VACList-Digest       Wednesday, August 15, 2001      Issue 32
Today's Topics:
        1. Help!
        2. Re: Lock for '71 Safari
        3. Re: Stripping - Some new thoughts
        4. Lock for '71 Safari
        5. Re: 
        6. Old A/C left 100 rivet holes!
        7. Re: 
        8. Re: Retro Ambassador/Propane Light
        9. Re: 
       10. vintage airstream commerce
       11. Re: Paloma/Valiant on-demand water heater
       12. [No Subject]
       13. Traveling with dogs
       14. A/C, swamp cooler and/or fan recommendations to replace carnk-up vent?
       15. Re: (No subject)
       16. [No Subject]
       17. Safari For Sale
       18. Re: vintage airstream commerce
       19. Re: [A/S] A/C, swamp cooler and/or fan recommendations to replace 


Message Number: 1
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 19:12:45 -0500
From: "Ron Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help!

I recently purchased a 1971 Globetrotter.  I have the inside gutted and I am
beginning the restoration process.  I need some help on a few items if there
is anyone out there that can help.

1. The holding tank for the toilet...cannot seem to find one anywhere.  The
one in the unit is completely damaged beyond repair.
2. The bathroom fixtures...sink and counter, shower pan and casing around
the toilet is also damaged.  Anyone ever had any luck finding original
3. There is a basketball size dent on the top right corner on the back of
the unit.  This is where the "hard shell" is in the bath interior.  Any
ideas how to pull this dent out?  There is no hole, just pushed in.  I tried
a go.

Any help is much appreciated!

Ron Stone
1971 Globetrotter


Message Number: 2
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 19:30:32 -0600
From: Charlie/Betty Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Lock for '71 Safari

Tim Shephard wrote:

> Can anyone tell me who made the lock/latch mechanism  for the main door on
> my '71 Safari?
> Also, how does it lock when you are inside?
> Thanks
> -Tim

Your lockset is an Airstream unique part. It was made by a company called KT.
They have since gone out of business. The lockset is very different from the
1969 and the 1978 locksets. The unique size of the lockset has made it
impossible to adapt an available replacement. Airstream used the lockset from
1970 to 1977 on Airstreams and through 1979 on Argosys. Rather than abandon
the needs for some of their high production years, Airstream has continued to
have parts handmade. Hence the high cost. Most times it is not necessary to
replace the whole thing. Individual parts are available for the mechanically
adept and several people offer a rebuild service for them.
The inside lock mechanism is a vertical slider knurled knob. Down to lock, up
to unlock.
A new pair of keys and a tumbler are available separately.



Message Number: 3
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 19:35:20 -0600
From: Charlie/Betty Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Stripping - Some new thoughts

Charlie Gunkel wrote:

> Charlie,
> Thanks for the info this morning.  Does the ammonia stain or harm the
> aluminum in any way?
> Charlie Gunkel
> Tulsa OK

Nope, does not appear to discolor the metal at all. Side effects do include
no damage to seals and marker lights, oh and clean windows.



Message Number: 4
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:39:08 -0400
From: Terry Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Lock for '71 Safari

on 08/14/01 2:01 PM, Tim  Shephard at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I called two dealers and they  want $580 for it!!  Yikes!!
> Mine latches and opens the door, it just does not lock with the key.  Also I
> cannot find a way to lock it once your inside the RV.
> I have a local locksmith looking at it now....
> -Tim

If you are still stymied, call Oasis RV in Tucson, AZ and speak with Jay
(1-800-658-5863). Tell him what you need. He has helped me with locks on
more than one occasion. In case you don't know about Oasis RV,  they have an
uncanny way of finding parts that other dealers say don't exist anymore.

Last month, I called him from Upstate New York and told him I was sending a
lock mechanism to him for repair. He repaired it and sent it back to me.
This style of repair is a piece of cake for him.

A few years ago was the first time I asked for his help. I was standing at
his counter in Tucson.  Our Airstream was parked in his front yard. I had
just removed the lock and had it in hand. I asked, "Can you fix this lock?"

He reached up and pulled out a long, skinny box. He plunked it on the
counter in front of me. The tray had sections with multiple copies of
identical parts in each section. He reached in and pulled out the exact part
I needed, slipped it into my lock, reassembled the lock and said, "That will
solve your problem. Take it out and see if it works." I took the entire lock
mechanism back out to our Airstream, installed it and sure enough,  it
solved the problem.  It still works perfectly to this day.

When I returned to pay him, I noticed a matched pair of 40# propane bottles
in one corner of his parts department. I asked, "Would you like to swap
those 40#ers for my two aluminum 30#ers? Mine have the new valves and I can
see yours also  have the new valves." He said, "Sure, why not?" We did and I
paid a fraction of what it would have cost me to buy new Worthington 40#ers.

Why am I telling you this? All Airstream dealers are not created equal, just
as all people are not the same. When we find one that's responsive,
resourceful and capable, they get our business whether we are in town or
across the continent.  Fed Ex finds us no matter where our Airstream is
parked.  Charlie Burke at American Way (1-800-345-6651) in Boise, ID is also
astute about finding parts.

Good luck,

"No need of words, trust deeds." Ovid


Message Number: 5
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:42:10 -0500
From: Dan Weeks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 

> What is the (best) way to remove a stain from the =
> plastic/fiberglass surface in the bathroom countertop?

Jim: I'd try some automotive polish that's rated OK to use on fiberlass
(most of it is). Ideally, I'd apply it with a foam applicator pad on a
random orbit sander. Work it on gently and see if you can polish the stain
out of the gelcoat that way. If the stain's really deep in the gelcoat, you
might try 400 or 600-grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. I'd use it wet and by hand,
then follow up with a machine polish as above.

Incidentally, a 5" random orbit sander and foam applicator pad worked great
when polishing and waxing my painted Argosy. It gently removed black
streaks, oxidation, brightened up the chrome, and really made the paint
glaw, for very little effort (well, at least compared to doing it by hand!),
and without need to invest in an expensive polisher. I used Maguire's
one-step cleaner wax.

75 Argosy 26


Message Number: 6
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 20:48:27 -0700
From: "Tim Shephard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Old A/C left 100 rivet holes!

I removed my original Armstrong A/C today, which was quite a job.  I am
still waiting on my adaptor pan for my new A/C, but I wanted to have time to
prep the area.

I had to drill out a very large quanity of rivets around the whole permieter
of the old A/C.  These were standard rivets.

If I understand, the new Duo-Therm Penquin does not mount with rivets on the
top, only sandwiched to the roof with bolts from the inside.

So I need to cover up the old holes.  Can I just use standard aluminum
rivets with vulkum on each one.  Or do I need olympic rivets?  Or some other

These will not be holding anything on, just covering the holes, and exposed
to the elements on the roof.



Message Number: 7
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 00:11:46 -0500
From: "John R. Kleven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 

Dan, I have removed several stains from the bathroom counter with very fine
sandpaper and it works great.


Message Number: 8
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 22:28:40 -0700
From: "Brad Norgaard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Retro Ambassador/Propane Light

   See you posted on the VAC list. Parting out the insides of the
Ambassador? Let's see what have you got in there? Vent cover, well that's
not on the inside is it? Water filter, knobs, drawer handles, etc.? Can't
remember, have to look at the photos. Say, did you get the check that was
overnighted? If not, we here will need to put a tracer on it ASAP. Julie
just came in and said she really wants the filter, what's your asking price?

Brad Norgaard
WBCCI #2699, VAC 


Message Number: 9
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 01:36:37 EDT
Subject: Re: 

In a message dated 8/14/01 4:32:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Actually, the credit goes to someone who had
 never even heard of  VAC... a local here in Bend
 who had a friend with a destroyed trailer due to
 jumped hitch. >>

hmmmmm, let's see....WHEN "jumping the hitch" occurs, why not acknowledge 
that it's not ALWAYS the worst scenerio?  


Message Number: 10
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 05:47:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Toby Folwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: vintage airstream commerce

Although I can appreciate "parting out offerings" on
the VACList, I'd prefer if we keep the commerce part
off list.

just a thought.

Toby Folwick
VACList co-monitor

"I will live forever, or die trying." -unknown
Minneapolis, MN

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Message Number: 11
Date: 15 Aug 01 09:24:26 -0700
Subject: Re: Paloma/Valiant on-demand water heater

         Reply to:   RE: [VAC] Paloma/Valiant on-demand water heater
Went and checked the Valiant we have with an engineer's critical eye.  You know, I 
can't find a thing on it that would have a problem with vibration and shock.  It's 
ruggedly simple, no moving parts.  As long as it and the gas/water lines in are 

Jim Greene wrote:
>RJ:  I think the restriction on installation I saw specifically mentioned
>RV installations and other installations where it would be subject to
>vibration and shock. Have you found anything like that?
>Jim Greene
>' 68 Tradewind
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "RJ & Krista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Multiple recipients of VACList" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 0:06
>Subject: [VAC] Re: Paloma/Valiant on-demand water heater
>> I remember this discussion from over a year ago, long before I got the
>> '57 Flying Cloud.  I had to phone Paloma to uncover the story.  Seems
>> Paloma bought the defunct design from German made Valiant and started
>> making them in Japan.  Rather than go through the expense of MHCA
>> certification, DOT & other Fed agencies (the Valiant was certified),
>> they just chose not to pursue it.
>> So, can you use a modern Paloma in an RV?  You make the call......


Message Number: 12
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 14:21:34 -0500
From: "Ron Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [No Subject]

I found a source for new waste water holding tanks.  I have a 1971 Airstream
Globetrotter that needed a new tank.  Could not find one anywhere.  These
guys reproduced a new one identical to the original and for only $ 250!  Can
you beat it?  Here is the company that did it:

Mid America Plastics
700 Valley Industrial Circle South
Shakopee, MN 55379

The guy I dealt with is Jeff.

Ron Stone
1971 Globetrotter


Message Number: 13
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 15:41:32 -0400
From: soule <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Traveling with dogs

I am trying to find a portable dog run or pen and not having much luck
with an internet search.  The ones offered as portable are made of chain
link fencing and certainly not intended for travel.

Does anyone out there have a suggestions for building or buying a
collapsible run/pen. I would like to be able to place it directly
outside the trailer door so when we are parked the dogs would be able to
come and go from inside the unit at will.  They are small and not likely
to jump very high or push their way out.

I would appreciate any advice, tips or  product info about traveling
with dogs.
Thanks Gwen


Message Number: 14
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 12:45:30 -0700
Subject: A/C, swamp cooler and/or fan recommendations to replace carnk-up vent?

Two questions:

I am considering replacing my crank up vent with one of the following:

-Duo-Therm Penguin rooftop air
  -is it true that it doesn't require any add'l. holes and that it's 
captured to the roof insid the 14x14 inch hole? I'd like not putting 
more holes in my vintage aluminum if at all possible.

-Some kind of evaporative cooler
  -anyone have specific recommendations for a rooftop unit that would 
mount into a fan hole?

-Some kind of {Fantastic, MaxxAir} Fan just to move the air around... 
stale air in a hot trailer is a kind of a cruel and unusual 
punishment that I'm not up for anymore.

The trailer is approximate 725 cubic feet (16x7x6.5)

I am looking for sources for the best prices on each of them if 
anyone's got leads...




Message Number: 15
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 12:49:06 -0700
From: "Tim  Shephard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: (No subject)

Got any pictures of old vs. new?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Stone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of VACList" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 12:21 PM
Subject: [VAC] (No subject)

> I found a source for new waste water holding tanks.  I have a 1971
> Globetrotter that needed a new tank.  Could not find one anywhere.  These
> guys reproduced a new one identical to the original and for only $ 250!
> you beat it?  Here is the company that did it:
> Mid America Plastics
> 700 Valley Industrial Circle South
> Shakopee, MN 55379
> 952.445.7667
> The guy I dealt with is Jeff.
> Ron Stone
> 1971 Globetrotter
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Message Number: 16
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 17:37:29 -0400
From: Bob Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [No Subject]

Hi All,
I just saw a recall notice on Reese interchangeable hitch balls. If you 
have one of these look here for more info:
Bob Patterson


Message Number: 17
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 18:08:38 -0400
From: "Dash7 (Michigan)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Safari For Sale

Hi Gang,

We have been looking at a 1970 Safari 23 that is for sale here in Grand 
Rapids, Michigan. The owner is asking $2500 for it.  Unfortunately (and 
reluctantly), we are going to have to pass it up as we don’t have the space 
to do some of the necessary repairs.

If anyone is interested in this AS, the owner (Jim) can be contacted at 
(616) 453-6207 between the hours of 6 and 9 PM Eastern Time, Monday through 
Friday.  His wife is not knowledgeable about the trailer so calling earlier 
will not be productive.

The owner suspects the fresh water and/or the black water tank may be 
leaking.  Water leaked from the belly pan when he tried to fill the fresh 
water tank after he purchased the trailer three years ago. He has not 
investigated the problem as he always stayed in full service campgrounds and 
didn’t need these features.  He also said the reefer doesn’t work and that 
the AS dealer said it could be fixed, but he found it was cheaper to buy a 
“dorm” type reefer and plug it in under the awning.   Other major issues we 
noted are the rig is not air conditioned, there is a dent in the curbside 
corner of the rear shell about 5’ up from the ground and the curbside wrap 
around portion of the bumper is bent almost straight back.  We didn’t do a 
detailed inspection pending the resolution of our space problem (which we 
were unable to resolve) so there may or may not be other problems.

The interior appears to be original and in relatively good condition for a 
30 year old rig.  Like most RV’s this age, could use some TLC and cleaning.

Don (MI)
It’s never too late to have a happy childhood!

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Message Number: 18
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 18:41:35 -0400
From: "Scott Scheuermann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: vintage airstream commerce

Another thought from the other co-monitor...

For sale items can go in the classifieds on the club website at:

Items for giveaway (or for shipping) are still fine for this list.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Toby Folwick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of VACList" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 8:47 AM
Subject: [VAC] vintage airstream commerce

> Although I can appreciate "parting out offerings" on
> the VACList, I'd prefer if we keep the commerce part
> off list.
> just a thought.
> Toby Folwick
> VACList co-monitor


Message Number: 19
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 17:02:15 -0600
From: jere potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [A/S] A/C, swamp cooler and/or fan recommendations to replace 

I'm sold on the Fantastic vent- put one easily in my '64 Safari. I also want to put 
one in the 64 Globetrotter I just got, since the 14x 25 vent is now capped, but I will 
open it up. Further back is
an old A/C unit which I have yet to determine if it will be usable. (brand "Summer")
My question to anybody out there on the list is :Has anybody  somehow managed to 
install a fantastic vent into this long vent, with special adaptations? It is my only 
top opening, and a fan is a
must.  Thanks..
Jere Potter, Ft Collins, CO

Wayne wrote:

> Two questions:
> I am considering replacing my 14"x14" crank up vent with one of the following:
> -Duo-Therm Penguin rooftop air
>   -is it true that it doesn't require any add'l. holes and that it's
> captured to the roof from inside the 14x14 inch hole? I like the idea
> of not putting more holes in my vintage aluminum if at all possible.
> -Some kind of evaporative cooler
>   -anyone have specific recommendations for a rooftop unit that would
> mount into a fan hole?
> -Some kind of {Fantastic, MaxxAir} Fan just to move the air around...
> stale air in a hot trailer is a kind of a cruel and unusual
> punishment that I'm not up for anymore.
> The trailer is approximate 725 cubic feet (16' long x 7' wide x 6.5' high)
> I am looking for sources for the best prices on each of them if
> anyone's got leads...
> thanks,
> wayne
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End of VACList-Digest  #32

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