade."

Yugoslav War Hits Russian Oil Transit Plans, Paper Says

Moscow, April 13 (Bloomberg) -- The military conflict in Yugoslavia is
hampering a project to integrate the Druzhba and Adria oil pipelines for
pumping Russian oil to the Mediterranean, The Moscow Times reported, citing
Dmitry Savelyev, president of Russia's government-owned oil pipeline network
RAO Transneft. Savelyev said that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
bombing of Yugoslavia, and Russia's strong opposition, makes potential
partners ``cautious toward the proposals of Transneft because it is a Russian
company.'' The project would allow Russia to pump crude oil to the Adriatic
port of Omisalj, the paper said.

Transneft plans to construct a $500 million pipeline and new oil terminal
near St. Petersburg to reduce its dependence on oil transit through
neighboring countries, including Ukraine and Latvia.

ANALYSIS-Russia, Iran in new energy initiative

By Dmitry Zhdannikov

MOSCOW, April 23 (Reuters) - Russian Fuel and Energy Minister Sergei
Generalov effectively launched a new initiative this week for Russia and Iran
to cooperate on a series of energy projects in the Caspian basin.

But analysts doubted many of the grandiose projects he talked about following
a recent vist to Tehran would come to fruition and said his comments were
aimed at securing contracts for Russian firms and countering U.S. influence
in the Caspian.

``During my visit to Iran last week we reached agreement on mutual political
support in the energy sector as a counter-balance to existing Trans-Caspian
projects,'' Generalov told Reuters earlier this week.

His comments came as Jan Kalicki, a top U.S. adviser on energy in the former
Soviet Union, was in the Azeri capital, Baku, for the opening of a
Western-financed oil pipeline from Baku to Supsa on Georgia's Black Sea

The U.S. has lobbied hard for oil and gas pipelines from Azerbaijan to the
Turkish Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, and from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to

It has lobbied equally hard against the transit of energy resources across
Iran, even though Iranian routes would be shorter and cheaper to build, and,
by taking oil to the Gulf, would leave it well-placed for delivery to key
Asian markets.

Generalov said his talks in Iran had focused on transport routes for
hydrocarbons, ``considering that carrying energy supplies to world markets
from the Caspian can be done most effectively through Russia and Iran.''

Russia's delegation included representatives of gas monopoly Gazprom, oil
firms LUKoil LKOH.RTS and YUKOS YUKO.RTS and construction firm Stroitransgaz.

Generalov, who met Energy Minister Bijan Zanganeh and Vice President Hassan
Habibi among others, said top priority was given to building an oil pipeline
to carry Turkmen and Kazakh oil across Iran to the Gulf.

Russia is also considering participating in building a gas pipeline from
Iran's huge offshore South Pars gas field, with eight trillion cubic metres
of reserves, to Tehran and Turkey.

Analysts say Generalov's ambitious plans would be extremely hard to implement
but were important in the wider battle for influence in the Caspian, in which
Russia, Iran, Turkey and the U.S. are all key players with diametrically
opposed interests.

``At the same time Russia is trying to help Iran, trying to prise Caspian
states away from the grip of America, and trying to secure its existing
projects and interests in the region,'' said Vladimir Nosov, oil analyst at
Fleming UCB.

Analyst Ivan Mazalov of Troika Dialog said Generalov was boosting Russia's
own interests by merely appearing to support projects in Iran.

Nosov said that by pledging support to Iranian projects in which Russia had
no real interest, Generalov was deliberately muddying the waters of Caspian
diplomacy to increase the chances of other projects which Russia wanted to

``Supporting a gas line from Iran to Turkey or an oil line from Kazakhstan to
Iran could bring more confusion to the energy situation in the Caspian and so
help the success of the Blue Stream project,'' he said.

Blue Stream is a proposed gas pipeline running from Russia to Turkey under
the Black Sea. Russia wants this to go ahead, and any initiatives which foil
rival projects to deliver gas from other countries to Turkey can only benefit
Blue Stream.

Blue Stream is the brainchild of 

[CTRL] A Peek at the Global Marketplace -- EU, Inc.

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 Major players in corporate takeovers in the EU "free market" -- Credit
Suisse First BOSTON (?!) and ABN Amro Rothschild {yes, they're STILL alive
and well) ...
 (And in case you didn't know, the head man of NATO until recently was
Britain's Lord Carrington, part-Rothschild in ancestry, and a partner in
Rockefeller-friendly Kissinger Associates ...)

London, April 23 (Bloomberg) -- The following are companies in Europe, Africa
and the Middle East that are selling shares on behalf of themselves or their
shareholders in the coming days and weeks.

MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA SpA, the oldest bank in the world and the largest
Italian bank not publicly traded, will raise as much as $2 billion in an
initial share sale. A capital increase will raise around $600 million with
the foundation that controls the bank selling $1.4 billion. The global
coordinators are Monte dei Paschi and Credit Suisse First Boston. (Updated
April 23. Company news: MDPS IM Equity CN.)

AEROSPATIALE-MATRA, the French aerospace and defense company formed by the
merger of Aerospatiale SCA with Lagardere SCA unit Matra Hautes Technologies,
may go on sale as early as May, according to bankers familiar with the
company's plans. The French government is selling shares in the new venture.
Societe Generale is global coordinator with ABN Amro Rothschild, Lazard
Freres and Merrill Lynch  Co. co-leading the offer. (Updated: March 24.
News: AERL FP Equity CN BN for Aerospatiale. Shares: MMB FP Equity BQ for

TELINFO NV, a Belgian business communications network maker, is selling up to
1.38 million shares to raise as much as 176.6 million euros ($188.7 million)
for the company and existing shareholders. The price range is 110 euros to
128 euros and the final price will be announced on April 29. The sale is led
by Petercam in Belgium and Merrill Lynch  Co. Other managers include ABN
Amro Rothschild and Dresdner Kleinwort Benson. (Updated: April 23 News: TLND
BB Equity CN.)


Greek government by the end of June, Finance Ministry officials said. The
$1.6 billion offering, a 14 percent stake, will be the country's biggest
state-asset sale yet. Greece sold $1.1 billion OTE shares last October
through a group of banks led by National Bank of Greece SA, Salomon Smith
Barney and Credit Suisse First Boston. (Updated: April 6. News: HTO GA
Equity CN.)


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Except for the US UK, NATO Ambivalent

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

  At age 50, NATO is welcoming its three newest members, Poland, Hungary
and  Czechoslovakia -- all formerly part of that half of Europe granted
RUSSIA after WWII, all now joining the capitalist club at the price of
rejecting any further ties with Russia,  all being given an object lesson in
what the EU will do to "mavericks" like Serbia ...
  A decade after the fall of Communism, NATO is systematically undoing
Europe's territorial losses after WWII by little by little shoving Russia OFF
the continent -- leaving Russia nowhere to go except the Middle East, and
further, former partner China ...
 (Russia is rapidly building new bridges with the anti-American,
anti-Israel Arabs.  The US, under Bill Clinton, is hurriedly "giving away the
store" to Red China, foolishly believing that money can buy anything,
gambling that China will STAY "bought" ... )
 The REAL enemy in this war, in the eyes of those old-timers who write
the checks and pick up the tab for the EU and NATO, is not Serbia, it's
RUSSIA -- Russia as it once was and COULD be again -- a COUNTER-empire of the
East, and an obstacle to the New WORLD Order, i.e., ONE cartel's monopoly of
ALL the world's resources ...
 Funny how, with no enemy strong enough to withstand us, the roles are
reversed, and now we reveal ourselves monstrously, as the Threat of World

 "Not all NATO leaders are comfortable with the progress of the air war.
 "Greek Prime Minister Simitis says prolonged bombing of Yugoslavia could
turn his nation against NATO and the United States."

NATO Debates Yugoslavia Bombing

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- As they celebrated NATO's 50th anniversary, Western
leaders today rejected a diplomatic overture from Yugoslavia's leader and
pledged to press on with the alliance's first military action. ``I think that
our conditions are clear,'' President Clinton said.

NATO leaders have insisted Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic call off his
crackdown on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo and accept a settlement that would
include an armed international peacekeeping force in the province.

Clinton's brief remarks to reporters came at the White House as he left for
the opening session of the alliance's three-day summit, which brought
together presidents and prime ministers of the 19 NATO countries and 23
partner states.

Both Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair rejected Milosevic's offer
to accept some form of international force in the Serbian province of Kosovo
because it fell short of NATO's demand for a military presence.

``It is important that damage continues,'' Blair said. The British leader,
however, sounded some guarded optimism.

``It is not enough because it doesn't meet the demands that NATO has set
out,'' Blair said. ``But if it is an indication that Milosevic now realizes
that we will carry on until those demands are met, then to that extent it is
something we should note.''

Clinton also rejected Milosevic's offer as falling ``well short of the
conditions to end the bombing,'' White House spokesman David Levy said.

The president reacted cautiously to the offer Thursday. ``If there is an
offer for a genuine security force, that's the first time Mr. Milosevic has
ever done that, and that represents, I suppose, some step forward,'' Clinton
said at a joint Rose Garden appearance with NATO Secretary-General Javier

The summit-eve overture was relayed from Belgrade by former Russian Prime
Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, who said Milosevic would accept the idea of a
U.N.-controlled ``international presence'' in Kosovo if the bombing stops and
NATO withdraws troops from Yugoslavia's borders.

Even as the leaders gathered here under extraordinary security precautions,
the air campaign against Yugoslavia, now in its fifth week, continued. The
headquarters of Belgrade's main television network was hit, and NATO
destroyed one of Milosevic's homes.

Asked if the alliance was now targeting Milosevic, Clinton said, ``No, but we
are targeting his command and control facilities.''

NATO leaders planned a morning session on Kosovo with the issue of ground
troops -- initially ruled out -- now sitting unsteadily on the table.

The subject is ``not formally on the agenda'' but could be discussed by
individual members, said a NATO official briefing reporters on condition of
anonymity. ``Do not expect any decision on ground troops at this summit,''
the official said.

U.S. officials also were pushing for a blockade or embargo on oil going into

The NATO official said the alliance would issue a formal declaration today
reiterating its demands to Milosevic, and express NATO's confidence in the
air campaign as the primary instrument for degrading Yugoslav forces.

Clinton bestowed his support on Solana's decision to have NATO military
leaders update contingency plans, including one for a possible ground
assault. The president called it ``a wise and 

Re: [CTRL] N.W.O. Brezhnev Doctrine

1999-04-23 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-23 10:00:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

"The spread of our values makes us safer," he argued, quoting John F.
Kennedy's words that "Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved,
who is free?"

George Orwell's Newspeak is alive and kicking!  Translated, this is more like:
"To be effective, a system of slavery must be TOTAL and ALL-ENCOMPASSING.
When even ONE man is allowed to be free, how can we convince all the others
to ACCEPT their status as slaves -- by seeing no other option available to

"United we stand, divided we fall" taken to EXTREMES is pure totalitarianism.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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