JESS: Announcing Jess 8.0a1

2013-11-25 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The first alpha release of Jess 8.0 is now available for licensed users:

Jess 8 includes many bug fixes since Jess 7.1p2, a new Eclipse update 
site-based installer for the JessDE, and support for building Jess applications 
for Android devices.

Please direct questions about Jess licensing to Melissa Simpson 
(, and technical questions to 
Ernest Friedman-Hill (

RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] bsave fails after defquery execution [was: Dynamic rule-base analysis]

2013-09-30 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
It would certainly make sense for this class to be Serializable, as most other 
classes in Jess are. The current implementation in practice contains an 
instance of java.util.ArrayList.Itr, which is not Seriaizable, so a certain 
amount of coding would be involved in making this change. Worth doing, though, 
so I'll see if we can work it in.

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Jonathan Sewall
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 9:49 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] bsave fails after defquery execution [was: Dynamic 
rule-base analysis]

[Apologies for the incorrect Subject: on this report yesterday, 9/29.]

The trouble with bsave after executing a defquery appears to happen when 
serializing the Map Context.m_variables in Rete.m_globalContext: at this point 
in the script, the map holds the QueryResult variable ?qr:

 (bind ?qr (run-query* all-cars))

Hence, if I execute

 (bind ?qr not a QueryResult)

before the 2nd bsave, then the script runs without error. Could QueryResult be 
made Serializable? Revised script and results below. 
Thanks again,

Jonathan Sewall

--- Original Message 
Subject:Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Dynamic rule-base analysis
Date:   Sun, 29 Sep 2013 18:04:11 -0400
From:   Jonathan Sewall


Contents of script.clp:

(deftemplate car (slot make) (slot model)) (defquery all-cars Get all cars. 
?car - (car)) (defquery cars-of-make Get cars of the given make. (declare 
?want-make)) ?car - (car (make ?m:(= ?m ?want-make
(bind ?pickup (assert (car (make Ford) (model F100 (bind ?sedan (assert 
(car (make Honda) (model Civic (bind ?suv (assert (car (make Ford) 
(model Explorer (printout t *** Before 1st bsave *** crlf) (printout t 
globalContext  (((engine) getGlobalContext) toString) crlf) (bsave 
s1.bsave) (bind ?qr (run-query* all-cars)) (while (?qr next) (bind ?car (?qr 
getObject car)) (printout t (?car
toString) crlf))
(?qr close)
(printout t *** Before 2nd bsave *** crlf) (printout t globalContext  
(((engine) getGlobalContext) toString) crlf) ;; (bind ?qr not a QueryResult) 
;; uncomment to make script run ok (bsave s2.bsave)


$ java -cp lib/jess.jar jess.Main

Jess, the Rule Engine for the Java Platform Copyright (C) 2008 Sandia 
Corporation Jess Version 7.1p2 11/5/2008

Jess (batch script.clp)
*** Before 1st bsave ***
globalContext [Context, 3 variables: 
(MAIN::car (make Ford) (model F100)) (MAIN::car (make Honda) (model 
Civic)) (MAIN::car (make Ford) (model Explorer))
*** Before 2nd bsave ***
globalContext [Context, 5 variables: 
Jess reported an error in routine bsave
while executing (bsave s2.bsave)
while executing (batch script.clp).
   Message: IO Exception.
   Program text: ( bsave s2.bsave )  at line 17 in file script.clp.

Nested exception is:

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RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Issue with static methods (or generics?)

2013-08-07 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Java syntax like DefaultEdge.class is (more or less) just syntactic sugar for 
'java.lang.Class.forName(org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge);' which in Jess will 
come out like (Class.forName org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge)  (taking 
advantage of the default static imports from the java.lang package.) So you 
want to do something like

(bind ?edge-class (Class.forName org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge))
(bind ?graph (new org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph ?edge-class))

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Aurélien Mazurie
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 7:11 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Issue with static methods (or generics?)

Dear Jess users,
I am having trouble instantiating a Java class from within a rule's RHS, and 
cannot figure out how to solve this problem.

The code in my RHS creates an instance of a class from the JGraphT library. As 
seen in
 (lines 91-92), the creation of a DefaultDirectedGraph instance require another 
class as argument; here, DefaultEdge.

I couldn't find an example in the Jess documentation about how to do that. For 
example, I tried the following:

(bind ?edge-class org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge)
(bind ?graph (new org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph 

I also tried variations such as

(bind ?edge-class org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge)
(bind ?graph (new org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph 
(?edge-class getClass))


(bind ?edge-class (new org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge))
(bind ?graph (new org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph 

Any idea about what the syntax should be to properly instantiate the 
DefaultDirectedGraph class? For information (but not certain how relevant it is 
here), I succeeded in the past in using java.util.regex.Pattern and its static 
method 'compile' by typing

(bind ?pattern-class java.util.regex.Pattern)
(bind ?matches ((?pattern-class compile ...) matcher ?string))


RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Dynamic rule matching in the LHS

2013-07-31 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
You can slightly augment my forall version to fire once for each good set, 
given that bag-of-items has some kind of identifier; I'll assume a slot named 
id. It doesn't matter what the contents are:

(defrule check-bag-valid
(bag-of-items (id ?id) ))
(bag-of-items (id ?id) (names $??name   $?))
(item (name ?name)))
(printout t The bag is valid crlf))

This rule could be read as For some bag with some id, every value in the names 
slot has a matching item fact. It will fire once for every bag for which this 
condition holds.

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Aurelien Mazurie
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2013 1:13 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Dynamic rule matching in the LHS

Thank you for this tip. It is not what I am trying to achieve, however. I must 
apologize if my original email was misunderstood.

My goal is to write a rule that would fire for any 'bag-of-items' fact whose 
item names, as listed in a multislot, are all represented by 'item' facts. The 
rule should not fire if one or more of these items are absent from the fact 

(item (name A))
(item (name B))
(bag-of-items (item-names A))
(bag-of-items (item-names A B))
(bag-of-items (item-names A B C))

In this example the two first 'bag-of-items' facts would fire my hypothetical 
rule, while the third would not, because there is no 'item' fact with name C.

The 'forall' approach suggested by M. Friedman-Hill is quite close to this, 
however it seems that the rule will fire only if _all_ the 'bag-of-items' facts 
have all of their items represented by facts. I.e., in my example above it 
would not fire until I remove the third bag-of-items fact. Once again, it is 
close but no cigar.


On Jul 30, 2013, at 10:54 AM, Jason Morris wrote:

 Another old skool way of doing it using predicate constraints is...
 (deftemplate item (slot name))
 (deftemplate bag-of-items (multislot item-names))
 (defrule fire-for-all-members-in-bag
  ; If you have a bag of item names ...
  (bag-of-items (item-names $?item-names))  ; and there is an item 
 whose name is member of this bag ...
  ?item -(item (name ?name:(member$ ?name $?item-names))) =  ; 
 ...then do something interesting  (printout t ?name  is in the bag! 
 ;; Program
 (assert (item (name A)))
 (assert (item (name B)))
 (assert (item (name C)))
 (assert (bag-of-items (item-names A B C)))
 *Jason C. Morris*
 President, Principal Consultant
 Morris Technical Solutions LLC
 President, Rules Fest Association
 Chairman, IntelliFest 2013: International Conference on Reasoning 

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RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Matching facts based on a slot, but not the fact's type

2013-07-30 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The short answer is no. Templates are like Java classes, and so this is akin 
to asking if you can write Java code that reads the value of a score member 
variable in any class.

But you can use template inheritance to achieve your goal. Templates can extend 
other templates; just put your score slot in a base template, and extend 
everything else that needs a score slot from that common base, and write your 
patterns to match the base template. Read about the use of extends in 
templates here:

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Aurelien Mazurie
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 4:43 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Matching facts based on a slot, but not the fact's 

Dear Jess users,
I am still learning the ropes, and cannot find an answer to the following 
question either online or in the 'Jess in action' book. Is there a way to match 
facts in a LHS based on the presence of a slot?

For example, I have two templates:

(deftemplate A (slot score))
(deftemplate B (slot score))

I would like my rule to be triggered if any fact (either from template A, B, or 
others) have a 'score' slot with a specific value. For now I can do it by 
manually adding references to A and B in the LHS, but this will not scale well. 
I'm looking for a solution that can just work on any fact, regardless of the 
template they are defined from.


RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Dynamic rule matching in the LHS

2013-07-30 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Not sure what dynamic means in this context. But you can use the forall 
conditional element to implement this rule. You could read the LHS here as For 
all values of ?name in bag-of-items, there's a corresponding item fact.

(defrule check-bag-valid
(bag-of-items (names $??name   $?))
(item (name ?name)))
(printout t The bag is valid crlf))

NOTE: Like many complex Jess rules, this one won't fire unless before adding 
your facts you've executed the (reset) command to asset (initial-fact).

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Aurelien Mazurie
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2013 4:56 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Dynamic rule matching in the LHS

Dear Jess users,
I am wondering how to write a rule that would dynamically match multiple facts 
based on their names.

Let say I have two types of facts; one representing the information that an 
item (with a given name) exists, and the other one representing a list of items 
(e.g., as a list of names in a multislot). It could be something like

  (deftemplate item (slot name))
  (deftemplate bag-of-items (multislot names))

  (assert (item (name A))
  (assert (bag-of-items (names A B))

What I am trying to write is a rule that would, for any bag-of-items fact, fire 
if all the items listed in the multislot 'name' are item facts that have been 

I am wondering if there is an easy way to do that, or if I'll need to hack my 
way through it with loops and tests in the LHS of my rule.

Any suggestion?

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RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Question on QueryResult close() function

2013-06-28 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Hi Daniel,

Closing a QueryResult doesn't really do anything important; normal garbage 
collection will free all of its resources.

I used Google to see if there was a standard Jess/Matlab integration that I 
didn't know about, but I didn't find one; I'm afraid I don't know anything 
about how Jess and Matlab are typically used together. Jess does warm up for 
a few iterations if run repeatedly with the same rules - i.e., (reset) won't 
necessarily get you back to the same memory usage as before the first run - but 
this levels off quickly. It would be a good idea to run a heap analyzer tool to 
see what kind of objects are being leaked; that might give us a clue as to 
what's happening.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Daniel Selva
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 12:53 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Question on QueryResult close() function


I am experiencing a memory leak problem in a Matlab-Jess application and I am 
trying to locate the leak. I came across the definition of the close() method 
of the QueryResult class. I have never called this method after using queries.

1) Should I call close() after using a query?
2) Could not calling close() be the cause of the leak?

If not, I would appreciate any tips on typical causes of leaks in Matlab-Jess 

Thanks in advance,


RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Creating an eLearning system following TekMart example

2013-06-26 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Don't try to get the Token - hiding that sort of ugliness is the whole reason 
run-query* exists. Use a pattern binding instead:

(defquery my-query
(declare (variables ?n))
?f - (room (number ?n)))

(bind ?r (run-query* my-query 100))
(while (?r next)
(bind ?fact (?r getObject f))
   ;; ... now do something with your fact

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Rejaul Barbhuiya
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 6:22 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Creating an eLearning system following TekMart 

Thanks Ernest.

In my program, I was using runQuery(arg0, arg1) and storing the result in a 
Iterator as shown below. Then I am storing the result in token and from token 
to fact.

Iterator sno = engine.runQuery(session-number,new 
if (sno.hasNext()) {
Token token = (Token);
Fact fact = token.fact(1);

Now, I want to use runQueryStar(). But I don't know how to read the Query 

QueryResult sno = engine.runQueryStar(session-number,new 
if ( {
Token token = (Token) sno.;  what function should I use here?
Fact fact = token.fact(1);

On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 11:06 PM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest wrote:
You can use a query to easily find your facts; see and in particular,

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Rejaul Karim Barbhuiya
Senior Research Fellow

Department of Computer Science
Jamia Millia Islamia
New Delhi, India
Phone: +91-9891430568

RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Creating an eLearning system following TekMart example

2013-06-24 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
You can use a query to easily find your facts; see and in particular,

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RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Corrupted Negcnt Error

2013-05-30 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
It's an internal consistency check. Usually it means that a non-value class (a 
class whose identity, defined by hashCode()/equals(), changes during a run) is 
being used in an indexed field. Look at this section of the manual and see if 
you can use it to fix the problem:

In the past, very rarely, this message indicated a bug in Jess. I don't think 
this will be the case here - I think any bugs that trigger this assert were 
found and fixed long ago.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Dwight Hare
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:05 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Corrupted Negcnt Error

During a run I started getting the error

Jess reported an error in routine NodeNot2.tokenMatchesRight
while executing rule LHS (Node2)
while executing rule LHS (TECT).
  Message: Corrupted Negcnt ( 0) .

Any idea what this means?


RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Corrupted Negcnt Error

2013-05-30 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Yes, that's what I mean, mutable Java objects in your slots. If that's not the 
problem, then a bug is a possibility. Can you provide me a 
SSCCE that displays the error? (Off-list)

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Dwight Hare
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 1:00 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Corrupted Negcnt Error

By indexed field do you mean slot values? I don't use any Java objects other 
than simple primitives (Integer, Float, Boolean, String). I've looked at all my 
calls to the Value constructor.


[] On Behalf Of Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:36 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Corrupted Negcnt Error

It's an internal consistency check. Usually it means that a non-value class (a 
class whose identity, defined by hashCode()/equals(), changes during a run) is 
being used in an indexed field. Look at this section of the manual and see if 
you can use it to fix the problem:

In the past, very rarely, this message indicated a bug in Jess. I don't think 
this will be the case here - I think any bugs that trigger this assert were 
found and fixed long ago.

[] On Behalf Of Dwight Hare
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 5:05 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Corrupted Negcnt Error

During a run I started getting the error

Jess reported an error in routine NodeNot2.tokenMatchesRight
while executing rule LHS (Node2)
while executing rule LHS (TECT).
  Message: Corrupted Negcnt ( 0) .

Any idea what this means?


RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Adding facts that are instances of from-class deftemplates

2013-05-21 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The thing is that after this code:

  (deftemplate Person (declare (from-class Person)))
  (bind ?f (assert (Person (name Henrique) (age 38

There's no way to transfer those property values to a Person object; i.e., if 
you then said

(modify ?f (OBJECT (new Person)))

Then the Person's name and age would NOT be Henrique and 38; they'd be 
something else. The only way to get a shadow fact and a Java object synced up 
automatically is to let Jess copy the properties to the fact from the object.

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RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Usage of abstract classes in rules

2013-05-21 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Typically slots come from JavaBeans properties, not fields – i.e., accessor 
methods like getEventID(). But if you specify “include-variables” when you 
create a deftemplate from a class, then public (and only public!) member fields 
will be used as well. See  .

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tom De Costere
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 6:24 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Usage of abstract classes in rules


I currently have some abstract classes which are then implemented in various 
other classes extending those abstract classes. Now I’ve been trying to get 
Jess to work with both the abstract class as the implementation class, but 
somehow Jess cannot reach to the fields/methods specified in the abstract 

Is this normal functionality of Jess or must I make such a conversion object 
that contains both the fields from the abstract class as the fields from the 
implementation class?


My abstract class AbstractApplicationEvent contains following protected fields:
- eventID
- eventName
- eventTimestamp

My subclass ConnectionMadeEvent extending the abstract class above no extra 
fields, but can be extended in the future.


(defrule connection_established
(declare (salience 50))
?f1 - (ConnectionMadeEvent (eventID ?id) (eventTimestamp ?eventTimestamp))
(assert (Notification (icon ICON_CONNECTION_ACTIVE) (generationTime 
?eventTimestamp) (event ?f1)))

Error message:

SEVERE: Error loading Ruleset from: rules/global_rules.clp
Jess reported an error in routine Jesp.parsePattern.
  Message: No such slot eventTimestamp in template MAIN::ConnectionMadeEvent at 
token 'eventTimestamp'.
  Program text: ( defrule connection_established ( declare ( salience 50 ) ) 
?f1 - ( ConnectionMadeEvent ( eventID ?id ) ( eventTimestamp  at line 110 in 
file rules/global_rules.clp.

Thanks in advance!

Tom DC

RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] No cast needed when inspecting shadow facts' data members?

2013-05-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Jess doesn't actually try to look for the I member until the code actually 
runs, so it really has no choice but to accept the code as written. This really 
isn't any different from how other dynamically typed languages behave; Java, 
being a strongly/statically typed language that would not allow this kind of 
code is actually unusual these days. Ruby, Python, Scala, Groovy, etc would all 
allow this sort of thing, no casting needed.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Henrique Lopes Cardoso
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 9:16 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] No cast needed when inspecting shadow facts' data 


I've just noticed an interesting behavior of Jess.
I was working with a couple of classes like this:

public class X {
Object obj;
// getter and setter for obj

public class Y {
int i;
// getter and setter for i

Then in Jess I wrote:

(deftemplate X (declare (from-class X)))
(deftemplate a (slot s))

(defrule r
(X (obj ?o))
(test (eq ((?o getClass) getSimpleName) Y))
(a (s ?o.i))
(printout t ?o.i crlf))

(bind ?x (new X))
(bind ?y (new Y))
(?y setI 123)
(?x setObj ?y)
(add ?x)

This actually works! My surprise is related with the fact that the obj data 
member is declared as an Object, and the _i_ data member only exists for 
instances of Y. Despite this, the rule is able to get ?o.i in both the LHS adn 
the RHS (no cast needed). Of course if I remove the test in the rule and add to 
working memory an instance of X for which the obj is not an Y, I get a runtime 

Is there anything I should know about the appropriateness of implementations 
such as this? Best practices?

Thank you in advance.


RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Adding facts that are instances of from-class deftemplates

2013-05-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The *real* way to add shadow facts is using the definstance function. It has 
a number of options that aren't available with add. The add function was 
added to Jess to support the simplified semantics of JSR-94 (the javax.rules 
API) but the intent is that most Jess users will use definstance.

Asserting a fact directly from a from-class template is like buying a doghouse; 
you don't expect to go out the next morning and find that somehow it has a dog 
in it, right? It's certainly something you can do, but in normal life it's not 
very useful; usually you get a doghouse when you buy a dog, and add and 
definstance will both get you a doghouse for your Java object dog 

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Henrique Lopes Cardoso
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2013 4:54 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Adding facts that are instances of from-class 


I am concerned with the at least two different ways in which you can add, to 
working memory, facts that are instances of from-class deftemplates.
Lets say I have:

(deftemplate FC (declare (from-class FC)))

I can add a shadow fact like this:

(bind ?fc (new FC))
(add ?fc)

This is the general approach described in Section 5.3.2 of the Jess manual.
But I can also simply go like:

(assert (FC))

I guess in this case I do not get a shadow fact, since the OBJECT slot is nil.

So, my question is: if my facts are not supposed to be changed from Java code, 
is there any difference in using each of these approaches?
Section 5.3 from the Jess manual does not even mention that instances of 
from-class deftemplates can be created using the second approach above.



RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Linking rule actions to the execution of other rules

2013-04-23 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Hi Tom,

What you’re asking is basically an example of the famous Halting Problem in 
computer science, which I can paraphrase as “determining what a program is 
going to do without running the program.” You can’t tell what rules a fact 
could activate without doing all the pattern matching that Jess does, and 
unless you write something as complex as Jess, you will do it more slowly than 
Jess would.

That said, the best way to determine what rules can fire as a result of a fact 
assertion would be to use Jess itself to find out. Add a JessEventListener that 
listens for ACTIVATION events, and then whenever you assert a fact, watch and 
see what events you get back. Each combination of rule/fact-tuple that could be 
fired as a result of the assertion will generate one event, so you may get many.

Here is some documentation on JessEvents:

Here’s a relevant page from the Javadocs:

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Tom De Costere
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2013 5:08 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Linking rule actions to the execution of other rules


I’m currenly trying to link the actions of rules to the possible execution of 
other rules.
Now I was wondering if anybody has any ideas how this can be done?

I’ve already succeeded in reading out the actions and the conditions, but when 
looking at the current results I can only see the following thing:  (piece of 
output of the loaded miss manners benchmark)

- Rule: MAIN::continue
- Number of conditions [1]:
-- MAIN::Context
- Number of actions [1]:
modify ?f1 state assign_seats

- Rule: MAIN::find_Seating
- Number of conditions [7]:
-- MAIN::Context
-- MAIN::Seating
-- MAIN::Guest
-- MAIN::Guest
-- MAIN::Count
-- not
-- not
- Number of actions [5]:
assert Fact--1
assert Fact--1
assert Fact--1
modify ?f5 c (+ ?c 1)
modify ?f1 state make_path

The problem I’m encountering is the part of the “assert Fact—1”.

Does anybody know how to extract the exact fact it’s going to produce + how I 
could possible find out what rules can be executed after the actions of a rule 
have been executed?

Thanks in advance

Tom DC

Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Multislot and queries

2013-04-09 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Use QueryResult.get(visites) and then call listValue() on the result.

On 4/8/13 1:05 PM, mike donald wrote:

I am a beginner in jess, I'm stuck on my application since
I have two deftemplates

(deftemplate Individu
 (slot age)
(slot sexe) 
 (multislot visites (default (create$) ) )

(deftemplate Visite
(slot id_visite)
(slot nom)
(slot pr)

I have the following query:

(defquery objetHistogramme
   ?i - (Individu {sexe != F } (age ?ag) (sexe ?sex) (visites

In my java program, I call my query as follows:

QueryResult result = engine.runQueryStar(objetHistogramme, new
   while ( {
int x  = result.getInt(ag);//age

Object v = result.getObject(visites); //
Erroorr is it


I get an error when I want to retrieve the elements of multislot visit
the display.
How to recover the multislot?


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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] How to configure Eclipse JessDE to recognize Userfunctions?

2013-04-04 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Hi Samson,

As you probably know, Jess learns about Userfunctions via method calls. As
you may not realize, when the JessDE is running, there's a copy of the
Jess engine in there that's used to parse and interpret Jess code. If the
code you're editing makes that copy of Jess aware of the Userfunctions you
want to refer to, then they'll be available.

So, a very simple example: let's say there's is a Userfunction named foo
implemented in a class named that's in a jar named
foo.jar . You want to edit Jess code that calls this function. One way to
accomplish this would be to add foo.jar to the project's Java build path,
then simply have this Jess function call in your file of Jess code:


If there's a that adds a whole bunch of functions, you
could add the jar and call


Now, the problem is that this will actually load the classes in foo.jar
into Eclipse. Sometimes this is innocuous, but sometimes -- and Protégé is
probably one of those times -- that would bring too much baggage with it.
So instead, you can fake the editor out. For example, just adding a line

(deffunction foo () )

To your source file will define a function foo; you could have a whole
bunch of these lines to define all the functions in a package.

But of course, that litters your source file, and nobody wants that. So
you move all those functions info another Jess file called, say,
development.clp, and load it like this:

(require development)

And development.clp can include (provide development) and this will work
great. But what about when you deploy, won't this file cause problems? Not
if instead you use require*, which silently deals with missing files. At
deployment time, you simply don't include development.clp in your deployed
package, Jess will ignore the require*, and everything will work normally.

So, long story short, the best way to edit protégé code would be to create
a protégé-development.clp containing all the needed function
declarations, and use it as described.

On 4/3/13 7:03 PM, Samson Tu wrote:


Perhaps I can clarify that my question is more general than JessTab. It
is really about how to make Eclipse JessDE recognize Jess user functions
and templates. The value of Eclipse JessDE is much diminished if it
cannot recognize user functions.

Thank you.

With best regards,

On 3/29/2013 5:06 PM, Samson Tu wrote:

 I am writing Jess rules for use in Protege's JessTab. I would like to
 use the Eclipse JessDE, but it doesn't recognize any of the JessTab
 functions, which were implemented as Jess user functions (accessible
 in jesstab.jar). What do I need to do to make JessDE recognize JessTab


 With best regards,

Samson Tu   email:
Senior Research Scientist   web:
Center for Biomedical Informatics Research  phone: 1-650-725-3391
Stanford University fax: 1-650-725-7944

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Anyone ran JESS on a realtime NIX?

2013-03-28 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Jess, like anything Java-based, can do soft real time at best, due to 
nondeterministic garbage collection.  I've done control algorithms for 
simulated hardware, but never anything on real machinery.

From: Grant Rettke
Reply-To: jess-users
Date: Thursday, March 28, 2013 3:39 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Anyone ran JESS on a realtime NIX?


I'm curious about setting up a balancing robot just for the fun of it.

I'm wondering if any of you have any knowledge of people using JESS on a 
realtime UNIXes, or for that matter, doing anything hardware control wise?

Best wishes,


Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess in a multithreaded environment

2013-01-03 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Hi Wolfgang, 

Jess needs a constant hashcode for any given object, so this mechanism
distinguishes between objects that provide their own constant hashcode and
objects that can't be trusted to do so. The caching I was talking about
would be actually sorting objects into these categories right when the
jess.Value object is created, and storing the (constant) hashcode that was
determined. The only weak point in this is that it would force the user to
establish that a class is a value class before any objects of that type
are referred to.

Another approach would be to use a lock-free container for that list of
classes (i.e., ConcurrentLinkedQueue) which retains that flexibility;
that's what we're actually trying first.

On 1/3/13 12:28 PM, Wolfgang Laun wrote:

Warning: I may have misunderstood the issue completely.

If there is a list (or any other collection) maintaining the set of
value classes, it stands to reason that it is synchronized for use in
a multithreaded environment, and the contention for its lock may very
well cause a performance hit.  If a lookup using this list is
necessary for distinguishing between constant and non-constant hash
codes, I don't see how caching a constant hash code may improve the


On 03/01/2013, Henschel, Joerg wrote:
 Yes, we (Software AG) have a source license, so it'd be great if you
 provide a patch for this.


 Jörg Henschel
 Director Research  Development

 Phone: +49 341 49287-700 | Fax: +49 341 49287-01

 itCampus Software- und Systemhaus GmbH | a Software AG Company
 Nonnenstrasse 37 | 04229 Leipzig | Germany |
 Amtsgericht Leipzig HRB 15872 | Managing Director: Guido Laures

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: [] Im
 Auftrag von Friedman-Hill, Ernest
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012 19:50
 An: jess-users
 Betreff: Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess in a multithreaded environment

 Are you adding non-value classes to the list yourself, or is this just
 the small number of default listings?

 This method will get called when you evaluate the hash code of a Java
 in the Rete memory; this will happen often during pattern matching.
 actually enough room to cache the hash code in the members of the Value
 class that are unused for Java object values, so we could try that as a
 performance improvement.  Do you have a source license, so I could send
 a patch to try?

 From: Nguyen, Son Nguyen
 Reply-To: jess-users
 Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:04 AM
 To: jess-users
 Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess in a multithreaded environment

 Hi Jess experts,

 We use Jess in a multi-threaded environment and have experienced some
 performance degradation when going from a single thread to multiple

 Our implementation uses the Slot Specific feature.

 Using a Java profiler, HashCodeComputer.isValueObject() stood out as
one of
 the main contributing factors, if not the most likely,  to the

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess in a multithreaded environment

2012-12-18 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Are you adding non-value classes to the list yourself, or is this just with the 
small number of default listings?

This method will get called when you evaluate the hash code of a Java object in 
the Rete memory; this will happen often during pattern matching. There's 
actually enough room to cache the hash code in the members of the Value class 
that are unused for Java object values, so we could try that as a performance 
improvement.  Do you have a source license, so I could send you a patch to try?

From: Nguyen, Son Nguyen
Reply-To: jess-users
Date: Thursday, December 13, 2012 11:04 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess in a multithreaded environment

Hi Jess experts,

We use Jess in a multi-threaded environment and have experienced some 
performance degradation when going from a single thread to multiple threads.

Our implementation uses the Slot Specific feature.

Using a Java profiler, HashCodeComputer.isValueObject() stood out as one of the 
main contributing factors, if not the most likely,  to the degradation

Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess on Android Revisited

2012-11-15 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Grant -- 

Your message is *very* timely. We've just started working on an official,
supported Android port, and hope to make it available in the first months
of 2013. This will be in conjunction with the Jess 8.0 release, which will
include a rollup of tons of bug fixes and other patches accumulated since

On 11/15/12 9:08 AM, Grant Rettke wrote:


Curious about running Jess on Android 

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Ordered facts question

2012-10-11 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
You can't type a fact directly at the prompt. You can add a fact to
working memory using the (assert) function (as shown in section 5.2) or
you can use the (deffacts) construct to create a group of facts that will
then be added to working memory on reset events (as in section 5.5) .

As a general rule, in the HTML manual, the light red blocks show
interactive sessions with Jess -- things you can type directly at the
prompt -- while the green ones do not. The red ones show the actual
Jess prompt; the number fact you typed in below is from a green
block, and is meant to indicate how the fact data structures look.  There
are also violet-colored blocks: those are compilable Java code.
I'm actually rather proud of what the Jess test suite does to verify the
manual. The dialogs in the red blocks are actually parsed from the XML
source of the manual and verified: if one of the red blocks says that Jess
gives a particular response to a given input, that is actually verified in
the test suite. Likewise, the code in the violet blocks is compiled, and
if output is shown in the manual, the output is verified correct. The
green boxes are the escape mechanism: they can contain pretty much
anything, and no validation is done on them.

On 10/11/12 4:43 PM, Grant Rettke wrote:


I'm working on

5.4. Ordered facts



with Jess Jess Version 7.1p2 11/5/2008

where there is an example

Jess (number (value 6))

I expected the ordered fact number to get created on-demand but instead

Jess reported an error in routine Funcall.execute
   while executing (number (value 6)).
  Message: Undefined function number.
  Program text: ( number ( value 6 ) )  at line 1.

What am I doing wrong?

Best wishes,


((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Fuzzy Jess available anywhere?

2012-10-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The FuzzyJ Toolkit is now available at .

On 10/8/12 11:44 AM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest wrote:

Sandia has a license from NRC to redistribute the FuzzyJ toolkit. I will
put it up on the Jess web site as soon as the site comes back from system

On 10/7/12 5:55 AM, dselva80 wrote:


Can I find Bob Orchard's fuzzy Jess toolkit for download anywhere?

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Emacs Jess Users?

2012-10-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
I still use Emacs 22 on my MacBook, so I didn't realize there was a
problem. If you have a patch, let me know and I can post it for other
people to use.

On 10/9/12 11:57 PM, Grant Rettke wrote:


Emacs v24 jess-mode users, are you out there?

I just found a fix to make jess-mode play nice with Emacs 24 was
wondering if anyone else is using it.

Everything just works so far and I wanted to have someone to bounce
ideas off of.

Best wishes,

Grant Rettke

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] What is your preferred Eclipse version, distribution, and bitness for Jess 7*?

2012-10-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Jess doesn't care, being a pure Java library. The 32 vs 64-bit question
depends entirely on your own machine's architecture, and then the proper
Eclipse distribution depends on what sort of code you intend to write: for
example, the RCP/RAP developer package is for people who are writing
Eclipse plugins, while Eclipse Classic is a good all around distribution
for general Java programming.

On 10/9/12 7:05 PM, Grant Rettke wrote:


There are different version numbers, distribution types (eg for java,
for C/C++, for...), and 32 or 64 bit.

For Jess 7 users, what combination do you prefer?

I'm going to set it up for the first time and would like to avoid the
usual Eclipse headaches! :)

Best wishes,


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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Fuzzy Jess available anywhere?

2012-10-08 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Sandia has a license from NRC to redistribute the FuzzyJ toolkit. I will
put it up on the Jess web site as soon as the site comes back from system

On 10/7/12 5:55 AM, dselva80 wrote:


Can I find Bob Orchard's fuzzy Jess toolkit for download anywhere?
license) All links to the toolkit seem to be broken since Bob retired,
and I
don't really want to reimplement all this functionality from scratch...

Thanks in advance,


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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Activate a Behaviour Jade from Jess

2012-07-11 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
In your setup() method, do something like

Rete engine = new Rete();
try {, this);
Value v = engine.executeCommand((assert(ACLMessage(contenu A;

Then in Jess code, you can get access to the Test1 object by calling

(fetch AGENT)

And call Java methods on that object as needed. I'm afraid I can't help
any more than that, since you haven't told us anything about what
activating a behavior might entail.

On 7/11/12 7:36 AM, lyes wrote:


I wish activate a behavior of agent from jess.

Exemple : 

My class Agent
public class Test1 extends Agent{
   protected void setup() {

   System.out.println (Agent  + getLocalName()+  I am here

   Rete engine = new Rete();
   try {
   Value v = 
 engine.executeCommand((assert(ACLMessage(contenu A;
   } catch (JessException e) {
   // TODO Auto-generated catch block

public class MyAction extends OneShotBehaviour {

   public void action() {
   // TODO Auto-generated method stub

 System.out.println (Agent  +
 I am here );

My file ex.clp
(deftemplate ACLMessage  (slot contenu))
(defrule test (ACLMessage (contenu A)) = [// i wish activate behaviour
MyAction Defined in Agent java  for excute instructions//])

Please Help me.

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Using Jess from Java

2012-06-07 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The Unknown Source just means that line number info isn't stored in the
binary (non-source code) distribution you are using; that's not a problem
at all. The problem is the ThreadDeath message -- it means that you're
using a  trial or time-limited licensed version, and the trial period or
license period has expired. You'll need to contact Craig Smith,, to obtain a current license.

On 6/7/12 3:31 PM, Cecilia Zanni-Merk (INSA de Strasbourg) wrote:

Dear colleagues

I'm absolutely new to using Jess from a Java program,
When I try to test a software done by someone at my team a couple of
years ago, Eclipse gives me these errors

!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2012-06-07 21:29:27.775
!MESSAGE Application error
 at jess.Jesp.init(Unknown Source)
 at jess.Rete.g(Unknown Source)
 at jess.Rete.init(Unknown Source)
 at jess.Rete.init(Unknown Source)
fr.insa.mamas.Initialization.createAgents( --
where Initialization is one of the classes of our project.

Everything is imported correctly, son I do not understand why I get
jess.Rete.init (Unknown Source)

Any suggestion is more than welcome

Thank you very much in advance



Cecilia Zanni-Merk
INSA de Strasbourg
24 Bd de la Victoire - 67084 Strasbourg - France
Phone: +33 3 88 14 47 00 (4864)

Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved
it correct, not tried it. Donald Knuth

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess Rules and CMD Prompt

2012-04-20 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
JAVA_HOME isn't the path to java.exe; it's the path to bin/java.exe. In
other words, JAVA_HOME will be something like

C:\Program Files\jdk1.6.0_23

On 4/20/12 10:10 AM, Gianluigi Loffreda

I have a problem with the Jess Installation.
Following the jess installation instructions I read that right after the
unzip I could create an environment variable JAVA_HOME with the path of
java.exe to use the Jess also from the Command Prompt.

I created the variable and set it with the correct path but I get a
that states that the path is uncorrect because it is not a J2SDK

Does anybody have any idea on how to fix this issue?

Many thanks. 


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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Jess Error

2012-03-06 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Jess is involved here, but this is not a Jess problem per se. As the error
message says, a third-party Jess script called a Java method
loadOWLResource in some third-party code, and that Java method threw an
exception. Jess, in turn, throws an exception to report this. The Jess
exception object makes the third-party exception available via the
Throwable.getCause() method, but based on the below it looks like the
third-party code in which Jess is embedded is not calling that method and
reporting the root cause exception.

So in any case, Jess is doing everything it's supposed to do here; the
fault lies with the various other pieces of software you're using, so
you'll want to talk to those vendors to help you figure out what's wrong.

On 3/4/12 5:32 PM, Faten wrote:

My goal is to test an example with the algorithm OWL-S Matcher.

I created a folder: BravoAirService under the folder examples .
Then I put in the folder: BravoAirService the following files:
BravoAirService.owl, BravoAirGrounding.owl, BravoAirProcess.owl,
Now I want to run
The interface OWL-S Matching Interface is displayed. I click Open
Requested File.
I did not understand exactly the path to choose in my case.
I tried with the path of : BravoAirService.owl.
and also I tried writing this path:
http://localhost:80/BravoAirService/BravoAirService.owl;  and
writing the path: 
But nothing happens and in console I get:

Exception in thread Thread-3 OWLJessKBError:
Error running rete to apply semantics
Jess reported an error in routine call
   while executing (call ?*owljesskb* loadOWLResource ?x FALSE)
   while executing deffunction loadOWL
   while executing (loadOWL ?import)
   while executing defrule MAIN::owl-imports-ontologies.
  Message: Called method threw an exception.
   at de.tuberlin.ivs.owl.matching.Reasoner.loadOwlFile(
   at de.tuberlin.ivs.owl.service.OwlsParser.parse(

Please have you any idea about my problem?
Thank you in advance.

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Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] How to negate a variable when in lhs of a rule

2012-01-11 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The asterisks are part of the defglobal's name. You're not comparing to the 
defglobal: you're binding the value in the slot to a new variable. It's not 
legal to negate such a constraint in its first use, as the error message said. 
You need to use

 (unit (ID ?id) (typeID ?typeID) (player ~?*PLAYER_ID*))

From: Hunter McMillen
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 14:38:31 -0500
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] How to negate a variable when in lhs of a rule

Hi everyone,

I am trying to differentiate between Objects that belong to a certain user 
inside two of my rules.

I have a variable created from Java like this:

engine.getGlobalContext().setVariable(PLAYER_ID, new Value(player.getID());

And I want to use this variable in rules to determine which objects belong to 
each player.

This rule works fine when just using ?PLAYER_ID
(defrule myUnitSeen
   (unit (ID ?id) (typeID ?typeID) (player ?PLAYER_ID))

But when I try to negate the variable I get an error, First use of variable 
negated: PLAYER_ID
(defrule enemyUnitSeen
   (unit (ID ?id) (typeID ?typeID) (player ~?PLAYER_ID))

How can I specify anything other than ?PLAYER_ID on the lhs of a rule?

Hunter McMillen

Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] How to negate a variable when in lhs of a rule

2012-01-11 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
For everything to work right, you always have to use the asterisks (as I said, 
they're part of the name), and you must include a (defglobal)  declaration 
before using the variable. Setting a global variable by hand without 
declaring it first produces undefined results (I.e., it'll work right some of 
the time.)

From: Hunter McMillen
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 16:37:11 -0500
Subject: Re: JESS: [EXTERNAL] How to negate a variable when in lhs of a rule

I placed the asterisks around PLAYER_ID then still received an error when the 
rule fired:  No such variable *PLAYER_ID* But then noticed that when I call 
setVariable, I name the variable PLAYER_ID not *PLAYER_ID* so I changed my 
statement to this:

engine.getGlobalContext().setVariable(*PLAYER_ID*, new Value(player.getID());

and everything works fine.

Does getGlobalContext().setVariable(...) define global variables implicitly? or 
do you have to include the asterisks like I did?

Hunter McMillen

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest wrote:
The asterisks are part of the defglobal's name. You're not comparing to the 
defglobal: you're binding the value in the slot to a new variable. It's not 
legal to negate such a constraint in its first use, as the error message said. 
You need to use

 (unit (ID ?id) (typeID ?typeID) (player ~?*PLAYER_ID*))

From: Hunter McMillen
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 14:38:31 -0500
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] How to negate a variable when in lhs of a rule

Hi everyone,

I am trying to differentiate between Objects that belong to a certain user 
inside two of my rules.

I have a variable created from Java like this:

engine.getGlobalContext().setVariable(PLAYER_ID, new Value(player.getID());

And I want to use this variable in rules to determine which objects belong to 
each player.

This rule works fine when just using ?PLAYER_ID
(defrule myUnitSeen
   (unit (ID ?id) (typeID ?typeID) (player ?PLAYER_ID))

But when I try to negate the variable I get an error, First use of variable 
negated: PLAYER_ID
(defrule enemyUnitSeen
   (unit (ID ?id) (typeID ?typeID) (player ~?PLAYER_ID))

How can I specify anything other than ?PLAYER_ID on the lhs of a rule?

Hunter McMillen

Re: JESS: Nested not/and syntax question

2012-01-06 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The difference is actually that the not in Rule1 doesn't have a
preceding pattern, and therefore Jess inserts (initial-fact), so that
the rule won't work unless you've executed (reset) at the beginning of
the session, as described in section 6.10 of the Jess 7.1 manual. See

On 1/6/12 8:40 AM, Theodore Patkos wrote:

Hello everyone and best wishes for the new year

could someone please give me an explanation why the following two rules
behave in a different way, although they express the same logical
formula (i.e., not (Object ^ Pred) )? In fact, only the second rule
reaches correct conclusions, as I note below.

(defrule Rule1
   ?o - (Object (name B))
   (Pred (obj ?o))
(printout t OK1 crlf)

(defrule Rule2
(not (Object (name B)))
   ?o - (Object (name B))
   (not (Pred (obj ?o)))
(printout t OK2 crlf)

The definition of facts could be like:
(deftemplate Object (slot name))
(assert (Object (name A)))
(assert (Object (name B)))
(deftemplate Pred (slot obj))

where obj is the id of some Object fact, eg.

(defrule Rule
(declare (salience 10))
?o - (Object (name A))
(assert (Pred (obj ?o)))

What I notice is that Rule1 behaves erroneously when the Object fact
exists in the KB, but not the Pred fact: although it is supposed to be
triggered, it is not! Rule2, on the other hand, behaves correctly all
the times.

When both Object and Pred facts exist or when the Object does not exist,
both rules behave fine.

So, what is wrong with the syntax of the first rule? No variable
definition is used outside the not pattern..



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RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Iterate over a Java List in Jess

2011-12-13 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
That create$ call is creating a list with one element, the ArrayList. 
Iterating over the Jess list returns just the ArrayList - not what you want.

In recent versions of Jess, the foreach function actually knows about 
Iterators and the like, so you can iterate over the ArrayList directly:

(foreach ?u (?bwapi getMyUnits) (printout t (?u toString) crlf))

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Hunter McMillen
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:56 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Iterate over a Java List in Jess

Is there anyway to iterate over a Java List object from Jess?

I have a Java object that I store in a Jess variable:

engine.getGlobalContext().setVariable(bwapi, new Value(bwapi));

one of the methods that can be called on bwapi returns a Java ArrayList, and I 
would like to be able to iterate over this list to check certain properties of 
its elements.

Right now I am doing this:

engine.executeCommand((bind ?units (create$ =(?bwapi getMyUnits;
engine.executeCommand(foreach ?u ?units (printout t ?u crlf)));

but when the units are supposed to be printed all I get is:


Any ideas?

Hunter M

RE: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Access public enum inside of a class

2011-12-07 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Nested enums, like nested classes, actually secretly have a name like 
UnitType$UnitTypes. I haven't tried this specifically for enums, but I 
suspect this would work:

engine.executeCommand((import eisbot.proxy.types.UnitType$UnitTypes));

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Hunter McMillen
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:27 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: [EXTERNAL] Access public enum inside of a class

Hi everyone,

I am trying to use an enum from one of my Java classes inside of Jess. I read a 
forum post that said I could use the (import enum-name) feature to import 
enums into Jess, but that only seems to work when the enum is itself in a 
separate file.

I have a class called UnitType, inside of it there is a public enum called 
UnitTypes where all of the UnitTypes in my game are listed. In Java to access 
this I would use UnitType.UnitTypes.Element_in_enum to get to the enum

RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: JESS: defquery

2011-11-29 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
H. I had to head over to Nabble to find out what this was
referring to. I'll quote the most recent post in that thread, which
quotes the original:

   That URL is the manual for Jess 5.2 (from May 2001, almost ten years
   ago!) The current version is 7.1, and the current manual is at  Modern query documentation is
   On Oct 6, 2010, at 3:04 PM, kartik tadanki wrote: 
   I just noticed that the defquery example doesn't work as listed on   
   the site.
   Is there a newer version somewhere that I am unaware of? 
   Just came by the error, will try to handle it and post a working   
   code on the mailing list. 

So the question is, Why doesn't this example in the old version of the Jess
manual work? and the answer was Because that's for an old version of Jess, 
where the new example is.

So are you having a problem that this answer doesn't help with?

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of speedway
 Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 10:00 AM
 To: jess-users
 Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: JESS: defquery
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RE: JESS: Scoping Question

2011-11-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Since control structures are functions in Jess, the ability for a function to 
peek from one stack frame to another is important.  I could have implemented 
this using some kind of special form or keyword -- like the Tcl uplevel 
function -- but in the first go-round, I think I just took the easy way out, 
and this behavior has stuck ever since. Note that it's read-only by default: 
binding a value to a variable in a deffunction creates a new variable in the 
local scope. That's why recursive functions are possible.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of David Scuse
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 11:43 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Scoping Question

Hi Ernest:
I came across a strange feature of Jess as a result of a typing error.
It appears as though Jess uses dynamic scoping -- any variables defined in a 
are visible in any functions called by the RHS of the rule.
I looked for references to this in the book and the manual but couldn't find 
Is this the expected behaviour? (This is just a curiosity question.)

(deftemplate person  (slot name) (slot age))

(deffacts initialFacts
 (person (name bill) (age 20))
 (person (name will) (age 25))
 (person (name dill) (age 25))
 (person (name jill) (age 22)) )

(defrule findOldest
?f - (person (age ?max))
(not (person (age ?less:( ?less ?max
(my-function) )

(deffunction my-function ()
(printout t crlf Processing fact  (?f toString) crlf)
(printout t crlf Max age is  ?max crlf)
(printout t crlf Max age is  ?f.age crlf crlf) )


RE: JESS: Is it possible to bind a Java object directly to a Jess variable without creating a new object?

2011-11-07 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
That's what Rete.add() and Rete.definstance() do. If that's the goal, all of 
this other stuff is superfluous -- just call add() or definstance() from Java.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Hunter McMillen
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 7:50 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: Re: JESS: Is it possible to bind a Java object directly to a Jess 
variable without creating a new object?

Thanks for your quick reply. After I manage to get my Java object into Jess, 
can I assert it as a fact? Then have rules lhs match on the existence of some 
object with attributes x, y, and z?


On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 4:01 PM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest wrote:
There are (obviously) two options: (a) put the object somewhere accessible, and 
run Jess code that retrieves it, or (b) use Jess's Java API to set a Jess 
variable to contain the object. Either would work. The store/fetch mechanism is 
sort of an built-in easy way to do (a). Alternatively, say there's a global 
variable ?*x* defined in your Jess program. Then you can say

engine.getGlobalContext().setVariable(*x*, new Value(unit));

and your Jess code can later get the value of *x*.

If you don't like using variables this way, there's always directly invoking 
Jess functions from Java. Here we invoke 'add' to add the object to working 
memory directly:

new Funcall(add, engine).arg(new 

[] On 
Behalf Of Hunter McMillen
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 1:08 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Is it possible to bind a Java object directly to a Jess variable 
without creating a new object?

Hi everyone,

I am trying to assert to Jess that an object exists when I encounter a new 
object in my Java program. Right now I am using a template to mirror that 
object (i.e I have slot values for all of the Java objects fields)  but this 
seems redundant to me. Is there any way to just bind a Java object to a Jess 
variable without creating a new Java object?

A lot of the examples I see online and from JIA are of the form:
(bind ?map (new HashMap))


(call Classname method params...)

but these either create  a new object or call static methods. I already have 
the Java object and just want to store it.

But I was hoping that there was someway I could do something like this:
public Rete engine = new Rete();

public void unitDiscovered()
Unit unit = some unit encountered; //Java object
engine.executeCommand((bind ?unit unit));
engine.executeCommand((assert ?unit));

Or would I have to use the store() and fetch() methods for this?

public void unitDiscovered()
Unit unit = some unit encountered; //Java object, unit);
engine.executeCommand((bind ?unit (fetch UNIT));
engine.executeCommand((assert ?unit));

Basically I want to know the best practice for binding Java objects to Jess 
variables so I can assert them to the engine.

Hunter McMillen

RE: JESS: Is it possible to bind a Java object directly to a Jess variable without creating a new object?

2011-11-04 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
There are (obviously) two options: (a) put the object somewhere accessible, and 
run Jess code that retrieves it, or (b) use Jess's Java API to set a Jess 
variable to contain the object. Either would work. The store/fetch mechanism is 
sort of an built-in easy way to do (a). Alternatively, say there's a global 
variable ?*x* defined in your Jess program. Then you can say

engine.getGlobalContext().setVariable(*x*, new Value(unit));

and your Jess code can later get the value of *x*.

If you don't like using variables this way, there's always directly invoking 
Jess functions from Java. Here we invoke 'add' to add the object to working 
memory directly:

new Funcall(add, engine).arg(new 

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Hunter McMillen
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2011 1:08 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Is it possible to bind a Java object directly to a Jess variable 
without creating a new object?

Hi everyone,

I am trying to assert to Jess that an object exists when I encounter a new 
object in my Java program. Right now I am using a template to mirror that 
object (i.e I have slot values for all of the Java objects fields)  but this 
seems redundant to me. Is there any way to just bind a Java object to a Jess 
variable without creating a new Java object?

A lot of the examples I see online and from JIA are of the form:
(bind ?map (new HashMap))


(call Classname method params...)

but these either create  a new object or call static methods. I already have 
the Java object and just want to store it.

But I was hoping that there was someway I could do something like this:
public Rete engine = new Rete();

public void unitDiscovered()
Unit unit = some unit encountered; //Java object
engine.executeCommand((bind ?unit unit));
engine.executeCommand((assert ?unit));

Or would I have to use the store() and fetch() methods for this?

public void unitDiscovered()
Unit unit = some unit encountered; //Java object, unit);
engine.executeCommand((bind ?unit (fetch UNIT));
engine.executeCommand((assert ?unit));

Basically I want to know the best practice for binding Java objects to Jess 
variables so I can assert them to the engine.

Hunter McMillen

JESS: RE: Performance, Java static method vs Java oject method calls.

2011-10-21 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The time difference you're looking at is the time it takes the JVM to throw an 
exception. Jess interprets an expression like this
(?string codePointAt 0)
as (assuming ?string is the symbol 'a')

(call a codePointAt 0)

That's actually ambiguous. We might be calling a static method codePointAt on a 
class named a, or we might want to call the method codePointAt on the String 
a. Since it's a SYMBOL, Jess assumes the first case is more likely. The first 
step in trying the first alternative is to try to load the class 'a'. If we do 
it and fail, it costs us a ClassNotFoundException. Then we can try plan 'B', 
which is to call the member method on the String.

But that's only what Jess does if ?string is a SYMBOL. If it's an RU.STRING -- 
i.e., if it appears in the source as a double-quoted String -- then Jess tries 
the other alternative first. In this case, that turns out to be the right 
alternative, and we don't need to pay the cost of throwing the exception. I 
tried changing all the bare 'a's to as in your source -- the time discrepancy 
completely disappeared.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Nguyen, Son
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 5:14 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Performance, Java static method vs Java oject method 


I observed a real dramatic difference in performace when using the 
following two ways to get the same result. 

(bind ?value (?stringObject codePointAt 0)) 
(bind ?value (Helper.stringCodePointAt ?stringObject 0)) 

I did some not so scientific measurements with the following clp: 

(deftemplate model1 (slot a)(slot b)) 
(deftemplate model2 (slot a)(slot b)) 

(import Helper) 

(deffunction test1 (?string) 
(bind ?start (System.nanoTime)) 
(bind ?var (?string codePointAt 0)) 
(bind ?stop (System.nanoTime)) 
(printout t  test1 took in nanosec:  (- ?stop ?start) crlf) 

(deffunction test2 (?string) 
(bind ?start (System.nanoTime)) 
(bind ?var (Helper.stringCodePointAt ?string 0)) 
(bind ?stop (System.nanoTime)) 
(printout t -- test2 took in nanosec:  (- ?stop ?start) crlf) 

(deffunction compare (?s1 ?s2 ?message) 
;(printout t ?s1 : ?s2  - called by  ?message  returns  
(eq ?s1 ?s2) crlf) 
(if (eq ?s1 ?s2) then 
(test1 a) 
(test2 a)) 
(return (eq ?s1 ?s2))) 

(defrule rule1 
(model1(a ?model1a :(compare ?model1a a model1 slot a))(b 
?model1b :(compare ?model1b b rule1 model1 slot b)))

(model2(a ?model2a :(compare ?model2a 1 model2 slot a))(b 
?model2b :(compare ?model2b 2 rule1 model2 slot b)))

(test (compare a a a)) 


(defrule rule16 
(model1(a ?model1a :(compare ?model1a a model1 slot a))(b 
?model1b :(compare ?model1b b rule16 model1 slot b)))

(model2(a ?model2a :(compare ?model2a 1 model2 slot a))(b 
?model2b :(compare ?model2b 2 rule16 model2 slot b)))

(test (compare a a a)) 

(assert (model2 (a 1)(b 2))) 
(assert (model1 (a a)(b b))) 

The difference drastic in favor of the static implementation. The times 
are in the 30 to 40 microseconds while the other calls take much longer, 
usually in the 1000 to 2000 microseconds.

Without rules, the difference is barely noticable. 
The side effect of the performance drop has a significant impact of 
scalability in a multi-cpu system. 
In our test environment, using Jmeter with multiple virtual users, the 
cpu usage of a 4 CPU system barely reach the 40% mark with the 'slow' method.

With the static implementation, it can go up to the mid 90s for cpu  

Any feedback is appreciated. 

Son Nguyen 

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RE: JESS: compare slots but only with the last two instances

2011-10-19 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Assuming that there's some definite ordering among your instances, you just 
need to make those explicit somehow -- give each instance a slot holding a 
serial number -- and then you can identify the next two and the last two by 
comparing those numbers. Otherwise it's the same as comparing any two facts.

If they're Java objects, you can generate the IDs in Java using a static member 
variable. if they're Jess facts, you could use the (default-dynamic) slot 
property to automatically create a value when the fact is asserted.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of nikos erinis
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 7:14 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: compare slots but only with the last two instances

hi fellows,
it's me again :)
i wrote to you about a week ago. i wanted to compare slots but i didnt get any 
answers. i realised the question was very dumm.
i foun the solution on my own.
but now i have a bigger problem.
i just want to compare the slot of an instance but only with the last two 
instances and the next two instances...
is this possible!?
thank you for your time !

RE: JESS: Using JESS for representing game states

2011-10-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
It is true that the Rete algorithm (on which Jess is based) is built on the 
assumption that only a small fraction (usually quoted as 5-10%) of the 
knowledge base will change on each evaluation cycle. Populating the network 
from scratch is expensive and constantly resetting it does degrade performance 
quite seriously.

On the other hand, if the whole knowledge base must be constantly reevaluated, 
than no other algorithm will necessarily be any better. Rather than searching 
for other tools, you might put some work into figuring out how to preserve 
those parts of the KB that don't change as frequently, rather than constantly 
resetting. Presumably there are stationary objects and information about 
ownership and properties that don't change often.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Sam Sarjant
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 5:49 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Using JESS for representing game states

  I have been using JESS for some time as a rule-system for representing states 
in a game (relational reinforcement learning), such that the state of the game 
can be represented in terms of objects. An agent uses these states and a 
decision making process (in this case defqueries to resolve rules in conditions 
- action form). Because games are very dynamic environments, the state is 
constantly changing. I am currently handling this by resetting the state and 
reasserting the facts of the state (then running to generate any further facts 
that rules generate).

My question is: is JESS the best rule-system to use for this task? I know JESS 
has the property of only generating facts once, but if the state is constantly 
being reset, perhaps some other system would be more effective. JESS certainly 
gets the job done, and I haven't really tested anything else, but I am 
concerned with the speed of execution, but perhaps this is simply due to the 
fact that I am using this relational representation.

- Thanks, Sam Sarjant

RE: JESS: Call Jess from C++ via JNI

2011-10-03 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
 To restate: you have three libraries you want to use:

- One (Jess) is written in Java;

- One (BWAPI) can be accessed from Java by using an existing JNI interface,

- And the third (BWSAL) is currently available only in native code.

Your current plan is to write a JNI wrapper for some or all of BWSAL and write 
your application in Java. This makes perfect sense to me.

It might be even easier to use JNA ( instead of writing a 
specific wrapper, but that depends on various details. Worth looking at, anyway.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Hunter McMillen
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2011 12:52 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: Re: JESS: Call Jess from C++ via JNI

Well I am trying to create an agent to compete in the Starcraft AI competition 
for next year, the API that the agents all use is called BWAPI:, but this is also a standard library that some 
of the agents use that would be really useful for for my agent called BWSAL: Anyway there is a native interface that 
someone created for BWAPI, which I was planning on using in my code, so my plan 
was to create a native interface for BWSAL, that way I could do all the Jess 
interaction inside of Java, then call associated methods in C++ via JNI. Does 
this sound far-fetched?

On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Socrates Frangis wrote:
What framework are you using? Curious to see how it is invoking JNI.

using this I think I can only interact with Jess in my Java program then pass 
data from my Java code to C++
-Unless your framework has an API supporting JESS specifically, i doubt that is 
the case.  It should be providing a 'simpler' implementation to access your 
java classes but that would just eliminate the cryptic path declaration and 
still give you an interface to what youre playing with.

Overall opinion, given the chance that your framework may inhibit full controll 
of the Rete engine or using JESS (and for the learning experience) i would 
recommend sticking with your current implementation.  Rule engines require 
precise attention to detail and i wouldn't risk the chance of losing fidelity.

On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Hunter McMillen wrote:
Sorry to pester you with more questions.

The way I am currently doing things in invoking a JVM from C++ to call Java 
code that calls/interacts with Jess code, but it turns out that someone has 
actually created a java native interface for the api/framework I am using to 
make my agent, using this I think I can only interact with Jess in my Java 
program then pass data from my Java code to C++, I was wondering if you thought 
this would be a better solution than invoke a JVM from C++


On Tue, Sep 27, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Friedman-Hill, Ernest wrote:
This is all perfectly reasonable so far. When you create the JVM you'll need to 
tell it where jess.jar is, along with any other jars you use, with the -cp 
flag or the java.class.path property.

Once you have this working, you'll presumably want to connect things a little 
more tightly. You can use the JNI API to write the equivalent of your 
three-line main() in C++ pretty easily; you'll want to put together a C++ 
version executeCommand() that controls the Rete instance, passes a script 
along, executes it, and gets the Value back, decoding it as needed.

[] On 
Behalf Of Hunter McMillen
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 8:51 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Call Jess from C++ via JNI

Hello everyone,

 I am working on a project where I am using a C++ framework and API to create a 
game agent. My agent has to be flexible so it can react to/predict events that 
occur inside the game environment, Jess has the kind of flexibility that I need 
for my agent to be good,  but I am having trouble connecting to Jess from C++ 
and that is where I was hoping someone could help me out.

What I am doing right now
I have a C++ program that starts a Java Virtual Machine and searches for a Java 
class file name TestJNIJessInvoke

Inside of I define a simple function in Jess, and try 
to call that function then print the result
import jess.*;
public class TestJNIJessInvoke
public static void main(String[] args) throws JessException
Rete r = new Rete();
r.executeCommand((deffunction square (?n) (return (* ?n ?n;
Value v = r.executeCommand((square 3));


But when I try to compile and link the C++ file with:
   -IC:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\include
   -IC:\Program Files

RE: JESS: Call Jess from C++ via JNI

2011-09-27 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
The problem is here. The Java classpath doesn't list directories in which jar 
files can be found, but rather, the jar files themselves. The argument should 
be, e.g., -Djava.class.path=./jess.jar.

  options[0].optionString = (char*)-Djava.class.path=.;  //the current 
directory is where jess.jar is also

RE: JESS: multiple bindings of a multislot

2011-08-16 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Probably. The specialized Rete network nodes are faster than general function 
calls, as they have less overhead and work directly in Java.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 11:22 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: Re: JESS: multiple bindings of a multislot

I solved it by binding the lot: (Temp (m $?mels)) and writing deffunctions 
testing all other patterns.

I ran into this while trying to solve the Zebra Puzzle in a way fundamentally 
different from the example distributed with Jess. I have all permutations as 
facts and select them by filtering according to the puzzle's givens. This is 
where things like
  ($? ivory green $?)
  (? ? milk ? ?)
would have to be written in addition to the binding of the entire quintuple

JESS: RE: run-query* and rule LHS

2011-08-16 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest

The bottom line is that you can't run queries, directly or indirectly, from the 
LHS of rules. The results are unpredictable and, as you've seen, generally bad.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Nguyen, Son
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2011 12:03 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: run-query* and rule LHS


I observed some strange behaviors of run-query* from the LHS of rules.

RE: JESS: multiple bindings of a multislot

2011-08-15 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Yes, reopening a slot like this is an error; this behavior was inherited from 
I can't think of any particularly elegant workarounds. You can name those 
anonymous multifields and refer to them later in the rule, though -- i.e.,
 (Temp (m $?first one two $?rest)
?first and ?rest can be used elsewhere in the same rule to refer to what 
came before and after one two.

From: [] 
On Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun
Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 2:30 PM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: multiple bindings of a multislot

  (deftemplate Temp (multislot m))
Cursory tests seem to indicate that a Temp pattern may be written with 
just a single set of clusters consisting of '?', '$?' and their named cousins. 
As an example, it's possible to write
  (Temp (m $? one two $?))
but not
  (Temp (m $? one two $?)(m $?mvals))
to ascertain that one and two occur as indicated and to bind ?mvals 
to the entire list.

There is, of course, the workaround to use (Temp) once more, making 
sure that the facts are the same, but this is rather a lot to write for a 
relatively simple thing.

Is it correct that one (multi)slot cannot be used more than once in a 
single pattern (except as a variable between braces)?


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RE: JESS: Is there a better Jess equivalent for pack.age.MyClass.class?

2011-08-10 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
There's a method findClass() in jess.Rete which finds Class objects. It 
the data from the Jess import command so that class names don't have to be
fully qualified. So you could say

((engine) findClass MyClass)

I love it when a question has a clear, unambiguous, helpful answer! :)

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 7:27 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Is there a better Jess equivalent for pack.age.MyClass.class?

If there's an object of a class around, one can do (?obj getClass).

Given only the class name,  the only thing I can think of is
   (call Class forName pack.age.MyClass)
which can be wrapped into a deffunction but still needs the
full class name as an argument.

There's no static field class in a class, and therefore
   (call MyClass class)
cannot work (after an import of MyClass).

Is there any better way?

Re: JESS: Call for Demos: RuleML2011@BRF - 5th International Rule Challenge

2011-07-25 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest

Jess just uses java.util.Random, which you can read about in the Javadoc:

On 7/25/11 4:51 AM, Nessrine Nassou wrote:

Hi all,

Could anyone tell me if the  random  function of  jess is  normal or uniform?

Thank you for help

From: Wolfgang Laun
Sent: Tue, July 19, 2011 7:19:15 PM
Subject: JESS: Call for Demos: RuleML2011@BRF - 5th International Rule Challenge

Dear Jess users,

apologies if you receive this more than once, but I think that Jess users are 
in a particularly well equipped position for participating in this rule 
challenge, and that's why I gladly take the opportunity to post this call for 
on this list.


* RuleML2011@BRF - 5th International Rule Challenge*

* Nov 4th  *

* Westin Diplomat, Ft Lauderdale, Florida  *

*  *


* Call for Demos - Submission Deadline - Sept. 2nd, 2011*

* New categories in the Challenge with prestigious prizes   *

* Demo papers published as CEUR proceedings*

* 15% RuleML2011@BRF Partner discounts - see registration page  *

*  *

*   *


Overview and Aim


The RuleML2011@BRF Challenge is one of the highlights at RuleML2011@BRF

Conference.The RuleML2011@BRF Challenge is dedicated to practical experiences 
with rule-oriented applications. In particular, submissions of benchmarks / 
evaluations, demos, case studies / use cases, experience reports, best practice 
solutions (e.g. design patterns, reference architectures, models), rule-based 
implementations / tools / applications, demonstrations of engineering methods, 
implementations of rule standards (e.g. RuleML, RIF SBVR, PRR, rule-based Event 
Processing languages, BPMN+rules, BPEL+rules,...), rules + industrial standards 
(e.g. XBRL, MISMO, Accord, ...), and industrial problem statements are 
particularly encouraged.

Key themes of the RuleML2011@BRF Challenge include the following:

* Demos related to the RuleML2011@BRF Track Topics

* Extensions and implementations of rule standards: W3C RIF, RuleML, SBVR,..

* Editing environments and IDEs for Web rules

* Benchmarks and comparison results for rule engines

* Distributed rule bases and rule services

* Reports on industrial experience about rule systems

A dedicated track of RuleML2011@BRF Challenge will be focused on the theme:

**Combining Rules, Objects, and Ontologies: Implementations and Applications**

- Loose/tight integrations of rules and knowledge bases

- Knowledge Modelling and Reasoning

- Real cases and practical experiences

Ideally, demos submitted to the Challenge track should tackle knowledge-rich 
domain problems. The proposed solution should address such problem using a 
combination of rule-based modelling and semantic knowledge-based modelling. 
Solutions ranging from loosely coupled hybrid systems (i.e. where different 
frameworks are put together), to unified homogeneous architectures (i.e. where 
a unified model / semantics, within a single framework, is proposed) will be of 
great interest for the special track.

Prizes will be awarded to the two best applications from the main focus them 
and for the all categories. All accepted demos will be presented in a special 
Challenge Session.



The submission is composed of two parts:

- open-source or commercial demo

- demo papers describing research, implementation, and technical details of 
your submission.

Submissions to the Rules Challenge 2011 consist of a demo paper of 4-8 pages 
describing the demo show case, and a link to the demo/show case, e.g.  project 
site, an online demonstration, a presentation about the demonstration or a 
download site for the demonstration.

Demo and papers submission website:

Please upload all demo papers submissions as PDF files in LNCS format


To ensure high quality, submitted papers will be carefully peer-reviewe 
according to the evaluation criteria indicated below.

To better disseminate your work, please also udpate your demo in the systems 
submission website with a brief abstract presentation:

Challenge Evaluation Criteria

JESS: RE: Basic questions about modules, context, and focus

2011-07-19 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Hi Russ,

Facts are assigned to modules at the template level, not at the individual fact 
level. When you define a template using deftemplate, either the template 
specifies its module by using a name like modulename::factname, or if the 
name is unqualified, the template is placed in the current module. The 
current module is the one that unqualified constructs  will be assigned to; 
usually it's only relevant during the time your code is being loaded, and not 
while your program is running.

The focus module, on the other hand, is the one from which rules are being 
fired. It's unrelated to which module things will be defined in. It is relevant 
at runtime only.

If you use assertFact with an unqualified name as you've shown below, Jess 
will first look in the current module and the default module for a template 
with that name; if one isn't found, it'll be created in the current module. As 
the current module won't necessarily be well-defined or predicatable while your 
program is running, it is always a good idea when using modules to specify the 
full name of the fact, including the module name, so that you don't 
inadvertently create templates with the same name in different modules by 

Finally, note that when a rule or query is compiled, the unqualified template 
names it mentions are resolved in the module in which the rule or query is 
defined, or in the default module. The current module is thus effectively set 
to the rule's module while a rule is being defined. Once the rule is compiled, 
the templates are already resolved, and the current module has no effect on how 
the rule operates.

From: [] On 
Behalf Of Russell Thomas
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 10:00 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Basic questions about modules, context, and focus

I've read through the documentation, JESS in Action book, and mailing list 
archive, and I can't seem to figure out this basic question:

How do I assert facts from Java into different modules (or 

To be more specific, the application is a discrete event simulation with agents 
interacting with each other and objects in the environment.  Each agent 
currently has two separate RETE engines, each with it's own CLP file and only 
the MAIN module, and I use 'call-on-engine' function calls to coordinate 
between them.  While this functions correctly, it's cumbersome and inefficient. 
 Plus I need to expand the categories of rules by two and using the current 
scheme would get too complicated.

Most of the discrete event simulation happens in Java, with facts asserted to 
the agents so they can react to the environment and each other.  Currently, 
this is how I assert facts:

engine.assertFact(new Fact(found-something-interesting, engine));

I would like to move to an architecture where each agent has only one RETE 
engine, one CLP file with multiple modules -- one module for each category of 

But how do I assert the fact in a specific module?  Is it in the string 
associated with the fact?

I found classdoc for public Fact assertFact(Fact f, Context c) throws 
JessException -- Assert a fact, using the given execution context. ..., and 
then tried to understand of 'execution context' was the same thing as module or 
focus stack or what.  The classdoc for Context was very unhelpful in this 

Also, what's the difference between 'set-current-module' and 'focus' functions? 
 When do you use one or the other?  I presume I'll be using java methods 
'engine.eval((focus BLARG));' if I need to change the current module, but 
then what is 'set-current-module' for?

I really wish there was a complete worked example showing how to use a rule set 
with multiple modules that are accessed and manipulated through Java.  I need 
the dots to be more connected.


Russ Thomas

RE: JESS: Storing rules in an excel sheet

2011-02-23 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Jess rules are textual, like program code. Typically what you're going to store 
in a spreadsheet is a decision table, which some simple rule engines will 
execute directly. That isn't what Jess does. You could write a Jess program to 
*implement* a decision table runner, or you could try to store Jess rules as 
text in spreadsheet cells (although I have no idea why anyone would ever want 
to do that!) 

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Flogger
 Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 11:13 AM
 To: jess-users
 Subject: JESS: Storing rules in an excel sheet
 Hi Folks,
 first of all I want to introduce myself.
 My name is Florian. I am from Germany. I am 22 years old and I am 
 writing my bachelor thesis about expert systems.
 My tutor wants me to store my rule database in excel because 
 he wants to 
 automatically generate it using a data mining software.
 My question right now is: Is it possible? And if yes, how?
 I read Jess in action but there was only an explanation for 
 storing in 
 xml files.
 Thank you.
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Re: JESS: Which is faster?

2010-08-17 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
No, just the small overhead of parsing.

From: Donald Winston []
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 07:08 AM
To: jess-users
Subject: JESS: Which is faster?

Is there enough of a difference in performance between the following to worry 

; from Jess
(assert (param-name1 ?param-value1))
(assert (param-name2 ?param-value2))
(assert (param-name3 ?param-value3a ?param-value3b ?param-value3c))


/* Assert ordered facts from the request parameter map.
* No deftemplate is necessary (I have an unorderd fact version of this too) */
private void assertRequestParameters(HttpServletRequest request) throws 
JessException {
Map map = request.getParameterMap();
Iterator keys = map.keySet().iterator();
while (keys.hasNext() == true) {
String key = (String);
Fact fact = new Fact(key, peerEngine);
String[] paramValues = (String[])map.get(key);
ValueVector values = new ValueVector();
for(String value : paramValues)
values.add(new Value(value, RU.STRING));
fact.setSlotValue(_data, new Value(values, RU.LIST));

Re: JESS: question about a feature in Jess 7.1

2010-04-09 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
No, they're not.

To: jess-users
Sent: Fri Apr 09 11:54:01 2010
Subject: JESS: question about a feature in Jess 7.1

Hi all,

On page 103 of Jess In Action, it says Note that in Jess 6.1, you can't use a 
variable to match the head of a fact or the name of a slot; these things must 
always be specified as literal values. This capability is planned for a future 
release, however.

I am wondering if this capability is in Jess 7.1.

Thank you!


RE: JESS: Defglobal function.

2010-03-04 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Nothing is utterly wrong, but I'm not sure it makes sense to reuse the Rete 
object for each loop iteration without either (1) calling clear, to 
completely start over, or (2) moving some of the stuff out of the loop, like 
the batch file. The resetToMark() call is removing all the facts except for the 
(initial-fact) -- it seems like you could just call reset. And of course once 
you've defined the defglobal with a particular object as its initial value, 
that variable doesn't need to be recreated, so the defglobal can move out of 
the loop as well.

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Andrew Meng
 Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 10:09 AM
 To: jess-users
 Subject: RE: JESS: Defglobal function.
 Thanks a lot for helping me here!
 Let me clarify what I try to do:
 The internal state of the global veriable(fuzzyVariable) is 
 keep changing because the defination of the fuzzy term gets 
 changed according to the external input.
 My code is like,
 WorkingMemoryMark marker;
 engine = new FuzzyRete();
 Defglobal dg;
 FuzzyVariable var = new FuzzyVariable (value 0 100 percentage);
 marker = engine.mark();
 while( input){
   var.addTerm(low, ZFuzzySet(input);
   var.addTerm(high, SFuzzySet(input);
   dg = new Defglobal(*v*, new Value(var));
   engine.batch(x.clp); //x.clp will reference the 
 global variable
   if ( 1){
 //do something
 Will the defglobal part work?
 Thanks  a lot!
  Subject: Re: JESS: Defglobal function.
  Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2010 07:08:56 -0500
  Hi Andrew,
  I'm not sure how subtle your question actually is, because 
 there may 
  be a major issue with accomplishing what you're after here. The 
  initial value of a defglobal is stored exactly as it appears in the 
  definition of the defglobal; if the initial value is a 
 function call, 
  then that function call itself is stored. This is so that when you 
  call (reset), the function call can be invoked to initialize the 
  defglobal to an appropriate new value at that time.
  In any case, the point is that the function call has to be 
 stored as 
  Jess code, so the code that creates the FuzzyVariable 
 itself has to be 
  expressed as a Jess function call no matter what. If you want to 
  express exactly what you've shown here without any Jess 
 code, then I'm 
  afraid you're out of luck!
  If, on the other hand, it's OK for the initial value of the 
  to be one, specific object created in Java, then you could 
 just create 
  the FuzzyVariable in Java (including the addTerm calls) and then 
  call something like
  FuzzyRete engine = ...
  FuzzyVariable var = ...
  Defglobal dg = new Defglobal(*v*, new Value(var));
  On Mar 2, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Andrew Meng wrote:
   I try to follow a fuzzyJess example. It does something(in 
 Jess only) 
   (defglobal ?*v* = (new FuzzyVariable value 0 100 percentage))
   (?*v* addTerm low, (new TriangleFuzzySet (...))
   I am wondering how I could do the same thing totally from 
 Java using 
   Jess API.
  Ernest Friedman-Hill
  Informatics  Decision Sciences, Sandia National Laboratories
  PO Box 969, MS 9012, Livermore, CA 94550
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RE: JESS: Re: Mysterious behavior when using Java5 enums in Jess

2009-12-02 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest
Hi Jan,

No mystery, just a few subtle things wrong. Remember that MyEnum.BIM is always 
just a symbol, while (MyEnum.BIM) is a function that returns the object BIM in 
the enumeration MyEnum (given that you've imported MyEnum). The version of the 
program with enums should NEVER use a bare MyEnum.BIM without the 
parentheses. The slightly modified version below works as you'd expect

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RE: JESS: assertion - exception out of memory

2009-09-29 Thread Friedman-Hill, Ernest

I don't know why your code isn't in the message that went out to the mailing 
list, but I saw it when I approved the message for the list. Basically you're 
seeing exactly the issue discussed in the FAQ here:

You've got a couple of rules with patterns like

(Method ?m1)
(Method ?m2)
(Call (something ?m1) (something-else ?m2))
(some-other-test ?m1 ?m2)

These patterns first construct partial matches for all pairs of Method facts -- 
i.e., n^2 pairs, so this uses memory proportional to the square of the number 
of facts. If you just rearrange it like

(Call (something ?m1) (something-else ?m2))
(Method ?m1)
(Method ?m2)
(some-other-test ?m1 ?m2)

then only the relevant pairs will be formed -- presumably a much smaller 
number. And if you can do something like

(Call (something ?m1) (something-else ?m2))
(some-other-test ?m1 ?m2)
(Method ?m1)
(Method ?m2)
then the memory usage will be smaller still.

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Lucia Masola
 Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:59 PM
 To: jess-users
 Subject: JESS: assertion - exception out of memory
 Hi, I'm working in a java applications that has Jess 
 embedded. I had some
 trouble in the assertions of facts. I'm asserting the facts 
 from java and i
 received the exception out of memory. I realized that the 
 problem is in
 the archive clp because when i tried to do the same assertion 
 with another
 clp i didn't encounter the problem. I also tried to take out 
 some rules from
 the clp in order to check which rule were having the problem 
 and i found
 them, but i don't know how to solve it (the trouble rules are 
 calleeMethods ). if anyone can help me with this issue i will 
 appreciate it

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