Hello Fred, 

On Sat, 11 Mar 2000 at 18:17:11 [GMT -0500], you wrote:
FW> I beg to differ. The file size of thebat.exe (version 1.41 final)
FW> which I downloaded from rit's beta only section, and am currently
FW> using, is 3,091,968.

FW> Are you saying the if I downloaded the_bat.exe and ran the full
FW> install, the .exe would be one-third the size? If so, this doesn't
FW> make sense. Why have two different size executables? And
FW> furthermore, why not have the smaller one available for those of
FW> use who don't need the full install?

Oh boy... When I answered the original question in this thread, I
didn't expect to have to explain in detail.

Ok, first off:

Version:                 1.39        1.41
Dnld size:               1.66MB      1.58MB
TB exe after install     1.22MB      3.02MB
TB footprint in RAM      3.15MB      3.16MB

The above was based on the 1.41 official release from the RITLabs FTP
site which was 1.58MB.

Now, some of the people on this list grabbed the 1.41 from the beta
section which was x.xxMB.

Whether this was compressed in the (ZIP/RAR) sense, I don't know. I
didn't download that one. Now, almost everyone should be familiar with
ZIP and/or RAR. These are compression schemes very commonly used on
the Internet to minimize download times.

There is another type of compression, which is aimed at conserving
disk space (ZIP and RAR are for this purpose too, I know, but I'm
talking after an application has been installed).

I'm not a big programmer, so I'm not going to pretend that I
understand exactly what happens, but most-- if not almost all
--applications you install have their primary executable compressed.
This conserves physical disk space. When you run the application, it
uncompresses in RAM, and the rest we all know about (the application
is running).

RITLabs has in the past released updates where the executable was not
compressed. Why? I don't know... I've installed those before too, but
my point is/was that the >3MB version of 1.41 dnlded from the beta
testers area was an uncompressed executable which means that this is
pretty much how the file will be in RAM (don't get started on
paginating...) <grin>

If you'd like to prove this to yourself, then use a program called
procdump (sorry, I don't have a URL) on TB v1.39. It'll dump out a
 file that is >3MB which is pretty much an image of how it is in RAM.
This file is executable in its uncompressed state.

Hopefully this put this issue to rest. A simple search on the Internet
should provide as detailed information as you want if this subject
interests you.


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   <http://www.pcwize.com>
TBUDL FAQ  <http://www.pcwize.com/thebat/faq.shtml>

PGP Key ID: 
  0x8604279A (DH/DSS)
  9E16 4316 FA42 5DC6 EB1D  D0ED D37A 858A 8604 279A

Using The Bat! 1.41 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A bad case of cranial intrusion into the rectal cavity.

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