OHHH. So just duplicate my mesh objects, merge them all together, use that to paint weights, and then GATOR over to individual pieces is what you're saying? Going to try that now! Hopefully I can workaround the symmetry problem that way as well...

(Speaking of which, does XSI have a way to prune deformers whose weight influence on the mesh is zero?)

Yours sincerely,
Siew Yi Liang

On 2/17/2014 2:34 AM, Mirko Jankovic wrote:
Not sure how others deal with it but when having character that will have cltoth weighted and simulated I like to have an mesh with full body, and then 2nd mesh with only visible parts, hands, neck, head etc... Then painting weights on full body mesh only, GATOR-ing everything else and then for animationa nd everything els using only cloth and partialy bodu mesh, and full body mesh is left out of model not used for anything esle but for painting and GATOR-ing weights to all other meshes on characters.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Siew Yi Liang <soni...@gmail.com <mailto:soni...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi all, sorry for another silly question, but I've just spent the
    better part of 3 hours trying to find a solution: is there
    actually a way in XSI to paint across multiple envelopes at the
    same time, assuming they have the same deformer influences? I've
    been searching around for a way to do so but it doesn't seem like
    I can, and the best I can hope for is to GATOR over the points I

    The problem is that I have a character split up into several
    parts, so weighting the areas where neck meets shirt, torso meets
    pants etc. is a little annoying when I can't paint across them
    seamlessly. I've actually never had to deal with this before in
    XSI, so I have no idea if this is actually possible?

    Additionally, when trying to create a symmetry mapping template
    for a certain geometry, I'm getting:

    Application.CreateSymmetryMappingTemplate("", "", "", "")
    # ERROR : 2057-GetSkeleton - Input object is not a skeleton object
    - [line 492 in C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Softimage 2013

    The deformers affecting it are just implicit bones, so I'm not
    sure what exactly the error is referring to -  I tried manually
    creating the symmetry template myself and mirroring the weights,
    but nothing happened. No error message appeared, but the weights
    didn't mirror either.

    The scene file is available at: http://1drv.ms/1cfWE34 , I'd
    really appreciate it if anyone has run into this situation before
    and could spare a few minutes to take a quick look! The head
    geometry is the one giving problems (I thought it might have had
    something to do with the ICE facial rig, but I froze those
    operators and tried doing the symmetry template again and it still
    gave the same issue...)

-- Yours sincerely,
    Siew Yi Liang

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