Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Ingemar Ragnemalm said:
> BTW, when I ported my OpenGL demos to FPC, I found that the FPC glext.pp 
> had some fatal bugs. (Easy to fix, but I never figured out who would 
> want the corrections, so I hope someone else noted that it crashed for 
> modern OpenGL.)

Well, actually I don't use FPC opengl but dglopengl :-)
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Anthony Walter
I've done a bit of assembly programming for IA-32, none recently and zero
compiler development other than simple parsers, but from what I know
optimizing with newer instructions like SSEx is only part of there story.
There's also optimizing for out of order instruction execution (OoOIE), or
instruction reordering. Even on a single core, when optimized done properly
it can yield 4x or more increase in processing speed, avoiding CPU stalls,
which is likely happening a lot given the descriptions people have provided
in this thread.

Obviously properly using SSEx instructions and optimizing for OoOIE is a
non trivial undertaking. I think probably the best way to test FPC out is
to stop writing speed tests against other languages, and to view the CPU
instructions generated for a few different loop types, including
trunc()/floor() functions. Next rewrite those parts in assembler, include
SSE whatever instructions and pepper in OoOIE, and finally test the speed

My instincts tell me if the compiler could then generate both SSEx and
OoOIE properly it could automatically applied in many places, resulting in
a huge speed up for FPC programs. But for me, the main advantage of Free
Pascal is that it generates native language, leading to easier reuse of C
style APIs such as Cairo/GTK/SDL, and also allowing for the PME
(properties, methods, events) plus all the other nice features Free Pascal
offers. Most of the time my programs are either idle waiting for user
input, or idle waiting for other APIs or in the case of OpenGL the graphics
hardware to complete. As such the execution speed of the pascal portion of
my programs isn't as important.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread code dz
tested with the fpc trunk , got only 3 fps increased .
but even with this result fpc does great job , compared with gcc7  ,
gcc is faster only about 45% . so when compared with a compiler like
gcc which get tens of patches par day from from around the world
including big companies like sumsung . and you get only 45% deference
in speed , no doubt fpc is great compiler .
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 2017-05-29 12:24, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

Jonas told that the benchmark program contains a number of bugs/wrong
translation from the C code:

And all of those recommendations were applied by Jon Foster and yielded 
only a 0.6% increase in speed.

"I ended up with an hour of extra time so I went over Jonas' suggestions 
again. I made tweaks fixing integer types, using trunc() instead of 
round, ... The over all  improvement is only +0.6%, as I predicted 
nowhere near the 10x+ needed to compete with the other languages."

  -- Jon Foster (in the MSEide+MSEgui mailing list dated 2017-05-24)

So the major speed problem still seems to be the FPC optimisation with 
looping and not using SSEx when it is available.

I personally haven't tested with the latest FPC 3.1.1 yet.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 2017-05-30 14:52, Ingemar Ragnemalm wrote:

so I hope someone else noted that it crashed for
modern OpenGL.)

Huh? I've been using it for 4 months with "modern OpenGL 4.x" (non-fixed 
rendering pipeline) and it hasn't crashed on me.

Next time it crashes, please supply a small code example if you can, or 
at least a backtrace so we can see where the error originated.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

My public PGP key:
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Ingemar Ragnemalm

Den 2017-05-30 kl. 12:00, skrev Marco van de Voort:

For the 2Ders, in old GL I used glortho2d a lot. In newer ones I missed that, 
but I found
an equivalent on stackoverflow:

My FPC vector unit has overloading and many other functions 
(determinant, rotation around arbitrary axis...). Some functions like 
lookAt, frustum, ortho, matrix inverse etc are only in my C version so 
far. Not hard to port.

mat4 ortho(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, 
GLfloat near, GLfloat far)

float a = 2.0f / (right - left);
float b = 2.0f / (top - bottom);
float c = -2.0f / (far - near);

float tx = - (right + left)/(right - left);
float ty = - (top + bottom)/(top - bottom);
float tz = - (far + near)/(far - near);

mat4 o = SetMat4(
a, 0, 0, tx,
0, b, 0, ty,
0, 0, c, tz,
0, 0, 0, 1);
return o;

So I have a pile of code on the topic, much of it for FPC. But shouldn't 
there really be a good OpenGL support package for FPC that was some kind 
of "standard"?

BTW, when I ported my OpenGL demos to FPC, I found that the FPC glext.pp 
had some fatal bugs. (Easy to fix, but I never figured out who would 
want the corrections, so I hope someone else noted that it crashed for 
modern OpenGL.)


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Reimar Grabowski
On Mon, 29 May 2017 14:07:40 -0400
Anthony Walter  wrote:

> By the way, what's stopping you guys from using OpenGL ES 2.0?
It's ten years old, the current ES version is 3.2.
It has less functionality than "standard GL" as it's meant for embedded systems 
(hence ES).

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Anthony Walter said:
> This type of 2D setup in OpenGL allows for allows you to freely mix in both
> 2D and 3D effects. Here's are two examples of how 2D in a 3D world can work:

If you check the myorthohelp function that called it, you'll already see it
is normalized to [0..1] coordinates.

But there are some special cases (e.g. sometimes zoomx<>zoomy to get square
pixels), vertical inversion etc where not everything is 0..1,0..1

I don't need 3D effects, this is a business app. For an (older) demo based
on the code see,30556.msg194484.html#msg194484

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Anthony Walter

Regarding 2D animation, what I've far far more effective than an
orthographic projection is to draw 2D billboard sprite at a distance and
size to align exactly with your screen's resolution. That is each width and
height of "1" gl world equals "1" screen pixel, and coordinate (0, 0)
equals the top left corner of your screen.

This type of 2D setup in OpenGL allows for allows you to freely mix in both
2D and 3D effects. Here's are two examples of how 2D in a 3D world can work:

Card Games:
Animation of vector graphics:
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Anthony Walter said:
> By the way, what's stopping you guys from using OpenGL ES 2.0? It works on
> most all Windows, Mac, and Linux systems, and it's the only 3D graphics API
> on Raspberry Pi and most smart phones/tablets.

IIRC I went for opengl 3.3-4 because one could find more about it and
because opengl ES afaik has no geometry shader support.

The GL stuff is only for Windows PC (and very maybe Linux PC) anyway.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-30 Thread Marco van de Voort
In our previous episode, Ryan Joseph said:
> > On May 28, 2017, at 10:33 PM, Ryan Joseph  
> > wrote:
> > 
> > projTransform := TMatrix4x4.CreatePerspective(60.0, 500 / 500, 0.1, 
> > 10.0);
> > modelTransform := TMatrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, -3.0) * 
> > TMat4.CreateRotateX(54);
> I found out the problem. I was expecting the multiply to work like with GLM 
> where you could do: 
> translation * rotation
> but with the operator overloads I need to do protation * translation.
> Anthony?s multiply matrix 4 operators did this in the order I expected and
> how I figured it out.  Not sure why and it?s probably not safe to swap the
> parameters because it would likely break other parts of the unit.

For the 2Ders, in old GL I used glortho2d a lot. In newer ones I missed that, 
but I found
an equivalent on stackoverflow:

procedure MyOrtho2D(var mat : TGLMatrixf4;left,right,bottom,top:single);
var inv_y,inv_x : single;
  inv_y := 1.0 / (top - bottom);
  inv_x := 1.0 / (right - left);

// this is basically from

//first column
mat[0][0] := (2.0*inv_x);
mat[0][1] := (0.0);
mat[0][2] := (0.0);
mat[0][3] := (0.0);

mat[1][0] := (0.0);
mat[1][1] := (2.0*inv_y);
mat[1][2] := (0.0);
mat[1][3] := (0.0);

mat[2][0] :=  (0.0);
mat[2][1] :=  (0.0);
mat[2][2] :=  (-2.0*inv_z);
mat[2][3] :=  (0.0);

mat[3][0] :=  (-(right + left)*inv_x);
mat[3][1] :=  (-(top + bottom)*inv_y);
mat[3][2] :=  (-(zFar + zNear)*inv_z);
mat[3][3] :=  (1.0);

I have a TGLvector for zoom (X/Y) and one for pan (offset, also in X and Y

// calcs a matrix for the shader. pass the matrix as an uniform and multiply  
in vertex or geometry shader

procedure myorthohelp(var mat : TGLMatrixf4;const
  myOrtho2D(mat,aoffs[0], 1.0 / (aZoom[0]) + (aoffs[0]), 1.0 / (aZoom[1]) + 
(aoffs[1]), aoffs[1])

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-29 Thread Anthony Walter
Thanks for posting those LookAt and Perspective routines. They're kind of
needed with OpenGL ES 2.0, as it no longer has matrix modes. You need to
build your own perspective and model view matrices and pass them to your
vertex shaders as uniforms.

uniform mat4 modelview; // modelview matrix uniform
uniform mat4 projection; // projection matrix uniform

attribute vec3 xyz; // vertex position attribute
attribute vec2 uv; // uv texture coordinate attribute

varying vec2 texcoord; // varying texture coordinate

void main()
vec4 vertex = modelview * vec4(xyz, 1.0); // transform vertex with
modelview matrix uniform
gl_Position = projection * vertex; // project the transformed vertex
and write it to gl_Position
texcoord = uv; // assign the uv texture coordinate to the varying

By the way, what's stopping you guys from using OpenGL ES 2.0? It works on
most all Windows, Mac, and Linux systems, and it's the only 3D graphics API
on Raspberry Pi and most smart phones/tablets.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-29 Thread Reimar Grabowski
On Sat, 27 May 2017 16:52:21 +0700
Ryan Joseph  wrote:

> Not having glm::perspective or glm::lookAt is enough to really stop you in 
> your tracks and running off to Google for hours.

Then perhaps you have to improve your google skills. ^^

Has all the info you need to implement them.

Unoptimized pascal versions (but fast enough for general use):

function TCamera.LookAt(Eye, Center, Up: TVector3): TMatrix4x4;
  View, Right: TVector3;
  TransMatrix: TMatrix4x4;
  Right:=Normalized(CrossProduct(View, Up));
  Up:=CrossProduct(Right, View);





  Result:=MultglMatrix(IdentityMatrix4x4, Result);
  Result:=MultglMatrix(Result, TransMatrix);

function TScene.BuildPerspectiveMatrix(FoV, AspectRatio, NearPlane,
  FarPlane: GLfloat): TMatrix4x4;
  XYMax, XMin, YMin, Width, Height, Depth: GLfloat;






fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-29 Thread Mattias Gaertner
On Mon, 29 May 2017 15:29:24 +0700
Ryan Joseph  wrote:

> > On May 29, 2017, at 12:58 PM, Anthony Walter  wrote:
> It’s buried now but look at the “FPC Graphics options” thread from a few days 
> ago and spanning back weeks I think. After all that I still failed to get a 
> clear answer I could understand well but some poor loop optimization and 
> floating point division was causing a ray caster example written in Java to 
> get low single digit frame rates where the same code ran 40+fps in Java and 
> C. There seems to be some changes in FPC 3.1.1 but I’m not sure what changed. 
> Some one else may correct what I said but feel free to take a loop. Bottom 
> line for me is I’m nervous about loops in highly optimized low level code now 
> but that may be unfounded.

I will try to summarize the thread:

Jonas told that the benchmark program contains a number of bugs/wrong
translation from the C code:
1) casting a floating point number to an int in C does not round
2) The usage of floor in the test program is wrong.
3) The Pascal version uses longword instead of int32...getting evaluated as 64 
bit on 32 bit
4) frac() is only used to get a monotonous increasing value...

C compilers know what "floor" is doing and optimizes it.

FPC default config does not use optimal settings for todays machines.
Java does, C libs do. I didn't find what Graeme used for his C version.

Some pointed out that the Math unit misses some SSE and double
versions of functions.

Florian improved FPC 3.1.1 boosting the speed from 8 to 23FPS.

Martin used MSELang with LLVM backend, fixed some bugs in the code and
used some optimization flags to get 41 FPS, which looks similar to
Graeme's numbers for the C and Java version.

There were various suggestions for optimizations, which C compilers are
doing and could be added to FPC, but they would be specific to these
benchmarks. Including some loop optimizations.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-29 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 29, 2017, at 12:58 PM, Anthony Walter  wrote:
> I'm curious, what's the problem with fpc and loops? Also, from my OpenGL 
> experience the limiting factor in speed (frames per second) is usually the 
> pixel complexity and not whatever method is used to feed vertex data or 
> shader uniforms.

It’s buried now but look at the “FPC Graphics options” thread from a few days 
ago and spanning back weeks I think. After all that I still failed to get a 
clear answer I could understand well but some poor loop optimization and 
floating point division was causing a ray caster example written in Java to get 
low single digit frame rates where the same code ran 40+fps in Java and C. 
There seems to be some changes in FPC 3.1.1 but I’m not sure what changed. Some 
one else may correct what I said but feel free to take a loop. Bottom line for 
me is I’m nervous about loops in highly optimized low level code now but that 
may be unfounded.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-29 Thread Anthony Walter
I'm curious, what's the problem with fpc and loops? Also, from my OpenGL
experience the limiting factor in speed (frames per second) is usually the
pixel complexity and not whatever method is used to feed vertex data or
shader uniforms.

Wet rock example:
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 29, 2017, at 8:24 AM, Anthony Walter  wrote:
> And these matrices are compatible with OpenGL functions.

Thanks for sharing. I got your matrix multiplication functions to work in the 
order I expected and helped me find a bug.

Btw, given what we just learned about loops in FPC I would remove the nested 
for..loops in your matrix overloads.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Benjamin Rosseaux
All SupraEngine.Math matrices are also compatible with OpenGL (and Vulkan,
of course). SupraEngine.Math's TMatrix3x3 and TMatrix4x4 implementation
have also advanced stuff as such as lerp, nlerp, slerp interpolation method
functions, decomposing (into Perspective, Translation, Scale, Skew and
Rotation components), recomposing (from Perspective, Translation, Scale,
Skew and Rotation components). And SupraEngine.Math have also GLSL-style
and in the most cases GLSL-Function-Parameter-compatible functions as such
as Cross, Dot, Normalize, FaceForward, Reflect, Refract, Clamp, Mix, Step,
SmoothStep, etc.

Example usages:

FaceNormal := (p2 - p0).Cross(p1 - p0).Normalize; // or alternatively also:
FaceNormal := Normalize(Cross(p2 - p0,p1 - p0));
if FaceNormal.Dot((Normals[NormalIndices[0]]+
   Normals[NormalIndices[2]]).Normalize) < 0.0
then begin
   FaceNormal := -FaceNormal;

 if (TriangleBitangent.Cross(TriangleTangent)).Dot(TriangleNormal)<0.0 then

 Matrix := Transform.Matrix * Matrix;

 Vector := Matrix * Vector; (like at GLSL)
 Vector := Vector * Matrix; (in the other way transposed mul like at GLSL)

 Vector := Quaternion * Vector;
 Vector := Vector * Quaternion; (with the same transposed-matrix-like

 Vector := DualQuaternion * Vector;
 Vector := Vector * DualQuaternion; (with the same transposed-matrix-like

 RightVector :=;
 UpVector :=;
 ForwardVector :=;
 TranslationVector :=;

 Matrix := Matrix.Normalize;
 Matrix := Matrix.OrthoNormalize;
 Matrix := Matrix.RobustOrthoNormalize;

 Quaternion := Matrix.ToQuaternion;

 QTangent := Matrix.ToQTangent;

 Matrix3x3 := Matrix4x4.ToMatrix3x3;

 ModelMatrix := Matrix4x4Identity;
 ViewMatrix := TMatrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0.0, 0.0, -4.0);
 ProjectionMatrix := TMatrix4x4.CreatePerspective(45.0, Width / Heighz,
1.0, 1024.0);
 ModelViewMatrix := ModelMatrix * ViewMatrix;
 InverseModelViewMatrix := ModelViewMatrix.Inverse;
 ModelViewProjectionMatrix := ModelMatrix * ViewMatrix * ProjectionMatrix;
 InverseModelViewProjectionMatrix := ModelViewMatrixProjection.Inverse;
 TangentSpaceRotationMatrix := ModelViewMatrix.Inverse.Transpose;
 InverseTangentSpaceRotationMatrix := TangentSpaceRotationMatrix.Transpose;

 ClipMatrix := CreateProjectionMatrixClip(ProjectionMatrix, ClipPlane);

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 28, 2017, at 10:33 PM, Ryan Joseph  wrote:
>   projTransform := TMatrix4x4.CreatePerspective(60.0, 500 / 500, 0.1, 
> 10.0);
>   modelTransform := TMatrix4x4.CreateTranslation(0, 0, -3.0) * 
> TMat4.CreateRotateX(54);

I found out the problem. I was expecting the multiply to work like with GLM 
where you could do: 

translation * rotation

but with the operator overloads I need to do protation * translation. Anthony’s 
multiply matrix 4 operators did this in the order I expected and how I figured 
it out. Not sure why and it’s probably not safe to swap the parameters because 
it would likely break other parts of the unit.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Anthony Walter
You might want to try using this geometry library I've written to go along
with OpenGL, fixed function or otherwise:

Basic usage might be like this:

  M: TMatrix;
  V: TVertex;
  M.Translate(10, 0, 0);
  V := M * Vec(10, 10, 10);
  M.Rotate(0, 10, 0);
  V := M * V;
  WriteLn('X: ', V.X, ' Y: ', V.Y, 'Z: ', V.Z)
  M.Scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
  V := M * V;
  WriteLn('X: ', V.X, ' Y: ', V.Y, 'Z: ', V.Z)

And these matrices are compatible with OpenGL functions.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Benjamin Rosseaux
On GitHub I've already some SupraEngine subprojects, for example:

   - My
   parallel-processing/multi-processing library for Object Pascal
   - My newer 3D physics Engine for
   Object Pascal
   - Vulkan header generator and
   Vulkan OOP-style API wrapper for Object Pascal (it had also news articles
   and  )
   - Pascal library for
   cross-compiler consistent and exact conversion between double-precision
   floating point number values and strings
   - Pascal port of ENet with IPv6
   - etc.

But the SupraEngine main core project itself is still closed source (as
long as it is not yet ready), except these already excerpt-uploaded (for
users of this mailing list) zlib-licensed Math units, because SupraEngine
will have a UE4-style licensing model, say, when it will be released, it
will be free and quasi-open-source for free projects (it does not matter
whether it are open source or closed source projects), but it will be
revenue-share-based for non-free paid projects. A lawyer (a corresponding
lawyer I have already in the selection) will formulate the appropriate
license text for it, but this will be the last task, just before the

But because the engine market is already largely saturated, it will be
primarly for projects (at least for the first time), for example,
Supraleiter (here some prototype videos with the old OpenGL-based engine:
and and   ), a
StarTrek Voyager first-person-shooter (here some prototype videos, which
had made my graphic-artist-contact testwise with UE4:

And I've testwise partly-reverse.engineered and partly-reimplemented the
first two Original WipeOut titles (in ObjectPascal of course):  and for to test
my newer physics engine in a real test game, as preparation for usage in my
Supraleiter game project with the then new Vulkan-based SupraEngine.

On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 10:22 AM, denisgolovan 

> 28.05.2017, 09:55, "Benjamin Rosseaux" :
> I've put some units of my still work-in-progress UE4-style SupraEngine on
> my root server, after I've read this mailing list thread =>
> Looks nice. Thanks for sharing.
> How about publishing it on Github with small readme to ease contributions?
> --
> Regards,
> Denis Golovan
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Benjamin Rosseaux
I know that issue, so that the record constructors in the
SupraEngine.Math.pas are fully optional, so therefore you do must not using
these :-)  It's just a optional option for key-tap-lazy peoples, since all
record member fields are also free directly accessible and public visible.

On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 9:28 AM, Ryan Joseph 

> > On May 28, 2017, at 1:54 PM, Benjamin Rosseaux 
> wrote:
> >
> > I've put some units of my still work-in-progress UE4-style SupraEngine
> on my root server, after I've read this mailing list thread =>
> Thanks for sharing. The GLM functions I wanted seem to be here so I’m
> going to try them.
> Btw, I’m not sure Sven fixed this or is going to but we found out record
> constructors were not producing optimal instructions when compared to
> static inline class functions so you may want to change those. I had to go
> back and make changes to some low-level record constructors after I found
> this out also.
> Regards,
> Ryan Joseph
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Benjamin Rosseaux
Fixed, repacked & reuploaded as ZIP in the same directory

On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 10:32 AM, Ryan Joseph 

> > On May 28, 2017, at 3:22 PM, denisgolovan 
> wrote:
> >
> > Looks nice. Thanks for sharing.
> > How about publishing it on Github with small readme to ease
> contributions?
> >
> There’s some dead 403 links also btw.
> Regards,
> Ryan Joseph
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Ingemar Ragnemalm

Ryan Joseph wrote:

I’m trying to following some OpenGL tutorials to learn the matrix transforms 
but I’m getting stuck because I don’t have the c++ GLM library which everyone 
is using. I see FPC has a matrix class but it doesn’t include all the helpers 
in GLM like rotation, transform, perspective transforms 
( If I knew enough I think I could just build 
these myself but I’ll likely introduce a bunch of errors at first.

Has anyone converted these to Pascal before or having some similar I could look 

Ryan Joseph

I use my own vector/matrix library VectorUtils3, which is written in 
plain C (thereby FPC friendly), and included in the common code of my 
OpenGL demo library:

Actually, there is also an FPC version of VectorUtils, FPC interfaces to 
most of my common code, and even a bunch of demos that I made FPC for. 
(Modern OpenGL, not old-style code, no immediate mode.) I never uploaded 
them anywhere, since there didn't seem to be much interest, but if 
someone wants them, no problem.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 28, 2017, at 3:22 PM, denisgolovan  wrote:
> Looks nice. Thanks for sharing.
> How about publishing it on Github with small readme to ease contributions?

There’s some dead 403 links also btw.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread denisgolovan
28.05.2017, 09:55, "Benjamin Rosseaux" : I've put some units of my still work-in-progress UE4-style SupraEngine on my root server, after I've read this mailing list thread =>   Looks nice. Thanks for sharing.How about publishing it on Github with small readme to ease contributions? -- Regards,Denis Golovan 
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 28, 2017, at 1:54 PM, Benjamin Rosseaux  wrote:
> I've put some units of my still work-in-progress UE4-style SupraEngine on my 
> root server, after I've read this mailing list thread => 

Thanks for sharing. The GLM functions I wanted seem to be here so I’m going to 
try them.

Btw, I’m not sure Sven fixed this or is going to but we found out record 
constructors were not producing optimal instructions when compared to static 
inline class functions so you may want to change those. I had to go back and 
make changes to some low-level record constructors after I found this out also.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-28 Thread Benjamin Rosseaux
I've put some units of my still work-in-progress UE4-style SupraEngine on
my root server, after I've read this mailing list thread =>

where the SupraEngine.Math.pas + SupraEngine.Math.*.inc +
SupraEngine.Types.Standard.pas will be maybe interesting for you.

It's a complete 3D Math unit based on overloaded operators, advanced
records, etc. and even with GLSL-style swizzle support, where you can type
something like My3DVector.xzy := MyOther3DVector.yyx; My4DVector.zyx :=
TVector3.Create(3.0, 2.0, 1.0); or even My2DVector.yx := My3DVector.yz; etc.

Furthermore many routines are SSE optimized for the x86-32 and x86-64

This is the result of many years of evolution-based work, starting from the
original math routines of my old PAPPE physics engine, which I've always
further developed over the years (incl. many refactorings and rewrites).

And if you will do using it, then you add the following line to your start
of your code (where the Math unit must be in the uses clause):

SetExceptionMask([exInvalidOp, exDenormalized, exZeroDivide, exOverflow,
exUnderflow, exPrecision]);

for disable some floating point exceptions, which could occur at 3D stuff,
especially divide-by-zero exceptions at speed-SIMD-optimized normalization

And credits would be nice :)

Benjamin 'BeRo' Rosseaux

On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 12:37 PM, Ryan Joseph 

> > On May 27, 2017, at 5:16 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd <
>> wrote:
> >
> > But working from a hazy recollection of such things, it's possible to
> merge the translation/rotation matrices so that the final transformation
> can be reduced to a single operation.
> Oh I’m sorry, I’m using 3.x core and the fixed pipeline has been removed
> which glRotate etc… were part of. I’m using this now but I wanted to learn
> the “new” stuff some.
> Regards,
> Ryan Joseph
> ___
> fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-27 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 27, 2017, at 5:16 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd 
>  wrote:
> But working from a hazy recollection of such things, it's possible to merge 
> the translation/rotation matrices so that the final transformation can be 
> reduced to a single operation.

Oh I’m sorry, I’m using 3.x core and the fixed pipeline has been removed which 
glRotate etc… were part of. I’m using this now but I wanted to learn the “new” 
stuff some.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-27 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 27, 2017, at 4:30 PM, Graeme Geldenhuys 
>  wrote:
> I've implemented that by porting the Java Game Libirary code to Object 
> Pascal. Give me a day or two and I'll share the OpenGL code I have on Github.

Thanks that would be great if someone had those common functions in Pascal. Not 
having glm::perspective or glm::lookAt is enough to really stop you in your 
tracks and running off to Google for hours.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-27 Thread Mark Morgan Lloyd

On 27/05/17 09:40, leledumbo via fpc-pascal wrote:

Has anyone converted these to Pascal before or having some similar I couldlook 

I don't usually do the matrix calculation myself, I delegate that by 
callingOpenGL functions in proper order.

But working from a hazy recollection of such things, it's possible to 
merge the translation/rotation matrices so that the final transformation 
can be reduced to a single operation.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-27 Thread Graeme Geldenhuys

On 2017-05-27 02:34, Ryan Joseph wrote:

I see FPC has a matrix class but it doesn’t include all the helpers
in GLM like rotation, transform, perspective transforms

I've implemented that by porting the Java Game Libirary code to Object 
Pascal. Give me a day or two and I'll share the OpenGL code I have on 


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-27 Thread Ryan Joseph

> On May 27, 2017, at 4:20 PM, leledumbo via fpc-pascal 
>  wrote:
> I don't usually do the matrix calculation myself, I delegate that by calling
> OpenGL functions in proper order. However, just a few days ago I found this:
> which does seem to have enough matrix operations for most use cases.

There are no such functions as part of the OpenGL API. I’m talking about 
functions that return a 4x4 rotation matrix or a perspective matrix, lookAt 
matrix etc… Everyone uses glm because it uses similar syntax as the shader 
language GLSL but you need to know how to construct these yourself otherwise.

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-27 Thread leledumbo via fpc-pascal
> Has anyone converted these to Pascal before or having some similar I could
look at? 

I don't usually do the matrix calculation myself, I delegate that by calling
OpenGL functions in proper order. However, just a few days ago I found this:

which does seem to have enough matrix operations for most use cases.

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fpc-pascal maillist  -

[fpc-pascal] GLM library alternative?

2017-05-26 Thread Ryan Joseph
I’m trying to following some OpenGL tutorials to learn the matrix transforms 
but I’m getting stuck because I don’t have the c++ GLM library which everyone 
is using. I see FPC has a matrix class but it doesn’t include all the helpers 
in GLM like rotation, transform, perspective transforms 
( If I knew enough I think I could just build 
these myself but I’ll likely introduce a bunch of errors at first.

Has anyone converted these to Pascal before or having some similar I could look 

Ryan Joseph

fpc-pascal maillist  -