Serving Images through apache without a virtual host

2009-02-12 Thread jacoberg2

I have been looking around at the forum and how people have been
serving their images, but i can't seem to find exactly what i need.

I am trying to create a site that produces a slideshow of graph plots
in the form of images, so there is a very high volume of pictures that
need to be served. So the most efficient method is to let apache take
care of serving the images. The problem I am having is that the place
i am setting up the site already has a couple of locations. For

and i want to add

as a location and not a virtual host.

I had the following set up:

DocumentRoot /var/www/realtime/plotsite/utils/media/
Alias /site_media/ "/var/www/realtime/plotsite/utils/media/"

Allow from all
Options all

   SetHandler python-program
   PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
   SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE plotsite.settings
   PythonOption django.root /plotsite
   PythonDebug On
   PythonPath "['/var/www/realtime']+sys.path"

  SetHandler None

   SetHandler None

and it made the plotsite work fine, but it was removing access to the
ganglia and yin_grades urls, so I'm wondering if i can serve the
images using apache without creating a virtual host for my django
project. If any one can help that would be great, thanks in advance
for your time.


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Python lists

2008-04-17 Thread jacoberg2

  this is more of a python question than a django question. I have an
XML parser set up to read some files and I want to create a list of
dictionaries to pass to the method in the view. When i create the
list, all the dictionary items end up being the same, instead of
unique like they should be. The following is my endelement code for
the content handler and i will include the code from the actual parser
after that, thanks for any help that comes my way.

def endElement(self, name):
if name == 'vidars_search_result':
elif name == 'match':
elif name == 'udi':
self.single['udi'] = self.udiStr
self.udi = 0
elif name == 'url':
self.single['url'] = self.urlStr
self.url = 0
elif name == 'start_date':
self.single['start_date'] = self.start_dateStr
self.start_date = 0
elif name == 'end_date':
self.single['end_date'] = self.end_dateStr
self.end_date = 0
elif name == 'data_set_type':
self.single['data_set_type'] = self.data_set_typeStr
self.data_set_type = 0
elif name == 'start_time':
self.single['start_time'] = self.start_timeStr
self.start_time = 0
elif name == 'end_time':
self.single['end_time'] = self.end_timeStr
self.end_time = 0
elif name == 'metadata':
self.single['metadata'] = self.metadataStr
self.metadata = 0

here is the parser:

from xmlContent import GetSet
from xml.sax import make_parser
from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces

class XMLParser:

def __init__(self):
self.datasets = []

def getDatasets(self):
return self.datasets

def execute_parser(self, file):
f = open(file)
parser = make_parser()

parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 0)
handler = GetSet()

self.datasets = handler.get_datasetList()
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Re: Error Messages

2008-01-31 Thread jacoberg2

Well im using that API for an error message already, it doesn't create
a new box,
but it lists the error underneath the form. I am going to have long
lists of
names that i would like to display in an orderly fashion, and listing
them in a
box with the error message seems like the best method to me, I just
dont know how to
possibly combine the listof names with a javascript pop up box other
some other type of box.

On Jan 31, 1:40 pm, "Alex Ezell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Would the user messaging system work for you?
> On Jan 31, 2008 12:33 PM, jacoberg2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey,
> > I was wondering if anyone had a neat way to take a list of errors
> > created in a template view and put it into an error box that would pop
> > up over the webpage should the user cause an issue. Any help would be
> > appreciated. Thanks for your time.
> > Jacob
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Error Messages

2008-01-31 Thread jacoberg2

I was wondering if anyone had a neat way to take a list of errors
created in a template view and put it into an error box that would pop
up over the webpage should the user cause an issue. Any help would be
appreciated. Thanks for your time.
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Re: Search MySQL Full-Text

2007-11-01 Thread jacoberg2

Well i realized after i posted this that i am actually using
postgresql and not Mysql. So i am wondering if there is a way to
do boolean searches in the same manner as described at the
end of th article.

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2007-10-31 Thread jacoberg2


You have the media root correct, it points to a file in the system
that contains the media. It is good for file upload use.
The media url is basically what serves up the files and media for you,
it is basically a site url, like if ur in the develpoment server it
owuld be something

http://localhost: ... /

The admin media prefix is another path to a media folder, this is
related to
the style of the admin interface i believe, that will just be a path
to some folder on
ur system. hope some of that helps, i struggled with the first two in
my attempts to
get a file upload system working.
Search my user name a little more and u might find some more examples
that might
be better than mine, cause i had the same questions.


On Oct 31, 12:17 pm, Stupid Dustbin
> Hi,
> I'm new to django  and there is something that is confusing me about
> the differences between
> from what I read so far, media_root seem to be the folder that django
> upload media files to.
> however for MEDIA_URL seem to be something like url/and
> ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX i had not much clues.
> Would be nice to provide an easy example.
> Thanks.
> Additional Info that might help:
> Using windows with django development server. Only learning, no plans
> for site to be on a live site at all.

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Search MySQL Full-Text

2007-10-31 Thread jacoberg2

Hey I was just reading the tutorial about expanding the
search capability of django by using the full text search
of MySQL. At the end of the articale the author informs
us that there is a boolean search operator in the data
base api, this is the link he gave:

now i was just wondering exactly what i would have to do to
activate this so that i can use boolean operators in the
search bar in my template. Im also pretty sure that my
copy of django is a little older, so i would also like to know what
i may need to update in order to use the search operator.
Any help with this would be great!

Jacob Berg

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Searching the Database

2007-10-30 Thread jacoberg2

I have been looking through the discussions and I have seen
several different methods
of indexing and searching. I was wondering what the best way might be
to create a search
engine for my django site that allows the user to enter different
boolean operators and
wildcard operators into the search bar and find matching items in the
data base. I keep
hearing about swish-e and other indexing programs, but I do not have
files to index, just items in the data base that i want to dynamically
search and return. Any suggestions on the fastest and
simplest way to acomplish this task?

Jacob Berg

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Re: Check box form

2007-10-18 Thread jacoberg2

Thanks for all the help, I am still using some oldforms because i
picked up this project
from someone else, so thanks for the html work around. I will keep the
newforms method in mind as well when an update rolls around. Again,
this was
a great help.


On Oct 17, 5:30 pm, rskm1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 17, 1:52 pm, jacoberg2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am trying to create a checkbox form so that the user can delete a
> > large number of
> > registrations at once. I am wondering how I should set up the view in
> > order to deal with
> > the incoming data. Any suggestions?
> The template can generate its own HTML easily enough without using a
> forms.Form, e.g.
> {% for t in thingylist %}
>   {{ t.longname|escape }}
> {% endfor %}
> Then, when you're processing the POST form data, it's absolutely vital
> that you call the POST.getlist('thingies') method rather than just
> dereferencing POST['thingies'] !
>   if httpreq.POST.has_key('thingies'):
> selectedthingies = httpreq.POST.getlist('thingies')
> I struggled with that for quite a while when I made my first checkbox
> form in Django; I was expecting a list or tuple to be right there in
> the POST for me to grab directly.  But nope, you gotta use the
> getlist() method.

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Check box form

2007-10-17 Thread jacoberg2

I am trying to create a checkbox form so that the user can delete a
large number of
registrations at once. I am wondering how I should set up the view in
order to deal with
the incoming data. Any suggestions? Thanks for any help i can get.


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Validating Unique filenames and file types

2007-10-10 Thread jacoberg2

I finally got a file upload working and now i want to be sure of what
people are uploading.
I am trying to write some custom validators, but have a little
difficulty about starting.
One thing that i think should be considered in the  file field, is the
option 'unique'.
when ever i set it equal to true, i get a programming error, that
says  have a context error.
I would think this was the unique at work but i know that there is
nothing in the database so it
shouldnt be throwing any error, since the file really is unique. So it
would be cool if that worked
sooner or later. The other major concern is the type of file, i want
to check and make sure that
each file uploaded is a .ini file for reading. So any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

Jacob Berg

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Re: Validators

2007-10-09 Thread jacoberg2

Thanks for the update!

On Oct 9, 1:50 pm, Malcolm Tredinnick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, 2007-10-09 at 10:44 -0700, jacoberg2 wrote:
> > I have regular and custom validators in my models.
> > I also have a custom manipulator in my view, so i can get the field
> > data in a
> > form. Is it necessary to put the validators in the custom manipulator
> > in order
> > to dynamically present the errors in the templates, as to alert the
> > user of the site what they are doing wrong in the form? If not how
> > would this be accomplished?
> At the moment, you probably do have to do some kind of workaround like
> that, because we have only partially implemented validate() on models.
> Prior to 1.0 (and hopefully sooner than that), we're going to be adding
> a bit more validation to models -- partly to give models access to
> "self" if they need it. One of the things that comes out of that will be
> a way to feed model validation errors back to forms -- automatically in
> the form_for_instance() and form_for_models() cases and by giving the
> programmer access to the errors after calling model.validate() in all
> other cases.
> Regards,
> Malcolm

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2007-10-09 Thread jacoberg2

I have regular and custom validators in my models.
I also have a custom manipulator in my view, so i can get the field
data in a
form. Is it necessary to put the validators in the custom manipulator
in order
to dynamically present the errors in the templates, as to alert the
user of the site what they are doing wrong in the form? If not how
would this be accomplished?

Jacob Berg

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Syntax error in file upload

2007-10-05 Thread jacoberg2


I've been working on this view for a while and I keep hitting road
the newest one actually hits the save method in my view, but stops on
a weird syntax error.
This is the traceback.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/"
in get_response
  74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/contrib/auth/" in _checklogin
  14. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/opt/vidars/cns/vidars/views/" in bulk_reg
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/models/" in
  204. ','.join(placeholders)), db_values)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/backends/" in
  12. return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)

  ProgrammingError at /provider/dataset/bulkreg/
  ERROR: syntax error at or near "{" at character 82 INSERT INTO
"vidars_bulkdataregfile" ("user_id","domain_id","bulk") VALUES (10,9,
{'content': '[ac.brms]\ntype: timeseries\nurl:\nstart_date:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 200-12-18\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/CDAWEB website:\n\n
They are only meant for internal use and VIDARS testing.\n Use at your
own risk! Jimmy Raeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 2004-12-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder\n\n[ac.bygse]
\ntype: timeseries\nurl:\nstart_date:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 2004-12-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder\n\n\n[ac.bzgse]
\ntype: timeseries\nurl:\nstart_date:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 2004-12-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder \n\n[ac.he-rat]
\ntype: timeseries\nurl:\nstart_date:
1998-11-01\nend_date: 2000-07-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder \n', 'content-
type': 'application/octet-stream', 'filename': 'testfile.ini'})

This is suppose to be a file upload view and this is the following
code for it:

def bulk_reg(request):
"""Add large numbers of registrations by uploading a file"""
manipulator = FileManipulator()
data_domain = get_object_or_404(DataDomain,
new_data = {}
errors = {}

if request.POST or request.FILES:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)

if not errors:

fi = BulkDataRegFile(user = request.user,
 domain = data_domain,
 bulk = new_data['bulk'],)

return HttpResponseRedirect('/provider/')

form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
return render_to_response('provider/dataset/bulkreg.dht',
  {'form': form},

and this is the file manipulator that i made for this view

class FileManipulator(forms.Manipulator):

def __init__(self):
self.fields = (



so is there something im missing or is actually tweeking out about the
type of file it is,
the file upload works perfectly fine when i use it in the admin

Thanks for the help.


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Custom View to save file

2007-10-04 Thread jacoberg2

Hey, i had issues with this before but i fixed the login problem i
believe. I cant seem to get my view to work it is supposed to take the
file from the form on the template and save it to my database and
directory. saving a file in the admin works just fine so i need some
help fixing the view and its interface with the template. The form is
created onthe site but it doesnt redirect or save anything to the
database when i hit submit. so here is the view:

def bulk_reg(request):
"""Add large numbers of registrations by uploading a file"""
manipulator = FileManipulator()
data_domain = get_object_or_404(DataDomain,
new_data = {}
errors = {}

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)

if not errors:

fi = BulkDataRegFile(user =,
 domain = data_domain,
 bulk = new_data['bulk'],)

return HttpResponseRedirect('/provider/')

form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
return render_to_response('provider/dataset/bulkreg.dht',
  {'form': form},

and the following is the part of the template that concerns the form:

{% if form.has_errors %}
Please correct the form
{% endif %}

Select File:

{{ form.bulk }}{{ form.bulk_file }}

So if anyone can help me out that owuld be great.

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Re: Custom View for a file upload

2007-10-03 Thread jacoberg2

the thing is that i am trying to update this site for a previous
developer and he created a base template that extends to all the
pages in the site, so i assume that he used those functions and when
clicking around the site and seeing his other views,
all he did was put at login required, and when i log into the site i
can click around all the pages except the one i made and it
keeps me logged in, so i dont understand y it doesnt work for my new
view and template.

On Oct 3, 2:52 pm, fdraft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "when i connect to the pages that should handle the upload, the person
> is no longer logged in"
> If that's true, then the problem isn't with this bulk_reg() function -
> presumably it isn't running if you aren't logged in, right? Are you
> using the suggested methods for loggin a user in 
> (
> ) ?
> On Oct 3, 11:46 am, jacoberg2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey,
> >   I've posted a few times about saving files through the admin and all
> > the problems its caused, but i figured out that the save method i
> > tried to write was screwing it all up by not completing due to the
> > error in opening the file. But since this is occuring it still is
> > screwing up what i went out to do. So i am curious if this can be done
> > in the view instead of the save method.
> > I can get the file to save to the system through the admin interface,
> > but what i cant seem to do is create a view that will save the file.
> > the model has user and file fields and i want the view to be
> > @login_required. What i have tried doesnt seem to follow with the
> > login, meaning in the templates, which extends a base template that
> > controls the login, when i connect to the pages that should handle the
> > upload, the person is no longer logged in. and when i try the upload i
> > dont get any errors, but the file is not saved to the file system or
> > registered in the admin, so if anyone has any pointers or code it
> > would be a great help. this is the view i have:
> > @login_required
> > def bulk_reg(request):
> > """Add large numbers of registrations by uploading a file"""
> > manipulator = FileManipulator()
> > data_domain = get_object_or_404(DataDomain,
> > new_data = {}
> > errors = {}
> > if request.POST:
> > new_data = request.POST.copy()
> > new_data.update(request.FILES)
> > errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)
> > if not errors:
> > manipulator.do_html2python(new_data)
> > fi = BulkDataRegFile(user =,
> >  domain = data_domain,
> >  bulk = new_data['bulk'],)
> >
> > return HttpResponseRedirect('/provider/')
> > form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
> > return render_to_response('provider/dataset/bulkreg.dht',
> >   {'form': form},)
> > the file manipulator is a custom manipulator that only includes the
> > fileuploadfield and is_required is true.
> > So i am hoping to get this to work and maybe open the file from the
> > view and then parse it for more information if that would work. Any
> > suggestions or code would be greatly appreciated.
> > Jaco

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Custom View for a file upload

2007-10-03 Thread jacoberg2


  I've posted a few times about saving files through the admin and all
the problems its caused, but i figured out that the save method i
tried to write was screwing it all up by not completing due to the
error in opening the file. But since this is occuring it still is
screwing up what i went out to do. So i am curious if this can be done
in the view instead of the save method.

I can get the file to save to the system through the admin interface,
but what i cant seem to do is create a view that will save the file.
the model has user and file fields and i want the view to be
@login_required. What i have tried doesnt seem to follow with the
login, meaning in the templates, which extends a base template that
controls the login, when i connect to the pages that should handle the
upload, the person is no longer logged in. and when i try the upload i
dont get any errors, but the file is not saved to the file system or
registered in the admin, so if anyone has any pointers or code it
would be a great help. this is the view i have:

def bulk_reg(request):
"""Add large numbers of registrations by uploading a file"""
manipulator = FileManipulator()
data_domain = get_object_or_404(DataDomain,
new_data = {}
errors = {}

if request.POST:
new_data = request.POST.copy()
errors = manipulator.get_validation_errors(new_data)

if not errors:

fi = BulkDataRegFile(user =,
 domain = data_domain,
 bulk = new_data['bulk'],)

return HttpResponseRedirect('/provider/')

form = forms.FormWrapper(manipulator, new_data, errors)
return render_to_response('provider/dataset/bulkreg.dht',
  {'form': form},)

the file manipulator is a custom manipulator that only includes the
fileuploadfield and is_required is true.
So i am hoping to get this to work and maybe open the file from the
view and then parse it for more information if that would work. Any
suggestions or code would be greatly appreciated.


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Filefield issues with saving

2007-10-02 Thread jacoberg2

Hey everyone,

I have brought up this issue before, and I was able to fix a few
things but I am still having a lot of problems. I have a model with a
filefield, and i was testing it with the development server and it
worked perfectly. When I tried to copy it into the working server is
when I started having problems.
The following is the model:

class BulkDataRegFile(models.Model):
 """DataProviders can register their data sets in large amounts
without having to enter the information into the same form
several times.

This class takes a file field that uploads the file to the
system server and then reads the file and places the data
into the database for use by others


 user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank = False)
 domain = models.ForeignKey(DataDomain, blank = False)
 bulk = models.FileField(upload_to = 'bulk/', unique = True)

 def __str__(self):
 return self.bulk

 def save(self):
 super(BulkDataRegFile, self).save()

 import ConfigParser
 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
 file =  get_bulk_filename()

 sec = config.sections()

 for i in sec:
 set_name = i
 it = config.items(i)

 for k in it:
 tag = k[0]
 if tag == 'url':
 url = k[1]
 elif tag == 'type':
 type1 = k[1]
 elif tag == 'end_date':
 end = k[1]
 elif tag == 'start_date':
 start = k[1]
 elif tag == 'metadata':
 meta = k[1]

 if type1 == 'timeseries':
 type1 = 0
 type1 = 1

 univ = '%s.%s' % (domain.get_udi_prefix(), set_name)

 b = DataSet(domain = self.domain,
 data_set_type = type1,
 udi = univ,
 start_time = start,
 end_time = end,
 metadata = meta,
 server_url = url,)

 class Admin: pass

I updated the database to add the table and synced it. Now I go into
the Admin and try to upload a file through the admin interface and I
get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/"
in get_response
  74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/views/" in _checklogin
  55. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/views/decorators/" in _wrapped_view_func
  40. response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/views/" in add_stage
  257. new_object =
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/models/" in save
File "/opt/vidars/cns/vidars/" in save
  189. config.readfp(open(file))

  IOError at /admin/vidars/bulkdataregfile/add/
  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

I have no idea what to do from here, for some reason it wont actually
save the file to the directory I specified if i configured it
correctly, which i am still not sure about.

MEDIA_ROOT = '/var/www/media/'

media is a symbolic link to the media file in my app which contains
all the css and images, so the apache server is serving those. other
than that i dont know what to do.

I am wondering if it is at a django level because when i get the
traceback it gives me the values of the variables being used and the
field 'bulk' doesnt get an id like the following.


1997-08-27\nend_date: 200-12-18\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/CDAWEB website:\n\n
They are only meant for internal use and VIDARS testing.\n Use at your
own risk! Jimmy Raeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 2004-12-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder\n\n[ac.bygse]
\ntype: timeseries\nurl:\nstart_date:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 2004-12-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder\n\n\n[ac.bzgse]

Saving Uploaded files to the Server

2007-10-01 Thread jacoberg2

Hey everyone,

I have brought up this issue before, and I was able to fix a few
things but I am still having a lot of problems. I have a model with a
filefield, and i was testing it with the development server and it
worked perfectly. When I tried to copy it into the working server is
when I started having problems.
The following is the model:

class BulkDataRegFile(models.Model):
 """DataProviders can register their data sets in large amounts
without having to enter the information into the same form
several times.

This class takes a file field that uploads the file to the
system server and then reads the file and places the data
into the database for use by others


 user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank = False)
 domain = models.ForeignKey(DataDomain, blank = False)
 bulk = models.FileField(upload_to = 'bulk/', unique = True)

 def __str__(self):
 return self.bulk

 def save(self):
 super(BulkDataRegFile, self).save()

 import ConfigParser
 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
 file =  get_bulk_filename()

 sec = config.sections()

 for i in sec:
 set_name = i
 it = config.items(i)

 for k in it:
 tag = k[0]
 if tag == 'url':
 url = k[1]
 elif tag == 'type':
 type1 = k[1]
 elif tag == 'end_date':
 end = k[1]
 elif tag == 'start_date':
 start = k[1]
 elif tag == 'metadata':
 meta = k[1]

 if type1 == 'timeseries':
 type1 = 0
 type1 = 1

 univ = '%s.%s' % (domain.get_udi_prefix(), set_name)

 b = DataSet(domain = self.domain,
 data_set_type = type1,
 udi = univ,
 start_time = start,
 end_time = end,
 metadata = meta,
 server_url = url,)

 class Admin: pass

I updated the database to add the table and synced it. Now I go into
the Admin and try to upload a file through the admin interface and I
get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/"
in get_response
  74. response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/views/" in _checklogin
  55. return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/views/decorators/" in _wrapped_view_func
  40. response = view_func(request, *args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/views/" in add_stage
  257. new_object =
File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/db/models/" in save
File "/opt/vidars/cns/vidars/" in save
  189. config.readfp(open(file))

  IOError at /admin/vidars/bulkdataregfile/add/
  [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''

I have no idea what to do from here, for some reason it wont actually
save the file to the directory I specified if i configured it
correctly, which i am still not sure about.

MEDIA_ROOT = '/var/www/media/'

media is a symbolic link to the media file in my app which contains
all the css and images, so the apache server is serving those. other
than that i dont know what to do.

I am wondering if it is at a django level because when i get the
traceback it gives me the values of the variables being used and the
field 'bulk' doesnt get an id like the following.


1997-08-27\nend_date: 200-12-18\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/CDAWEB website:\n\n
They are only meant for internal use and VIDARS testing.\n Use at your
own risk! Jimmy Raeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 2004-12-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder\n\n[ac.bygse]
\ntype: timeseries\nurl:\nstart_date:
1997-08-27\nend_date: 2004-12-31\nmetadata: These data have been
scraped from the NASA/\n\t CDAWEB website:
\n\t cdaweb/istp_public/ \n They are only meant for internal use and
VIDARS\n\t testing.Use at your own risk! Jimmy Raeder\n\n\n[ac.bzgse]

Re: File uploading problems

2007-09-24 Thread jacoberg2

Hey thanks for your help, but i may need a little more.
I dont really know anything about apache and without a good background
everything i look up is just confusing me. i changed the file system
to allow "everyone" to write in the bulk file which is where i have
the files directed.
And I am pretty sure that the settings file is fine, so i assume that
the apache
config file is my problem but i have no idea what i am doing. so you
know a good
reference for that sort of thing or what i need to change?
thanks again for all your time.


On Sep 22, 11:33 am, "Russell Keith-Magee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On 9/22/07, jacoberg2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I tried using the file upload methods like using a filefield in a
> > model, and i got it to work on a test program but i can't sem to get
> > it to work on my real site and I get a few different errors when it
> > comes up. this is my code:
> ...
> > TemplateSyntaxError: Invalid block tag: 'login_bar'
> > ---
> > and the other is emailed to me by the debugging setting and is as
> > follows:
> ...
> > IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ''
> The IO Error suggests that the web server is receiving the file, but
> it isn't able to save it. This will often occur if the server doesn't
> have write permission to the upload directory, either at a filesystem
> level, or as a result of your Apache config restricting access.
> Alternatively, your Media settings might be referring to a
> non-existent directory.
> I suspect the TemplateSyntaxError is an error being raised when trying
> to show you the error message. The IOError should be raising a 500;
> this will try to render 500.html, but if this template has an error,
> it will raise TemplateSyntaxError instead of the underlying actual
> problem.
> Yours,
> Russ Magee %-)

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2007-09-24 Thread jacoberg2

Hey Michael,

> Not sure exactly what you mean by getting the right url - it should
> point somewhere external to django - ie. a separate webserver -
> there's no magic there. If you've got apache running on your
> development machine, then this can just 
> behttp://localhost/mydjangoprojectmedia/
> as long as you've then got a directory called mydjangoprojectmedia in
> the right spot (/var/www/ on Ubuntu).
> If in a template you then have:
> everything should work, even if you later deploy your app - all you'll
> need to do is change the MEDIA_URL setting.
> -Michael

The part you wrote was more helpful i thought than how the site
explained it. I fixed that
and thanks again.

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File uploading problems

2007-09-21 Thread jacoberg2

I tried using the file upload methods like using a filefield in a
model, and i got it to work on a test program but i can't sem to get
it to work on my real site and I get a few different errors when it
comes up. this is my code:

 class BulkDataRegFile(models.Model):
 user = models.ForeignKey(User, blank = False)
 domain = models.ForeignKey(DataDomain, blank = False)
 bulk = models.FileField(upload_to = 'bulk/')

 def __str__(self):
 return self.bulk

 def save(self):
 super(BulkDataRegFile, self).save()

 import ConfigParser
 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
 file =  self.bulk

 sec = config.sections()

 for i in sec:
 set_name = i
 it = config.items(i)

 for k in it:
 tag = k[0]
 if tag == 'url':
 url = k[1]
 elif tag == 'type':
 type1 = k[1]
 elif tag == 'end_date':
 end = k[1]
 elif tag == 'start_date':
 start = k[1]
 elif tag == 'metadata':
 meta = k[1]

 if type1 == 'timeseries':
 type1 = 0
 type1 = 1

 univ = '%s.%s' % (domain.get_udi_prefix(), set_name)

 b = DataSet(domain = self.domain,
 data_set_type = type1,
 udi = univ,
 start_time = start,
 end_time = end,
 metadata = meta,
 server_url = url,)

 class Admin: pass

that is the model that i am using, it is used to parse the code and
use the data in the file to add to the database. now when i go into
the admin and try to add a file i get two different traceback errors.
one comes up in the browser:

Mod_python error: "PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython"

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mod_python/", line
299, in HandlerDispatch
result = object(req)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 161, in handler
return ModPythonHandler()(req)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 133, in __call__
response = self.get_response(req.uri, request)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 115, in get_response
return self.get_friendly_error_response(request, resolver)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 124, in get_friendly_error_response
return callback(request, **param_dict)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/views/",
line 88, in server_error
t = loader.get_template(template_name)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 79, in get_template

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 86, in get_template_from_string
return Template(source, origin)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 146, in __init__
self.nodelist = compile_string(template_string, origin)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 161, in compile_string
return parser.parse()

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 258, in parse
compiled_result = compile_func(self, token)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/", line 151, in do_extends
nodelist = parser.parse()

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 258, in parse
compiled_result = compile_func(self, token)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/", line 130, in do_block
nodelist = parser.parse(('endblock',))

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 258, in parse
compiled_result = compile_func(self, token)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/", line 130, in do_block
nodelist = parser.parse(('endblock',))

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 256, in parse
self.invalid_block_tag(token, command)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/template/",
line 300, in invalid_block_tag
raise self.error( token, "Invalid block tag: '%s'" % command)

TemplateSyntaxError: Invalid block tag: 'login_bar'
and the other is emailed to me by the debugging setting and is as

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/django/core/handlers/", line 74, in get_response
response = callback(request, 

'str' has no attribute 'strftime'

2007-09-18 Thread jacoberg2

Hey, I am trying to read a string from a file and then save it to the
database. In doing so I get the error message 'str' has no attribute
'strftime'. the string is a a dat that i am trying to save to the
datetimefield in my database. The parser i used returned a string but
hen it tries to save this string tothe appropiate place it send that
error back. any suggestions? Thanks for your time.

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Taking data from and uploaded file and distributing it to the database

2007-09-14 Thread jacoberg2

I am relatively new to django nad i was wondeirng if anyone knew how
to open and read the files taht have been uploaded to the site. I have
tried the following code in the save method of my filefield model. The
problem is that you have to save the file to the system and then try
to manipulate it, but when i try to call the open function on the
parser i get an error stating that
'module' object cannot be called
 so i am stuck, here is the code and thanks to anyone who takes the
time to respond to me

def save(self):
super(BulkDataRegFiles, self).save()

import ConfigParser
config.readfp(open('%s' % (self.bulk_file)))

for i in sec:
set_name = i
it = config.items(i)
for k in it:
tag = k[0]
if tag == 'url':
url = k[1]
elif tag == 'type':
type1 = k[1]
elif tag == 'end_date':
end = k[1]
elif tag == 'start_date':
start = k[1]
elif tag == 'metadata':
meta = k[1]
   # else
   # raise validators.ValidationError('.INI file not
   # properly')

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