A challenger appears...


Dynamic Network Services is based in New Hampshire.  Might be as local
as you can get. :]


On Mon, 2009-03-23 at 15:23 -0400, jonathan d p ferguson wrote:
> All:
> Thank you for your excellent suggestions, and thoughts about local  
> hosting companies. The main reason I wanted a local company was to  
> "keep the money local" as that is part of the Vermont ethic. That  
> being said, it is very clearly an economy of scale problem.  
> Virtualization goes a long way towards reducing that scale issue, I  
> must say.
> It appears that slicehost is at the top of the heap here. (I really  
> love that I can choose my distro!)
> Thanks again Vaguers!
> have a day.yad
> jdpf

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