Hi Torbjorn, glad it having an effect already.  Sometimes if you combine CS
with DMSO (dimethylsulphoxide) this will take the CS *through* the nails so
helping the CS perform faster.  I'm sure the very knowledgeable people on
this list will be able to help you.  Dee  
-------Original Message-------
From: Torbjörn Granqvist
Date: 03/03/2007 11:16:53
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Nailfungus and eczeme
Hello !  My name is Torbjörn , lives in sweden I have used cs in one month
now, It had alredy stoped and cured a few colds for me and family.
But what i want to know more abaot is how to cure eczeme and nail fungus
with cs. I have only taked it the inside way. The eczeme i have, got
much better after abaot 7-10 days but it doesnt dissapeares . can it work 
better with some salve with cs ?.