did you read my post from yesterday with this same subject line?

in my experience, as described in yesterday's post, and reading in recent
months on various elists the frustrations and mixed results of others using
all manner of things, including CS+DMSO topically, microcurrents, iodine,
etc, etc, i've concluded you MUST get it systemically and topically at the
same time or even if you get rid of it, it'll come right back.
with CS internally, continued long after you think it's gone, you have the
best chance of it staying gone.

CS works far better than any dietary regimen against candida, but the two
should be used together and at some level incorporated as part of lifestyle
probably forever.  down the road, a very small amount of CS regularly
combined with always heeding not feeding fungus through diet should keep it
from ever becoming a problem again.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Cinder Ella [mailto:mcomfy...@yahoo.ca]
  Sent: Monday, March 05, 2007 2:13 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: RE: CS>Nailfungus and eczeme

  What about if you ingest it for fungus/candida/yeast in the blood stream?
Is it effective there as well?
  [...bobL: ]

    Technically if cs gets into the blood it should work on the foot fungus
from the inside out, although probably at a slower rate?
  [...bobL: ]
  ...slower than what?  all the topical potions both OTC and folk remedies,
all the high power fungicides that are hard (to say the least) on the body,
esp the liver, that i've seen take months if they work at all.


  Dee <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:
          Yes it is anti-fungal Doris, but you have to *get* it to the
fungus i.e. In the nails.  It is better to use DMSO to do this as it will
take the CS through the nail to where it needs to be.  Dee

          -------Original Message-------

          From: Cinder Ella
          Date: 04/03/2007 20:17:16
          To: silver-list@eskimo.com
          Subject: RE: CS>Nailfungus and eczeme


          One thing I'm a little confused on though and that is, I believe
in cs without a doubt, but I thought it was anti-viral  anti-bacterial?
Does cs have an anti-fungal property as well?  If this is true, that's
something new I was not aware of.  Any comments from the group?

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