Hi all, sorry for another silly question, but I've just spent the better part of 3 hours trying to find a solution: is there actually a way in XSI to paint across multiple envelopes at the same time, assuming they have the same deformer influences? I've been searching around for a way to do so but it doesn't seem like I can, and the best I can hope for is to GATOR over the points I want?

The problem is that I have a character split up into several parts, so weighting the areas where neck meets shirt, torso meets pants etc. is a little annoying when I can't paint across them seamlessly. I've actually never had to deal with this before in XSI, so I have no idea if this is actually possible?

Additionally, when trying to create a symmetry mapping template for a certain geometry, I'm getting:

Application.CreateSymmetryMappingTemplate("", "", "", "")
# ERROR : 2057-GetSkeleton - Input object is not a skeleton object - [line 492 in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2013 SP1\Application\DSScripts\enveloping.vbs]

The deformers affecting it are just implicit bones, so I'm not sure what exactly the error is referring to - I tried manually creating the symmetry template myself and mirroring the weights, but nothing happened. No error message appeared, but the weights didn't mirror either.

The scene file is available at: http://1drv.ms/1cfWE34 , I'd really appreciate it if anyone has run into this situation before and could spare a few minutes to take a quick look! The head geometry is the one giving problems (I thought it might have had something to do with the ICE facial rig, but I froze those operators and tried doing the symmetry template again and it still gave the same issue...)

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

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